
cpteh | Joined since 2011-04-03

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile High





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2012-04-30 21:35 | Report Abuse

Hi yungshen1

can I know why KNM is very strong? I would appreciate it if you could tell us base on what it is strong?

Hope you wont mind to share your views.



News & Blogs

2012-04-24 15:05 | Report Abuse

ghee ... wow! thanks ... err ... i m not beautiful, please. haha

News & Blogs

2012-04-24 13:59 | Report Abuse


glad there is someone out there nice such beautiful pieces, certainly nicer than my 3A charts.

i m not really happy or sad about stocks, actually. no worry.

thanks again for liking


News & Blogs

2012-04-24 11:22 | Report Abuse

Hi Michael

Dali's and Alex's? I do like.


News & Blogs

2012-04-24 08:56 | Report Abuse

morning colin

watchlist, shortlist and stalklist different ma. hehe



2012-04-23 17:05 | Report Abuse

perhaps buy at when RSI below 20, or at 1.05? still need more shake-out. just my opinion and my plan.

News & Blogs

2012-04-23 08:21 | Report Abuse

Hi khwong

Thanks a lot for sharing of the info. The purpose of posting such is to make awareness to many(who might think of withdrawing EPF ... it is a/c I ... for trading purposes). I am not sure about the so-called scam, but it is good for some kind people like you to point out to many.

Hope more will come out to speak about it, for general interests.

I have not withdrawn my a/c II for housing purposes, so I do not have much idea of the scheme.

Thanks again for spending some of your time to point it out for all.


2012-04-20 22:11 | Report Abuse

Agreed. Somehow I feel that they are more aware of the going-ons and better financially inclined. People talk about how to earn, save and invest their money. I am impressed.

2012-04-14 10:17 | Report Abuse


This is for newbies and novices. You have reached the highest level of trading. Congrats and I do hope to learn from you. I am only in markets for 4 years. So, certainly I am not speaking to those experienced ones.

Thanks for replying. Hope you will continue to help many newbies here.


2012-04-14 08:54 | Report Abuse

This is dedicated to those running around looking for so-called stocks to punt or wondering what they should do with their so-many losing trades. YOU and only YOU could change YOURSELF. Start by LISTENING to the above more than 10 times. Use your precious time to LEARN, rather than yak-ing around in forums. You will be glad you make such important decision in your trading. Otherwise, time to move out of trading markets totally. It is just an advice, in general. Hope this will help. Do ask. Thanks

2012-04-12 13:45 | Report Abuse

Dear All

yeah ... I never have good financial-education and broke in my whole life until recently(too late?) decided to change my whole mindset ... and still changing and learning, to be better educated in personal finances. Since then, I am very thrifty(being called kiam-siap now) and will continue to learn how to earn more. Being born into a very poor family is just an excuse I will not use anymore.

Investing is the best thing I have discovered so far. It is never too early to start as if one starts early, TIME is on their side. These young financially-educated ones will do very well, financially in future.

I am planning to be well-off in another 10 years time. I will be retiring by then. If one day I done well, I will like to share my experiences(through writing a book ... free distribution for education purposes) with the young ones. It is a dream at the moment ... and I allow myself to dream, while planning.

Anyway, it is encouraging to know there are still some young ones well ahead of the mojority. As long as these young ones NOT listening to those get-rich quick and gambling their money, punting into those hot-stocks ... they should be safe and do well.

Mojority in many forums yak-ing around about those empty-shells stocks will be trashed out by markets and if they are strong enough to learn the lessons, they will survive to be wiser. Otherwise, there is no way one could advise gamblers not to gamble?

Investing is a long view process ... where we grow our capitals. I will like to write much more, one day.

I was a fool ... a total financial-idiot till recently. I am still struggling in many ways. I m here to learn more from others by sharing experiences, by being honest and being REAL.

I have a dream



2012-04-12 00:27 | Report Abuse

rumours of privatisation will be played again. No concrete evidence of that.

yes, during market crash, 2008 Nov ... check the price of mommy and wb. Interesting? Unless YTLPower going below 1.75, let me know. Technically, YTLPower will be testing 1.90 again. It wont fluctuate much from current range.

Many investors exiting due to YES. It is a NO to most. A good dividend counter no more? Just look at GPacket and gang ... high capex to build infra-structures and advertising. Proton with a 'YES'? Will you buy that story too?

IPP issue is another one hanging. But they still have huge piles of cash in hand, tho.

Just my pointers.



2012-04-11 23:58 | Report Abuse

daddy is selling hugely. i dont know why, either.


2012-04-11 20:38 | Report Abuse


no ... it was at 0.45 level during the market crash.

just for info


2012-04-07 00:13 | Report Abuse


Thanks but I have been too busy to write. I will certainly like to share more and write more after June(busy till then).

