
camrybenz88 | Joined since 2013-11-20

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2014-03-21 15:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by jamie525 > Mar 21, 2014 02:50 PM | Report Abuse

brother Pandawong, I dare say too that these UMNO boots licking supporters will sell their daughters just to get a few bread crumbs from UMNO, what a shame indeed when they don't want to work hard with their hands but go begging from UMNO instead...real idiots of the highest grade. No shame indeed.


2014-03-21 15:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by jamie525 > Mar 21, 2014 02:17 PM | Report Abuse

The Kerala BS who fool so many Malays & then making his sons into billionaires while the Malays bodek kakis of Mamakutty become poor beggars....what a share.

Posted by kangkongkong > Mar 21, 2014 02:01 PM | Report Abuse

Where did Malaysia go wrong? Asalkan Bukan Umno activist Haris Ibrahim grills the ex-PM Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, asking him if he has driven around Kuala Lumpur and saw the poor. You'll probably clap at Mahathir's reply though:


2014-03-21 15:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by jamie525 > Mar 21, 2014 03:09 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by Pandawong > Mar 21, 2014 03:00 PM | Report Abuse

The irony is, the hard working and talented Malays are not welcome back or see no reason to return to Malaysia. Anyone who has ever lived abroad or still is,can attest to it.

yes, brother Pandawong , you are absolutely correct. Even you take a good look at the hard working Malays who are working & staying in nearby Singapore & not coming back too and mind you a very high percentage of the hard working Malays in Singapore are millionaires..yes, they achieve through their hard work and not like the balls & boots licking UMNO Malay supporters who ask for free handouts, what s shame indeed & stay poor always while the UMNO cronies are becoming richer & richer.


2014-03-21 14:25 | Report Abuse

bagus jamie525, marah betul, sokong sapenuh nya.

Posted by jamie525 > Mar 21, 2014 02:17 PM | Report Abuse X

The Kerala BS who fool so many Malays & then making his sons into billionaires while the Malays bodek kakis of Mamakutty become poor beggars....what a share.

Posted by kangkongkong > Mar 21, 2014 02:01 PM | Report Abuse

Where did Malaysia go wrong? Asalkan Bukan Umno activist Haris Ibrahim grills the ex-PM Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, asking him if he has driven around Kuala Lumpur and saw the poor. You'll probably clap at Mahathir's reply though:


2014-03-21 14:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by kangkongkong > Mar 21, 2014 02:03 PM | Report Abuse

“If the Pakatan Rakyat succeeds in the 14th General Elections to capture Putrajaya by winning a majority of the parliamentary seats in Malaysia, the country may be seeing the first woman Prime Minister in Malaysia.."


2014-03-21 14:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by kangkongkong > Mar 21, 2014 01:55 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by jvei > Mar 20, 2014 08:41 PM | Report Abuse

We should change malaysia into a better country, reject BN UMNO!


2014-03-21 14:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by Pandawong > Mar 21, 2014 02:07 PM | Report Abuse

Hey thomaslee!!! Or was it Dreamhunter? (Wink wink). Magnify??? Wot effing Magnification are you talking about? Are you a local school drop-out? Its a fact and its all over the media you village-boy. Sorry i forgot you only read Utusan, my apologies.


2014-03-21 14:22 | Report Abuse

hahaha, this Kerala bs kena kuat kuat

Posted by kangkongkong > Mar 21, 2014 02:01 PM | Report Abuse

Where did Malaysia go wrong? Asalkan Bukan Umno activist Haris Ibrahim grills the ex-PM Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, asking him if he has driven around Kuala Lumpur and saw the poor. You'll probably clap at Mahathir's reply though:


2014-03-21 14:21 | Report Abuse

bagus jamie525, marah betul, sokong sapenuh nya.

Posted by jamie525 > Mar 21, 2014 02:17 PM | Report Abuse X

The Kerala BS who fool so many Malays & then making his sons into billionaires while the Malays bodek kakis of Mamakutty become poor beggars....what a share.

