
cksam | Joined since 2015-05-20

Investing Experience Advanced
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Formerly a corporate Treasurer in a Bank in NZ





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2016-03-14 21:19 | Report Abuse

Anyway one of my target has been hit. See below.

Feb 16, 2016 09:56 AM | Report Abuse

Bursa never on the downtrend since February when DOW Jones, Nikkei, HangSeng, Shanghai Composite and European bourses was battered. Our Bursa not only hold on very well but buckle the trend and went up from 1600 points in 21/01/2016 till 1649 points yesterday.

Thus there is no such thing as Bursa on the downtrend. Check your facts folks and down talk BS here. Bursa has already began on its uptrend,and the next target is 1708 points.

Happy Trading


2016-03-14 18:59 | Report Abuse

Well with all the recent news from the grapevine, insiders and rumours I would like to declare my stand. I am a PERMA BULL on XOX. If you look at the RSI chart on XOX you will see there is a divergent in the price and indicator strength. RSI is gaining strength while XOX price is going down. it is an indication of a solid inner-strength building within this share. Divergence between price and indicator is the only signal i trust. The rest of the indicators like japanese candle stick, Ichimoku, mahendra trading signal or even Turtle F1 signals are NOT reliable in their buy/sell signals. I repeat they are NOT RELIABLE.

Divergence is one of the the MOST PREDICTABLE buy/sell signals. From what i see and from the volume traded for the past few months where XOX shares always traded on the Top 20 volume says it all. It will remain trading in the Top 20 by volume in the coming months where is share price not in the Downtrend but Uptrend.

I foresee XOX will be the next STAR PERFORMER in Bursa like Vivocom and Ifcamsc in the past.

The negative view that i posted just now was a farce just to scare the shit out of those contra players. Nothing to fear. You judge for yourselves on XOX. My last purchase of XOX shares was 2 weeks ago when it touched RM 0.15. You can check my previous post. I will be buying again if it touch RM 0.13.

You guys go open up the RSI chart and see for yourselves whether what i said was true. RSI held steady while XOX share price was dumped.

Happy Trading


2016-03-14 18:15 | Report Abuse

OMG !! inverted hammer in the chart. Sure 100% will go down tommorow. Chart says must sell tommorow morning. No more hope for this counter. It is done with or already become what the malay says 'Ikan Masin'. Selllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Happy Trading


2016-03-14 18:09 | Report Abuse

OMG another bad news from insiders. Directors caught cooking their books by the SC. Profits over declared by 50%. XOX might be suspended tommorow for investigation. End of the world, Cannot sell tommorow morning. Total loss. Damn must runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn first thing in the morning if there is a chance.

Happy Trading


2016-03-14 17:01 | Report Abuse

I heard from the grapevine that one of the operators of XOX is having a margin call. So i think you all better sell everything tommorow morning. Give it to the buyers first thing in the morning so that you can collect back cheaper in the afternoon.

I also heard there are rumours of infighting in the company anf that is why the share price keep going down. Selling will be done by proxies tommorow by the millions of shares.

Heck, i am thinking of unloading everything before it is too late. Runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn and dont look back !!

Happy Trading


2016-03-14 16:52 | Report Abuse

Good move


2016-03-14 16:40 | Report Abuse

jstockman, i think you should cut NOW at RM 0.14 before it is too late. The sky is going to come down, faster cut loss. Don't wait. Rumnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Happy Trading


2016-03-14 13:08 | Report Abuse

Interesting development in XOX. XOX seems to be absorbing the selling pressure from last Tuesday's huge volume of 110 million shares pretty well. Most transaction are done between RM 0.145 and RM 0.15.

Mind you, this is the biggest volume transacted since 17/12/2015. Able to absorbed such big volume without distraction to the share price is already an indication of market strength. As said there are bigger players quietly collecting while our experts here kept fighting with other and at the same time trying to make RM 0.005 to RM 0.01 playing contra for their next dinner?

From the look of it those contra players will be further squeezed in the afternoon as some of them might be holding on to shares valued between RM 0.16 to RM 0.175. So instead of getting some suckers to pay for their dinner tonight they have to buy dinner for others. What an irony !!

