
cksam | Joined since 2015-05-20

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Formerly a corporate Treasurer in a Bank in NZ





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2016-02-26 09:21 | Report Abuse

There will be showtime when buyers gobble up the 13 million shares parking at RM 0.15.


2016-02-26 00:36 | Report Abuse

Something big is brewing in XOX


2016-02-25 18:27 | Report Abuse

ALERT !! to all XOX investors. RSI and Stochastic already bottom. MACD showing divergent signal. Stock turning point is around the corner. Don't be despair, be patience and you will be rewarded.

Happy Trading


2016-02-25 16:24 | Report Abuse

XOX is one of those ACE market counters with less than 1 billion shares. It only has about 550 million shares. Look at Vivocom, PUC, Tiger and etc. More than 2 billion shares. So i reckon XOX is limited edition, Force selling? Nahhhhhh.

Happy Trading


2016-02-25 13:28 | Report Abuse

Contra and margin players of XOX has been on the losing streak since November last year. More so since January this year as many has been betting on the rebound which never came. The only time that has a short lived rebound was during the 22/01/16 runup from RM 0.155 to RM 0.215 which correspond with the news on JV with Pantech.

Unfortunately most did not liquidate hoping it will go higher and got battered again and again since. Those with gambling mentality or contra players got whacked the most as XOX slowly began drifting lower and lower as days went by. Being bullish during XOX's runup on January the sentiment was very positive with bullish comments and high TP. Unfortunately it didn't last when someone publish an old news item regarding XOX directors being reprrimanded. It was the nail in the coffin for those who bought either for short or long term. With the subsequent drop in price until today sentiment again turned negative. I reckon most investors has already throw in their towel either by bailing out or chuck XOX shares into the freezer.

XOX share has already been on consolidation mode for the past few days with low volume. This is good news as there is no heavy liquidation of XOX and XOX-Wa as many have predicted. It also showed their prices have stabilized. This has strike another blow to those contra and margin players which have already frustrated with multiple rounds of losses. If there are further drop in prices with low volume i recommend all XOX investors to accumulate to average down your cost.

To play XOX you need patience and guts. You can never made money by playing contra in this counter. If you are thinking of taking a revenge to recover your losses you will lose more. Hence, buy and hold and don;t get influence by the emotional roller coaster. They will be many bear traps (1-2 days play) along the way. For me i only look at the screen 3 times a day. 1 hour in the morning, half hour when market closed for lunch and 1 hour before market close. If you keep your eyes glued to the screen, i am sorry to say that you will always lose in the long run as your emotions are affected by the daily gyrations. Daily dramas like 'looks like coming', 'buyers increased by 3000 lots' , 'wow buyers started to gobble up sellers', 'sellers are retreating', 'whole market turning green', 'telecomunication counters going up', 'gain counters now more than loss counters and blah blah blah. Before you know your adhoc gambling instinct has already taking over and you bought 100 lots.

What next? When sellers kept appearing or some nutty investors start throwing to the buyers then you get panicky. Shit, i better sell first before other folks throw everything to the buyers. For all you know another buyer with 5 million shares appear. Then you regretted that you sold earlier and now opined that that was just a profit taking and nothing else. Now out of nowhere some investors start gobbling up the sellers. Again by not wanting to be left out of 'this bull run' you again gobble up the sellers which is higher price that you sold earlier.

So, tell me if i am wrong, all you short term players out there if this is not the emotional roller coaster you are experiencing now. If you want to win get rid of your emotions.

Happy Trading.


2016-02-24 16:20 | Report Abuse

What about the original shares i bought at RM 0.205 before i can subscribe for the 1 : 1 rights?


2016-02-24 16:05 | Report Abuse

warrant at RM 0.05 + XOX mother share at RM 0.15 still = RM 0.20. So what warrant gain? average with the original RM 0.205 = RM 0.2025

Happy Trading


2016-02-24 16:02 | Report Abuse

Just to give you an idea how they look like. Ths following is the screen grab from Daewoo securities trading screen.

You click on the Transaction summary on the stock code BKSL and you can see which broker is the biggest seller and buyers. Of course you can zoom in further to see which individual accounts are the biggest buyers and sellers. But you have to pay for the service.

