
drkelvin20 | Joined since 2020-12-08

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2021-06-01 16:59 | Report Abuse

US cases drop below 10k, Europe cases are down, is the glove demand still super high? Can the selling price for gloves kept at superhigh? finally can the earnings be maintained at superhigh?

The current price RM 4 = RM 4 x 2= RM 8 before bonus issue, compared to PreCovid RM 1+

RM 8 - RM 1, it is already 6-7 times higher than PreCOvid

is current share price already bottom, or still much room to go down???


2021-06-01 16:58 | Report Abuse

During COVID peak in US and Europe, glove selling price dammn high, now, these selling price can be maintained? or drop back to close in to PreCovid level? if so, RM 15 is considered too high right?


2021-06-01 16:56 | Report Abuse

US cases drop below 10k, Europe cases are down, is the glove demand still super high? Can the selling price for gloves kept at superhigh? finally can the earnings be maintained at superhigh?

The current price RM 5 = RM 5 x 3= RM 15 before bonus issue, compared to PreCovid RM 5+

RM 15 - RM 5

is current share price already bottom, or still much room to go down??


2021-06-01 16:53 | Report Abuse

Share market is unthinkable...cannot be expected, tat y only less than 10% making profit...this part i agree.

But investing in GENTING and GENM i can always sleep well....regardless of different pull back cycle...no matter how much we invest here, coz we know, this stock won't go holland...having GENP, GENM, property etc....and some more worldwide now...

Unlike investing in glove counters, i cannot sleep during pull back...coz whats always in my mind is,,,,will current price dip bottom further again, coz current price top glove RM 5= RM5x3=RM 15 (Precovid is rm 5+)

and supermx is rm 4x2 = rm 8 (Precovid is only rm 1+)...these always worry me if I invest in glove counters...

anyway, US and Europe has much lower cases now....they may not need that many glove anymore, and gloves super huge profit still sustainble??

Disclaimer: Just sharing...


2021-06-01 16:16 | Report Abuse

the sentiment good in US and EUrope, cases down...in US, its about 5k ++, lower than us.

It proves LKT decision to invest in US is fruitful now...

Later, if our cases down back due to FMCO, and situation gets better, I bet GENM would go 3+...then another wave should push it to rm 3.5+ if the FMCO back to MCO in up coming nmonths, plus vaccination roll out sped up.........

It may happen, and among most recovery bluechip, this is one with alot of upside rise to go...

Its very hopeful. Guys hold tight.

DIsclaimer: own sharing, not a buy call or sell call. invest on own risk.


2021-06-01 16:15 | Report Abuse

the sentiment good in US and EUrope, cases down...in US, its about 5k ++, lower than us.

It proves LKT decision to invest in US is fruitful now...

Later, if our cases down back due to FMCO, and situation gets better, I bet GENTING would go 5.5.-6...then another wave should push it to rm 6-7 if the FMCO back to MCO in up coming nmonths, plus vaccination roll out sped up.........

It may happen, and among most recovery bluechip, this is one with alot of upside rise to go...

Its very hopeful. Guys hold tight.

DIsclaimer: own sharing, not a buy call or sell call. invest on own risk.


2021-05-31 10:17 | Report Abuse

WIth vaccine in sights, and a sped up vaccination drive starting June (tomorrow) (Gorment has to speed up no choice due to heavy criticisms)...I bet no panic selling gonna happen both for GENM and GENTING...

The current share holders can wait...I always share here, based on own analysis, rm 2.6+- gonna be the strong support here...as time goes by, people anticipation will be more and more, and next week it will be rm 2.7++

Only two things will take it down heavily, vaccine proven to have failed in US and UK (which is not till now as vaccines work against the virus), and or, our cases increases to few tenths of thousands...if these happen, it may be hopeful for rm 2...

Otherwise, if our cases gradually slow down due effect of FMCO...the share price will climb back...

Disclaimer: Just to share, invest on own risk


2021-05-29 16:49 | Report Abuse

Just to share my thoughts...

One by one, storms is coming to glove stocks...

think US is on way out of COvid having <20k++ cases a day, they may already have enough supply/source on gloves...

