
chinaman | Joined since 2015-02-28

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2018-09-23 19:01 | Report Abuse

myr36billion is very large sum-1mDB. Dr m is right again on this PTPN debts. everyone must make play part to save Malaysia. TONGKAT ALI era is over....


2018-09-23 17:47 | Report Abuse

Many Buddha mantra also in Sanskrit. I like to sing Buddha mantra in Sanskrit.


2018-09-23 17:43 | Report Abuse

Bahasa root is from sanskrit. many words are copied.


2018-09-23 17:35 | Report Abuse

PAS-Parti Ajaran 'S" guess...wakaka


2018-09-23 15:46 | Report Abuse

Praying enough in these holy states. No need work hard, no need development. That's why i said DrMis right to cancel ECRL, its a waste of money develop holly states. wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-23 13:09 | Report Abuse

printing as much as USD to artificially pump up DJ Index. not sure what will happen next? kasi shok sendiri syndrom. wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-23 11:40 | Report Abuse

China has FTA with russia+Japan+ S. Korea+Japan . it also has RCEP deal to depend on....many other alternatives...Trump has 'awaken' Beijing that it must change export model for future survival. focus on local self substaining, self reliant large consumption

News & Blogs

2018-09-23 11:35 | Report Abuse

MY stock market winners mostly from INSIDER INFO. Mostly gamble at short term. long term investors a few only. BS pretend blind only ma. wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-23 11:16 | Report Abuse

No deal is bad news for Trump's political survival. Mid election in Nov 2018 will destroy trump's winning stake. China made a checkmate on moron trump. Kui lo want to play chess with china. who wins? wakaka


2018-09-22 15:43 | Report Abuse

Our PM's visionary is very good one. pivot towards weakening US io/ East China. even Japan Abe has to approach Xi Jinping now for long term survival. what a great PM's vision? wakaka


2018-09-22 15:32 | Report Abuse

Trump must be naive thinking that China Beijing can't live without US. China will shows its strong resilience without US who cant accept the painful fact that its no longer world economy, military power. As long as russia+China together, both will be a formidable force. So, Trump can only create nuisance but can't stop china's rising


2018-09-22 14:54 | Report Abuse

Strongly believe young, aggressive, dynamic Andrew will create the miracle. this pretty Ah Mui worth long term play.

News & Blogs

2018-09-21 19:15 | Report Abuse

at the end, all bersatu+Keadilan+UMNO all merged into single party. no opposition anymore. pathetic citizens having such unethical politics


2018-09-21 17:48 | Report Abuse

S/C, BS must investigate the manipulation to push down this counter for peanut privatisation target. Pls reject Mulpha boss's evil plan

News & Blogs

2018-09-20 20:28 | Report Abuse

look at current korean conflict resolved under new south korea president, Moon Jae-in thru diplomacy and trust. No one will ever imagine that North +South Korea can achive peace, unity. South korea president should be world role model in creating peace, harmony. Can our Dr M achieve such amazing feat?

News & Blogs

2018-09-20 20:22 | Report Abuse

divisive leadership will destroy our nation eventually. we need a leader who is integrasive and cohesive with all nations

News & Blogs

2018-09-17 19:45 | Report Abuse

Personnally i feel our life is too short. either we do it now, otherwise- forever wont. maybe, next life- we reborn to make it happen any regret in previous life

News & Blogs

2018-09-17 19:35 | Report Abuse

dont worry Dr M will be 153 years old then to fulfil his promise ma.Dont worry wakaka.

News & Blogs

2018-09-17 19:30 | Report Abuse

malaysia is formed in 16Sept1963. after 55 years of the formation, new govt. said TUNGGU SEKEJAP for MA63 cannot mei?? wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-17 19:23 | Report Abuse

Yaloe. you're right. Frog culture during BN is unethical. under new govt. Frogs in Sabah politics suddenly alright. wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-17 19:14 | Report Abuse

sabah state govt. should give more incentives to develop downstream in Sabah. Ban all export of resources. FYI, Sabah export logging to vietnam if i'm not wrong causing Vietnam one of world largest furniture exporter when Vietnam got no timber resources. dont you think this is funny way of sabah's management??

News & Blogs

2018-09-17 19:09 | Report Abuse

why other places like muar, melaka have booming furniture industry eventhough got no logging, timber resources? why Sabah with logging instead no such downstream industry? this is obviously poor state economy management? why Sabah got oil but no petrochemical ind? whereas Johor got none but got RAPID??? many examples of misallocation of resources. no wonder sabahan feel pissed off due to unfairness treatment

News & Blogs

2018-09-17 18:52 | Report Abuse

Dr M's idea on auto ind. to reduce Sabahan's cost of living does not hold water. Sabah is under developed despite of many resources. why????

