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2013-03-21 03:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by alenac > Mar 20, 2013 11:22 PM | Report Abuse

And we have MCA dogs scavenging for bones for bones.

what bones brother alenac, I think shit they also want lah.

News & Blogs

2013-03-21 03:05 | Report Abuse


After reading this article, the Malays will be able to see
and know the truth about the Chinese. Once the Malays understand them,
then there will be no more hatred towards the Chinese or falling into
the traps and manipulation by UMNO. We could be one big family again.
YES , FINALLY 1MALAYSIA..... that was how it was like in the

The Chinese have been misunderstood by the Malays in
Malaysia for a long time. UMNO and Mahathir had deliberately sown
hatred among the two great races and tried to paint a dirty picture of
the Chinese, giving the impression that the Chinese are evil, greedy
and have been stealing their jobs and wealth. I have therefore tried
to put together the REAL FACTS about the Chinese. The Chinese are not
the enemy of the Malays, rather the UMNO elite and cronies are the
real culprits. We need to trace back the events leading to this

WHY did Mahathir hate the Chinese SO MUCH ?

Why did MM discriminate & punish the Chinese? Because he
had some bad experiences/incidences with some Chinese in his younger
days. When Mahathir was a student, he was offended by the Chinese in
school and in the University and some business towkays. He held old
grudges and vowed for revenge. Knowing the Malays in Malaysia are the
majority race, he schemed and changed the law to suit himself and
changed himself to be a Malay. It is a fact, that he is the son of an
Indian who migrated from Kerala and he is a 100% Indian . Knowing that
the Malays are a simple-minded race, and needed a leader, he
conveniently placed himself to be the champion of the Malays. He made
himself a Malay and took over the power as PM. As Malays have a very
loving and accepting nature, they took Mahathir in as one of them.
Instead of being grateful to them, he has betrayed their trust.
He also create hatred and animosity between the races by INVENTING
well-known terms specially designed to benefit himself as we know:
BUMIPUTRA, NEP and SOCIAL CONTRACT. He is no champion for the Malays
as we have found out that he plundered and wasted the national wealth.
His sons are now Billionaires and have control of two oil fields from
He personally created NEP, and in the process improvished
the Chinese race and enriched himself and his cronies. He took away
all the rights and benefits of the non-Malays and left the non-Malays
to rot. Only a few Chinese cronies have benefited from him, as he used
them to siphon out billion of ringgits. Up to today, he still holds
hatred for the Chinese. Looking at his blog, you will realise he is
such a evil man that he would go to such lengths to destroy the
Chinese race. A very unforgiving man, who used his hatred to hold on
to power.


News & Blogs

2013-03-21 02:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by alenac > Mar 20, 2013 10:12 PM | Report Abuse

If this people who talked for BN profited by it and declared in this forum, that they derived benefit from being its supporter, then my congrats to whoever. But if they do not and used their Dick to think, then they should not be talking in this forum as its only for reasonable people and those who loved this country and wish a better life for our children.

very very true, well spoken brother alenac.

News & Blogs

2013-03-21 02:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by super911 > Mar 20, 2013 09:53 PM | Report Abuse

Umno is fooling the Malays and robbing the country like hell. Still continue to say 'Hidup Melayu' where in actual fact they are fooling the Malays to the greatest.

correct, correct, correct...yes these Malays are being fooled as they think they need handouts from UMNO, idiotic isn't it. But here are plenty of good Malays who think out of the box and the see what's bad is REALLY happening to our beloved Malaysia and they had really bangkit or bangun . To this Malays, I salute them as they are really something good for our beloved Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2013-03-21 02:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by super911 > Mar 20, 2013 09:39 PM | Report Abuse

I noticed there are few dogs here with human face and pig's brain.

Posted by super911 > Mar 20, 2013 11:22 PM | Report Abuse

Ya, those fool get peanuts and betray his country, betray his friends, families and descendants.

Yes, brother super911, you are 100% correct too. Things are really happening before their very eyes and yet these idiotic people twist & turn and give stupid replies with using their brain, like you said human face with pig's brain. I presume these type of brainless idiotic will even sell their mother for a fistful of ringgits....damn

News & Blogs

2013-03-21 02:23 | Report Abuse

To those idiotic BN/UMNO supporters, I think you need to see this video before you open your big mouth to say something stupid.

