Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-02-15 02:54 | Report Abuse

Trust level in government drops PETALING JAYA (Feb 13, 2014): The trust level of Malaysians in their government took a 6% drop from last year to 54%, the Edelman Trust Barometer revealed. This, in fact, was the big news in this year's report – the collapse in trust in governments was seen in 17 of the 27 countries surveyed, with Singapore and Hong Kong showing a fall of 7% and 18% respectively. The barometer surveyed 1,000 respondents from the general population, and 200 from the "informed" public (college-educated people above 25 years old and belonging to the top 25% household income group) in Malaysia. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) remain at the top with 75% expressing trust in them, despite a 1% reduction compared to last year. Malaysians' trust in businesses saw a significant increase from 63% last year to 72% in 2014, while trust in the media saw a 1% reduction to 59% this year. Edelman Malaysia managing director Raymond Siva said trust is a forward building attribute, which means the country can either improve or lose trust. He used the Malaysian government's trust level as an example, where in 2012 only 49% of respondents gave positive answers, which shot up to 60% in 2013, and then down again to 54% this year. "It may be because in 2012 the government did many things right before the 13th General Election like repealing the Internal Security Act (ISA) and amending the Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA). "That was reflected in the increased trust level in 2013 but after GE13, it went on the decline again," said Siva. The survey also showed that the public has a high level of trust in the internet as a source of information, much more so than the traditional media.

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13 comment(s). Last comment by UMNOSHIT 2014-02-18 05:03

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-02-15 02:59 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: Kita Kena Betulkan Pimpinan Melayu Di Malaysia Untuk Menyelamatkan Malaysia

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-02-15 03:05 | Report Abuse

DAP anggap Wee Ka Siong khianati rakyat Malaysia, masyarakat Cina

MCA dan BN lah yang sepatutnya memohon maaf kepada semua warga Malaysia kerana menaikkan harga barang dan kejatuhan nilai Ringgit seperti yang dapat dilihat dalam nilaian paling rendah masa kini; RM2.62 bagi setiap Dolar Singapura.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-02-15 14:33 | Report Abuse

hopeless case already?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-02-15 14:49 | Report Abuse

Kajang by-Election – UMNO’s Grand Plan Backfires?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-02-15 14:51 | Report Abuse

Air force pilot pays the price for speaking up

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-02-15 14:59 | Report Abuse

Singapore Straight times says Anwar Ibrahim still has the voter appeal in Kajang.What about MCA?

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2014-02-15 16:24 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by camrybenz88 > 2014-02-16 00:44 | Report Abuse

Sokong Mejar Zaidi TUDM
...go to this web page & click LIKE

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-02-17 10:48 | Report Abuse

Kadir: Stop playing Santa, Najib
FMT Staff
| February 15, 2014

Blogger Kadir Jasin says that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak may even risk losing his job if he does not stop bleeding the Treasury with his 'cash is king' approach.

PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak should stop playing Santa Clause or risk being booted out of office, said blogger Kadir Jasin.

In a blog post today, Kadir said that Najib must find a more sustainable way to help the poor as many Umno veterans he has met had voiced concerns on the prime minister’s ‘cash is king’ approach, which is bleeding the nation’s coffers.

“Najib has to acknowledge that things are not as rosy as being portrayed by the mainstream media. He has to stop lavishing scarce public funds on cash handouts and salary increases that do not contribute to productivity and sustainability,” said Kadir.

Since taking over as prime minister in 2009, Najib has introduced Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M), which is a RM500 yearly aid to those earning less than RM3,000 a month.

He had also offered a variety of cash aid to civil servants and other types of programmes, from time to time, prior to the 13th general election.

Kadir said that Najib should address growing unemployment rate among Malaysian youths, which is affecting the bumiputras and the Indian primarily.

“In the age bracket of 15 to 19, almost 25.7% of Indians, 15.6% of Malays, 18.9% of non-Malay bumiputeras and 9.9% of Chinese were unemployed in 2012.

“In the 20-24 age group, 14.1% of the jobless were Indians, 9.9% Malays, 13% non-Malay bumiputeras and 7.1% Chinese. This explains the disproportionate involvement of Indians in criminal activities,” he said.

Kadir also claimed that the income gap between Malays and the Chinese has widened since 2009, erasing whatever progress made in the past.

“And the rural households, the bedrock of Barisan Nasional, are worse off now than in 1957 when compared to the urban households. Umno must remember that almost all the 88 parliamentary seats it won last year are in the rural areas,” he said.

Kadir is a former editor in chief for New Straits Times Press and a staunch ally of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Posted by UMNO2LONGKANG > 2014-02-17 11:24 | Report Abuse

Pasal tu kaum Cina lebih rela undi PAS dari UMNO...kerana PAS tidak guna isu kaum dan agama utk meraih undi tapi mendekati mereka dgn semangat yang dituntut dlm Islam itu sendiri...

PAS leaders condemn Utusan’s attack on non-Malays

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-02-17 19:05 | Report Abuse

Lim Guan Eng says Anwar Ibrahim is the only person from BN who
defended him when he was jail.This is LGE own words.........I will never forget that before I was imprisoned for a second time, this time as a common criminal in Kajang Prison in 1998, Anwar had stood up for me and spoke on my behalf publicly when he was still Deputy Prime Minister. Anwar opposed the denial of justice given to me even when he was still Deputy Prime Minister. I was convicted for defending an underaged Malay girl who was detained even though she was raped, whilst her rapists escaped unpunished.

Full article:

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2014-02-18 01:45 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by UMNOSHIT > 2014-02-18 05:03 |

Post removed.Why?

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