Looking at share movement this morning, the gyrating up and down of the share price was done to shake out those contra players. This led me to opined that there might be some action this afternoon especially after 4:00 pm. Again there might be some mysterious buyers appearing out of nowhere and gobble up all the shares parked at RM 0.15 and RM 0.155. Hope we can see some fireworks after 4:00 pm today.

Happy Trading


2016-03-13 22:22 | Report Abuse

I am quite new to this forum less than a year i would say. What i found here and other stock market forums are the same. Every investor is seeking no risk return. That means everybody is seeking positive return for their investment all the time. If you have been long enough in the market you know that this does not exist.

There is NO RETURN when there is NO RISK. Even if you put your money in a bank there is always a counter-party risk i.e the bank. Banks can go bankrupt even in Malaysia. I am sure many of you realised the MBF saga.A lot of investors bought MBF shares when it dived from about RM 3.00 to RM 0.50. Needless to say what happens. Total loss. If you put your money under the mattress you still risk theft. So where can you find no risk situations?

An interesting research by two professors of University of Chicago in 1982 on stock market performance from 1926 to 1981 revealed a few interesting facts about risks. See Ibbottson and Sinquefield's Stock, Bonds and Inflation. The past and the future, 1982. Their findings can be summarised below.

1. Common stocks return 9.1% averaged over this 56 years period compared to 3% for Government Bonds and 3.6% for corporate bonds while inflation rate averaged 3%. This shows that common stocks outperformed other assets and the inflation rate. But how about risk?

They found that risk as measured by standard deviation differs between different assets. See below.

Return % Standard deviation
Stocks 9.1% 21.9%
Bonds 3.6% 5.6%
Inflationn 3.0% 5.1%

Thus it can be seen that the higher the return from stocks (9.1%) the higher the risk (SD 21.9%). To intepret this to a layman is simple. Stocks with a SD of 21.9% means that the stock price can fluctuate by 21.9 from the 9.1% average return. This means in a bad year stock price may lose 12.8% (21.9% - 9.1%) and in a good year stock price may gain 31% (21.9% + 9.1%).

Thus the moral of the story is clear. If you are too conservative in your investment approach then you are bound to be relegated to meager investment returns. To enhance your portfolio return you have to take calculated and intelligent risk. Another thing that must be noted from the Ibbottson study is that higher return from stocks is due to its higher standard deviation (risk) in nature. Other characteristics emerged from the study also identified the following features in portfolio management.

1. The portfolio once constructed, remained relatively static. Individual stocks are not actively 'bought and sold'

2. The portfolio's performance was gauged over the long run so that the full return capabilities could be captured. This also enabled the good years averaged out the bad years.

In fact it was not all smooth sailing for stocks to gained an average of 9.1% throughout the 56 years. During the first 7 years (1926 - 1932) during the great depression, stocks lost an average of -3.3% per year. Return in 1933 was +54%, 1935 was 47.7%, 1936 was 33.9%. Thus when averaged up from 1926 to 1936 the average return was 8.1%

This shows that have you abandon the market in 1932 out of frustration then you would have missed out on the subsequent runup. The message is clear even in the worst of times (Great Depression) the worst stock market decline will eventually reverse course. Hence calculated risk does have its rewards.

Likewise XOX is now trading at RM 0.145 a more than 80% decline from the high of RM 0.705. How much more can it go down? Another 5 or 10%? What are the chances it will reverse course? If it is already downed more than 80% then the remaining risk is less than 20% so the chances of it reversing course is hif=gher than 80%. RIGHT?

So to those scaremongers out there if you don't know how to intepret market actions and apply calculated risk please shut the F**ed up.

Happy Trading


2016-03-13 16:19 | Report Abuse

Sometimes human psychology is too complex to understand. Just consider the following.

1. We patiently wait in queue in a petrol station to fill up our tank so as to save RM 50 when petrol prices goes up.

2. We will go around our neighbourhood to shop for the best price (lowest price) for a new aircond.

3. We browse through super market flyers before we hit for the stores before our weekly shopping supplies so that we get the best bargain (lowest price)?