Pandangan Raja Dr. Nazrin terhadap PAS

News & Blogs

2013-03-21 02:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by alenac > Mar 20, 2013 08:55 PM | Report Abuse

Another BN apologist.

Posted by alenac > Mar 20, 2013 08:59 PM | Report Abuse

This people are either blind or dumb. BN will sell their mother to remain in power. The selling of citizenship in Sabah is treason. If they can do that they can do anything.

Brother alenac , you are 100% correct, right on target. To this type of idiots, I ask them to look into this picture and then ask yourself if you belong to this category of people.

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 19:50 | Report Abuse

Catch us live at for DAP events happening tonight (20 Mar 2012, 8pm-11pm) including:-


1. Opening of DAP Kinrara Operation Center, Puchong
Main speakers: Lim Guan Eng, Teresa Kok, Gobind Singh

2. Forum "Adakah Anda Masih Pengundi?", Klang

Panelist: Charles Santiago (MP Klang), Maria Chin Abdullah (Alih Jawatankuasa BERSIH), John Fam (Peguam), Cikgu Jaafar Samsudin (Pengarah Pilihan Raya PAS Selangor)

3. Ceramah Perdana, Melaka

Penceramah: YB Goh Leong San, YB Lim Jak Wong, YB Khoo Poay Tiong, YB Jeff Ooi, Dr Hew Kuan Yau, Sdr Adly Zahari and Sdr. Shamsul Iskandar.

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 19:05 | Report Abuse

Kami Bersama PAS untuk Membantu Islam - Imam Muda Fatah

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 19:03 | Report Abuse

Dr Asri - Rakyat Kena Pastikan Kuasa Rakyat Melebihi Kuasa Kerajaan

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 18:57 | Report Abuse Ranger a stupid & idiotic BN/UMNO supporter, this is for it and get into you thick skull, haa haa haa

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-20 18:40 | Report Abuse

Chua unfit to belittle Kit Siang, says Johor DAP chief
K Pragalath
| March 20, 2013

‘The MCA chief has no credibility to question Lim’s political moves’.

PETALING JAYA: Johor DAP chief Boo Cheng Hau today defended party strongman Lim Kit

Siang against criticism by MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek, saying the latter had no moral standing to question the opposition leader’s political decisions.

“He is not fit to belittle Lim Kit Siang,” he said in response to Chua’s remark that Lim was a “touch-and-go politician” for shifting from one constituency to another as an election candidate.

“Until today,” Boo said in a media statement, “Chua has not made known where he will contest in the upcoming general election. As the MCA president, he has lost his credibility.”

Chua made his comment following an announcement on Monday by Pakatan Rakyat chief Anwar Ibrahim that Lim, currently the MP for Ipoh Timur, would contest in Gelang Petah for the 13th general election.

“If we want to say it politely, he is a hit-and-run politician; if we want to say it rudely, he is a touch-and-go politician,” news reports quoted Chua as saying yesterday.

Boo, who is the state assemblyman for Skudai, said he had personally invited Lim to contest in Gelang Patah because there was popular demand for him there, as indicated in research by DAP and an independent pollster.

In his statement, Chua also said Lim’s candidacy in Gelang Patah exemplified DAP’s intention to pit Chinese against Chinese, thus making nonsense of its claim to be a multiracial party.

Boo rejected the accusation, saying his party was not aiming to unseat MCA, but to “topple BN as a whole”.

“All three Pakatan component parties will field candidates from all races, social strata and genders,” he said.

“We are not race-based like the BN component parties. Pakatan Rakyat is meant for all Malaysians and not a particular ethnic group or creed.”

The current MP for Gelang Patah is MCA’s Tan Ah Heng. Chinese make up 54% of the voters in the constituency. Malays account for 34% and Indians 12% .

In 2008, Tan polled 33,630 votes against PKR’s Zaliha Mustafa, who received 24,779.

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 18:22 | Report Abuse

20 March 2013

19% of Msians are living in poverty - Najib's claim of poverty rate of 1.7% is false

... I refer to PM Najib Razak's claim on 19 March in the government's transformation report that the poverty rate in Malaysia is now 1.7 per cent. This claim is incredible, baseless and a blatant fraud upon the rakyat. Najib's absurdly small figure of 1.7 per cent is contradicted by the clear evidence of widespread poverty in poor urban and rural areas throughout the country.With prices rising and wages stagnant, Najib's claim makes neither statistical nor common sense. His claim defies the empirical evidence of rampant poverty all around us.