Posted by kangkongkong > Mar 21, 2014 02:01 PM | Report Abuse

Where did Malaysia go wrong? Asalkan Bukan Umno activist Haris Ibrahim grills the ex-PM Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, asking him if he has driven around Kuala Lumpur and saw the poor. You'll probably clap at Mahathir's reply though:


2014-02-17 12:28 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-02-17 12:03 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2014-02-17 12:01 | Report Abuse

Kadir: Stop playing Santa, Najib
FMT Staff
| February 15, 2014

Blogger Kadir Jasin says that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak may even risk losing his job if he does not stop bleeding the Treasury with his 'cash is king' approach.

PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak should stop playing Santa Clause or risk being booted out of office, said blogger Kadir Jasin.

In a blog post today, Kadir said that Najib must find a more sustainable way to help the poor as many Umno veterans he has met had voiced concerns on the prime minister’s ‘cash is king’ approach, which is bleeding the nation’s coffers.

“Najib has to acknowledge that things are not as rosy as being portrayed by the mainstream media. He has to stop lavishing scarce public funds on cash handouts and salary increases that do not contribute to productivity and sustainability,” said Kadir.

Since taking over as prime minister in 2009, Najib has introduced Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M), which is a RM500 yearly aid to those earning less than RM3,000 a month.

He had also offered a variety of cash aid to civil servants and other types of programmes, from time to time, prior to the 13th general election.

Kadir said that Najib should address growing unemployment rate among Malaysian youths, which is affecting the bumiputras and the Indian primarily.

“In the age bracket of 15 to 19, almost 25.7% of Indians, 15.6% of Malays, 18.9% of non-Malay bumiputeras and 9.9% of Chinese were unemployed in 2012.

“In the 20-24 age group, 14.1% of the jobless were Indians, 9.9% Malays, 13% non-Malay bumiputeras and 7.1% Chinese. This explains the disproportionate involvement of Indians in criminal activities,” he said.

Kadir also claimed that the income gap between Malays and the Chinese has widened since 2009, erasing whatever progress made in the past.

“And the rural households, the bedrock of Barisan Nasional, are worse off now than in 1957 when compared to the urban households. Umno must remember that almost all the 88 parliamentary seats it won last year are in the rural areas,” he said.

Kadir is a former editor in chief for New Straits Times Press and a staunch ally of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.


2014-02-17 11:27 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2014-02-17 02:54 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2014-02-16 18:25 | Report Abuse

PAS leaders criticize Utusan’s attack on non-Malays

KUALA LUMPUR: The attack by Utusan Malaysia today against non-Malays smacks of an Umno agenda, said PAS leaders who criticised the article written by Mingguan Malaysia’s deputy editor Azman Anuar.

PAS leaders criticize Utusan’s attack on non-MalaysPAS central committee member Khalid Samad (pic) said Utusan was representing Umno and not the general Malay population when they launched an attack against non-Malays in the article.

Mingguan Malaysia is the Sunday edition of Utusan Malaysia.

In the latest series of attack, Utusan had accused non-Malays of insulting Islam, Muslims and the Malay rulers and warned them to observe their “limits”.

“What they are doing will only fuel more hatred against Umno and Barisan Nasional. The Malays in general are not going to be affected,” said Khalid.

The Shah Alam MP described the threat issued by Utusan Malaysia as irresponsible and inaccurate, backed by a hidden agenda.

“Put out the truth… Where was the insult? Who has been insulted? Even in Teresa Kok’s satire Chinese New Year greeting, she has explained it all. There was no insult hurled at the Malays,” said Khalid.

He said Umno does not represent all the Malays. In fact, he said, Pakatan Rakyat has been gaining strength and support from the largest race in the country.

“We don’t solve political differences with high-handed tactics like this. Umno should know that people are rejecting the party. Utusan Malaysia should retract the article,” said Khalid.

He said Umno was out of ideas and decided to engage in racial politics after its popularity among non-Muslims and Muslims declined.

PAS says toll collection should end when companies recover costs and make profitMeanwhile, PAS Research Centre executive director Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said nothing can be gained by using the “language of war”.

“The Malays should stop being paranoid and stop thinking that they are under attack.

“They form the largest race in the country, Islam is the official religion and Malay rights are enshrined in the Federal Constitution. So, stop having a besieged mentality,” said Dzulkefly.

He said Utusan’s article and the rhetorics by some Malay non-governmental organisations of late are not helpful in developing a better Malaysia.