Thanks for your support. I am just a novice trader, sharing with many my limited experiences and knowledge. Hope we could learn together.


2012-04-06 23:59 | Report Abuse


Yes, we all learn from each other and to be that 5%. It is my objective to share with many traders alike, in order to LEARN. Thanks for sharing.

God Bless


2012-04-05 13:22 | Report Abuse

Thanks fzank ... I will share more with those want to share and REAL in trading. We just ignore those majority who really so free to yak-around in many other forums. It is good to have such a platform to share as we still do have many REAL traders and investors around. Yes, SELL is as important, if not more important than buying. Also, it is only logical and advisable to go for some good trading stocks when it reaching some of our criteria to trade. Nothing is for sure, that is also why cut-loss is important if we do not plan to average down.

No such thing as right or wrong. We all have our own opinions in everything. Bottom line ... profit consistently, with ROI at least above 10%.

We do have many winning 'small' but one loss could whip-off the profits. Unless we have strategies, plans and have the knowledge(experiences too), we will continue to be drifting, believing in tips, sure-win softwares or those trading courses.

It shall take time ... and more time for newbies to get to a level where they understand finance-behaviourial. Until then, they will always be 'novices'. Hopefully by then, they won't stop 'investing'? Perhaps they could stop gambling/punting? Possible? I doubt so.

Happy trading, anyway.

Thanks for the encouragements.


2012-04-04 11:21 | Report Abuse

I agreed with your pointers. success ... in anything, is subjective anyway. Have a nice day ahead ... and really have a nice day, in daily basis ... that could be a success to many.

2012-04-02 17:24 | Report Abuse

yes, we all know how easy KLCI index could be 'controlled'. So, we need to be informed. If possible, buying blue-chips or those KLCI-index linked counters should do us well.

2012-04-02 17:21 | Report Abuse

can one be consistently 'lucky'? I wish I am but I am not.

2012-04-02 15:20 | Report Abuse

then u learn how NOT to keep losing money. It is plain logic, ok? If you are losing money, ANALYSE why you are losing money, more importantly learning from mistakes. teach me LOGIC ... give me 5 main reasons WHY majority are losing and will continue to lose money. If they cant be REAL, HONEST and MATURE, they will continue to lose money. Who to be blamed?

Until LOGIC get into senses, NOTHING will change. Markets will continue to crush most of us, willingly.

Accepting FACTS is the first step. Then, willingnes to LEARN and CHANGE. It is pure stupidity doing same thing and expecting different results. tell me again ... what motivates most to be in market? PROFITS? Really? That is not good enough, indeed.

I have tried to share and tell many ... we DO NOT used logic at all when we go to markets. Ever wonder why? Recoginising that will give us more steps to move ahead ... learn, re-learn ...

It is 1600 ... teach me, how NOT to lose money? I wish to learn and together we could profits too, right?

Yes, turn our mistakes into opportunities. Majority WILL NOT learn that. I am assured.


2012-04-02 05:20 | Report Abuse

Hi Stephen Lee ... no time no see. Thanks for being supportive. Appreciate that. Yup, I do share with my group the needs of trading plan. Then, I need to create a template for them(wont mind sharing with others, tho) so that it is like a 'map' for us all when we trade. I still have a looong way to go in my learning to trade and many pointers from experienced traders/investors are appreciated. Encouraging words like yours certainly spur me to work harder and hope to share more constructively with others. That is how we grow, as a trading community.

One more thing about those things I copied or written. It is meant to SHARE and EDUCATE some(even few, I am content) newbies or novices. I do believe there are some out there appreciate my sharings. But those critical ones, those making noises in forums, those who are too good to learn will never understand that I am just sharing things in my own blog. Hmm ... I am just a persistent person, I guess. Haha

Thanks again and have a nice week ahead.


p/s : perfect60 .. just click the title and 'read from the blog'.


2012-04-02 05:10 | Report Abuse


I m checking on BIMB too. Technically, we could buy after it break 2.36-2.38 levels. At 2.40 would be a good entry point.

That is just my opinion.

Trade at one's own risk.


2012-04-01 18:42 | Report Abuse

hi ... I m not promoting myself here. you can find me in my blog. Thanks.


2012-04-01 18:17 | Report Abuse

Hi rlim

you may e-mail me and I will give u some opinions about your plans. yes, just do not follow the majority. Unless anyone taking trading seriously, in long run ... they will not benefit being in markets. The stats of 80-90% losers shown.

hear from u


2012-03-27 16:51 | Report Abuse


then, if it reaches your cut-loss point, you exit? We do not know what is going on next. We trade using systems and plans. How low could a stock go or how high is high? We never try to predict. We act.


2012-03-27 16:33 | Report Abuse

being a trader, i will buy to sell.