News & Blogs

2018-09-16 19:57 | Report Abuse

china will teach US a lesson. I/o buying US BOEING aircrafts, they can support AIRBUS France. US is looking for death in return. there are many alternatives in life, and business

News & Blogs

2018-09-16 19:52 | Report Abuse

Regarding ECRL, this project's cancellation personally support Dr M when many dont agree. many china projects cancelled to save billions of cost, i've to strongly agree with Dr M to improve our nation's fiscal deficit. i know many dont agree on these cancellation

News & Blogs

2018-09-16 19:41 | Report Abuse

Putting aside 1mdb, to be frank Najib's idea on digital economy is much better than Dr M's potong 3.0. if not due to 1mDB, many ideas of najib are more future oriented. this is bipartisan point of view

News & Blogs

2018-09-16 16:00 | Report Abuse

PAS has come up with a very good idea last time to replace GST. To impose tax on shares holdings...we should thanks PAS produce such a great idea. wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-16 15:54 | Report Abuse

Pas is god. How can you offend god lei? wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-16 15:25 | Report Abuse

if we play with fires by offending both Trump and China Xi Jinping, and if both impose economic sanctions, all MY will begging at street later on. hope Dr M will come out of senile mind soonest. Dont cry for me Malaysia. wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-16 15:06 | Report Abuse

we dont care black or white cat, as long as can catch mouse to quote Deng XiaoPing, China former president

News & Blogs

2018-09-16 15:04 | Report Abuse

current problem is with partisan politics. many ministers appointed not due to talents but partisan from Bersatu. we should learn from former US president, very open minded Obama who draw talents from both democrates, and opposition repbulican to serve as MP during his term. Dr M version 2.0 is doing more damage, than last 20 years.

News & Blogs

2018-09-16 14:54 | Report Abuse

we reap what we sow since we vote very good new govt. wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-15 18:48 | Report Abuse

Since time is essence, we already lose 61 years to outperform. we've to call a spade a spade. Look at the current education state and the new minister. why all still silent, sing praise of new govt's mediocrity?

News & Blogs

2018-09-15 15:45 | Report Abuse

Due to late GST refund-almost 1 year already- how many company can survive with casf flow unresolved due to custom HUTANG us now. if company late, penalty by custom. if custom late refund, can we penalty them? wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-15 15:42 | Report Abuse

But, i dont feel corruption really curbed. I only feel like custom, LHDN like to haunt chinese for tax penalty lei....why chinese always be the target when govt. short of tax revenue lei?at long term, all company close shop lei

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2018-09-15 15:34 | Report Abuse

but, current govt. is doing more damage. for instance, myr10K levy on foreign workers will kill off many factory industries. Till now, not yet see any surprising 'UBAH' made as what they promised.


2018-09-15 14:44 | Report Abuse

What happen to two China JV which is quite interesting? I still stuck at this ayam brand shares till now. wakaka


Directors of the Nexgram Holdings Berhad (‘the Company’ or ‘Nexgram’) wish to announce that on 29 March 2018, Nexgram Industries Sdn Bhd, the wholly owned subsidiary of the Company had entered into a formal agreement Strategic Partnership & Distribution Agreement (“SPDA”) with Jiangsu Tongguang Optical Fiber Cable Co., Limited (“JTOCC”), the subsidiary of Jiangsu Tongguang Electronic Wire & Cable Co. Ltd. (“JTEWCC”) (a company listed in Shenzen, China).

The Board of Directors of the Nexgram Holdings Berhad (‘the Company’ or ‘Nexgram’) wish to announce that on 12 April 2018, Nexgram Industries Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company had entered into a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement (“SCFA”) with Shanghai Zhida New Energy Automobile Public Support Development Co, Limited, a subsidiary company of Shanghai Zhida Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. (“ZHIDA GROUP”), for distributorship and joint venture in electronic vehicle (EV) charging products and services in South East Asia. Malaysia will be a sole distribution hub. Since this is the new technology introducing into South East Asia’s market, as such, both parties agreed that it will not fix any cut of date on the expire of SCFA. Nevertheless, should both parties has derived the agreeable terms and conditions in signing of the distributorship and joint venture agreement. Nexgram shall make the immediate announcement upon execution of the said agreement.


2018-09-15 14:04 | Report Abuse

The Primary Industries Ministry is preparing a paper on the country’s B10 Biodiesel programme to be tabled in the Cabinet by year-end.

Its minister, Teresa Kok, said the biodiesel programme would be able to help oil palm smallholders address falling palm oil prices.

