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2016-03-25 15:49 | Report Abuse

However, u may consider to sapu after this guy come out and tell his story again this time on why he decided not to let his grand grand children inherit his shit.


2016-03-25 15:43 | Report Abuse

Got one big player is disposing, beware!
This guy has discovered something that outsiders yet to know and has concluded for himself that his grandchildren have no chance to get back any meaningful values for this counter by the time they grow up. So the only option he has is to dispose all his shits at the highest possible values that market can offer.
Don go in to collect his shits!


2016-03-24 19:04 | Report Abuse

I bet yy is still selling now so don dumb dumb go clear his shit - which he originally intended to give to his grandchildren!


2016-03-24 19:02 | Report Abuse

ks55, you r right kyy didnt subscr for rights.
But you r very wrong to say that yy will sell down after reading your post; YY had alredi started selling his grandchildren shares some 2~3 weeks ago!


2016-01-19 17:32 | Report Abuse

Very strong UP today. Open up and close at highest.
Revise target price to 1.09


2016-01-19 13:48 | Report Abuse

Oil UP. Ringgit UP. UEMS UP!


2016-01-19 13:46 | Report Abuse

Regional indexes all up!
Target price UE 1.05 . GOOD LUCK!


2016-01-19 11:37 | Report Abuse

The price has crashed >30% from the day YY walked out !!


2016-01-19 11:25 | Report Abuse

The effect of YY walking out of Agm is so big !!
Lucky he didnt turn table that day


2016-01-19 11:20 | Report Abuse

Yes, difficult. Oil is a big drag to klci.
Have to wait for US open to see can oil rebound from here $29 !


2016-01-19 10:59 | Report Abuse

Diff to go higher if klci not rebound!


2016-01-19 10:13 | Report Abuse

Rebound is technical. Buy now sell later


2016-01-19 10:06 | Report Abuse

China gdp release- no surprise per forecast
6.9 full yr. 6.8 q4.
Klci soon rebound


2016-01-19 09:58 | Report Abuse

Buy b4 klci big bounce up. Technical rebound in place.
Target 1.05


2016-01-18 18:20 | Report Abuse

Is downtrend but technical rebound tml.


2016-01-15 17:25 | Report Abuse

Lolita, u could be right. But nobody in market believe the cash now.
Even Kyy would be double checking with his cousin now.
If there is a way to find out, maybe someone can try pointing a gun to Dato Wu's head in next Agm!


2016-01-14 13:59 | Report Abuse

"...either you don't know how to do business or you can't borrow..." Kyy to Dato Wu.

Dato Wu has transformed a thousand dollar co to now a billion dollar co., convert a failing brand gertop to China no.3 ! To say that he doesn't know how to do business !! No way man, he is a genius in doing business (assuming the accts are right)!

What YY means in saying "you cant borrow" is equivalent to saying the cash is NOT there !!
If the cash is there, which bank will not lend u your own cash at higher interest ! .. is your own money anyway, make the diff in interest at no cost ! 白赚 !


2016-01-12 11:10 | Report Abuse

I think they pai seh to claim No 1 when they reduce Xinquan face value to just US 1ct !!!


2016-01-12 11:09 | Report Abuse

If they not idiots, they wouldn't claim Xinquan is No 3 in china outdoor wear. No 3!
And they think people will believe them?
Btw, why not they claim to be No 1


2016-01-12 09:24 | Report Abuse

Yy will eventually come to his senses and realise it just isn't possible-
meaning all these are fake, including the cash!


2016-01-12 09:21 | Report Abuse

Kyy left halfway at Agm cause he finally is convinced the board of directors he talked to are truly idiots! When he back home, he will be wondering how on earth is it possible that this same bunch of idiots can buy over a failing brand Gertop and make it so profitable ??!


2016-01-12 09:14 | Report Abuse

Yes u r absolutely right to say that cash = company value.
But in the case of Xinquan, if the accounts r so real, then the company value is more than the cash on hand ! Meaning it should be > rm 2.7, as besides nett cash, it still has factory and a hugely sucessful brand 'Gertop' + hundreds of profitable outlets.
So since u believe so much, pls buy more. YY is happy to sell to u after the AGM.


2016-01-11 12:40 | Report Abuse

From the share price ~ rm0.5 vs the cash per share of > rm 2.7, it is clear that more people believe the cash is fake.
48kiasu, if u 100% certain cash is real, meaning u pay 0.5 to get 2.7 instantly, u will definitely sell your everything to buy this Xinquan, and multiply your asset 5X instantly. Who wouldn't want so?
By the same logic, YY is just confident the cash is there but for sure he is not 100% certain.
If he is 100% certain, he wont even be at the AGM to challenge those idiot directors !


