
dexeric | Joined since 2015-04-10

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2019-02-20 08:34 | Report Abuse

Lol dragon... trying very hard oh... any agenda?


2019-02-19 22:05 | Report Abuse

Actually they have been releasing webcast ever since they were launched. I see many newcomers then. I think it is good since it got so much attention... hope it is in a good way.


2019-02-19 20:08 | Report Abuse

Hmm actually as expected, there is no rush to sell oil every quarter as they are not in debt, small income is also income. I expect they to take chance to do maintenance during the low oil price period to capture more high price oil later. They are acting promptly against the oil price. I think there will be another great surprise when the oil met with choke point later this year.
I am eager to witness the jump of this company share prices.


2019-02-18 12:00 | Report Abuse

@Dickyme how long is your near term?...


2019-02-18 10:49 | Report Abuse

@titus dickyme post just the same, rob just say weak hibiscus market


2019-02-17 12:38 | Report Abuse

In this year there is alot of bottleneck in production. Expect the price to be very unstable this year.


2019-02-17 11:15 | Report Abuse

@dickyme, your view on the brent oil price is meaningless. Trying to predict this commodity price has proven wrong many times, even the big financial analysts.
There are no maximum for the price. It is a silly move to put a price ceiling that are so conservative. If you are so conservative then it is better you move your interest to invest in FD and not to comment on stock market.


2019-02-04 11:48 | Report Abuse

Gong xi fa chai


2019-01-29 12:01 | Report Abuse

Oil market is like a stamina game... if you can keep up you will earn it... let see which company can win in this stamina run...


2019-01-29 11:05 | Report Abuse

90 cent is not farfetched...
To buy or to sell, to hold or to short, to be or not to be...

Getting ready for big withdrawals for cny ... either profit taking or... cut loss...


2019-01-28 17:52 | Report Abuse

90 cents is actually not a farfetched figure...
The possibility is there as there are many weak holders that just expecting the market to go up... they are easily induced to give up their current position and cutloss.


2019-01-28 10:41 | Report Abuse

Overstated not drop. Many things are overstated by the report. Guess why they are overstated, my take is they want to keep the hype up about the resources that they have to make other interested to take over the debt ridden business.


2019-01-24 17:40 | Report Abuse

Pot calling kettle black. You are the one reporting to the hibiscus forum...


2019-01-24 17:27 | Report Abuse

Its not like sapura had war with hibiscus, what is wrong with cross comment? You are not a right person to condemn me.


2019-01-24 17:22 | Report Abuse

I don't have money to be a shark.
I am a friend to opinions


2019-01-24 17:05 | Report Abuse

Yes.. is there a rule?


2019-01-24 17:01 | Report Abuse

"Positive Goodwill on Consolidation"

Sounds like a positive goodwill on merging... but no clue on what do you mean.

By the way, other than aramco project what else does this sapura good for?

Wouldn't they have very good cash flow? Then why would they create more RI?

What happen if they didn't get the aramco project?


2019-01-24 16:40 | Report Abuse

@jojo2018 you are at most welcome here. Please do your best to fish any advantages you can take.


2019-01-24 16:34 | Report Abuse

@jojo2018 ... yes alot of hanky panky going on... the market is very messy ... have you sold all your units?


2019-01-24 13:37 | Report Abuse

Investment is not just expansion itself... there are many things else which is not in paper or news


2019-01-24 13:34 | Report Abuse

You invest this year you wouldn't get oil this year


2019-01-24 13:25 | Report Abuse

Shale won't die, but they will shrink


2019-01-24 13:24 | Report Abuse

Anyhow i think there will be a timeline in this year where oil supply will be lowest due to minimal investment on oil exploration, the shrinking of shale oil and the opec reduction in production. Just my thoughts.


2019-01-24 13:18 | Report Abuse

Previously is easier for them to breakeven when they take over company or private driller that sold in drilled stage. The cost of drilling do not need to taken care of, but now there is no takeover and mostly already owned by big oil. It will be hard for them to breakeven at least not as easy as before. In addition to that, those incomplete drilling, also need to cope for fracking chemicals and explosives before they can really get their hands on the oil. All that cost are high as many in the same area are doing fracking and everybody are buying the same chemical...