Happy Trading


2016-02-24 15:53 | Report Abuse

I bought my earlier lots at RM 0.205 before the rights issue. I subscribed for the rights issue. My cost is about RM 0.203. Basically averaging down.


2016-02-24 15:47 | Report Abuse

I was formerly an investment banker overseas. So i got all the contacts to check for most of the info. They have all the tools and systems.


2016-02-24 15:36 | Report Abuse

Yup, but it is still a risky bet. Am buying low and consider a calculated risk. So no issues, an investment with a calculated risk.


2016-02-24 15:29 | Report Abuse

2 buyers queue with 3 million shares at RM 0.145


2016-02-24 15:26 | Report Abuse

i just bought at RM 0.15.


2016-02-24 13:27 | Report Abuse

Anyone knows what is the SUCCESS rate of DAY TRADING?

i bet only a few in this site actually knows the real success rate. Reports from brokerages and blogs like this one brag that daytrading is easy and success rate is more than 50% as some claimed. What i can tell you is that the actual success rate of trading is < 0.05% or should i say less than1 in 5000 will make money and able to make a decent living daytrading. What i am going to present to you below is an actual court case between SEC and TUCO trading in the U.S. Yup, actual P&L of a professional daytrading firm. You will be surprise by the statistics that are open to the public for scrutiny. See below:

Here is the link to the court case in the litigation of TUCO Trading

And here is the link to the actual documents on all the daytraders in TUCO Trading

To summarise the statistics.

206 traders

33 were profitable (16% of total)
7 had accounts > $50k (3% of total)

173 unprofitable (84% of total)
57 had losses over $10k - (28% of total)

So depending on how you view it, either 85% were unsuccessful, or only 3% were able to generate returns that could've sustained themselves (meaning 97% were unsuccessful). You could argue quite successfully that these traders were disadvantaged by a business model that pushed them to drain their accounts with commissions.

Proprietary or Prop firms are the best sources of daytrader success statistics. A prop firm is basically a broker that will loan you capital so that you can daytrade with an account and the commisions is lower than normal brokerages. Thus it can be said that TUCO is populated by full time professional daytraders.

So if those professional daytraders only achieved a 3% survival rate in a prop firm what do you think the survival rate of rookie daytraders like many investors here?

So for those hotshots here that have been bragging about how much they made daytrading i would say keep the statistics to yourself. Dont talk c**k here. Even in a professional daytrading firm like TUCO more than 97% of their traders are UNSUCCESSFUL. I bet many of you haven't seen actual statistics like this one and will not be able to see one in Malaysia ever.

Happy Trading.


2016-02-23 22:12 | Report Abuse

What's wrong with XOX investors?

What have the operators done that made XOX investor so fearful recently?

Is it because XOX has been bleeding red ink recently?

Is it because XOX has stopped growing or its business losing ground?

If there is a YES to any of the above then you should start worrying. So why has XOX's shares kept sliding? Lack of buyers or supply exceed demand.might be the answer. The main reason for lack of demand is due the negativity of investor's psychology. Yup, many has been burnt when XOX shares started sliding down from RM 0.705. But how many investors actually know why they got burnt in the first place? I BET until today not many investors can provide an answer.

The MAIN REASON is many bought XOX shares on the way up hoping some fools will buy from them at a higher price. YUP, all the way from RM 0.20+ till RM 0.70s. Why are they willing to pay for something that is getting more expensive each day during its runup? GREED is the answer, many wants a quick profit preferably buy in morning and sell in the afternoon. Daytrading has since been a daily activity and a seal of approval in the quest for making fast money. As a result BUY HIGH SELL HIGHER has been the mantra or formula for successful daytrading. When the market finally ran out of greater fools or the music stopped, we know what happens next.

Thus when the market kept sliding while breaking earlier support level people started to get panic and jittery. To stop the pain of looking at their shares getting cheaper they bailed out. What a sigh of relief. But thinking back with a clear head the most important question we need to ask ourselves is : Why are we selling Cheap now when the market is down and why we kept paying higher prices when whe market was going up?

Isn't is logical that we should be acting the other way round. Buy Cheap and Sell Expensive? Thus with the low price now why so many investors are bailing out? If there is nothing wrong with the company then why don't we buy more of its share when the price is going for a song? Why BUY Expensive and Sell Cheap? Isn't this ridiculous.

