
carisozai | Joined since 2019-06-02

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2020-03-11 23:41 | Report Abuse

>>Under PN, it's more conducive now for PAS to push for hudud - Lawyer

Every political party is toxic in Malaysia.

Creating 1 headache after another other. When are these people gonna die? the faster they die, the faster Malaysia will be peaceful.


2020-02-29 01:46 | Report Abuse

Sometimes I feel, maybe Anwar not kaki PM (not good enough/smart enough to be PM)

Why? Cause people say fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on shame
But Anwar kena fooled 1 2 3 4 5 6 gozilion times already. Aiyoh mana ada orang begitu stupid one?

See the latest headlines...
"LIVE: Anwar counts on disgruntled MPs from 'other side' to give Harapan the numbers"

This is a man with no plans at all. Tungguuuuuu ......tungguuuuuuu......tunggu lagiiiiiiiiii......zzzz

Sudahlah, maybe it's best to let UMNO rule again, just lay low, don't offend the Datuk Datuk in BN, don't expose their corruption so you won't be thrown off a building, or bombed into bits. You will be fine. At least our ringgit won't be so low, if too much national debt cannot pay back, just migrate to another country. sayonara. That's the datuk datuk's plan as well, corrupt as much money as possible then retire in hawaiiiiii. yea...


2020-02-29 01:29 | Report Abuse

Funny story of Nelayan (fishermen)

You know what kind of fish that swim into a net by themselves?
- Waterfish

You know what kind of fish that jump into the boat of nelayan by itself?
- They call it sohai fish

Pakatan Harapan is both.

UMNO and PAS laughing so hard like "mari mari mari" "masuk masuk masuk" "thank u thank u thank u"


2020-02-28 23:49 | Report Abuse

True Malaysian and Patriots, if you are all for justice, get ready for Snap Poll! Show them who is the boss of Malaysia, power to the people. Show the world we can take back the country again! That we can held our head high, a proud Malaysian race that respected by the world. We will not let 130 pencuri dictate our fate as a country.

Mahathir calls Najib pencuri, Mahathir himself is the biggest pencuri, he has stolen the government from the hands of the people's government of Harapan!

I never would have thought that Mahathir can go this low, even lower than Jho Low. Shame on you Mahathir! Pui! I regret that I shook your hand when I was a kid, looking up to you! I never felt so dirty in my life.


2020-02-28 22:46 | Report Abuse

oh forgotten the big names, Anwar, Azizah, LGE pun PM


2020-02-28 22:44 | Report Abuse

It's a joke governing system period

Any leader who has command of 20+ leaders can be kingmakers, cause if they are not happy that they are not PM, immediately they can jump ship/cross over. If cannot get PM, jump back again. Back and forth back and forth, in the end for sure can get PM.

Like that hor, 1 PM post not enough lah, give 10 PM post mah.

Mahathir PM, Mushyddin PM, Azmin PM, Zuraida PM, Hishamuddin PM, Shafee PM, Rafizi pun PM, Dr M dua-dua anak pun PM, Najib pun bagi lah, Syed Sardin so young tak apa lah bagi jugak lah PM...dan lain-lain lagi.

Apa LJCB system ni?


2020-02-26 22:08 | Report Abuse

Latest the star headlines, really lol
Yeo: Pakatan rejected 'non-partisan govt' as only Dr M would decide on cabinet

Mahathir basically saying, no no no, "dictator" is not enough for me, I want to be the "ultimate dictator"


2020-02-26 21:46 | Report Abuse

Maybank TP RM 4.50


2020-02-26 21:45 | Report Abuse

Funny about Mahathir's speech, 1 second he doesn't want to be PM, another second, everyone wants him to be PM. The truth is, he himself wants to remain as PM. He keeps saying he is no dictator, but he keeps breaking world record the longest-serving PM.

Mahathir has no choice but to continue his lies, even though we all already saw his true color. Because if he is not PM, he will risk his family going to jail as there's no guaranteed unless his son/cronies became PM.

One thing I want to tell Mahathir, if your sons need you to babysit them at the age of 95. Your sons probably ain't shit, they don't deserve to be wealthy or powerful, don't even mention about leading the nation as PM.