“If they are under the impression that they are doing good for their ethnic group, they can be assured that they are actually doing a great disservice to both Malays and Islam,” said Dzulkefly.

“Imagine that you are the one at the receiving end. How would you feel? So be careful with the words you use. Why use violence to show your dissatisfaction?”

He pointed out that although there had always been a racial and religious divide, the situation had worsened of late.

“I believe political leaders, religious authorities, the media – mainstream and alternative – should be able to converse and have a national dialogue to enhance understanding and not aggravate an already divisive situation,” he said.

He said there is always a place and time to voice out dissatisfaction and opinions.

“It is time for all of us to unlearn and relearn for the larger interest of the nation. It is time after five decades of our independence to engage in a national dialogue,” said Dzulkefly.

On Teresa Kok’s Chinese New Year video, Dzulkefly said the group which offered a reward to those who slapped Kok have instead counter the video with another satire.

“If you don’t like it, make another video to challenge Kok’s.”

Chairman of PAS National Unity Bureau Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa also chided Utusan Malaysia for its article.

He said the article was uncalled for.

He said this showed that Utusan was being used by certain parties to “launch” its personal agenda by attacking non-Malays.

“They should stop inciting hatred. They should instead talk about peace and respect,” said Mujahid.

In his article, Azman had said that the “laidback, compromising” attitude of the Malays had led to non-Malays overstepping their boundaries and daring to question previously off-limit subjects.

“Non-Malays have apparently forgotten that Malaysia’s majority population is Malays. They have no respect at all for the Bumiputera. Why has this happened? It is because we are too compromising, too afraid to take action against those who have insulted Malays and Islam.

“In the end, it appears as if non-Malays are the landlords and Malays are the tenants, immigrants and the minority in our own country,” Azman wrote in his article entitled “Melayu, Islam dihina di Tanah Melayu!”.

“Ever since respected and knowledgeable Malay leaders withdrew several years ago, non-Muslims have become emboldened in insulting the Malay community and Islam,” he said, without naming the Malay leaders.

He said non-Malays appeared to have forgotten tha


2014-02-16 02:38 | Report Abuse

So what happens when the country becomes bankrupt?

When ordinary citizens or businesses become bankrupt, they can hide behind a court order and return to some kind of normal life thereafter. Those who have borrowed from Ah Longs, of course, cannot throw themselves at the mercy of the courts. They are more likely to be forced to rely on family members or friends to help them reach some kind of settlement or have to flee their aggressive creditors by changing their residence or even identity.

Countries that are in default do not have the luxury of changing their identity or getting a court to provide some measure of protection. In Argentina which defaulted on sovereign borrowings and debt repayment in 2001, the consequences were horrendous. The country experienced a brutal spiral of inflation followed by hyperinflation, soaring unemployment soared and a collapse in the currency.

The economy imploded, shrinking by 13 per cent in a year and the government was forced to cut public sector wages, slash the state pension and other social benefits. Unable to pay for goods with cash and with banks rationing withdrawals, citizens had to resort to bartering. Imported goods became unattainable.

Economic shock was followed by social trauma and political crisis. The quality of life of the average Argentinian was lowered drastically and many businesses closed or went bankrupt. Argentinian society has still to recover fully from the mismanagement of the country’s economy during the late 90s.

Let us pray – but prayer is not enough — let us make sure that the government never mismanages the Malaysian economy to the stage when we have to go through what the people of Argentina have had to suffer. —


2014-02-16 02:34 | Report Abuse

Posted on March 16, 2012 by dusunbukit

Monday, March 05, 2012

Malaysia’s Debt – RM450 billion, Singapore – Zero; Malaysia’s Debt 54% of GDP, Indonesia only 24%, Singapore 0

The failure of the UMNO-led coalition, today the Barisan Nasional government, is most shocking. Lack of transparency and accountability has kept us all in the dark. After all, this government has not openly told us too many important things about the state of our nation, and it so difficult to get ‘basic data’ about the state of Malaysia.

What is Malaysia’s national debt? (Oh, we cannot be sure because of exact figures, because of the lack of transparency and accountability).