The real poverty rate in Malaysia is a shocking 19 per cent of all households. Our figure of 19 per cent is accurate and based upon the government's own Household Income and Basic Amenities Survey Report 2009 issued by the Department of Statistics. It is based upon half of median household income, which is an internationally accepted methodology in calculating the poverty rate. The figure of 19 per cent matches the ground reality and is believable in comparison with the poverty rate in other countries. In an advanced country like Japan, the reported poverty rate is 15.7 per cent; how can it be a mere 1.7 per cent in Malaysia?

Based upon this figure of 19 per cent, an astonishing 5.5 million Malaysians are now living in poverty. Poverty is a massive, debilitating and painful affliction. It is the great moral task of any government to alleviate and ultimately eradicate poverty. The poverty rate of 19 per cent shows the miserable failure of Najib's Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). The government's policies have fabulously enriched a small group of people with close connections to the BN, but left in poverty millions of hardworking ordinary Malaysians. Najib must act immediately and effectively to alleviate and reduce poverty, and stop resorting to statistical manipulation.

Issued by,

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 17:36 | Report Abuse

20 MAC 2013


... Mengambil kira ruang maklumat yang disekat akibat media perdana yang tidak bebas, KEADILAN menumpukan usaha untuk menggunakan sepenuhnya gabungan telefon pintar (smartphone) dan media social seperti Facebook dan Twitter. Oleh itu, KEADILAN menjadi parti politik pertama yang membangunkan Apps bersepadu untuk menyebarkan maklumat sepanjang kempen Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 melalui media sosial.

Apps ini mempunyai ciri-ciri berikut:

1. Membawa berita terkini
2. Kemudahan semakan daftar pengundi di hujung jari
3. Bank infografik yang penuh dengan data mengenai isu-isu besar
4. Video ceramah, sidang media dan aktiviti kempen
5. Twitter pimpinan utama
6. Jadual aktiviti dan ceramah Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
7. Bank profail calon-calon KEADILAN (selepas penamaan calon)

Apps yang dinamakan “PKR” ini dibangunkan untuk platform Apple dan Android buat masa ini. Ia boleh mula dimuat turun di iTunes dan Market Place dari minggu bermula 25 Mac 2013 dengan jangkaan Dewan Rakyat dibubarkan selewat-lewatnya dalam minggu tersebut.

KEADILAN akan mempromosikan Apps ini bermula dari hari ini melalui preview video yang boleh didapati di Youtube.

Pengarah Strategi

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-20 17:20 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: Mana Boleh? Negeri Kaya, Menteri Kaya, Tapi Rakyat Miskin?

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-20 15:33 | Report Abuse

Sambutan meriah rakyat di program ceramah di Dewan SJK (C) Chi Wen, Jln OKK Abdullah, Bandar Labuan

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 15:03 | Report Abuse

Pandangan Raja Dr. Nazrin terhadap PAS

...please see the video to the end & you will understand

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 13:41 | Report Abuse

‘The rumoUr that Parliament will be dissolved today by PM @NajibRazak is absolutely untrue,' Najib's office says in a tweet.
So UNbreak the news..and we go on waiting..

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 10:25 | Report Abuse

...damn the BN/ this....

BN continues to outwit the rakyat what readers write too.

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 03:56 | Report Abuse

Orang Melayu sudah marah YB Tian Chua????? Lihat sendiri!!

Kononnya orang2 Melayu terlalu marah pd YB Tian Chua hasil dari propaganda media bangsat TV3 suku dan Utusan Meloya. Lihat sendiri takde sorang pun orang2 Melayu hadir dlm ceramah YB Tian Chua malam semalam di Tmn Melewar. Kalau
ada pun, YB Tian Chua tak dapat berucap kerana dibaling batu dan telor....lihat gambar ini sebagai bukti Melayu marah sangat pada Tian Chua. Berjaya sungguh media lidah syaitan tu, kan? Sudah anda sedia PSY (Patut Sokong Ya?)

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 03:54 | Report Abuse

Orang Melayu sudah marah YB Tian Chua????? Lihat sendiri!!