2020-02-26 21:30 | Report Abuse

I don't see any way out for PH, basically, both sides playing poker game now. Both sides don't want a new election (only UMNO and PAS want a new election). Both sides want to be PM, waiting who will blink first.

OMG, like this Malaysia can bungkus already.

Sabah & Sarawak make a move lah, call for a new election, you guys are the kingmaker now. This is your best chance to negotiate a better deal now for SS. OR you can straightaway vote for independence and leave Malaysia for good, establish a new country "Borneo"


2020-02-26 21:29 | Report Abuse

Dr. M wants capable people, not party reps in Cabinet

I wonder how many understand what Mahathir is saying...
When I read it, there are so much lies, I laugh till my teeth drop

Yup, he is using Azmin and Zuraida as shield/patsy/tool again. Why?
First, you must understand why Azmin and Zuraida betrayed PH in the first place. They both complaining about being unfairly treated by PKR leadership, as they worked the hardest but not rewarded.

Now Mahathir used this as an excuse to pursue his agenda of protecting his sons by remaining as PM (Tips: how his sons got their billions?)

I hope Azmin and Zuraida will wake up, and go back to PH, only this way, we can see Mahathir's true color.


2020-02-25 20:00 | Report Abuse

Maybank TP RM 4-5


2020-02-25 19:59 | Report Abuse

UMNO and PAS in total euphoria pushing for new election, laughing all the way to the bank.

Pakatan Harapan shot themselves in the foot, end up being the biggest losers. and rakyat the bigger losers by giving najib and cronies a chance to escape jail time. Even trump's like wtf? there're politicians dumber than me?

I guess Mahathir dare not to go all in calling new GE because there's a big chance he will lose unless he partner UMNO and PAS which he will never ever join. That's why he proposed unity government. Mahathir has shown his weakness. He don't want new election but just want to remain as PM.

Then this is Pakatan Harapan chance to turn the table around. Reject the unity government plan entirely. Give Mahathir 2 choices only.

Come back to Pakatan, stay PM until next GE, Anwar stay low profile until next GE. sumbat najib and umno cronies masuk penjara dulu. Everything wait until next GE....


Go ALL IN. Push for new general election now. Basically risking everything.
Mahathir will lose without UMNO and PAS
Mahathir will lost too without PH

So, again it will be UMNO, BN + PAS + SS vs PH - SS - BERS - 0.2 PKR.

You do the math. PH chances are bright given Najib is almost 1 foot in jail. If rakyat still sleeping, then too bad for PH.


2020-02-25 19:45 | Report Abuse

Maybank TP RM 4-5


2020-02-25 18:19 | Report Abuse

I came across this video just now.

Conspiracy of Azmin, Hishamuddin, and Mokhzani (son of Mahathir).

I think it has vindicated my suspicion Mahathir is the main culprit. He purposely resigned to destroy PH (incumbent government).

Malaysia better prepares for more chaos on the way. But I think this will be the ugliest fight in Malaysian history since 1997. I think a new General Election is on the way if the coup is successful. If the coup is not successful, since Mahathir's wolf tail already showing, he can't sit back and let his empire/sons fall. So, he will try something else to destroy PH anyway, therefore new General Election is imminent.

If PH failed and fall in this new general election, there's nothing left for Malaysia to fight for. It's better Malaysia split into 2, east and west. Let the corrupts take the already developed west Malaysia, the true Malaysian move to East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak) and with the help of the international community, let's build a new Malaysia that's free of corruption. Let west Malaysia rot over time.

I think Sabah and Sarawak will be interested in leaving Malaysia for good. Malaysia Merdeka for more than 70 years and they have been poor for 70 years. Furthermore, the wealth of their natural resources has been robbed for 70 years. What good are they to continue to stay with Malaysia?


2020-02-25 08:08 | Report Abuse

Mahathir is the infernal affair 1 level up, where the gangster boss planted himself into the police force. lol


2020-02-25 07:36 | Report Abuse

All the Bersatu leaders (minus Mahathir) and defected PKR leaders (minus Azmin), must wake up and go back to Pakatan Harapan. Otherwise, Malaysia will HANCUR !!! There will be nothing left to fight for.


