
cyphua | Joined since 2013-01-17

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2015-04-09 07:48 | Report Abuse

If a RM6.9 Billion company and selling at RM1.8 Billion, worst case drop to RM1 Billion, RM0.24, need to bet. I am thinking in racecouse buying a bet RM5/= and run out with RM20/=.


2015-04-09 07:38 | Report Abuse

Few Million share on Bid and few million share on ask every time, one hand is controlling.


2015-04-09 07:36 | Report Abuse

The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket.
I need to aim one more time when this share going down again. forget about the right issue case.


2015-04-09 07:26 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffett said “We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.” I can tell you that, a lot of fund is fearful on this share.
No technical analysis, No set target price, No fund put it in consideration, foreign is disposing since 2010, they are fearful.


2015-04-09 06:11 | Report Abuse

Can I still get some cheap BJCorp? from RM0.38 to RM0.41, to RM435.


2015-04-08 19:31 | Report Abuse

Insas is OK, but I already selected BJCorp,


2015-04-08 07:56 | Report Abuse

I know that "It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price." for a lot of people BJCorp and VT is conman, somethings past is past, past is not present, present is not future, BJCorp is a company at a fair price for me at this moment. What I find out is VT is increasing his stack during this five year and foreign investor is quit from this share, I have nothing much to let VT aim at, if aim on me, I also pround on it.


2015-04-08 07:42 | Report Abuse

Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked. let see the end. good luck at the end.


2015-04-07 20:14 | Report Abuse

Today BJCorp turnover is 2.5M, but have upward trend, mean that no big fish dispose this share, and small fish collect this share, I hope have more small investor to collect what they dispose,
363,197,672 units foreign investors share, 8.75% of 4,189,266,001 total share ( From annual report 2014 pg.266 30 larger share holder no 3,8,16,19 add up ). seem a lot, but dispose so many day sure less then this already, hoping 2015 annual report give me more picture to prove what I guess.


2015-04-07 20:07 | Report Abuse

If 2015Q4 don't have any project carry out, I guess the revenue is the same, profit may be -250M loss maximum, but the whole year still have profit RM850M, then from the Annual Report, can find out who is dispose the share.
Big share holder dispose mainly not agree right issue. but right issue must do some things, relate to Redtone?


2015-04-07 20:01 | Report Abuse

I not sure who is dispose this share, the foreign fund dispose since 2010 I know, but last week this foreign fund is coming back Malaysia Market, I am waiting them to aim on this share, I also take opportunity getting more money and invite more friend to come in.
Feb try to buy in RM0.38, Mar adjust to RM0.42, Apr wait for RM0.435 is difficult yo get, every month need to adjust my buy in price.
I need to wait Jun end result and check the annual report.


2015-04-07 19:51 | Report Abuse

Can I say that BJCorp
Jan 2015 around RM0.38;
Feb 2015 around RM0.41 up (RM0.41-RM0.38)/RM 0.38 = 7.9%
Mar 2015 around RM0.435 up (RM0.435-RM0.41)/RM0.41 = 5.7%
Apr 2015 expect around RM0.46 up (RM0.46-RM0.435)/RM0.435 = 5.7%
This share every month up 5% above.
Hope this goring can continue up until year end.


2015-04-07 07:48 | Report Abuse

How to get more money bet this share?


2015-04-07 07:46 | Report Abuse

The balance BJCorp-LD 695,558,959 units and BJCorp-WA 700,085,842 is my worry, will let BJCorp total share from 4.1B units up to 5.5B units, if BJCorp no improve of profit the NTA may drop from RM1.60 to RM1.60 x 4.1/5.5 = RM 1.20
But RM1.20 still attractive me to aim it.
Please, don't right issue, you no profit at Q4, I also no problem, from Q3 report you say no major project carry out, mean no extra profit or extra loss by major dispose and buying new asset.