2012-03-27 12:59 | Report Abuse

accumulated this morning. wait.

2012-03-20 11:37 | Report Abuse


Thanks James. You taken the words off my mouth. It is not easy to share with the majority but I am doing well with my tratles-group currently as we no longer losing money much. We make consistent trades and reminding each other of good trading habits.


2012-03-18 02:35 | Report Abuse

Reply to talk2tpc

With respect, it never gave me the impression you are "sifu" nor a "trainee" but just a individual who like to believe is good in the game !!! Simple logic , since mid-Oct 11 it was trading around 0.56 and progressive gaining speed by the week todate , CPTEH, I find it amaze with your so-called "experience" bought it at 1.30 where it has already gone up by more than 2 folds and you not knowing why ????? Let's hope there are more rain in Thailand and JCY will be smiling all the way to the bank !!!!!!!

Hi there ... sorry for overlook your previous comment. I do not read much into comments or such. You MUST be yet another new reader ... the last time I bought JCY at 1.30 WAS when it dived from RM2 plus!! I hv cut-loss at 1.25 and it dived below RM1 ... to 60cents ... sorry for late reply, but please do not have any personal attacks or jumping into your own conclusion. Yes, I am just a novice learning, like many around.



2012-03-18 02:12 | Report Abuse


I m not interested with the conversation. I am just a Math-teacher, LamKen. You are not my blog-reader but you jumped into your own conclusion. I have explained that I posted a technical sell for JCY at 1.40+. It is technical, nothing to sue me about. It is a crystal-ball kinda imagination(LOL), if you know what I mean.

Thanks Bones for bringing it up. I have totally forgotten about this thread. My post of JCY attracted many comments there! hmm ... it is not a laughing stock as many do stuck inside JCY.

It is unfair for anyone to blame LamKen as it is just his opinions, right? When we take a trade, we do need to understand the risk. No one could 'force' us to buy-sell anything without our permission.

I will rest my case. Just dont get JCY's management to sue me, ok? I want to rest in peace(RIP).




2012-03-08 20:15 | Report Abuse

hi Kian Wei

Please do not bother to collect my trades as it is futile.You see, I done about 30+ trades in Jan, 10 trades in FEB and currently too busy in Mac but done 4 trades so far ... Benalec still in the run, so ... I might post it in my blog only after the trade, even that if I remember or have the time. Short trades would not be possible to record, frankly. If it is for learning purposes, I wont mind sharing. But other than that, I am not interested with whatever going-on. Thanks

2012-03-04 10:25 | Report Abuse

Hi Jayne, u must be a new reader of mine too. Wish you luck in your quest. I have simple life and simple goal, anyway. So, no worry about me ... I will continue to learn. Good to share your knowledge to many here. Cheers.


2012-03-04 08:05 | Report Abuse

Hi Jayne

I am first category. Thanks

2012-03-03 19:07 | Report Abuse

hi all and Kian Wei

I do share openly for years in my blog until recently I do have my own trading group now. It is open, all the trades I have done with them for the past 5-6 months, profits ... strategies, the whys and hows ... cut-loss, losing trades, analysing EACH OTHER mistakes, reminding each other to learn better. Yes, I created a LEARNING platform for newbies and novices. It is my objective that they learn, rather than just 'wow or arrghh' and not learning from our trades. Losing is parcel of trading, accept it and move on. I have MANY bad trades and many cuttting-loss before I could reach to a point of called 'experienced' traders. An experienced trader is a person who do REAL trades and analysing their trades, good one ... and especially bad ones. So, no stocks will be discussed in my blog(too busy with 100+ of them in the group, anyway) but I will share few strategies and such ... whenever I m free. If I m not, I will continue to write boring posts to trash-out those un-interested readers. We need to tapis learners ... and believe me, no one could learn much by just chatting much in noisy forums. Extract what is good(some comments are VERY educational, that is why I am still here) ... tapis the bad ones. Happy Learning ... it will take years, no hurry.


2012-02-22 19:14 | Report Abuse

I checked that you are born 1990, young man. Then, I checked some of your comments. Most without knowledge or carry any weights. So, I am going to assume that you are just an arrogant young ignorant in markets. I will post these comments of yours and make you well-known. If I am free and helpful enough, I might want to correct many of your comments here, which I could tell you are lack of knowledge and experience in markets. Yup, you will grow up, of coz. take your time to grow.

2012-02-22 18:00 | Report Abuse

excuse me ... it is MY blog. why are u reading?