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 03:14 | Report Abuse


'Slow response in Lahad Datu enough reason to disqualify Najib'

Harakahdaily, 19 March 2013

Mar 19: The BN government’s widely criticised reaction to the Lahad Datu intrusion which led to deaths of Malaysian policemen in the early stage has only exposed prime minister Najib Razak’s incapability to rule, according to PAS vice president Mahfuz Omar.

“It was the failure of Najib as prime minister to take swift and immediate action, in fact, he did not see it as a serious matter when he passed the whole responsibility to someone else,” Mahfuz (pic) told Harakahdaily.

As such, he said Najib had disqualified himself to seek a mandate at the coming 13th general election, expected to be held weeks from now.

Mahfuz also said it is too late for Home minister Hishamuddin Hussein to table a white paper on the Lahad Datu episode.

“It should have been done during the early stage of intrusion. The matter has prolonged long enough and many security personnel had lost their lives. The people had also waited too long for answers, but in the end they were disappointed as none had been forthcoming,” stressed the Pokok Sena member of parliament.


News & Blogs

2013-03-20 03:11 | Report Abuse

Bekas isteri Papagomo meminta mendedahkan salah laku PAPAGOMO, sudikah bekas isteri Papagomo menjadi saksi bahawa Wan Azri adalah Papagomo? Sama-sama kita nantikan episode ini.

Baca uahan hati bekas isteri Papagomo di sini link

Bapa Sayfool pun buat Uturn inikan pula PAPAGOMO.. kahkahkah 48 Jam nak dedah video baru ye... bawak datang.. simpan buatpe.. malam nih lah.. kahkahkah

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 03:00 | Report Abuse

Mantan Panglima Angkatan Tentera Darat, Pasir Gudang Johor

....malu laah BN/UMNO

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 02:58 | Report Abuse

HARON DIN SEMBELIH UMNO .....bagus sekali, tepok tangan

News & Blogs

2013-03-20 02:56 | Report Abuse

SEE ALL THE PHOTOS OF THE CERAMAH CROWD AND TELL ME IF IT'S 2000 TO 5000 AS 1 MORON SAYS SO....kaa kaa kaa be the better judge....

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 23:29 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: Mana Boleh? Negeri Kaya, Menteri Kaya, Tapi Rakyat Miskin?

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 23:27 | Report Abuse

Sharizat says no need to apologise to Malaysians.......we did not ask for your apologies.We want our money return plus interest and all the lembu's and condo's

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 23:25 | Report Abuse

The overwhelming crowd attended DAP anniversary function only with one objective. They want to see this country changed as is enough for the People to be suppressed and abused by BN for the past 55 years. PR is the people's hope for a truly transformed Malaysia tomorrow in view now this country is seriously illed under the BN governance.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 23:23 | Report Abuse

Saya cina......Saya sokong Nik Aziz dan Pas.Orang Umno dan BN marah ke?

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 23:20 | Report Abuse

Jessie Ooi says she is 1/2 Penang lang......and Sharizat says she is Penang lang thats why she is aggresive!

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 22:58 | Report Abuse


安华代表律师苏仁德兰今日发表文告表示,Papagomo或真名为旺莫哈末阿兹里(Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris)的部落客,三天前在其部落格上载假照片,污蔑安华。

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 22:53 | Report Abuse

KEPUTUSAN UMNO Malaysia meluluskan Cawangan Pakistan Sabah Bersatu secara tergopoh-gopoh di Bahagian Silam pada 1991 menyebabkan parti terbesar di Malaysia itu menghadapi dilema kerana kemungkinan besar Presiden UMNO boleh diheret ke Panel RCI yang akan menyambung sidangnya pada 15 hingga 20 April 2013.

Sejak tertubuhnya cawangan Pakistan Sabah Bersatu, Pakistan sudah menjadi komuniti elit dalam UMNO kerana mereka mendapat kad pengenalan projek, menjadi pemilih berdaftar dan mendapat semua kemudahan yang dimiliki Orang Melayu dan Bumiputera Sabah kerana mereka dijenamakan sebagai Melayu atau Bumiputera.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 22:49 | Report Abuse

Bongkar : Puluhan ribu risalah fitnah Pakatan sedia diedar di Perak

Puluhan ribu risalah fitnah sedia diedar di Perak

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 22:43 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: Lim Kit Siang Calon Pakatan Rakyat Untuk Parlimen Gelang Patah in Johore...