2020-02-25 07:23 | Report Abuse

@icedvestor, the Sarawak is not the full story.

The main culprit is MAHATHIR. Azmin is the patsy. A tool!

Think about it,
Why would Mahathir resign now if he is for the nation?
Why would Mahathir resign now leaving Pakatan Harapan/Malaysia in shamble? He could have said "Ok, all plans are off, follow the original plan of power transition in November, it's for the better of the nation" but shockingly he didn't do this. Why?

He purposefully resigned, to destroy Pakatan Harapan and the government indirectly so that he won't be blamed for being a traitor to the nation and people of Malaysia. He will be a laughing stock of the world if he follows the plan leading the new coalition to topple the current government.

His resignation meant the new coalition plan still intact, as he can't get the job done (It's too shameful for him to do so). So resignation is plan B. We the people are still sleeping thinking he is the angel from heaven. Looking back, there were people trying to nominate him for Nobel peace prize, what an f-ing joke that would have been.

If Azmin and Hishammuddin having family members intermarried, don't you think Mahathir have much deep blood ties with UMNO members/leaders.

Mahathir is serving as a protector for many of the crooks in UMNO by becoming the PM. He hijacked the nation knowing that the empire he built has fallen. That's the most cunning and daring tricks he pulled to turn things around where he can almost see him and his sons walking into jail if he didn't do anything in the last General Election.

The coup cannot be succeeded without Azmin, Do you guys watch the movie infernal affairs? Azmin is like the mole the gangster boss planted in the police force.

Mahathir and UMNO leaders are the gangster bosses.


2020-02-24 21:35 | Report Abuse

I have totally lost my respect for Mahathir. It was all a setup, he has taken Malaysian for a ride. Malaysian has given PH the mandate, not him! PH and rakyat fought so hard to overthrow a corrupt government. He throws it away single-handedly in 1 day. What a shame, shame on him for betraying not PH but the rakyat. Rakyat trusted him to put the nation's interest over his personal interest. He betrayed it. I'm flabergasted by his party and certain PH leaders would follow suit doing the same, again betraying the rakyat! Malaysian politicians are simply jokers. Still a laughing stock, the rakyat the joke on Malaysia has ended when PH won 2 years, but the joke on rakyat has just begun.

Worst, aside from cheating the rakyat, Mahathir has cheated almost everyone. He hijacked the PH government noticing UMNO's imminent loss in the last general election. Won the election became the PM, exonerate himself for all BN wrongdoings under his 20 years rule during BN's time. And then take the nation for a ride, 5 years later, jump ship again back to BN, and form a new coalition to win the next general election. He did all this just to protect himself, his sons and cronies from being jailed along with Najib when the PH government sweeping the nation to weed out corruption.

Mahathir does not deserve to be TUN, does not deserve the respect of the rakyat and generations to come. History books will and should not be kind to him.


2020-02-08 12:47 | Report Abuse

Next monday sapu kaw kaw!!


2020-02-08 12:46 | Report Abuse

Maybank is the gem of KLSE, always reliable, unsinkable ship. This stock is 70% own by government entities, 10-15% owned by Malaysian/Malaysian institutes, consistent dividend at 4-6%. It can survive armageddon let alone coronavirus. Buy's better than owning gold.

TP 10.00 (May-July 2020)


2020-02-07 14:35 | Report Abuse

Timeline of the outbreak of SARS
Invasion of Iraq shortly after
Timeline of the outbreak of Wuhan Coronavirus
Airstrike on Iranian General
Invasion of Iran to follow?

If you look at the similarity of the historical events. Chinese might be just the punching bag of the west time and time again. From Native American Indian (East Asian descents) genocide to Opium war, that's the fate of East Asian people. Yet we the ordinary Chinese/East Asian still easily forget bunch, all just looking out for themselves.

Special reminders, MH370 = 5 eyes operation (USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand)

When you will open your eyes, see the world clearer. Maybe you will stop buying that Starbucks, McDonald's, and KFC maybe.

Well, still have to say this. Sadly...
Genting TP 3.00


2020-02-02 20:27 | Report Abuse

Is coronavirus bio-chemical attack/CIA Operation from the United States?