To give you a clearer perspective on this i reckon all you investors should read the following article. It talks about how a japanese futures trader made $34 million while many panicked during the Black Monday in August 2015. You will know what i mean. To be a master trader you need a cool head in times of crisis,

Happy Trading


2016-02-23 13:44 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately there are too many emotional investors here as in other counters. If investors are influenced by the daily gyrations on the stock price then most probably they are losers in the long run. They feel euphoria when the price is up but depressed when it's down. All because investors trying to make money daytrading and thus gets emotional with screen staring. Screen staring is one of the major pitfall of most investors. For example at about 10.20 this morning when one investor liquidated about 5 million shares of XOX people started to panic. Mood instantly turned negative and negative comments started coming out. Where are all the people when XOX was bidding at RM 0.155 and asking for RM 0.16 before 10.20am? There are hardly any comments. It proves that they are emotionally affected by the games operators played thus they are no longer investors but gamblers.

You CANNOT make money trying to pinch pennies from the stock market. It only take one bad investing idea and you are done because the losses incurred will wipe out their months of profits. It happens all the time.

Just think with your clear head and don't get influenced by the negative comments. How much shares being traded in XOX and XOX-Wa today? Is it likely that there is a panic sale from the operators. NO !! The volume done today is much lower than yesterday and thus no panic selling. If you are thinking of making 1c - 2c from XOX each round of play then you will get wipe out by the commisions sooner or later. If you want to make money from the share market then you need to change your trading style. Instead of playing with the T+4 try T+8 or T+10. Gradually you try to lengthen hour holding period because sometimes a bullish share might run up to 2 - 3 months. Most importantly you dont get emotionally easily. Alway buy low and sell high. So learn how to capitalize on the run up because the market will only reached its peak when volume spike the most. This is because during this time most contra and short term investors are all in.

Similarly when operators are leaving this counter volume also spike down heavily. Are we seeing any heavy selling lately? If the volume done more than 100 million consecutively for a few days and with the price going down then i am worried. I would rather say that there are people collecting shares from those who already totally lost hope on this counter. Normally they will only play up the shares when we are least expected or when we are most negative.

Happy Trading


2016-02-22 10:05 | Report Abuse

Anyway for your information what you are looking at in your computer screens is what known as Level 2 screens. You can see how many buyers and sellers and how many lots queued in the sequence. What you cannot see is who are the real buyers. Yes the name of the buyers.

This is reserved for those who have access to Level 3 screens. Unfortunately you have to pay quite a hefty sum to have access to it. That's is is that domain still reserved for the big players be it institutional or retail. Level 3 screens not only enable you to see all the the names of buyers and sellers. It also enable you to summarize and sort out how much operator A buy today, this week, this month, last 3 months for this stock. It can also summarize to you who are the top buyers who accumulate XOX shares today, this week, this week and etc. Data providers include bloomberg professional terminals andThomson Reuters

That's how you folks are disadvantaged. You don't know who are the buyers and sellers. Whether retailers or institutional or fund managers queueing on the other side. So don't treat the stock market like an ATM.

Happy Trading


2016-02-22 09:45 | Report Abuse

Operators just showed themselves in the Warrant. Going to push for RM 0.07 soon.


2016-02-22 09:25 | Report Abuse

Please take a look at Anzo. Same owners and operators.


2016-02-22 09:22 | Report Abuse

Ummmmmmm, XOX volume done till now only 1.3 million shares. Where are the 200 million shares supposedly to be 'throw out' today? For those who are still have negative perception about this share as there are only 3.5 million lots on the buy side and 7 million lots on the sell side. Sellers might throw everything to the buyers before its too late.

For those who can hold don't worry as said after playing the Warrant then the operators will play the Mother share. Just be patient. It might come as soon as this afternoon.

Happy Trading


2016-02-21 21:42 | Report Abuse

If you look closely into XOX's financial report you will notice that.