For a long time, until about 1984 it was less than RM50bn, it crossed RM100bn on or about 1998, and in the last 14 years it has sky-rocketed to about RM450bn. Badawi (2003-2009) Debt from about RM150bn to about RM350bn, and Najib (2009 until now) from about RM350bn – to now about RM450bn) – Blame should not rest on who was the PM then, but the entire cabinet and BN government…


2014-02-16 02:29 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR - Finally, Prime Minister Najib Razak has admitted it. The spectre of bankruptcy does dog Malaysia.

This frightening prospect was first exposed by Minister in the Prime MInister's Department Idris Jala, who in 2010 had warned that Malaysia could go belly-up by as early as 2019, which ironically is one year ahead of the Umno-BN government's 2020 deadline for the country to reach 'developed nation' status.

Full article:
Follow us: @MsiaChronicle on Twitter


2014-02-16 02:23 | Report Abuse

United States when have no money can print more US$ but can Malaysia print more Malaysian Ringgit when it have no more money? The US$ is laku and accepted by the whole world and does our Malaysian Ringgit have the same clout as the US$ & so the US cna print more & more US$. But can Malaysia? Is the Ringgit laku throughout the world? Now even cannot match or lawan Singapore or Brunei Dollar, so how to print more money?


2014-02-16 02:18 | Report Abuse

so do we the Malaysian Rakyat had to suffer a downgraded way of life because of the corruption & the way the government way of spending and also the wastages?


2014-02-16 02:16 | Report Abuse

This hugh government debt will definately have an efect on the Malaysian Rakyat, the quality of life will be drastically reduced that's for sure, don't you think so izoklse????


2014-02-16 02:11 | Report Abuse

i don't know how to read, you are better....then wait to masuk longkang lah & makan kangkong, lol. You think 500 thousand millions is a small sum? Yes 500 Billion is equal to 500 thousand million. Pay with what, jamban paper?


2014-02-16 02:02 | Report Abuse

tak lama sampai lah Malaysia masuk longkang, ia lah bankrupt.Macam mana nak bayar utang 500 ribu juta dengan interest sekali. Rakyat Makaysia akan jadi mangsa.


2014-02-16 01:40 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-02-16 01:26 | Report Abuse

Why go after RMAF pilot and let big sharks get away, asks DAP

February 15, 2014

DAP leader Lim Kit Siang (pic) today questioned Putrajaya's move to charge air force pilot Major Zaidi Ahmad for complaining about GE13's indelible ink when it let "big sharks of corruption, who steal hundreds of millions of ringgit worth of properties and wealth, act with impunity as they enjoyed immunity".

He said the government should be ashamed for behaving in "a mean and petty manner" against the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) pilot who had lodged a police report against the indelible ink used in the May 5 general election.

"Why is Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's administration so perverse that they prefer to charge Zaidi using a 40-year-old military law?" the Gelang Patah MP said in a statement today.

"Zaidi did what every Malaysian is expected to do, he spoke the truth about the indelible ink which was used in the last general election as it was quickly washable and removable."

"The use of the Armed Forces Act 1972 on Zaidi shows that military leaders have no standing and took their cue from political leaders," Lim said.

He also urged Najib and Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein to intervene and drop all charges against Zaidi, who faces two years in jail if found guilty.

"If Zaidi is sent to prison, both Najib and Hishammuddin should be ashamed and embarrassed in the eyes of the world. But they appear to be numb and insensitive," he said.

Lim said when Zaidi lodged a police report over the indelible ink fiasco, he was acting in his capacity as a Malaysian voter and citizen.

"He was not lodging a police report in his capacity as a RMAF pilot," Lim said.

"Which has the higher calling, loyalty to the Federal Constitution or to the bureaucratic rules and regulations of the military services?"

He added that if Putrajaya was not prepared to drop all charges against Zaidi, then he would raise the issue when Parliament reconvenes on March 10.

Zaidi lodged a police report after the indelible ink on his finger washed off only hours after voting in the 13th general election in May last year.

He is facing a military court on multiple charges of violating Malaysian Armed Forces Council orders and making statements to the media without the Defence Ministry's authorisation.

He also is in trouble for sending two text messages which were deemed political in nature.

He was charged on February 7 before the military court in Kuala Lumpur. The case will be heard in April.

In addition, the pilot's wings have been clipped and he has been reassigned to a desk job.