2015-04-07 07:36 | Report Abuse

VT and Hotel Resort Enterprise not much change and increasing their stack litter bit
2010 730,105,093 17.43% of 4,189,266,001
2011 743,107,100 17.78% of 4,179,639,067
2012 744,810,800 17.64% of 4,223,287,824
2013 861,885,251 20.47% of 4,211,307,513
2014 879,985,251 21.20% of 4,151,707,420
Hotel Resort Enterprise
2010 409,941,995 9.79% of 4,189,266,001
2011 463,441,995 11.09% of 4,179,639,067
2012 493,441,995 11.69% of 4,223,287,824
2013 670,641,955 15.92% of 4,211,307,513
2014 478,175,000 11.52% of 4,151,707,420
I am say that this 5 year drop due to foreign investors quit, how to look for other fund in is director direction.


2015-04-07 07:28 | Report Abuse

I found that a lot of foreign investors is quit from BJCorp
2010 Annual Report pg.185:
1. Goldman Sachs International 481,638,000
3. UBS AG 315,859,900
5. Credit Suisse Securities (EUROPE) Limited 187,223,400
7. CB Spore GW for Mantaray Investments (Mauritius) Pte Ltd 100,000,000
8 . Credit Suisse Securities (EUROPE) Limited for Penta Master Fund, Ltd 90,543,968
11. Credit Suisse Securities (EUROPE) Limited for Penta Asia Domestic Partner L.P. 75,456,032
21. Deutsche Bank AG London 28,265,396
25. State Street Bank & Trust Company (WEST CLTOD67) 32,045,800
Total have 1,321,132,496 units share, 31.54% of 4,189,266,001 total share.
2014 Annual Report pg.266:
3. Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited 169,837,142
8. Goldman Sachs International 111,959,950
16. Dimensional Emerging Markets Value Fund 44,950,580
19. Jpmorgan Chase Bank, Mational Association 36,450,000
Total have 363,197,672 units share, 8.75% of 4,189,266,001 total share.
If they in 2015 want to total quit from BJCorp, 363,197,672 units is not small number, not we can support.


2015-04-07 07:04 | Report Abuse

BJCorp this Five year is continue dropping
Year 2010 - 1.15 lowest 1.85 highest
Year 2011 – 0.96 lowest 1.41 highest
Year 2012 – 0.58 lowest 1.15 highest
Year 2013 – 0.51 lowest 0.74 highest
Year 2014 – 0.38 lowest 0.61 highest
I Check back annual Report from the thirty (30) largest shareholders 30 Major Share found that
2010 2,888,712,621 68.96% of 4,189,266,001
2011 2,893,268,781 69.22% of 4,179,639,067
2012 2,538,735,072 60.11% of 4,223,287,824
2013 2,695,452,438 64.01% of 4,211,307,513
2014 2,362,589,432 56.91% of 4,151,707,420
They are decreasing number of share they have. They release around
526,123,189 share to our market in 5 year time, average 105,224,628 every year and average 2,023,551 every week.


2015-04-06 11:57 | Report Abuse

Don't want to buy today. seem have upwards trend.


2015-04-06 08:35 | Report Abuse

If drop again. afternoon buy in.


2015-04-03 11:11 | Report Abuse

I need is fund coming in. If they quit. I will go in more.


2015-04-03 11:09 | Report Abuse

The Q3 result pg.3 cash in bank rm784,324,000 near equal to RM0. 18. how many dividend he can give, afraid he want more money and right issue only.


2015-04-03 11:02 | Report Abuse

I don't think BJCorp give extra dividend. can check Q3 report. cash flow is not much difference.


2015-04-03 06:54 | Report Abuse

Dear Calvintaneng:

How to get this information? how to check if the seller is from foreign fund?

Will appreciate, thank

"Those who use OSK-RHB Investment Bank would have settled all Monday's transaction by today. Those who use AmInvestment Bank will have another half day tomorrow to settle all outstanding purchases. "


2015-04-02 19:19 | Report Abuse

Too busy today, no time to go in.


2015-04-02 09:09 | Report Abuse

i consider cfoong=VT because of the head. I consider your advise. I trap in bjcorp-cu. need consider profit taking.


2015-04-02 07:07 | Report Abuse

If wait for Q4 need another 3 month, if have annual report, then can check from Major 30 share holder, who is quit from this company.


