
chong | Joined since 2010-07-13

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2012-04-29 17:57 | Report Abuse

Brother jeffho, if you believed that ECM is on the takeover, you just buy & hold as sometimes it may take a longer time than you expected...there's always the finer details or points to hammered out even though most of the details of the agreement had been settled. You just have to wait & really no one can tell you. The parties involved in the takeover cannot reveal anything otherwise they will be haul up by the SC.

Talk about remisers [sorry remisers, my apologies], I don't really believe them as some of them wants business & may ask you to buy this & thing they will always sms you to "buy on weakiness", hee, hee,hee...the best is always to do your own homework....find out here & there & you make your own final decision.



2012-04-29 17:47 | Report Abuse

Brother investor77 , frankly speaking you can only look at many blogs & compare them altogether. Just take about 10 to 20% truth only as different blogs may may motives of their own.....always trust yourself & no others no matter how juicy are the reports. Do look into the finer details of the counters financial reports & that will give you roughly an idea as to what you are going to buy....always try to invest in solid fundamental counters which when it goes down can also climb too if the market gets better & you can have your dividend in the meantime while you wait......just like REITS you collect your dividend & wait albeit there is only a small rise in price with the passing days.

Do try to look at counters that are going for expansion as earnings will increase too & automatically the share price follows too. Sometimes political connections do pay a part in determining the price of certain counters.

Many factors have to look into & there's no one hard rigid factor that determines the price of the counters.

Brother investor77 , I look here , there & everywhere for any new developments & not just 1 or 2 blogs, hee, hee, hee

News & Blogs

2012-04-29 14:56 | Report Abuse

And this?

Lawyer claims he was attacked by cops

News & Blogs

2012-04-29 14:52 | Report Abuse

OMG, is this true.....NUJ: Media harassed to black out police misconduct?

read it here please...all FREE..


2012-04-29 14:48 | Report Abuse

As I have said earlier, it's server error. Brother istyletech, hopefully it will be up soon...cheers.

News & Blogs

2012-04-29 14:47 | Report Abuse

You are welcome brother istyletech ...hope tomorrow will be a huat huat day for you. Cheers & have a wonderful Sunday too....take some girls out , will you...haa, haa, haa


2012-04-29 14:42 | Report Abuse

BIMB to climb higher tomorrow.....opening at price $2.47 & above perhaps?


2012-04-29 14:40 | Report Abuse

Brother Cy Low , email in your box now...please check it...many thanks.

Cheers & enjoy your relaxing Sunday.


2012-04-29 14:33 | Report Abuse

Don't know what's keeping them brother jeffho accurate is you friend's information as there are still the final & minor details to trash out....perhaps may take up to another few months or maybe shorter.

Let's keep our fingers crossed & hope for the best for all.

News & Blogs

2012-04-29 14:29 | Report Abuse

Brother Kent Lee , no lah I am not there...too far away from my hometown but my support is always there for a brighter future of my beloved Malaysia.

Just posting to keep you all informed as most of you may not be there.

And yes brother istyletech my forum is still down...server error & I have written to the host to ask them to ratify it...hopefully it will be up soon.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2012-04-29 04:25 | Report Abuse

Malu lah Malaysia. Think what will these foreign delegates do when they return home? conference or reporting & sending feedback to their respective governments? Then what will they think of the present BN government?


2012-04-29 04:16 | Report Abuse

Brothers & sisters cjbong, elsey , Ng Eng Kit, gordan85, edwynkim, yong , John Yap & illidonleong, please check your mail sorry for the slight delay in replying as yesterday as Bersih 3 day, sort of busy for me.

Hopefully by the time the agreement is legally signed & endorsed by the government, I can lead you all to Honeyland & not Holland.

Just be patient & hold for at least 2 to 3 months & hopefully we all can laugh our way to the bank....please read the full 67 pages on Smartag in my forum to get the complete picture....many thanks.

BTW, my forum is down for 2 days as there is a server problem .Hopefully the engineers will ratified it soon...thank you for your understanding & cooperation.

Cheers & enjoy your lazy & easy Sunday....bring your boyfriends or girlfriends for a nice & wonderful life to the fullest.

News & Blogs

2012-04-29 03:46 | Report Abuse

Happily 2000% support for the good of our future generations...please think of our children grandchildren future. See how our present government are using our Rakyat's money as thought it belongs to their grandfather & we the Rakyat had to pay extra for all these government wastage, damn.

If the BN wins the next coming elections, then be prepared to pay for your GST, electricity, etc, etc

Look at the car AP given to a few UMNO connected cronies at the expense of the millions of Rakyat?....why not finish off these AP nonsense & demolished the extra high import taxes on cars? Then we all can buy & drive a Camry or Honda Accord at RM$60000 just like the people in U.S, Europe, etc are paying but here we pay through the nose to a tune of $170+k..OMG....or better still drive a Benz E250,E350, CLS550, at about MR$150k, hee, hee, hee

Trim the fat or overloaded civil service or else we end like Greece which incidentally had an oversize & overpaid civil service like Malaysia....use this extra money for the good of the poor Malaysians as these people really need help to survive.