Item 2015 Full Year 2016 (2 Quarters - Sept & Dec 2015)
1. Profit (Net) RM 1.22 million RM 1.24 million
2. Revenue RM 90.95 million RM 72.7 million
3. EPS RM 0.24 RM 0.26
4. Profit to
Shareholder RM 809,000 RM 860,000
5. ROE (%) 4.23% 5.43%

2016 looks much more promising than 2015. For 2016 (2 quarters) Net profit, EPS, Profit to shareholder and ROE already outperforms. Revenue only trail by about RM 18 million. With the extra funds raised from the recent RI, XOX brand name will be further establish through advertisment (radio and media) and BAM sponsoring (LCW).. Bundling of Pantech phone (OEM) with VOPPEE to attract more postpaid users will yield more stable income for XOX. In short, XOX is already a different animal with a new business model. I can't see there is any reason for its revenue and profits to drop in the coming 2 quarters namely (13/03/2016 and 30/06/2016). With more funds and market exposure i can only see increase momentum in sales and profits. I can forsee there is a good chance for XOX to double its profits based on the above 2 quarters of performance.

So, for those who reckons that XOX shares will still worth RM 0.12 or less, i suggest you please liquidate. There are a lot of buyers waiting to accumulate. The only problem with XOX share price under-performing is due to :

1) negative perspective of its retail investors. There are too many investors that are too hopeful on the performance of XOX shares. The wild swings of XOX share is mainly due to its retail investors psychological mindset. Most are gamblers looking for a quick buck or killing in a short period of time. Thus when XOX share started its downtrend most of them panicked and sell at whatever price.

2) Lack of institutional investors. Counters like Axiata and Digi have very high institutional investors participation (>30% if i am not mistaken). Thus any share price gyration due to external factors like Global market meltdown will only have a short term effect on their stocks because institutional investors will pick up the lag when retails sold out. Whereas XOX investors are primarily retail and thus will often be subjected to will ride from retail invertor's mood. There is nobody to pick up the lag when XOX's share punished. Thus the self fufilling feed back loop of selling begets selling pushed the share price lower and lower.

So, don't be despair even if by next week XOX's shares do not outperform (up > 30%). Because i reckon there wiill be a selling frenzy as many waiting to get out even at a small loss. I wish them good luck if they don't have the holding power.

Happy Trading


2016-02-20 11:26 | Report Abuse

Ummmmmmm, Recent Rights Issue to raise RM 7.12 million with 70,120,000 shares?

I thought raising RM 71.2 million with 700 million shares?

Happy Trading


2016-02-19 21:48 | Report Abuse

Dear all, i would like to congratulate all those who bought the XOX Rights issue. You will stand to gain next Monday. XOX-Wa is expected to trade between RM 0.05 to RM 0.08. New warrant listing always command a premium. That is warrant price + conversion price > XOX price. Thus with the much better than expected result (up > 300%) which i mention earlier there will be a gap up in the mother share on Monday. XOX-Wa will follow suit and will perform extraordinary well. Will be in the top 10 trading volume come Monday.

As mentioned operators will press down XOX price so as to rid all the contra and margin account players. It was down everyday since 04/02/2016 when it was rammed up from RM 0.155 on 21/01/2016. As said operators will inflict maximum pain onto investors so that they will throw in their towel. Everything about XOX is so negative even investors don't even want to mention about it. This can be seen from the volume for the past few days.

On the 16th its daily turnover was only about 7 million shares compared to about 40 to 50 million shares for the past weeks. The final nail in the coffin is when they announced on 01/02/2016 where their directors and CIMB analysts are reprimanded for providing overly positive outlook for the company. But a lot of people do not notice that that piece was an old news dating back to 2011. Thus a lot of people jumped into conclusion that this company is getting into trouble and start liquidating and cut loss. The operators are more than happy to received those shares with open arms and a big 'THANK YOU'.

I reckon that piece of news was fabricated by the operators because 2 days earlier XOX shares was climbing on news that it joined venture with Pantech (a Korean mobile phone outfit) to market their phones bundle with VOPPEE to provide a unique solution to subscribers. With VOPPEE subscribers can make calls from overseas back to Malaysia without the hassle of buying another sim card or international roaming. Hence provide an ease of use for those who travel often and resides overseas as well such as students and businessman. Now anyone can apply for another mobile number without the hassle of getting another sim card. Thus these are some of the features XOX is offering to their subscribers. The improved profits signalled XOX's new business model is working and will be SUSTAINABLE in the future. They are expected to sign in about 2 million subscribers by end of this year.