2019-01-24 13:09 | Report Abuse

Tax exemptions don't secure them from debt interest. One day the interest hike, they all will be suffocated.


2019-01-24 13:04 | Report Abuse

But @dragonslayer ... many put doubts on US shale oil. It is not so sustainable than you think it is. The problem is not how much the basin has, but is the difficulty to get the resources. The production cycle of shale is completely different from conventional drilling. To keep at certain level of production, new hole are needed as most of the oil is from the initial output.

The economy of scale is not there for fracking.


2019-01-24 10:09 | Report Abuse

@Dericlock don't forget that kimanis is selling at USD5 premium to brent


2019-01-24 10:06 | Report Abuse

@Dericlock that is why i said they have to slim down their expenses even more. But the breakeven will be manageable even if they maintain or even with loan repayments in 50ish brent price.


2019-01-23 16:27 | Report Abuse

@dericlock... they will not be what they are today without the wise and bold move. Their vision has changed 180 degree during the crisis. This company is flexible and taking risk at manageable ways.

Even if the oil price stays within 50'ish, i am sure the have a way to profit after the expansion done.


2019-01-23 16:23 | Report Abuse

"Early days during SPAC"

Reminded me of my stupid move to buy it at 1.6....
Well alot people learned it the hard way.


2019-01-23 16:02 | Report Abuse

Yes Ah Ken screwed up once but tat lesson has tot him well

You mean during sapura or during hibiscus?


2019-01-23 15:47 | Report Abuse

That is why it is hard decision. The risk is only the oil price. Taking a bold move expecting oil price to recover is not enough, they need to slim down their expenses and reduce the cost of production. They need to keep adjusting their costing and not to celebrate early.


2019-01-23 15:29 | Report Abuse

The opportunity will always come during hard times. That is why it is hard to make good decisions during this time. The reasoning to take risk to continue expanding its asset by taking loans are the hard decision that need to be taken for a company. These decision will determine whether the company will have big rewards or not.

During these times chances has to be taken to grow to a comfortable position.


2019-01-23 12:44 | Report Abuse

@dericlock that is why they are taking loans to make this possible. Loans can distribute the cost to much longer period of repayments. It will not have too much of effect on their accounting.


2019-01-23 11:24 | Report Abuse

@dericlock... i think the higher risk is still not the capex needed to drill new rigs but the price of the oil. If the price of the oil can breakeven the cost used, it is a good move considering the oil market might have unprecedented upside during this year due to few global events.


2019-01-22 15:53 | Report Abuse

Bull trap... should be alot people got trapped...


2019-01-22 09:40 | Report Abuse

Not sure how long the bull will last...


2019-01-19 17:49 | Report Abuse

IMO 2020 actually no good for aramco... most of their asset is high sulphur oil.


2019-01-18 10:15 | Report Abuse

See the volume also know people are taking profit lor... not any big constitution selling...


2019-01-16 16:19 | Report Abuse

Price factor means markup vs brent...


2019-01-16 10:05 | Report Abuse

If this quarter they still have positive balance, means they still have potential to outbreak when the oil price is up. There will be a point within this two or three years, the oil price will go crazy again.

Keep in faith on a well managed company, one day it shall bring good returns to the one with patience.


2019-01-15 14:04 | Report Abuse

Brent price is actually like any other commodity market. It can be not aligned with the real price because the determination factor of the price is the market not the physical oil.

If you think the reduction or increment of the prices are due to the changes of the actual physical stock then you are very new to stock market.


2019-01-11 12:01 | Report Abuse

I think people still worry of the volatility of the crude prices. Noone invest in volatility other than gambler...


2019-01-09 10:41 | Report Abuse

Lol ... panicking.... what to do now .... haha


2019-01-08 20:17 | Report Abuse

@Friendship you can say like that, but this share is never predictable... for it to go 0.85 ... it will need a very bad news... unless you say its in next week. Gotta say you do not predict the unpredictable...