Zaidi has received support from PKR-linked NGO Pahlawan, a grouping of former servicemen who said the pilot was being made an example by Putrajaya.

"It is a tactic to frighten all army personnel from exercising their rights as citizens," Pahlawan said.

Pahlawan said it found it illogical that the army had used a 40-year-old military law to fault the pilot for his police report.

Coalition for Free and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0) in its Facebook posting recently had also come out in support of Zaidi, saying he was being victimised by the military and the government.

Bersih 2.0 questioned why Zaidi, who is the whistleblower in this case, is being court–martialled while the EC is let off for dereliction of duty.

"What the government fails to realise is that Maj Zaidi is already an example – one that we should emulate rather than avoid – of honesty, integrity, and bravery." – February 15, 2014.


2014-02-16 01:23 | Report Abuse

Friday, 14 February 2014 21:04
INDELIBLE INK: Ridiculous to court-martial RMAF officer when it's the EC which must be punished - Anwar
Royal Malaysian Air Force fighter pilot Major Zaidi Ahmad, who lodged a police report over the failure of the indelible ink used to daub the fingers of voters, should not be court-martialed for standing up for what is right, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said today.
The opposition leader said the police report lodged by Zaidi only proved his inte...grity and discipline as a military officer.
"Major Zaidi has been trained to be disciplined and to have integrity as an officer. That is why he lodged the police report," Anwar said in his speech at the 2nd annual general meeting of Pertubuhan Prihatin Anggota Keselamatan Malaysia (PAHLAWAN).
Anwar told the servicemen that the action against the RMAF squadron leader was unnecessary as he did not commit any crime.
"It is a different story if he committed a breach of trust, but Major Zaidi has been probed for being a responsible officer.
"He discovered that the ink was not indelible, so he lodged a police report," said Anwar.
Anwar said the move to charge Zaidi was a disastrous one on Putrajaya’s part.
"If anyone is to be charged for the indelible ink, it should be the Election Commission for cheating but it is Major Zaidi who is being punished now,” he said.
Zaidi has been suspended from flying and was charged in the Military Court on February 7. He has claimed trial.
He was charged on seven counts at the Military Court, the Royal Malaysian Air Force Base in Kuala Lumpur last Friday.
Five of the charges are under Section 50(2) of the Armed Forces Act 1972, while the other two involves Section 51 of the same act.
Section 50(2) is an offence of non-compliance to an order from a superior and may carry a sentence of not more than two years, while Section 1 does not submit to the standing order and may carry a sentence of not over two years or a lighter sentence.
The former co-chairman of Bersih 2.0, Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, had described Zaidi as a Malaysian hero.
“He has been charged with seven counts of filing complaints on the indelible ink used during the GE13. This man is being punished for speaking the truth and we must stand by him for he is a Malaysian hero.
“This is the how we must be. When they lie, we must fight them with the truth. This 'tribute’ is for Major Zaidi, and without a doubt, please cancel the charges against him,” Ambiga said at the Tunku Abdul Rahman Legacy Forum to commemorate the 111th birthday of Malaysia's first prime minister recently. - TMI

Full article:


2014-02-16 00:44 | Report Abuse

Sokong Mejar Zaidi TUDM
...go to this web page & click LIKE


2013-12-01 19:00 | Report Abuse

AirAsia buka laluan baru ke Bandung perkukuh kedudukan di hab Selatan

December 01, 2013

AirAsia kini membuka laluan baru menghubungkan Bandung, Indonesia dengan Johor Bahru.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya Aireen Omar berkata, destinasi antarabangsa baru itu merupakan yang ketiga diperkenalkan dari Johor Bahru selepas Jakarta serta Surabaya.

Beliau berkata AirAsia akan menawarkan penerbangan empat kali seminggu di laluan baru iaitu pada Isnin, Rabu, Jumaat dan Ahad.

"Johor Bahru adalah hab AirAsia yang penting dan mempunyai banyak potensi untuk dibangunkan dan sehingga kini kita telah menerbangkan lebih 600,000 tetamu melalui Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Senai.

"Tambahan laluan antarabangsa ke Bandung ini diharap akan dapat memperkukuhkan lagi kerjasama bersama Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Senai bagi menghubungkan komuniti di Selatan dengan lebih banyak pilihan melalui jaringan kami yang lebih luas," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas majlis menyambut penerbangan sulung dari Bandung ke Johor Bahru di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Senai dan sambutan ulang tahun ke-10 kerjasama AirAsia dengan lapangan terbang itu hari ini.

