
BuyWithConviction | Joined since 2015-11-17

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2016-04-21 10:42 | Report Abuse

Let others in other forum know we got 100% correct and ONLY way to make money here. Maybe they also want you to predict for them in other forum, hehe


2016-04-21 10:40 | Report Abuse

Come come, two can play same game.


2016-04-21 10:38 | Report Abuse

Who say supermax will down like hell? Learn to read lah, improve your English la. Hehe. Come come. I am flattered my comments got so many followers.


2016-04-21 10:35 | Report Abuse

Haha. At last con man come out. Read your own comments lah, I took from your comment history without editing. You can't bluff lah. Still using another ID, even admin suspend you?


2016-04-21 09:26 | Report Abuse

Con man still using you to attack? Ask him to come out to answer la. What about the 3.00 target? What about buying Cs? Still 100% correct? Readers noticed he has NEVER answered these before - because he cannot. It is true. So he send out his accomplices to attack who say nothing intelligent other than complain and curse. Hehe.


2016-04-21 09:19 | Report Abuse

Thought oil will plunge after Kuwaiti oil strike over but it went up almost 4% overnight! I think the market is telling us that oil will not fall much from these levels already. Time for KNM to rebound.


2016-04-21 09:14 | Report Abuse

investo, AA and AAX still rising today, you bought? You can consider AA while giving gloves a miss for now. Opportunity cost very important in investments.


2016-04-21 09:07 | Report Abuse

Starting already, first one. Hehe. The con man will hide behind this group of accomplices.


2016-04-21 09:01 | Report Abuse

Not so sure about a big pull back, may not happen, This is how a stealth rally works - it makes people expect a decline, pretend a lot of sellers but actually buyers positioning for rally.


2016-04-21 08:56 | Report Abuse

Stealth rally guys. AA a lot more to go. See how AAX is running and the boss buying huge amount of AAX warrants.


2016-04-21 08:54 | Report Abuse

Waiting now for many of the con man group members, never seen making comments on this forum before but will suddenly appear to attack me. They are my biggest fan club! I am flattered my comments get so much attention. Hehe


2016-04-21 08:51 | Report Abuse

Morning guys. Big picture update: Kuwaiti oil strike over yesterday and so all expected oil to fall sharply but oil prices actually rallied almost 4% last night. Those trading gloves or looking for new stocks should recognize the big picture trend which has not changed and remains weak for gloves.

You would have noticed many people from this con man group trying to get me to stop giving my views here. Why? These are those previously calling buys esp on gloves and the Cs, who are trapped now. If you noticed their comments are merely complains and curses, nothing intelligent but just to harass. Don't worry readers, I will continue to update my views so that those interested can get a balanced view. Happy Investing!


2016-04-21 08:38 | Report Abuse

this is what con man said just earlier this month. Short term will retest RM3.00. He he. Usually ok, anyone can be wrong, I also say I can be easily wrong but this con man say he is 100% correct and following his calls is the ONLY way to make money. He he.

Posted by Kai89: Apr 11, 2016 12:11 PM | Report Abuse
look like supermx can sustain 2.80 athough profit taking activity carry on , short term will retest RM 3 , so waitng QR release May , retest 3.56


2016-04-21 08:34 | Report Abuse

3.78, you sure?


2016-04-21 07:13 | Report Abuse

Morning guys. Thought oil would come down sharply after Kuwaiti oil strike ended yesterday but it rallied almost 4% overnight instead. Should be good for the ringgit this morning and another reason for stronger fundamental outlook for AA; Stealth rally got further to go!


2016-04-20 19:52 | Report Abuse

Selling pressure still there but price continues to close higher. This is a stealth rally. Once positioned, the price will jump up and it will be too late to catch. Here is hoping for the best!


2016-04-20 19:43 | Report Abuse

On the market, all gloves including Supermax down for the day. Hope the views i shared here helped some readers decide to stay cautious on gloves and not lose money recently esp on the Cs. Valuation ok and oil strike over in Kuwait but that does not change the big picture.which remains negative for gloves. As usual, stay discerning online, exercise good judgement on what and who to believe. Happy Investing!


2016-04-20 19:29 | Report Abuse

Using another ID? 899 instead of 89? Why need two accounts (or more)? Either original account must be suspended or trying to do bad things again? Readers can see for themselves lah, hehe


2016-04-20 19:17 | Report Abuse

Hah the con man has at last shown himself. Now people call his calls to wait for Opec meeting totally bull shit. He is getting a taste of his own medicine! Hehe. He also said expect to reach 3.00 soon. Joker, this is the 100% correct con man. All he can do is be a coward and get his team members to attack for him while he hides, hehe.


2016-04-20 17:09 | Report Abuse

He and his accomplices harass all the time. I have so far been defending, hoping he will back off but after yesterday's attacks again, I realized i have no choice but to attack back. I think readers can see for themselves who to believe. They not stupid.


2016-04-20 17:02 | Report Abuse

YOu want? Who cares what you want? Con man still scared to come out, hiding not good.


2016-04-20 16:57 | Report Abuse

Eric, normal reader won't complain over petty things, they are busy making money. Normal readers want to read as many people's views as possible and won't agree to stop others from making comments. So obvious you are either his group or not very intelligent.