4. We ask around which foreman gives the most bang for our money (lowest price) before we send our car for servicing.

5. We shop around for the best price (lowest price) for our new furniture before we commit.

But when it comes to investing it should be considered the most important decision as it involves tens to hundreds of thousands. Yet we neglected our instinct on getting the best bang for out buck and buying at bargain basement prices (lowest price). We acted foolishly by not only buying at bargain basement prices but without ever consulting others. We start throwing tantrums when the stock go lower each time we buy because the f**king market is not acting the way we want it. This is because we all thought we are already experts and don't need the advise of others as the chinese way of saying 'eat more salt than rice'.

Jusy ask yourselves " Why are we not buying when the share price is at the lowest like now?" and when the company is doing well. Why we tend to buy expensive (chasing prices up) when everyone is on the buying frenzy as if it is a limited edition goods?

ALL because we are f**king GREEDY. We want instant gratification. Buy TODAY and make f**king money YESTERDAY is the best investment mantra to them. To those who still think that the stock market is a place where castles are built in the air then the sad truth is that they still have many more losing years to come.

Happy Trading


2016-03-13 13:36 | Report Abuse

Dear all, just came back from a holiday overseas. Well XOX shares seems to be battered but to me there is no alarm. To a layman the selloff on friday represents the end of XOX. To me it is just a knee jerk reaction of panic investors to the to the selloff. It is known as 'selling begets selling' which resulted in selling because everybody is selling. But after you look at the company announcement it was all due to the implementation of the SIS.

SIS is another form of private placement.Why worry when tons of company doing it nowadays. It is another form of capital raisinf since SC will not allow another RI in the next 1-2 years. Look at VIVOCOM, KNM and other companies they too do multiple rounds od private placements during their course of listings. Investors normally react negatively towards such schemes as they view that it will only benefit those preferential investors. What i would like to say is that it is good in a way that it provide a baseline for the share price.

Like now i reckon most if not all investors (incl operators and owners) are losing money in XOX since it is now trading below the RI price. So what to worry. Only those play short term and contra will have sleepless nights. Again ! XOX is not for contra players. Just buy and wait and why gets into the daily act of following the price gyrations which will affect you psychologically. When you see people dumping in loads then you start panicking and soon follows the act. Before you reaised XOX might have just bottomed at that moment and started its next bull run.

Since we know that the management is doing its job and company is making money why worry whether the share price will appreciate tommorow. It will be reflected sooner or later as we are not the only onvestors in XOX. There are other bigger investors watching and slowly accumulating.

Another reason for holding on is XOX has been base building since December 2015. If you look at its history the longest buse building XOX has was about 3.5 months back in 2015. Thus the longer the base building the bigger will be the next uptrend. Always remember in the next uptrend the total amount of shares accumulated during the base building = total number of shares to be distributed in the uptrend.

So why get upset for nothing without understanding what is going on behind the scene?

Happy Trading


2016-03-08 13:29 | Report Abuse

In a similar vein, i reckon this morning's XOX mother share might be a transfer of shares from the underwriters to the operator. Huge blocks of 0.5 million shares change hands at times. There is no way retail investors gobble up 0.5 million shares at one go. This is done while the share price is not moving or stagnant. That's why i say something BIG is going on in XOX.

Happy Trading


2016-03-08 13:25 | Report Abuse

Similar accumulation seen in the warrant. But huge blocks on the sell side. I reckon those are from the underwritters who have taken up the unsubscribed portion anounting to about 140 million. Holding on to shares for a profit is not an Underwriter's priority. Their main priority is to earn commision from the company which is undertaking the exercise.

Getting their money stuck in one company means loss of oppurtunity of getting another business elsewhere. They need to get some operators to play up the shares so they can liquidate their positions. Again, they are not in the business of share speculation. They are commision earners.

Happy Trading


2016-03-08 12:59 | Report Abuse

Red Alert to all XOX investors !! There might be a big push this afternoon after seeing some big accounts accumulating this morning. There is a chance XOX going to close GREEN this afternoon after looking at the bulk of their accumulation this morning.