Majlis itu turut dihadiri Pengarah Komersil AirAsia Datuk Bernard Francis dan Timbalan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Senai International Airport, Safuan Basir.

Penerbangan QZ 151 yang dioperasikan oleh AirAsia Indonesia itu tiba jam 12.50 tengahari bersama rombongan media dari Indonesia yang kemudian dibawa melawat tempat menarik di sekitar bandar raya ini.

Bersempena dengan pengenalan laluan baru itu juga, AirAsia menawarkan promosi tambang rendah bermula daripada RM184 sehala yang boleh ditempah secara dalam talian dari 2 hingga 8 Disember 2013 di

Sementara itu Bernard berkata dengan adanya daya tarikan pelancongan yang menarik di negeri ini seperti Puteri Habour, Taman Tema Legoland dan Johor Premium Outlet, pihaknya menyasar menarik lebih 70% penumpang dari Indonesia ke negeri ini. – Bernama, 1 Disember, 2013.


2013-12-01 18:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by Wong pienghon > Dec 1, 2013 06:47 PM | Report Abuse

Supermx tomorrow be Superman? Tomorrow will know.

Tomorrow it shoots to the sky.


2013-12-01 17:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by amywo > Dec 1, 2013 05:20 PM | Report Abuse

AirAsia named ‘World’s Leading Low-Cost Airline’

tomorrow AA flies to the sky.


2013-11-30 19:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by fairjimmy > Nov 30, 2013 06:37 PM | Report Abuse

I would rather the Govt use he RM 7.2 billion spent on foreign consultant fees on subsidizing low income income earners

But what to do when almost all the UMNO leaders are block heads....good government had qualified people in as ministers but most of UMNO Ministers are half past 6 ministers who just cannot reason logical & they take as Malaysians as fools with their stupid reasoning.


2013-11-30 17:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by fairjimmy > Nov 30, 2013 04:33 PM | Report Abuse

I m pretty sure if PR takes over Putrajaya PR would provide interest free loan to all low income earners Malaysians. What a magnanimous Govt that would be in the whole world

Totally agreed with you brother.


2013-11-30 14:48 | Report Abuse

Anwar 'the Maestro' SQUEEZES RM1k or 20% for needy kids from S'gor reps

PKR de facto leader has proposed that the party's Selangor assembly representatives, who will enjoy a considerable pay hike next year, contribute a portion of their salaries to the state education fund.

Anwar proposed a quantum of RM1,000 or 20 percent of their salaries to go to the fund for poor children, following a discussion with Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim.

This proposal does not include PKR assemblypersons in Penang as their salary increase - from RM4,111 to RM6,000 - announced by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng yesterday, was relatively low, Anwar said.

"I want the matter to be resolved soon as the Pakatan Rakyat Council will meet next week," Anwar said when met at Balik Pulau, Penang.

"By the time I knew about the pay rise, it had already been approved by the Selangor state assembly. So this is a way for state reps to return something to the people," he explained.

Selangor, which announced a hefty pay rise for its state assemblypersons, has earned the ire of several Pakatan Rakyat leaders, including Anwar who thought it was high.

The Selangor assembly passed a 268 percent pay hike for its speaker, along with pay rises for the menteri besar (to RM29,250 per month), deputy speaker (RM15,750) and assemblypersons (RM11,250).

When Gombak MP and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali asked for a review of the pay rise, Khalid retorted that he should donate his money to charity if he was not happy about it.

On the controversial pay hike, which will also be enjoyed by BN assemblypersons, Anwar said Khalid did inform him about it but he was not aware of the quantum of increase.

"But after it was announced, I felt it was slightly high," said Anwar.

According to Anwar, it was not right for Khalid to use the Sarawak situation to justify Selangor's pay raise.

"But since the state assembly has agreed and the pay rise would be implemented soon, this (proposal for state PKR reps to donate part of it to the education fund), would be the best thing to do," he said.

Not the same as corporate sector

Anwar said Khalid was open to the suggestion and will find a proper mechanism to implement the proposal.