With the funds from the rights issue to be used for :

1. Improve marketing of their brand name
2. bundling of Pantech phone (for free but bind bu contract) in order to attract more post paid customers. Post paid customers will provide a stable stream fo income to XOX unlike the prepaid option where subscribers come and go too often.

Thus in my view if you folks can hold on to XOX for the next 1-3 months, you will be greatly rewarded.

Happy Trading


2016-02-19 16:46 | Report Abuse

Those who subscribe for the RI will make money because XOX-Wa is expected to trade between RM 0.05 to RM 0.08 on Monday.


2016-02-19 16:36 | Report Abuse

From the stock movement for the past 3 days there is obviously no panic selling. Those who feared the additional 356 million shares coming to thhe market are obviously over reacted. Just take a look at Tiger, no panic sales.


2016-02-19 16:29 | Report Abuse

Buy !! when others are feared and uncertain.


2016-02-19 16:09 | Report Abuse

If everybody treat the stock market like an ATM machine (buy today and sell tommorow for a profit) then there will not be any beggars. Nobody wants to work and all factories and businesses will have to close down. Everybody will be driving brand new Continental cars and there will be no BR1M handouts.

Happy Trading


2016-02-19 15:54 | Report Abuse

Buy !! Don't be affected by the 'Loss Aversion' syndrome. That is avoiding the pain of losing at any cost. This is because we feel the pain of loss more than the pleasure we gain from a win. Investors must overcome this in order to be successful in the market and do things other don't. Like now buying when others don't even dare to touch with a 10 ft pole.

Happy Trading


2016-02-19 15:22 | Report Abuse

Nobody can pick the top or bottom. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish. Just buy when others feared for their life. You won't be wrong.

Happy Trading.


2016-02-19 15:10 | Report Abuse

Again buy call as you are buying at the lowest. This is also the time where nobody wants to get on board. BUY !!!


2016-02-19 15:05 | Report Abuse

Ummmmm, i was just wondering how come if capital reduction of 50% share price should double as in its earlier exercise. When XOX did a share consolidation from 2 to 1 on 13/11/2015, its share price doubled from RM 0.19 to RM 0.38 which subsequently went up to RM 0.705.

So am just confuse why if this time consolidate 2 to 1 again the share price going to be halve?

Happy Trading


2016-02-19 13:20 | Report Abuse

Whoever are the operators of XOX have done a good job. They are like what good actors suppose to perform. Good actors can made you laugh, cry, suspend, excited and confuse at the same time. Similarly good stock operators can make you high on excitement (when it shot up to RM 0.70), hopeful when it starts to drop RM 0.70 to RM 0.40, panic when they press it below RM 0.30 and finally despair or (totally lost hope) as is now.

When XOX was the hottest during Nov and DEC 2015 everyone was very excited and setting TP of RM 0.80, RM 0.90 and even RM 1.00. The comments on XOX forum reached more than 300 in a single day. But When things started to turn sour in January 2016 interest wanes. People just lost interest and disappeared from commenting. Nowadays it only left with a few diehards commenting.

Thus, when the operators start playing XOX up above RM 0.20 again then interest will again return. They are going to create interest in this counter again with rosy reports and announcements. Investors will again bullish as they say 'this time is different'. Unfortunately it was never different but the same old boom bust cycle again. Investors are going to get trap lock, stock and barrel again. It works like a charm each time. However this time the operators are going to unload their huge pile of stocks this time.

Hence my hats off to the operators of XOX. TABIK ...

Happy Trading


2016-02-19 09:27 | Report Abuse

Composite Index approaching 1700. New Bull market in the making.


2016-02-19 09:23 | Report Abuse

Last buy call before they ram it up soon !! Sellers exhausted. Buyers in command.


2016-02-18 17:57 | Report Abuse

I presented only one scenario as in Tiger's case. Tiger's RI was also undersubscribed. Operators began pushing the price of Tiger shares from RM 0.065 when the rights issue was announced on 13/01/2016 to RM 0.09. Similarly after the payment date they pressed it down to RM 0.045. Thus every investor holding Tiger mother shares are decimated. Now that the mother share stays at RM 0.05 nobody can escape without taking a loss except those who subscribed to the RI where they also receive free warrants and bonus shares.