Please note that this morning's transaction at RM 0.17 + RM 0.175 totalled about 31 million shares and accounts for about 50% of transaction in the first session. The rest of the 50% transacted volume was distributed between RM 0.16 + RM 0.165.

If i am not mistaken today's volume will be bigger than yesterday's 81 million. This is very healthy as we know that some big accounts are solidifying their positions. Thus what i can say is that we won't be seeing the RM 0.155 price level for a long time to come. For those who wish to collect at RM 0.15 and below, i wish you good luck !! Just remember when shares move it won't wait for you. For those who have doubts then please keep stay at the sidelines. For those who are thinking of using OPM (other people's money i.e stock broker t+4) i wish you all the best because you are going to have sleepless nights playing XOX.

For those who are holding for mid term (2-4 weeks) just hang on guys and you will be rewarded in the next 1 or 2 weeks.

Happy Trading


2016-03-08 10:20 | Report Abuse

From what i see here,Ii seems like there is a change of shares between few accounts. More like transfering shares from left to right. No panic selling here as those transactions are dominated (>80%) by only a few big accounts. I reckon when the receiving accounts fully accumulated then it will be interesting.

This is normally done when operators want to spread their holdings before the big push so as not to show themselves by reporting and filing to the SC end of the day.Hold on tight fellows, as said something BIG is going on. To a normal investor this looks like a distribution and operators are getting out. To me it looks more like transfering shares between accounts before the big push.

If the operator wants out it could have gone by this morning and volume will be 1/10 of yesterday's. But look at the volume, i reckon will be bigger than yesterday's 81 million shares. Sell if you are in panic mode but hold if you have the guts. Again XOX is not for contra players.

Happy Trading


2016-03-07 17:20 | Report Abuse

Today's XOX trade is very important. Closing with RM 0.02 up is nothing compared to the HUGE volume traded today. The last time XOX made such big volume was back in December 2015. The implication of today's trade is the announcement of Big players coming into this stock.

Yup, we might see some profit taking in the morning tommorow but i reckon something BIG is brewing in XOX. It might explode up in these two days. So keep an eye on this one. It is going to be a BIG winner. Just hold on to it so as to maximise your return in the next few weeks.

Happy Trading.


2016-03-07 16:12 | Report Abuse

Heck, where the hell is richkid when we needed him to promote this counter?


2016-03-07 10:06 | Report Abuse

We will see positive sentiment when those 7.5 million shares parked at RM 0.15 is cleared.


2016-03-07 10:03 | Report Abuse

Withdrawing 2 million shares from the buy queue did not create panic selling. Sellers did not dump their shares at RM 0.145. This is important as operator is testing the waters. Unlike previous days when buyers withdraw from buy queue sellers will dump their shares.


2016-03-07 10:00 | Report Abuse

Today might be the day they will push XOX by looking at the manuevers. Where are all the XOX promoters by the way?


2016-03-04 20:10 | Report Abuse

OlaOla, yes please. Please provide us with your weekly P & L starting this monday till today. If you really do make money day trading every day then i can introduce you to some private equity firms. Because they had one hell of a tough time even making 3-4% per year. Most fund managers got whacked inside out.

Two of the biggest Pension Funds in America namely CalPERS and CalSTRS with funds totalling $300 billion and $190 billion only manage to gain 2.4% and 4.8% respective for last year. This is the link.

Our EPF only has about $100 billion as compared to them and giving out dividend > 6.5%is a suspect. I reckon they are all a Ponzi Scheme meaning using new contributors money to pay for monthly obligation to pensioned contributors.

Even hedge funds are losing in record numbers and closing shop. See below.

So if you really do make money day in and day out, my salute and respect to you. I shall call you Sifu.

Happy Trading


2016-03-04 17:17 | Report Abuse

OlaOla, please don't make a fool out of yourself. There are 781 lots changed hands today at RM 0.145. In totality there are 12 transactions. However none of the accounts match any of the 7 accounts that transacted at RM 0.155 yesterday. So now we know who is bull shitting. Just suck up with your losses because nobody going to say you are dumb.