On Khalid's outburst that whoever was not happy with the pay rise can donate their money to charity, Anwar said "he did it at the spur of the moment".

"When we discussed (the matter), he was very polite. He thought that it was like in a corporate sector - if you do good service, you are clean, you manage the economy well, and have a good excellent record, you should be rewarded," he said.

"But of course, this is not the same as in corporate sector as they have much higher salaries," he added.

Anwar said he had conveyed the message to Khalid that the matter was "sensitive" as people join politics to do public service and not to make money.

However, he conceded that the salaries of elected representatives were currently too low.

Anwar said as an opposition MP, he had objected to a steep pay hike in Parliament and naturally he has to be consistent when it came to Selangor.

"But it is grossly unfair to just look and pinpoint this flaw in Khalid and ignoring the fact that he has performed extremely well in office. In fact, this is widely acclaimed," Anwar said. - Mkini

Full article:

??? Can the UMNO leadership do this? A big NO that's for sure.


2013-11-30 14:44 | Report Abuse

Dr Asri: Kerajaan jujur, bersih rasuah seperti Selangor layak naik gaji

Oleh Nazli Ibrahim

SHAH ALAM 30 NOV : Anggota pentadbiran kerajaan yang jujur, bebas rasuah dan memiliki kemampuan kewangan kukuh layak menerima kenaikan gaji, kata bekas Mufti Perlis, Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin.

ru_03.1Mengikut perspektif Islam, beliau berkata, langkah itu mampu membendung Menteri Besar, Speaker dan Timbalan Speaker, Exco dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) negeri itu dari terjebak dalam rasuah.

“Kalau soal akauntabiliti itu betul-betul sudah ditekankan, kemudian dinaikkan gaji sebagai satu lagi langkah mengangkat akauntabiliti, tidak mengapa.

“Tidak kira Menteri Besar, ADUN atau Ahli Parlimen sekalipun boleh naik gaji kalau benar terbukti mereka tidak pernah ambil apa-apa keuntungan selain gaji mereka semata-mata,” katanya kepada Selangor Kini.

Bagaimanapun, beliau berkata, sesebuah kerajaan negeri harus terlebih dahulu mengkaji sama ada kenaikan itu memberi kesan negatif dari sudut ekonomi kepada rakyat.

1234“Bukan Selangor sahaja naik gaji, Ahli Parlimen, Perdana Menteri juga akan naik gaji pada tahun hadapan. Sebelum ini, Sarawak juga naik gaji lebih tinggi dari Selangor.

“Ada laporan 300 peratus kenaikan gaji di Selangor, memanglah. Saya mula-mula terkejut tetapi bila teliti gaji lama memang sangat rendah,” katanya.

Dr Asri berkata, langkah menaikkan gaji sama ada pemimpin negeri atau negara untuk mengelakkan rasuah bukan baru, malah ia dipraktik di Singapura dan negara maju lain.

Katanya, tuduhan kenaikan itu tidak wajar kerana ada rakyat masih berada di bawah paras kemiskinan tidak timbul kerana ia memudahkan pemimpin membantu golongan sedemikian.

“Dalam kerangka politik Malaysia, perbelanjaan ahli politik besar sebab ramai rakyat datang minta duit. Walaupun bukan wajib diberi tetapi dalam pengurusan politik selalunya bagi juga, tidak banyak sedikit.

“Bukan YB sahaja, tokoh lain seperti tokoh agama, selebriti pun begitu, orang jumpa orang minta. Kalau gaji rendah, untuk keluarga sendiri tak lepas. Sebab RM10,000 bukan besar untuk seorang tokoh yang ke sana ke mari,” katanya.

Sebaliknya, Profesor Madya Fakulti Pengajian Islam di Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) itu, berkata kenaikan berkenaan menjadi sia-sia dan tidak adil kepada rakyat jika gejala rasuah berlaku dalam pentadbiran negeri.

sidang dun 01“Selangor ada beberapa kelebihan. Pertama, duit banyak. (Tapi) sebab Selangor negeri Pakatan Rakyat, jadi banyak mata tertumpu. Ini bagus sebab menjadikan mereka lebih berhati-hati,” katanya.

Dr Asri berkata, wang rizab Selangor yang ketika ini hampir mencecah RM3 bilion pula mampu memberi manfaat besar kepada segenap lapisan rakyat.