2015-04-02 07:04 | Report Abuse

who can guarantee no right issue?


2015-04-02 07:03 | Report Abuse

I have a feeling that BJCorp need to right issue, everyday have few million few million waiting to sell, seem is not small fish, is it small big share holder discuss right issue, some is not aggree and sell of? this type of phenomenon, can be happen, fund is going out from BJCorp.
VT cannot be sell it of, he buy in at low price, sure want to sell it high price, this company NTA have RM1.60, want to sell also above it. raise fund need to add money, no money add in will dilute.


2015-04-01 20:24 | Report Abuse

Need to study carefully Q3 result, check one more time what is still not put into account before next week going in again.


2015-04-01 09:42 | Report Abuse

wait more one week. get more fund in.


2015-03-31 07:23 | Report Abuse

Market value for this company is RM540M, letter bit Expensive, initial no experience to study, Huayang also market value RM540M, only attractive is cash a lot.


2015-03-31 07:15 | Report Abuse

Buy in around RM3.15 and sell it off around RM2.79, maing loss RM4500/=, will be back, continue monitor. below RM1.50 is good price.


2015-03-31 07:04 | Report Abuse

The problem here is all people have fear to buy, even fund manager, how to give people Confidence?


2015-03-31 07:00 | Report Abuse

The price for VT buy in near to RM0.55 above, are VT sell it off? or continue buy in? if he want to sell it off also need to push the price more then NTA=RM1.60 above.


2015-03-31 06:50 | Report Abuse

BJCorp has launched a compulsory takeover for REDtone, mainly is triggered the mandatory general offer threshold 33%, actually BJCorp have the choise want to takeover or don’t want take over, just a listed requirements. But BJCorp have REDtone share should possitive.


2015-03-31 05:34 | Report Abuse

Want to give unless fund manager agree to come in, and after come in announce, don't stupid VT.


2015-03-31 05:33 | Report Abuse

Dividend 1 sen is enough. don't give, keep it.


2015-03-30 22:28 | Report Abuse

If drop back RM0.43, will buy in. come on. bet for Jun end.


2015-03-30 11:33 | Report Abuse

Looking forward Jun end 2015Q4 result.


2015-03-30 11:29 | Report Abuse

The price continue 5% up every day, the fund manager will have pressure, VT this time seem no inform the fund manager to buy in. After three month, no need so much profit, is possitive also better then last year Q4 making loss,


2015-03-30 11:26 | Report Abuse

Only foresight small fish accumulate, no fund notice, can be in more, after the fund manager say somethings then careful and dispose the share.

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2015-03-29 15:51 | Report Abuse

"Janet L.Yellen, the Federal Reserve chairwoman, said on Friday that the Fed planned to raise interest rates more slowly than in past recoveries because of the unusually fragile condition of the American economy."
Is danger signal for Malaysia Market, we have good new in BJCorp, but............


2015-03-29 06:53 | Report Abuse

This is a record, will attractive sight from other investor.


2015-03-29 06:47 | Report Abuse

Thank calvintaneng sharing, is good point;
(1) Main share holder movement; (but this time VT didn't increase obviously by his name, but by Robin T increase, and foreign investor decrease)
2010, 2011 VT have 328M (top 5 have 1 only), but he is not 1st Major, 2012~2014 Major foreign investor % is decrease already, and VT increase by other, last Robin T come out.
(2) Other people greedy (market euphoria.), I afraid; other people worry, I greedy.

But is timing issue also important.


2015-03-28 07:03 | Report Abuse

Limit up for BJCorp mean, Monday is RM0.44+RM0.30 = RM0.74.?


2015-03-28 06:53 | Report Abuse

This counter sure can buy, below RM0.72.


2015-03-27 23:28 | Report Abuse

Average share buy back 2014 is RM0.48 98,300,000 share;
Average share buy back is RM0.72 182,000,000 share;
Mean BJCorp RM0.72 still is a good price to keep


2015-03-27 23:24 | Report Abuse

Litter bit unsure is cash flow didn't increase much.and main profit from operation is not improve.