2012-02-21 01:13 | Report Abuse

sad to know we are 'losing' another good blog

2012-04-29 00:39 | Report Abuse

It shows that I do not go to 'Subway' ... will u send me the sandwich then? Thanks

2012-02-17 16:26 | Report Abuse

Hi .... to clarify, I did not say JCY is a pump-n-dump. Someone posted that pump-dump thing in JCY comments and I just posted and pasted. Technically, I just mentioned it is extremely overbought at 1.40-1.50, so as traders ... we would like to take profits first. Then, we shall buy back at ... say, support level which as a few days ago at 1.25-1.26. In fact, it touched 1.23 ... shot-up to 1.30+ before coming back down today(KLCI up0 7points ... not related to JCY, ok?). Back to 1.25 now, will anyone buy? Now ... fundamentally ... IF anyone claiming buying at 1.40-1.50 is cheap, then ... obviously we should be happy to buy ... say at 1.25 now? If it goes to RM1 level, the valuations becoming MUCH cheaper and logically, we will be happier to BUY more at RM1 or perhaps much much more when it retraces back to ... 80cents? 60cents? 40cents? And as investors ... we will HOLD till it is fully-valued. Be clear, are you using TA or FA? If none, perhaps it is PA + HA? punt and hope? It is not wrong either as that is how subjective trading in market is. Hope I clear a little of my post. Thanks


2012-02-15 07:08 | Report Abuse

RSI for JCY is at 54 but KLCI at 72. Yes, bearish crossover but supported at 1.26. That is how I see it at the moment, technically. Buying at 1.25-1.26 will need us to stop-loss if it goes below 20MA. Do check the next support level in order to prepare for next entry. From the volumes observed, there are still MANY holding on to JCY, it needs next hype to push it higher. The downside is greater, in that sense. Good luck.


2012-02-14 13:07 | Report Abuse

yup@cmlooi. Wont explain myself in the noises created here. Cheers.


2012-02-06 18:23 | Report Abuse

using market-psycho indicator, time to buy will be when most of here in fear and the thread becoming VERY silent. When FA and TA failing you, just do what W.Buffett said. Play on fear and greed, u will understand market a little better.


2012-02-14 11:28 | Report Abuse

I was shot for nothing. Alex Lu was shot too. I still dont get the idea why even bloggers cannot write what they think. 1.50 was a profit-taking level, so ... me and Alex just pointed that out. It is NOT to create fear or whatever, right? It is technically speaking, profit-taking ... then move-in again at lower level. At 1.30 today ... it is a happier Valentine to buy back at lower price? I am a trader, how to explain the definition of a trader? Hmm ... check investopedia.com will help. If you are in markets EVERYDAY for past years, if you have consistently doing well ... no noises to disturb your analysis, you will understand what a trader(good one) will do. They ANALYSE, TAKE ACTION and wait for next opportunities. If you have 150 stocks in your watch-list, you will not look at few stocks only, right? Give some a break, go for next one. That is emotionless. Trading SHOULD not involve emotions. I just wish to help, not pointing or ...err .. argue? for what? Peace .. and enjoy your Valentine, stocks up or down. To i3-investors, thanks for reading.

2012-02-13 12:57 | Report Abuse

yup ... i like the idea of donating. i will put aside some portion to form a trader's club or such. then, everyone can help each other ... and we can start to donate our profits. that is the idea ...

2012-02-12 08:53 | Report Abuse

HI all ... I did wrote it MANY times to read RDPD, but perhaps most here are my new readers? I did wrote how I started after reading RDPD. Why do I like to play games? I do not think so I like games, but yes ... monopoly might be the first board game I will play with my son. I m playing chess with him at the moment. Thanks, Peter. And for Jake, yup ... I will like to elaboarate but too ... busy at the moment? That could wait ...

2012-02-12 08:47 | Report Abuse

Yeah ... we all should have our own opinions. Being a short-term trader. I will still ride on some babies but clearing most of my stocks like Axiata, AirAsia, RSawit and ... will clear Benalec too. I will be out. I respected Fred Tam and his books have been my guidance. He might be with longer time frame. I will only move back in when it corrects ... well, I am always wrong, anyway. Thanks all. Good luck

2012-02-08 10:11 | Report Abuse

i do read these bear-news since 2009-2010 as many wanting to be known as 'getting it right'. so, it is either you in bull or bear camps to be known!! These newsletters are not new and I do not have time to read more of such. Just a sharing as someone shared with our group. Thanks

2012-02-08 06:49 | Report Abuse

many here are not my readers? I do not call myself sifu? As traders, we do cut-loss small? If I hold at 1.30 and it went down to 80cents, then 50cents, what should I do? average down? This is not an article ... it is a blog? I rest my case. Good luck everyone

2012-02-07 16:26 | Report Abuse

yes, i do discuss all my trades in my tratles page and in persons during meetings. you could find my e-mail, if u wanted too. for your info, i have been sharing in my blog for 3 yrs now and currently teaching a batch of my readers who trusted me. They are my tratles.