2016-04-20 16:53 | Report Abuse

Ask your conman to come out to comment himself lah, don't be a coward. Readers not stupid la. Hehe


2016-04-20 16:47 | Report Abuse

Smart investor, con man is threatening to harass you too! Hehe. I think we must form our own group and give him a taste of his medicine. His bullying days are OVER! hehe


2016-04-20 16:42 | Report Abuse

For me it doesn't matter - everyone is entitled to his opinions actually. But the con man always harass others when he doesn't agree with their comments. With the help of a few other like minded readers, I am giving him a taste of his own medicine. Hehe.


2016-04-20 16:34 | Report Abuse

Yah, I know, there are all my fans. Hehe. Created by the coward who dare not face others directly but pretend to send others as though readers stupid, don't know it is him or his accomplices.


2016-04-20 16:20 | Report Abuse

Ask the con man not to send his team members out to harass others lah. Don't be a coward and hide behind your accomplices.


2016-04-20 16:12 | Report Abuse

Your name suits you. Hehe


2016-04-20 16:03 | Report Abuse

Totally bull shit? Don't say like that la, he say he is 100% correct. According to him ONLY by following him can make money.


2016-04-20 14:21 | Report Abuse

Kuwait oil strike over, oil down and ringgit weakened sharply. Recently ringgit like yoyo.


2016-04-20 13:14 | Report Abuse

Supermax unchanged while TG, Kossan and Harta all down again. My view has been cautious recently and i hope it has helped some readers avoid some losses. However, no one can be right all the time and so everyone should be aware of the risks involved in the market.

So the oil strike in Kuwait is over and ringgit is weakening again. Is it time to buy gloves again? I don't think so, at least not yet. This is because the big picture has not changed. I don't think there is a lot of upside. All things are relative in the market. Got better and surer risk-reward in other stocks/sectors. Keep eye on big picture. Happy Investing!


2016-04-20 11:02 | Report Abuse

Such a small thing want to complain, don't be a whiner Eric. Be a big person, not a petty one.

Investo,.I think AA got stealth rally now - I can easily be wrong and i am not making a call on AA, just sharing my view. I would encourage you to read the many different opinions on AA thread to help you make up your mind.


2016-04-20 10:43 | Report Abuse

AA not AAX. I tried to help readers here by telling them to go look at importers. Hope it helped some. Actually not too late I think - the best yet to come I hope. hehe..


2016-04-20 10:40 | Report Abuse

But I don't see you harass that one? Aiyah, readers not stupid la, you all in same group. No need to pretend already.


2016-04-20 10:37 | Report Abuse

Stealth rally, the selling makes you think it might pull back but it will keep running. Before you know it, too late to buy. Just hoping but can happen, the signs are there.


2016-04-20 10:27 | Report Abuse

Irritate you? What about the rude things you and your group members say? End of the day, if you let something so small irritate you, you are a small person as well. No wonder your sifu's calls so bad.


2016-04-20 10:16 | Report Abuse

Successful investors have an open mind to all ideas, you all should try it, may improve your stock calls.


2016-04-20 08:50 | Report Abuse

Oil prices recovered due to strike in Kuwait but that should be temporary only. However, short term sentiment on KNM should be better. Hope it continues to recover today.


2016-04-20 08:48 | Report Abuse

AA should continue to rise further today, stealth rally.


2016-04-20 08:48 | Report Abuse

Careful if trading today, don't get caught. On Cs, they can go up fast but also down fast and so be aware of the risk. I will be harassed by the group again soon but don't worry, it won't stop me from updating you readers on my views - for those interested. Hehe


2016-04-20 08:24 | Report Abuse

Morning guys. Overnight not many macro developments. Yes, there is the Kuwait oil strike but that should be temporary only. Fundamentals of gloves are reasonable after the 30% drop from earlier in the year but big picture remains weak for gloves. I would still give Supermax a miss for now and look at better risk-reward in other stocks. As usual, careful of those who harass others, their motive is to stop you from getting a balanced view. Happy Investing!


2016-04-19 23:16 | Report Abuse

AA having a stealth rally. Looks like a lot of selling but price closed at day's high. AA actually positioning for an uptrend... I hope.


2016-04-19 23:05 | Report Abuse

Doomsday? I didn't even call a sell. I even said many times that fundamentals are reasonable. You are either part of the con man's group or a joker.


2016-04-19 22:33 | Report Abuse

No contribution? Is that why the price has not moved like I said?. What about your calls on Supermax and the Cs? How many people trapped?


2016-04-19 22:24 | Report Abuse

At last the con man shows himself. His accomplices tried to pretend don't know each other but at last also exposed. Hehe. The more you all harass the clearer it is to readers who has bad intentions.


2016-04-19 21:55 | Report Abuse

Supermax down today. Wow, see how the Supermax-Cs fell so sharply. Hopefully my comments here helped some readers stay cautious recently and therefore avoided these losses. There are some people here who will try to harass others from giving their views. You can guess their motive, it don't take a rocket scientist to guess why they want to stop readers from hearing a balance view. Be careful. Happy Investing.


2016-04-19 21:07 | Report Abuse

Same group lah, only those people in that group wants to stop other people from making comments because they want to control when people here buy and sell. Like I said, readers not stupid lah.


2016-04-19 20:41 | Report Abuse

You all from the same group lah, who don't know. You think the readers here stupid ah? Anyway, you all have tried to harass me many times and it has not worked lah.


2016-04-19 20:29 | Report Abuse

If you are more perfect, then go for the name More Perfect. Maybe Whiner since you are complaining all the time?