Happy Trading


2016-03-03 17:40 | Report Abuse

OlaOla_bola may i know what is your CDS number. You said you sold at RM 0.155. There are only 353 lots done with 7 transactions. I wonder if you are so lucky to sell at RM 0.155. I am just curious and would like to clarify from the audit trail.

Happy Trading


2016-03-02 20:59 | Report Abuse

MC88, If your emotions are easily swayed by the daily ups and downs of the market i suggest you first learn how to discipline yourself. If you cannot control; your emotions then don't invest in the stock market. If you want to improve i can recommend you one book to start off with. And that is 'Trading for a Living' by Dr Alexander Elder. If you cannot control your emotions whatever your past winnings will not be enough to cover your losses tommorow.

Happy Trading


2016-03-02 19:26 | Report Abuse

Don't be distracted by the daily gyrations unless you are a contra player. If you are looking at your trading screen every minute then this is what you will end up with. Emotionally unstable caused by the daily minor ups and downs. Those investors will end up with the " can't see the forest for the trees" syndrome. That means they are too concentrated with the minute by minute movement of the stock till they failed to notice the overall macro trend.

What i can say is that XOX is currently gaining momentum from its base building since the past one week. The immediate overhead resistance is RM 0.165 and will be expected to be taken out soon. Signs are already shown in the indicators. Ready to explode up. As said a lot of contra players are throwing in their towel as they have been burnt numerous times. Many have tried to doubled up their bets in the hope they will recover their losses in twice the speed. Heck they got caught again and losses more.

Playing contra is almost closed to impossibe if you don't have the tools to compete with the professionals. If you have played the market long enough you should noticed that most of the time your actions is being watched. There seems to be people knew how to squeeze you till you make maximum losses on your contra trade. Instead of selling in the morning usually when the price is at the high, contra players usually try to sell as late as possible (just before 4.30 force sell time). Normally during forced selling time (4.00 to 4.30 pm) the stock price will usually trade at the lowest. It is as if someone is watching you.

How do they do it? Some sophisticated operators use API (Application Program Interface) to link up to their online trading software so that they can do data mining. Any transaction regarding say XOX will be processed and stored end of the day. In real time they are able to see who are the ones queuing at the buy and sell side. On top of that they also know how much each account bought and sold today, last week, last month or 3 months ago will be registered and stored.

Thus from the raw data they will know which account will normally swing trade (1-4 days) from their end of day buy and sell matching engine. They will also roughly know how much more is due for force selling after netting off the buy and sell matching. Hence if there are still quite a large amount of outstanding unmatch stocks then they will delay their push or instead accumulate more on lower prices.

In summary, short term trading is almost always a losing game.

Happy Trading


2016-03-02 16:05 | Report Abuse

Our focal point has appear again


2016-03-02 10:34 | Report Abuse

Wow ! Negative comentators suddenly appeared from the woodworks when there was no "follow through" buying frenzy of XOX shares at the opening this morning. No doubt short term traders are jumping up and down not being able to cash out their RM 0.005 contra gain. Now sitting on the fence whether to liquidate or not at RM 0.15 as buyers retreated from parking 6 million lots to less than 2 million lots.

If this persist till 4.30 today, i reckon many short term players will again throw in the towel and liquidate. If not they will be making another loss when sellers starting to queue at RM 0.15 tomorrow.

Well this is the consequence if you play contra and short term. Always influence by the minor gyrations in the market. Now what happens if the buy queue suddenly swell back to 6 million shares and buyers starting to clear up the 4.5 million shares at RM 0.155? Negative mindset again turned positive and short term players once again became bullish?

How many times can you switch back and forth between bullishness and bearishness? You need professionalism to play the stock market today and not act in accordance to the whims and fancy of market emotions. In short you need to study the analytics of the market which can be accrued from RAW Data. The use of data analytics will become the trend of the future in making money from investments. Thus it applies not only to stocks, bonds, futures but also physicals like oil and gold. With the use of BIG DATA shale oil companies are able to overcome their disadvantage and became extremely profitable.

I present to you the following article which will open the eyes of many investors why shale oil companies with the use of BIG-DATA are able to front run large oil companies like Saudi Aramco, Petrobras and so on.