Cheers, & please save our Beloved Malaysia.

Thank you all


2012-04-28 15:13 | Report Abuse

Yazid Gonzales ...BERSIH 3.0 see the pictures, all on the link below..


2012-04-28 02:48 | Report Abuse

As to the no access to my forum please be patient....reply from host below...

Members have been reporting random pockets of connection challenges.

The engineers have been alerted and are looking into the issue.

thank you for your patience while they sort this out.


2012-04-28 02:45 | Report Abuse

Yes, it's keeping them to long indeed.....indeed my patience is running thin. Almost everything is a ok but what the late announcement?


2012-04-28 02:43 | Report Abuse

It's ok but still I hold fact bought some extra when others are selling a little cheaper.....have to wait for the next announcement of the KL MRT contract if any.


2012-04-28 02:41 | Report Abuse

Just follow the good kind heart of brother Mohd Shuk's advice please....thanks.


2012-04-28 02:40 | Report Abuse

Wait a little longer & see how it goes first before you pick it up.


2012-04-28 02:39 | Report Abuse

Brothers WillyMak , sam chwee , yowtp & kimloon , check you mail box please....many thanks...cheers & hope for the best for all too.

BTW, my forum id down since yesterday...reason is below..

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error


White screen


Board without formatting

....server have to wait until the host fix it...many thanks.


2012-04-28 02:34 | Report Abuse

Looks like it's moving now...time to pick it up like I did yesterday....cheers & all the best to all.


2012-04-28 02:20 | Report Abuse

Brother junben , think it's time for you to forget Silver Bird a white shinning knight coming?...directors are selling & selling, CORPORATE AND DEBT RESTRUCTURING SCHEME, etc , etc.

How long are you going to wait for the restructuring and what are the final results? Still uncertainty isn't it? You know it's almost a gone & you should have sold a few days ago when price is around 18.5 cents & your cut loss is a minimum but now it's at 15.5 cents, come Monday what price? You know a few weeks back this counter is being "hack" , so to say but you still want to hold on....if I were in your shoes, I would have chabuted long long ago & concentrate on other meaningful counters.



2012-04-28 01:59 | Report Abuse

Bank Islam, which has long wanted to expand into Indonesia and Bangladesh, is currently in early talks with shareholders of an Islamic bank in Indonesia for a potential stake buy.

"We're still looking for opportunities in Indonesia. We're having preliminary discussions with the shareholders (of a bank), but it's too soon to say anything," he told reporters after inking a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Koperasi Pembiayaan Syariah Angkasa Bhd (Kopsya).

Zukri said Bank Islam isn't interested in acquiring small lenders in Indonesia, prefering instead to go for a bank with big branch network.

"The process will take time, but it is our hope that it will happen as soon as possible," he remarked.

While the bank remains keen on Bangladesh, its plan for Indonesia is more advanced, he added.

Bank Islam is also expanding at home, with plans to have 150 branches nationwide by 2015 from an expected 134 by this year-end.

Its MOU with Kopsya will see it offering its entire range of Islamic financial services to the latter, starting first with consumer financing.

Kopsya was formed by Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Bhd in July last year with a mandate to provide an Islamic banking platform for the cooperative organisations in Malaysia.

It currently has 65 cooperative organisations registered as members and is confident that the membership will balloon to 500 by the year-end.

"Kopsya intends to help cooperatives in this country conduct their businesses more effectively," its chief executive officer Professor Madya Datuk Syed Mohd Ghazali Wafa Syed Adwam Wafa said.

There are currently over 8,600 such organisations in the country.


2012-04-28 01:37 | Report Abuse

Today BIMB fly to $2.47 cents until 1 dingo sells at the last queue at 4 cents less at $2.43 with a total of 135 lots, yes 13500 shares only. Wonder if this is the issuing warrants bank that throws or some useless kaisi & kaisu kaki who just panic because of the Bersih 3 rally this useless kaksi & kiasu kaki, I think it's better for him/her to stay at home and watch tv instead of playing shares, hee, hee, hee

I think BIMB is coming...remember TP is $2.90 & may even go higher & it seems that the takeover & merger talk is now in again. Will there be a takeover or merger of this Malaysia smallest bank? If takeover, then price could easily reach $3.70 cents.....EPF is silently buying everyday, is this any indication?

Remember Bank Islam still open to M&As despite 2 failed attempts. And MD Zukri said before this...To grow the bank domestically, I am all for it, but it's a matter of getting the right candidate.



2012-04-27 18:49 | Report Abuse

If you look at today's trading, about 60% are selling. I am afraid there could be more selling come Monday to up to 6% discount or even more. Just enter at the right time please.