....take a look at the huge crowd

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 22:39 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: Hentikan Politik Yang Tidak Akhlak

Anwar Ibrahim: Jelajah MerdekaRakyat Kuala Lipis Pahang

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 22:32 | Report Abuse


MB SEL Abdul Khalid Ibrahim Menyampaikan surat kelulusan dan Borang 5A kepada 309 penduduk Kg Seri Sentosa, Kg Sri Aman dan Kg Jawa Selangor di Ijok. Syukur akhirnya masalah selesai dan penduduk akan menerima hakmilik.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 22:28 | Report Abuse


Ribuan hadir ke ceramah KEADILAN di Pasir Gudang, Johor malam tadi.

Turut menyampaikan ucapan selain DSAI ialah Bekas Panglima Angkatan Tentera Darat. Jen (B) Tan Sri Hashim Hussein yang merupakan anak jati Johor.
Ingatkan bila dikatakan penghianat Sultan Sulu dan terlibat dengan seks songsang rakyat akan memboikot dan menjauhkan diri dari ceramah DSAI.

Tapi ianya menjadi sebaliknya pula.. Lagi di fitnah lagi ghairah rakyat nak berhijrah menyokong Pakatan Rakyat.

Johor tempat kelahiran UMNO bukan lagi deposit tetap mudah UMNO... Deposit tetap sudah merekah tunggu pecah berderai.


News & Blogs

2013-03-19 22:22 | Report Abuse

See my snapshot on where you get FREE internet access UNLIMITED & now BN boast of free 30 minutes of internet. yes, ONLY a miserable 30 minutes and want to shout loud about it, take malu???? haa haa haa

Yang Pandai Pilih ??

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 22:14 | Report Abuse

CSL =Cari Sexy lady accuses Lim Kit Siang of being a touch n go politician.What about Chua Soi Lek? Touch and Play?

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 18:01 | Report Abuse

30 minutes free Internet service for the poor says lousy indeed.

Look at Penang......Penang already giving free internet everywhere UNLIMITED.

....again another lousy trick to fish for votes....ask yourself this, are we that stupid????

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 17:47 | Report Abuse

22hb Mac 2013 ini...9 malam

Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat Bersama Dato' Sri Anwar Ibrahim kembali lagi ke Dun Kuang Parlimen Selayang..

Jangan lupa sama-sama kita sebarkan...

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 17:38 | Report Abuse

MCA leaders not happy with Kit Siang's move to Johor

Harakahdaily, 19 March 2013

Mar 19: Leaders of MCA have been reacting with scorn the announcement by DAP heavyweight Lim Kit Siang to stand in Johor for the coming polls, in a move which analysts say could spell the end of the Chinese-only party.

MCA president Chua Soi Lek (right) engaged in name-calling, labeling Lim a “hit and run” and “touch n go” politician.

"Serving the people is never in Lim Kit Siang’s dictionary, he contested for the party’s interest and never the people’s interest," said Chua, who even suggested that DAP candidates should instead stand against UMNO.

"They should fight against Umno heavyweights instead of coming to fight a young and passionate new comer in a Chinese-majority seat," he added.

Chua then turned to his favourite bogeyman of recent times, PAS.

"Lim Kit Siang has never contested to serve the people but for its own political agenda. Now he has also brought in PAS and he is helping PAS to grow in Malaysia," said the former Health minister who vacated his seat in 2008 following his sex scandal captured on video.

Echoing him is his son Chua Tee Yong, the deputy Agriculture minister who replaced his father in the Labis parliamentary seat in the 2008 general election.

The junior Chua's complaint however is the fact that Lim's candidacy had been announced by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim during DAP's 47th anniversary celebration in Skudai, Johor.

"If the celebrations are meant to be a grand occasion for DAP, then should it not be DAP’s top brass which makes the announcement? That would have been appropriate," argued Chua.

While for MCA's organising secretary Tee Siew Kiong, Lim (left) should instead contest against UMNO's Mohd Puad Zarkashi in Batu Pahat, lamenting that the veteran DAP leader had been changing seats "as though he is changing shirts."

In 2008, Lim, one of Malaysia's most prominent opposition politicians, was re-elected as MP of Ipoh Timor with a majority of 21,942 votes.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 17:36 | Report Abuse

Ceramah Perdana malam ini dari Dewan Chin Woo Ipoh!

Tonight at 7pm [19th March 2013]

Watch it live online @ if you can't be there!