Happy Trading


2016-03-01 17:20 | Report Abuse

Remember what i said earlier, our focal point (operator) queing 1.5 million shares in the sell queue suddenly shifted position to buy queue. I guess our focal point has collected enough and it is time to move up XOX shares soon.

Happy Trading


2016-03-01 16:52 | Report Abuse

Well XOX experts are coming out of the woodworks again?


2016-03-01 16:11 | Report Abuse

Look at the buy volume at the buy side 21 million shares vs 12 million on the sell side.


2016-03-01 16:10 | Report Abuse

Anyway our focal point (operator) has appeared just now. I reckon it will push today.


2016-03-01 13:27 | Report Abuse

Headlines : Times are TOUGH for Contra players

Recent developments in the stock market have routed many contra players. Many have tried to make quick bucks as they have done during the mini bull run last year but failed miserably in recent months. Instead many have lost heavily due to the consistent slide in stock prices. Those who betted short term got creamed in the recent downturn which was "slow for longer" thus evaporated any hopes for a rebound to cash out.

Instead of staying on the sidelines short term players tried their luck repeatedly so as to "take revenge" for their losses. Needless to say they got into more trouble then anticipated. Some have given up hopes for any rebound but there still exist some diehards who feels that there is still a chance making money playing contra. Nevertheless the entire market sentiment have move from being cautiously bullish to bearish. It will be a challenge for short term players to make quick profits.

To play on such markets understanding market psychology is of utmost importance. If you look at the entire market landscape (KLSE), most stocks got battered since last year. Thus when a stock got battered which operator in the right mind will immediately push the stock price up even if earnings were to have doubled?

Take XOX for example. Profits have been up by more than 300% recently why it's share price has yet to move up so as to price in the news? Sadly to say many contra players got "screwed" by the operators for not playing up the counter. As a result many investors were disappointed and started talking negatively about this counter. Why the share price did not price in the earnings news?

First, for any investors for the matter just put yourselves in the shoe of an operator. If you are a smart operator then you will wait until every investors got fed up and totally given up hope and throw in the towel. When you look at the volume that transacted when XOX was dropping from RM 0.705 to RM 0.014 which averaged around 200 million shares. Who in the right mind will immediately play up the shares and let those investor that got trapped "EXIT" ? There are thoiusands of investors that are holding on to EXPENSIVE shares from RM 0.705 and below. So for every cent they markup there are probably millions of shares ready to unload. This excluding all those CONTRA players hoping to make a quick gain at the expense of the operators because at the end of the day the operators are the ones left holding the baby.

I would say only numb skull operators will only do that. If you can remember during our Super Bull Run in 1993 or 2000 companies like Repco and Hwatai share price hit RM 200 and RM 180 respectively. Those are amateur operators because they are setting up their own trap. They are unable to EXIT and keep on pushing up the shares until they have no more funds. So in the end those shares ended up with multiple limit downs until it was suspended.

So, nowadays modern day operators are not suckers as they have learned their lessons. They are using investor psychology to outwit investors like you and me. If you don't play along with their game then your chances of losing will be should i say 99%. So think properly our enemy (operators) are not those Chinaman or illeterate share cornering syndicates anymore. Some employed qualified fund managers and analysts to help them manipulate a counter because stock market manipulation is big business now. Just look at how professional those funeral directors are at the present. Now they are wearing ties, suits coupled with Toyota Alphard, Estima and so on as funeral cars. TIMES has changed folks.

Contra play will always lose in the long run. You can only make money if you are into High Frequency Trading or HFT. If not the only way is to play their game Buy and Hold.

Happy Trading


2016-03-01 09:20 | Report Abuse

XOX is NOT for CONTRA full stop. You need patience if want to make money in this stock. At least the price is stabilizing. If it is not going down further where do you think it will go next? Upppppppppppppppp. As said contra kaki will lose multiple times in this counter. Be patient.... What is the point of rushing since It takes 9 months to give birth to a baby.