2012-04-27 18:41 | Report Abuse

Ananda Krishnan disposing most of his shares with bumi partners to a total of about 440 millon shares at a discount of about 3 to down by only 3%...maybe wait a little much longer before you buy on weakness...cheers. If these people chabut, then what have we?


2012-04-27 18:21 | Report Abuse

Server down perhaps brother istyletech ......the host will ratify it later as usual...check back later, will you.


2012-04-27 08:23 | Report Abuse

Brother cresender, me a midnight owl huntiing for food, hee, hee, hee


2012-04-27 01:33 | Report Abuse

Bintai 4th Quarter report will be out in a month...presume to be good.

The Board is optimistic that 2011/2012 will show positive results in view of the upbeat Malaysian economy together
with the improving world economic conditions and stronger domestic demand in the Malaysian construction industry.
Furthermore, the launching of ETP, an initiative to turn Malaysia into a high income economy, will be the driving force
of the economic activities in Malaysia. Packages under the ETP include the development of Greater Kuala Lumpur,
the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and other major property development projects.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Board of Directors foresees a healthy year-on-year sales growth in the coming
year with favourable financial results.


2012-04-27 01:12 | Report Abuse

Worry not brother insider76 , we will have our fun later on. Please wait for the 4th Quarter Report for 2011 which will be out in a month and a dividend will declared too...just hang on & we not the kiasu & kiasi will march on & enjoy our fruits later on.

Cheers brother insider76 , all the best to you & do take care my friend.


2012-04-27 01:07 | Report Abuse

Brother kihoshi , ESOS are ONLY for employees and it's full name is EMPLOYEES SHARE OPTION SCHEME.


2012-04-27 01:00 | Report Abuse

Yes, brother jacklew, hope Smartag moves up by just a little each day like Amedia, hee, hee,hee....everyday increase by 1/2 or 1 cents, sedikit-sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit, hee, hee, hee


2012-04-27 00:55 | Report Abuse

Brothers & sisters plus5 , Rose Eu , eddyng3300, PSChan ,taiong59 , Eric Chung & tanjc , please check your mail...thank you all.....cheers & all the best to you all...take care my friends.


2012-04-26 19:10 | Report Abuse

It's a ok guys as those who had the ESOS shares are selling for very good profit as they got it cheap...wait till they sell all & then hopefully the fireworks begins.


2012-04-26 19:08 | Report Abuse

Brother Peter Lee, my wish is to see many young investors here make money....hope this counter will bring them good fortunes....cheers.


2012-04-26 19:07 | Report Abuse

Brother valerian , check your mail please.....many thanks.


2012-04-26 17:31 | Report Abuse

Brothers helmiputrajaya & Blangkat Ahmad Basimin, check your mail box please...many thanks.


2012-04-26 17:29 | Report Abuse

Brother Blangkat Ahmad Basimin, I don't think corporate is throwing but perhaps the non patient ones who had been holding too long but disappointed when it doesn't go up while waiting for the good news & it's not coming perhaps they sell cheap to dispose plenty the last few days.

My advice for all is to buy & hold for perhaps 2 to 3 months & when the new agreement is signed with the government, you will see light at the end of the tunnel so to say.


My forum says it it please.


2012-04-26 17:22 | Report Abuse

Takaful flying & going high & BIMB holds 65% of Takaful, so BIMB good or not? Can fly or not later?


2012-04-26 17:20 | Report Abuse

Brother 90754248. son CB is heading for expiry...I think you still got about 1 week or so before lodgeing. Mother you still hold as I presume that after Ambank, the issuing house of CB, will depress the mother now & later I presume BIMB will shoot up like last year after the rally by Takaful first.Better to dispose of CB & perhaps concentrate on CC instead as expiry date for CC is still a long way to go & you got 2 Quarter Reports to support mother BIMB....coming quarters should be good as presume & you can reap good profits. Son CC had most of the time being sold at 16.5 cents to 17 cents the past 2 weeks.

Today CC was so cheap at 14 cents & I wonder if any of you bought any? I bought plenty at 14 cents & hold for a bonanza later on as it got another 5 months to go.

Cheers & all the best to all.

PS. All lousy few cents value pennies are perhaps be very careful if you want to chase advice to all is to avoid & concentrate on good fundamental counters.


2012-04-26 17:08 | Report Abuse

Sister vaneyap , email sent, please check it...thank you for requesting.

Cheers & all the best to you too.


2012-04-26 17:03 | Report Abuse

Brothers & sisters Chris , JohNet 88 , kopit2003 , tangyu , lim elayne & vinzcent , please check your mail sent...many thanks & hope for the best for you all.

So sorry for the late reply as I was busy buying & buying because of a weak market....tomorrow bursa will be better after being down for so many days.

Cheers & all the best to you all....take care too my friends.