- December 31st initial reports of Wuhan coronavirus, people dying on streets similar to Spanish flu pandemic.
- January 3rd, Iran general air struck killed in Bagdad. Reason: Trump admits under pressure from Impeachment trials. China and Russia standing in the way.
- Jan 14th China forced into signing Phase 1 deal.
- Today H5N1 flu hit in Hunan China?

So many coincidences?
My advice to China, do not sign any more trade deals, fight until the end. If USA wants war with China, let it be. I will fly back to China to defend China. They love war so much, let's give USA a war they never forget.


2020-01-26 08:31 | Report Abuse

Genting = Ghost Town wkakakaka, everyone has canceled their trip it seems. Poor Genting, like this, tutup pintu soon.


2020-01-22 21:54 | Report Abuse

haha, just came back from work, already heard neighbor aunty scolding their children to cancel their plan to go on a trip. "So dangerous out there, plane crashing, here bomb there bomb, virus spreading, still want to go ar hah? cannot go! stay home!"


2020-01-22 03:41 | Report Abuse

- New SARS in town, tourism industry this time jalat already. Genting will become a dead city? Airlines industry worldwide will be hit as well. Visit Malaysia 2020 or stay home watch tv 2020?

- Trump impeachment trial officially begins...

- Boeing 737 max jet officially discontinued...

So much bad news, I think dow jones and hangseng might drop to 20k - 23k. KLCI 12k-13k maybe? Genting RM3-4?
Don't say angpow money, angpow kosong (envelope) pun tak ada. KLCI will sapu your money ada lah.

This time really armageddon deep impact na me omi tofo gg hamgaling


2020-01-14 09:20 | Report Abuse

Buy the rumors, sell on fact. US-China phase 1 trade deal already priced-in on global stock markets. US stock market will start to fall soon after deal signing. Watch out buying high wkkkkkk. Trump under so much fire, very likely will be 1 term president, end in shame. I guess this is karma, now the world will say to him "You're fired!". Likely around the next week or 2, it will mark the beginning of the 10-year cycle global market crash. Run for your puny lives. boh chau si ah!!!!


2020-01-10 07:00 | Report Abuse

Soaring pork prices keep China's inflation at 7-year high

The global stock market crash of 2020 is coming and it is coming fast, with or without Trump, with or without war, 1 way or another. Trust me, it's gonna happen, there's no escape. Every 10 years or so.

See you at RM 3.00


2020-01-09 22:59 | Report Abuse

Genting Punya trend, uptrend only lasts for 1 day. 1 day up, 2 days down, 1 day up, then finally drop like a rock.


2020-01-09 08:02 | Report Abuse

Both Iran and Trump kecut telur, tak berani nak hantam. Tidak apa.
Given 95% chance Genting will not get a single license from Japan.
And Empire resort keeps losing money, non-stop bleeding.
This already enough to give you an idea of how bleak the future of Genting.
Who buys who die, boh Chau si ah~~~~


2020-01-08 21:05 | Report Abuse

I told u so!
I told u so!
I told u so!
I told u so!
I told u so!
I told u so!
I told u so!
I told u so!
I told u so!

Now, not just necessary to keep your cash close to you, you need to run for cover also.

If war started, Genting didn't drop until RM 3 I Potong LJ.


2020-01-07 23:43 | Report Abuse

Strong momentum moving down towards 5.70-5.80 range, anytime can drop like a rock after that, really boh chau si ah.


2020-01-06 21:10 | Report Abuse

Genting Genting confirmed GG punya stock.

Tomorrow drop another 20c. kakakaka


2020-01-05 20:10 | Report Abuse

Here's another expert view on the imminent global market crash.

People always ask, how can we weather the incoming storm? The best way to do it is to avoid it entirely. Sell at RM 6, sit back and watch the catastrophe unfold, when the storm is over, pick up Genting at RM 3-4, maybe it could even go down to RM1.50-2 (given the current political instability in Malaysia, as it is 1998 all over again Anwar vs Mahathir).


2020-01-05 18:36 | Report Abuse

crash is imminent, bo Chau si ah!


2020-01-05 09:25 | Report Abuse

Market to crash soon, Iran top general assassination is the tell. US itching to crash the global market amid the stock market astronomical high-value where stock prices at 50-60 times earnings. United states always gets what it wanted, one way or the other.