2016-01-08 12:51 | Report Abuse

The boss has all the money to commit to sapu all rights unsubscribe,
surely he wont mind spend a portion of it to push this up in the last phase


2016-01-08 12:47 | Report Abuse

Is the operator game plan.
Is either up or down - down would mean rights issue fail, so has to be up from here as rights issue just round the corner after bursa approve.


2016-01-08 12:43 | Report Abuse

I think mudajaya is on uptrend from now;
So Mulpha will follow


2016-01-07 13:43 | Report Abuse

Jolin, u go there see factory or see girls?
R u girl or guy?


2016-01-06 15:59 | Report Abuse

Is like a poker game, u as player use real money but
don know the banker use real or fake money.
How to play like that!


2016-01-06 14:46 | Report Abuse

Slbzr, actually nobody knows the hollow story real or not.
Just like nobody knows Xinq cash in bank real or not !


2016-01-06 12:06 | Report Abuse

Reversal for Mudajaya!
Time to buy Mulpha


2016-01-06 07:42 | Report Abuse

Gertop is a cheap german brand. They bought it over and made it a cheap china brand.
U really think they can make it big in China with Gertop?


2016-01-06 07:31 | Report Abuse

Btw, i don think YY fully believe so, else he will sell his other holdings and jump in Xinquan as it is worth more than rm2.8 (net cash) but selling below rm 0.60. Where to find? Why wait some more?


2016-01-06 07:26 | Report Abuse

48kiasu, u seem to be more certain than YY thaat the billion cash is intact because u think the auditors are professional.
U forget that even the big boss him self also don quite believe so when he sold off big stake in warrants @ 3.5 cts (mother share has a net cash of rm2.80; considering the exercise price of rm1, he is so stupid to lose at least rm1.45 for each warrant sold).
The big boss says Gertop is rank top no. 3 in china outdoor apparel. I say it rank way way below top 30, but likely above bottom no. 3.
U can keep on believe Xinquan, and wear Gertop when travel in China, then u can see how the sales girl treat u when visit high end shops. Like a china fren say, this is 便宜貨


2016-01-05 18:23 | Report Abuse

The billion may be real and had been there before but
Is it still there intact?


2016-01-05 18:20 | Report Abuse

KYY has firm belief the cash of close to rm1 billion (0.97 b) is there.
I don understand why he is so sure just because his relative is founder of the audit company.
By now he shd have seen the photos in the Hollow story; dont know what he think after seeing the few factory girls glueing and counting the shoe soles in a factory designed to house 3000 workers.

Is he still so certain the billion still there?
I m sure many shareholders not as optimistic as him.


2016-01-05 16:57 | Report Abuse

Reason is so obvious. There isnt any money left.
Even factory workers also jump ship- not work for them cause no pay!


2016-01-05 09:48 | Report Abuse

Directors all waiting for shareholders generous donation to subs rights to Pay -
Their Own Salaries !!


2016-01-05 09:47 | Report Abuse

The Hollow story shows photos:

Just few workers- mostly quited cause no receive pay;
No machineries (just some old outdated left) - the usable ones alredi grabed by Ah Long;
Pitiful stock level - Not doing business for some time alredi, cause No money!


2016-01-05 07:39 | Report Abuse

On paper Mulpha is super strong on asset, profit making, great growth potential.
But fact is it is now at all time low !!


2016-01-04 20:20 | Report Abuse

Looks like some operator is going to bust this counter.
Once they drive down the share price to 30 cts, the rights issue fail and pn17 soon.



2016-01-04 20:16 | Report Abuse

If the photos in blog "Hollow story" are true, with so few inventory at store, few workers and few boxes of finished product at production line, then u can be sure the billion cash reserves is gone.

No question abt it, all gone.


2016-01-04 13:08 | Report Abuse

Wats the rights issue offer price?
The One might want hamtam it to below that so there is no rights issue.


2016-01-04 12:21 | Report Abuse

I see no joy when YY suffer.
Just caution those ikan bilis who may want buy now not knowing the big fish is dumping his shit.
After Xie which is gone, YY is the big one who can dump like this.

Beware ! YY has no charitable heart when dumping


2016-01-04 11:14 | Report Abuse

A big guy is selling. Could well be YY


2015-12-29 13:19 | Report Abuse

Engine started.
Time to chiong into 2016. Happy new year !


2015-12-29 10:50 | Report Abuse

Who is attending egm today.
Pls update when proposal is passed. Thx


2015-12-28 20:42 | Report Abuse

There is one v big seller waiting to dump


2015-12-27 12:31 | Report Abuse

Yes follow Calvin.
Sell first then buy back later


2015-12-27 10:26 | Report Abuse

Unlike some china counters cash rich but yet keep asking shareholders for relatively small amt of money !??


2015-12-27 10:24 | Report Abuse

Yes, debt free. Most important is never ask shareholders for money.
And nature of business OEM for branded shoes. Oem means lesser risk, cause got order then make.
If u willing to hold for 1~2 years, almost sure to make, cant imagine it can go much lower from here.