Their average cost is RM 0.06. As of today with the listing of new shares plus warrants only those with free warants make money and hence able to exit. Today's closing Tiger RM 0.05 and Tiger-wc RM 0.02 hence total RM 0.07 are able to make a profit of RM 0.01 or 16%. You just have to wonder how come Tiger-WC with a conversion price of RM 0.08 trading at RM 0.02? It is way out of the money. Post conversion price for Tiger-wc is RM 0.08 + RM 0.02 = RM 0.10. This represents a premium of 100% over the current price of the mother at RM 0.05. Who in the right mind to buy Tiger-WC which is 100% overpriced? Of course lah the operators.

The second scenario is when they play up the mother as well. If in the next few weeks thety decided to push Tiger shares back to the RM 0.06 to RM 0.09 then what will happen to Tiger-WC? It will be trading somewhere between RM 0.03 to RM 0.05 since most retailers going to buy the warrants as they give more bang for their money. So just think how much profits will the operators looking into since they are controlling most of Tiger-WC.

I hope we are also looking at the same scenario here in XOX. They will hold on to XOX while at the same time play up XOX-wa next week.

Happy Trading


2016-02-18 17:08 | Report Abuse

Doji is a signal for trend reversal


2016-02-18 16:55 | Report Abuse

That's exactly what i mean. Undersubscription of 155 million shares go to where? Obviously go to the underwriters. If you have been playing shares for long you should know that underwriters = operators. Similar to private placements. Private placements to who? Not you and me for sure but private placements to operators.

Thus in this case 155 million shares plus free warrants @ RM 0.20 is a bloody steal to the operators as most od the warrants (155 million) are in their hands. Like Tiger all they need is to play up the warrants on the first day. While leaving those holding the mother shares bite the dust. They are here to cari makan and not do charity work.

Happy Trading


2016-02-18 16:17 | Report Abuse

The problem with the share market is it works on reverse psychology. The more negative are the investors the more bullish are the operators. When investors are at their maximum pessimism then the path to resistance to higher price will be at the weakest.

That's where the point we are currently at the present moment. Maximum bearishness. Thus XOX will have the least resistance in its climb upwards.

Happy Trading


2016-02-18 15:37 | Report Abuse

Looking at Tiger's listing of new shares plus Tiger-wc, it is a very encouraging sign. As with tiger before the rights issue it was rammed up to RM 0.09. When the rights was out again rammed down to RM 0.045. Thus those apply for the rights with warrants and bonus, their average cost is about RM 0.06.

With today's listing of the new shares plus the warrants investors got about RM 0.075. Hence it gve a return of about 25%. For the who bought all the way from RM 0.09 down to RM 0.05 they earned nothing. Hence it will be the same for XOX. If the mother share can maintain at RM 0.16 and above, those who subscribed for the rights stand to gained. This is because i reckon the XOX-wa will be priced betweem RM 0.05 to RM 0.08. As for those who did not subscribed then it is too bad.

Happy Trading.


2016-02-18 10:30 | Report Abuse

Selling has exhausted since monday. Volume is very thin. XOX is waiting for "take off".
Look at Tiger. Mother at RM 0.05. Tiger-wc at RM 0.02 0 RM 0.025. Just think how much XOX-wa will worth?


2016-02-17 13:36 | Report Abuse

I guess the operators of XOX has done a good job in frustrating all the speculators. A lot of naive investors thought that the stock market is an ATM machine. Put RM 5000 in today and expect to withdraw RM 10,000 the following week. Majority of investors are not willing to put in efforts to do proper analysis and forecasting. What they want is a 'quick fix' or fast money. The faster the better. Thus the theory of 'castle in the air' investing is born. Everybody gets in when the stock is bullish and hoping the next fellow will buy it from them at a higher price. They think that there is a sucker born every minute. Thus this feed back loop of higher prices will go on as long as there are greater fools willing to buy from them at higher prices. However this will end when the market ran out of fools. This is what happening to XOX when it went up from RM 0.08 to RM 0.705.