Happy Trading


2016-02-29 18:16 | Report Abuse

Typo OPM


2016-02-29 18:15 | Report Abuse

XOX is NOT for CONTRA full stop. Need me to mention umpteen times? Those who are using OPS (other people's money) to play the share market will always lose in the long run. When you are not using your own money to play there is always a sense of uncertainty because the longer you hold the nearer the dateline (T+4) to cut loss. You will have sleepless nights. If you are playing with money you can afford to lose then you are more stable psychologically and definitely no need to worry about daily gyrations which cause your heartbeat to go TICK TOCK TICK TOCK ....

In short, if you don't have extra money or money you can afford to lose then don't invest in the share market. You will always get burnt in the share market if you use OPR.

Happy Trading


2016-02-29 10:25 | Report Abuse

Want proof? Like now there are hardly any comments on this forum. But when XOX price hits RM 0.16 or RM 0.17 this forum will be full of comments. "XOX Experts" again will be out of the woodworks or start appearing and again issuing TP like RM 0.20, RM 0.25, RM 0.30 and so on. You just be the judge whether it is correct.


2016-02-29 10:11 | Report Abuse

Ummmmmm, not prediction bi=ut bsed on facts. If you look back at the market depth for the past 2 weeks when XOX was falling. The market depth of total sellers (million lots) are normally doubles that of the buyers. But since the end of last week sellers has tapers off. Normally those who place the large volumes on the sell side are also buyers so as to scare potential sellers to sell at a lower price. Hence potential buyers also scare to buy and keep on waiting for lower prices and confirmation then only they buy.

How low is low? Then out of no where all those sellers will turned buyers if you can see their accouts. They are sellers for the past few weeks but turned buyers recently. So now they have accumulated enough stocks and it's time to push up the price. So that those buyers who are half hearted will start their buying frenzy once XOX start to move. This saves the operators time and money as those half hearted buyers turned full time promoter of the stock. That's how they play the market.

Happy Trading.


2016-02-29 10:01 | Report Abuse

Do you want to be the "smart money" buying or "dumb money" selling?


2016-02-29 09:57 | Report Abuse

They are the 'smart money' buyers


2016-02-29 09:56 | Report Abuse

Buyers keep coming in to accumulate at RM 0.15


2016-02-29 09:41 | Report Abuse

KLCI will rise BIG today. Normally when KLCI openss low and recovers it normally close high on the positive territory. KLCI should be up by 5-10 points today.


2016-02-29 09:38 | Report Abuse

RM 0.155 will be taken out in no time.


2016-02-29 09:37 | Report Abuse

If you look at the depth of 5 there are there are 26.08 million lots on the buy side and 16.18 million lots on the sell side.


2016-02-29 09:33 | Report Abuse

XOX will move up real fast when RM 0.155 is taken out.


2016-02-29 09:10 | Report Abuse

Buy whenever others are in fear. XOX is starting to pivot from the bottom. Time to buy if you ask me. Morever operator is already in.


2016-02-26 16:24 | Report Abuse

Thomson Reuters Datastream Professional


2016-02-26 16:07 | Report Abuse



2016-02-26 16:02 | Report Abuse

There are few accounts i am tracking. One has been accumulating since begining of month when XOX was sliding from RM 0.20 till now. Today it bought quite a substantial. I reckon it might be the mover and shaker. Thus it will be my focal point. Meaning when it buy i will follow and when it sell so do i.

Happy Trading


2016-02-26 10:10 | Report Abuse

Don't think that there are only only 1.6 million shares on the buy side vs 13 million shares on the sell side scares you off. Sometimes this is the Psy-Op of operators. Parking only about 10% of sellers as buyers makes most people doubtful? People always want certainty like putting 20 million shares on the buy side.

What i can say is that there is something brewing in XOX. Buyers might come from no where and start gobbling up the 13 million shares. If big sellers are panic they could have off load yesterday or on wednesday Why wait till today?. This looks more like the pattern of a market bottom and bottom fishing if you ask me. This is the time for COURAGE if you want to make money and don't be scare off by the thin buy volume.

Happy Trading.


2016-02-26 09:53 | Report Abuse

Just Buy lah when everyone doesn't. You won't be wronged....