It is super dangerous to hold expensive stocks now. When the global market started to crash, likely before Chinese new year, Genting will probably bottom out at RM 3-4, 50% downside from RM 6.


2019-12-26 01:34 | Report Abuse

PAS tolong menang next term, cepat cepat tutup Genting lah.


2019-12-26 01:33 | Report Abuse

Wah, almost forgot to mention. On my way back, in my cable car, I saw a part of Genting got ambulance, covered up. Don't know if got people jump or suicide or what. See tomorrow newspaper got news or not.


2019-12-26 01:30 | Report Abuse

Just back from Genting Casino, took me 1.5 hours to get there, 2 hours to come back. No win no lose. But I definitely felt we (me and Genting) both losers. I was in there for more than 10 hours, gambled all day long. Drinks a few Milos and bottled water, poop and made the toilet a mess. Then came back. For what? Lucky I didn't lose money, else worst I will be depressed.

Me: Lose time, energy, and petrol.
Genting: Lose electricity, lose time and lose labor cost. I think Genting loses more.


2019-12-09 22:35 | Report Abuse

Online casinos may not be replacing traditional casino in Malaysia, but it is taking place at an unprecedented level in other countries like the US and UK, where Genting have significant exposure of its investment. That's the main reason why the empire resort suffering loses quarter after quarter. People these days just going out less and less.

In my opinion, bidding of casino licenses in Japan is actually a very bad thing for Genting in the long run. Initially, you might see there's a lot of hype, the stock might spike a few months, but when reality sets in and you start to see the loses The CEO, Mr. Lim will probably still scratching his head wondering wtf he has done wrong. You simply can't teach an old dog new tricks, you can't do it and it bothers the dog.


2019-12-09 21:05 | Report Abuse

It's foolish to resist the inevitable.

Alibaba's Singles' Day sales hit record US$38 billion

In the Age of AI (full film) | FRONTLINE

I hope Genting will be next Alibaba, but it's looking to me that it will be the next Toys R Us instead. TP 4.00


2019-12-08 15:43 | Report Abuse

Insider: @JBond007, don't be a joke lah. you lol. LGE will track your asset for IRB assessment?? LGE is the biggest crook in PH Government now. The fact that Gobind has to keep a blind eye on LGE corruptions will keep his father rolling in his grave. DAP was started as a force of good. But LGE turned DAP into money making machine off the back of rakyat. In fact, you should report LGE to Gobind put him in Sungai Buloh. Anyway, PH is a 1 term government only, next term LGE won't be able to escape jail time.

Illegal Online gaming?? try to ask who's the guy sitting in the BOD of those so-called illegal online gaming and lending business in the country by the sir name of "Lim". Take a wild wild guess lah. Hiring mainlanders to cheat mainlanders and Malaysian. The government should take back Genting gaming casino license, shut them down for good.


2019-12-06 13:48 | Report Abuse

Insider: Don't say we didn't warn ya. Genting gets downgraded, slowly but sure all the shit will come out and Genting will be rated FFF-

Short Term TP: 4.80, Long Term TP 3.00

Genting is struggling to keep competing with prominent online casino around the world, especially in ASEAN region. I just don't hear people going to Genting any more gambling, because they all say have online casino. Empire resort is the evidence why traditional casinos will fail.

Genting resort business also frailing, cruise business not far behind. everything looks so old. Nobody want to visit gening. Prominent company like disney and fox don't want to partner them.

Just a matter of time, genting will close it's door. I think genting will accumulate all the loses in the final quarter. One shot rugi 1 billion ringgit.


2019-12-02 01:50 | Report Abuse

Genting TP RM 4.80 after December 15th


2019-12-02 01:48 | Report Abuse

China's economy will soon unable to hold up to the immense trade pressure, it will be a crash landing and bring all regional economies with it.


2019-12-02 01:46 | Report Abuse

New round of tariffs will be unleased on December 15th, we will se KLCI testing 1450-1500 level.


2019-12-02 01:44 | Report Abuse

Trade wars, Hong kong protests are just the prelude of the upcoming global financial collapse. That's what western financial elites wanted. The world simply cannot escape this fate.