Now that the bubble has burst, those who bought at higher prices hope to average down their purchase price by calling for ridiculous TP like RM 0.15, RM 0.10 and RM 0.05. Normally this will not happen because there will always be investors with 'smart money' who knows the true value of XOX. They dont base their buying decisions on 'castle in the air' theory but on the theory of 'Firm Foundation' valuation of stocks. They will be the ones that will be accumulating quietly.

The basic fundamental determinant of a stock price will be the present and future value of dividends the company is expected to pay. What determines the dividend and thus the firm foundation of a stock?

1. The expected growth rate of the company.

2. The expected dividend payout

3. The degree of risk the stock carries (bankrupcy, negative earnings, out of favour industry, large litigation case)

4. The level of interest rates. Higher interest rates means investors will park their money into other interest bearing assets instead of the stock market. If our interest rate zooms up to 8% who will want to invest in the stock market knowing there is no certainty in its return. Thus a rational only willing to pay for higher prices for a stock when interest rate is low.

Thus if you based your stock purchase on firm foundation valuation you will save yourself from speculative frenzies. But the problem not many people practice firm foundation valuation because it involves too much work.

Another important factor in winning in the market is the ability to analyze crowd behavior at present and in the future. Thus a successful investor will gain an advantage if he knows whether investors are building castle in the air or acting on firm foundation valuations. John Maynard Keynes a very famous economist is known to trade from his bed for one hour each morning by analysing the crowd behavior. This leisurely methos of investing earned him millions of pounds and more that 10 fold increase in market value for the Endowment Fund of his college, King's College, Cambridge.

In short invest smart.

Happy Trading


2016-02-17 10:02 | Report Abuse

Bursa should break 1671 which was set on 10/02/2016 today. Thereon it will test the 1706 level set on the 30/12/2015. It will put it above the MAV 100 which will be mid term bullish.


2016-02-17 09:22 | Report Abuse

Just be a little bit patient. Bursa exploding and so does XOX. XOX will explode up unexpectedly, not when everybody is expecting. Just remember when everybody is least bullish then the path to higher prices is the least resistant.

Be patient. You will be rewarded.

Happy Trading.


2016-02-16 13:01 | Report Abuse

Anyway the main reason for the turnaround of Keyasic is due to the completion of its R&D on SPG101 and SPG 102 chips. It is now ready for shipment.Theirr K-Card is the fastest SD Wifi Card in the world. Thus they are capitalizing on the IOT (internet of things) whose market is expected to be worth more than USD 100 billion in the next five years.

Moreover Khazanah Nasional is their second largest shareholder with 20.7%. Read it here.

This might be a potential goldmine as its share is cornered. Look at the volume traded daily mostly less than 3 million shares.

Happy Trading.


2016-02-16 10:07 | Report Abuse

There are some stocks that are havung a whale of a time like keyasic. It recorded a low of RM 0.105 on 15/12/2015 when it retraced from RM 0.25 on10/09/2015. Today it is trading at a high of RM 0.215 which is about a110% gain in 2 months. With the volume today i reckon it will break the RM 0.25 level recorded back in 10/09/2015.

So don't despair. Just be a little bit patient. XOX has been building a solid base since begining of this year. Waiting to explode up.

Happy trading.


2016-02-16 09:56 | Report Abuse

Bursa never on the downtrend since February when DOW Jones, Nikkei, HangSeng, Shanghai Composite and European bourses was battered. Our Bursa not only hold on very well but buckle the trend and went up from 1600 points in 21/01/2016 till 1649 points yesterday.

Thus there is no such thing as Bursa on the downtrend. Check your facts folks and down talk BS here. Bursa has already began on its uptrend,and the next target is 1708 points.

Happy Trading


2016-02-16 09:32 | Report Abuse

No volume means selling is exhausted thus no more distribution. When selling exhausted what will come next? Buying !!


2016-02-16 09:26 | Report Abuse

Final call to buy at RM 0.17 for those who bought at RM 0.25 and above to average purchase cost before it moves up.


2016-02-15 17:00 | Report Abuse

Final call to buy before QR announcement expected this week. Better than expected result. Buy before push above RM 0.20 for those who bought at RM 0.30 to average down their losses. Final chance to average your cost.

Don't say i didn't warn you folks !!


2016-02-15 16:01 | Report Abuse

Last buy call before next move above RM 0.20.