“Selangor sebuah negeri yang efisyen dari sudut laporan audit dan sebagainya. Tiada kes rasuah disabitkan dan pendapatan tinggi. Cuma kena fikirkan bagaimana nak belanjakan duit yang banyak itu kepada rakyat,” katanya.



2013-11-30 14:35 | Report Abuse

This is what I call " a government for the people".

Over to you UMNO, can you do this?


2013-11-30 14:28 | Report Abuse

This is what I call " a government for the people".

Over to you UMNO, can you do this?..definately a big NO, masuk pocket is a big YES.


2013-11-30 14:13 | Report Abuse

More monkey see, monkey do!
Perak climbs up the same 'tree' of a pay rise. The Perak state assembly sitting yesterday joined Selangor and Penang in approving a pay hike for its members.

...damn stupid, no ideas of their own but their pockets only by UMNO, hahaha


2013-11-30 14:09 | Report Abuse

This is what I call " a government for the people".

Over to you UMNO, can you do this?


2013-11-30 14:06 | Report Abuse

A good state government who care for the Penang people.

PR to provide 30% interest free loan for SOS
Athi Shankar
| November 30, 2013

But applicants will have to first secure a loan for the remainder amount from commercial banks.

GEORGE TOWN: Penang Pakatan Rakyat government would provide a 30% loan without interest for the Shared Ownership Scheme (SOS) soon to enable low income earners own affordable homes.

Disclosing this at the Penang legislative assembly yesterday, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (DAP – Air Putih) said the 30% loan would top up the 70% bank loan secured by house buyers, who could not obtain 90 or 100% loan from commercial banks.

For a start, eligible low-cost home buyers can buy a townhouse unit in Taman Sungai Duri Permai, Sungai Duri with a 30% interest-free funding from state government.

Each applicant needs to secure a 70% housing loan from commercial banks while the balance 30% loan would be provided by the state government .

The applicants need to repay the state loan without any interest charged.

The state government would purchase 104 units in Taman Sungai Duri Permai and resell each unit for RM38,000 to eligible buyers.

Lim said the state government decided to introduce the SOS after it found that the Finance Ministry’s Housing Credit Guarantee Scheme had failed to help the lower income group to secure full bank loans to buy affordable houses.

House-buyers have to first register with the state’s housing department to purchase the Taman Sungai Duri Permai units and their applications vetted for eligibility.

Penang is the first state in the country to introduce SOS.


2013-11-29 18:26 | Report Abuse

Just what is Donald Duck good for? The same goes to the MCA gang....always UMNO ball lickers at it's best.


2013-11-29 18:24 | Report Abuse

MCA's Donald hits out at S'gor pay hike but COMPLETELY omits Sarawak's even GREATER JUMP!

It is disappointing that the Pakatan Selangor state government refuses to accept public criticism against their self-awarded sharp salary rise by up to 372%, thereby displaying the general arrogant attitude of Pakatan.

Pakatan had advertised themselves to care for the welfare of the rakyat. However their massive pay hike contradicts their election claims.

Although to cope with the rising cost of living is a reasonable explanation, the spike must be acceptable to the public, and thus, should be gradually raised.

The Selangor state Assembly on 27 November had approved tremendous pay jumps for all its lawmakers from the Menteri Besar to the state Assemblymen by up to 372%.

With this pay revision, their wages are even greater than the Prime Minister’s and the Deputy Prime Minister’s. This is unreasonable.

Such moves are typical of Pakatan tactics. When BArisan Nasional had proposed salary increments, Pakatan was quick to attack BN as wasting taxpayers’ funds and also instigated the masses to oppose BN. But now when Pakatan themselves award themselves, their vitriol against BN is replaced with a different form of rhetoric.

Pakatan had also criticized the civil service as being bloated. Yet after they seized the state government, they did not trim the number of civil servants, while the Selangor state government also announced a half-month bonus for state civil servants.

Why does Pakatan apply different standards?

Dato’ Donald Lim Siang Chai
MCA Selangor Chairman
MCA Vice President

Full article:
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2013-11-29 18:06 | Report Abuse

Go get warrant CO too.Premium 2.24%, a good choice too.