“The government cannot afford the subsidies (for the smallholders) and one way to increase the use of palm oil is through the biodiesel programme.

“In Indonesia, palm-based fuel programmes have managed to help smallholders there. Therefore, I feel that Malaysia can take the same approach,” she told reporters after a discussion with agribusiness firm Wilmar Trading Pte Ltd in Putrajaya today.

B10 Biodiesel is produced from a mix of 10 percent esters methyl palm oil and 90 percent diesel.

News & Blogs

2018-09-13 19:40 | Report Abuse

The best joke of the year. wakaka. give another 100 years, MYR also wont on par with SGD

News & Blogs

2018-09-11 19:16 | Report Abuse

Greece is different from us. it got grandfather rich germany to bail them out. Malaysia if bankcrupt, who is our grandpa? wakaka

News & Blogs

2018-09-11 19:09 | Report Abuse

if new malaysia reluctant to bite this bullet due to concern on 1.6million civil servants' below huge implication...
EU PENSION fund for Euro MPs is almost bankrupt and will have to be bailed out by taxpayers, it has been revealed. Germany's biggest newspaper Bild reported it has seen paperwork indicating a shortfall of millions of euros which means the pension fund will collapse by 2026 at the latest.

It cited an internal opinion of the Secretary-General of the European Parliament, Klaus Welle, for the Committee on Budgetary Regulation.

The endangered fund closed to new members in 2009 and, by the end of 2016, held assets worth €146.4 million.

But by then the fund's liabilities - the outstanding pension entitlements of the lawmakers - already stood at a staggering €472.6 million.

News & Blogs

2018-09-11 18:59 | Report Abuse

serious reform in civil servants' pensioners are required before this time bomb explode one day

News & Blogs

2018-09-11 18:56 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: Civil servants may have to contribute to their own retirement income in the future, the head of the agency which has taken over the government’s pension operation said recently.

In an interview with TheSun, Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP) CEO Wan Kamaruzaman Wan Ahmad said it could be similar to how private sector employees contribute to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF).

“For all you know they (the government) may decide that this (current) scheme is unsustainable, we may move to the EPF (type) scheme,” Wan Kamaruzaman was quoted as saying.

The current pension scheme for civil servants is called “defined benefit”, wherein only the government and other employers of civil servants, such as statutory bodies and local authorities, will contribute.

With this scheme, pensioners are assured half their last drawn salary for life after they retire at age 60. A spouse will receive the same in the event of a pensioner’s death.

Wan Kamaruzaman said the EPF-style contribution scheme, called “defined contribution” may also enable the government to gradually reduce its burden of the ever-growing pension liabilities. The current scheme sees the government placed with a liability amounting to some RM300 billion.

“Let’s say in future, five years down the road, new civil servants will be on defined contribution, so KWAP will be managing both a defined benefit and a defined contribution scheme, that is how I see it go. Because this is just too good to last,” Wan Kamaruzaman said, according to the local English daily.

It was previously reported that Prime Minister Najib Razak had also acknowledged that the current scheme is not sustainable for the long term, thereby suggesting that an alternative scheme may be in the works.

“With the current civil service strength numbering 1.6 million, moving to a ‘defined contribution’ model will take strong political will,” Kamaruzaman said.

KWAP runs the entire pension operations for the government and all other employers of civil servants, after having absorbed the entire public pension department that had previously been under the Public Services Department. All 250 employees of the department are now based at KWAP’s office in Cyberjaya.

Since November 2015, the company has also taken over from the government’s monthly operation of paying out pensions to the 700,000 retirees. This was made possible following an amendment made to the Retirement Fund Act 2007 early last year.

However, the funds for such disbursement still come from the government, while KWAP is paid an administration fee.

News & Blogs

2018-09-11 18:44 | Report Abuse

All GLC monopoly, oligopoly in many ind. must be privatised, sold to settle govt. debts. Govt. must doing policy making by provide fair playing field, and to avoid conflict on interest. Put all professionals, not politicians in body like EPF, PNB.

News & Blogs

2018-09-11 15:57 | Report Abuse

This time govt. will say EPF compulsory gradual withdrawal at 55 yrs old. No more alltogether since no money liao

News & Blogs

2018-09-11 12:44 | Report Abuse

So, this time can we say China's own 5G technology, or copyright infringment allegation as what US always try to portray?


2018-09-10 15:58 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 15:03 | Report Abuse

dear Stockraider, I guess govt. feel other races's sacrifice is not enough. Be ready for apartheid version 2.0 squeese till no blood. What if govt. impose tax on shares and inheritance assets? will you all accept it?