Last year when US/Europe caught in COvid peak, gloves selling prices shoot up...they have no option but to accept it as they are in dire need.

Now, they have recovered mostly and cases gone down...

TIme for them to come back to glove counters.....:(

One by one...
Be prepared , glove investors...This is US..not other countries...they are rock solid in thier move.

Disclaimer: Just to share own thought, not a buy call or sell call, invest on own risk.


2021-05-29 16:47 | Report Abuse

HI Guys,

Just to share my thoughts...

One by one, storms is coming to glove stocks...

think US is on way out of COvid having <20k++ cases a day, they may already have enough supply/source on gloves...

Last year when US/Europe caught in COvid peak, gloves selling prices shoot up...they have no option but to accept it as they are in dire need.

Now, they have recovered mostly and cases gone down...

TIme for them to come back to glove counters.....:(

One by one...
Be prepared , glove investors...This is US..not other countries...they are rock solid in thier move.

Disclaimer: Just to share own thought, not a buy call or sell call, invest on own risk.


2021-05-28 23:43 | Report Abuse

This full lock down can be a turning point, thats where we got out from Covid back in March/April20
Now situation is different, along with Full lock down, government has no choice but to speed up the vaccination...

MOST GENB cannot do business anyway under current MCO, or not much business under CMCO too...so the FMCO is a way out, to take down the cases, and in 1-2 months time, we should see the impact of full scale vaccination (Sinovac/Pfizer)...

So situation is not that bad, my feeling is that, we are going through what US/UK is experiencing 2-3 months back when COVID peaked, and vaccination is sped up. ANd US and UK got out from COVID peak now and economy reopening.

A FMCO is better than half cook MCO...

It's temporaily painful, but hopeful in 2-3 months time....

GENB already diversified their biz to overseas (which is recovering now),not all eggs in Malaysia basket....

Still same startegy here,if it drops to rm 4++....I am considering to load in more..

DIsclaimer: Just to share own thoughts, not a buy call or sell call. Invest on own risk


2021-05-28 23:41 | Report Abuse

Just to share my own thoughts

This full lock down can be a turning point, thats where we got out from Covid back in March/April20
Now situation is different, along with Full lock down, government has no choice but to speed up the vaccination...

Genm cannot do business anyway under current MCO, or not much business under CMCO too...so the FMCO is a way out, to take down the cases, and in 1-2 months time, we should see the impact of full scale vaccination (Sinovac/Pfizer)...

So situation is not that bad, my feeling is that, we are going through what US/UK is experiencing 2-3 months back when COVID peaked, and vaccination is sped up. ANd US and UK got out from COVID peak now and economy reopening.

A FMCO is better than half cook MCO...

It's temporaily painful, but hopeful in 2-3 months time....

GENM already diversified their biz to overseas (which is recovering now),not all eggs in Malaysia basket....

Still same startegy here,if it drops to rm 2.6++....I am considering to load in more..

DIsclaimer: Just to share own thoughts, not a buy call or sell call. Invest on own risk


2021-05-25 09:47 | Report Abuse

ts unpredictable, its moving up ...:)


2021-05-25 09:46 | Report Abuse

is unpredictable, its moving up ...:)


2021-05-24 14:19 | Report Abuse

Thanks @Warchest @Turbo8672...you guys always there to enlighten us on positive development...
Really hope it goes back to its IPO price and higher...:)


2021-05-24 11:46 | Report Abuse

I remember last year, when US cases on the rise, many critisizing GEN group strategy to expand buiness and invest more in US...but these strategies set to be fruitful now, with US recovery while we are in deep crisis.

So situation and the outlook for GENM and GENTING may not be that bad with current deep COVID crisis we are in now.

Just my thoughts to share.


2021-05-24 11:42 | Report Abuse


Yes, I think its unclear if it will end up as endemic, or still pandemic in long run.
The latest development with Vaccine efficacy and reappearance of Covid cases give hints to endemic.

I think that is bearable, like H1n1, SARs, etc...it becomes localized, and slowly it may fades with better vaccines etc...so life can still back to pre-Covid, with certain personal hygience SOPs.

For now, UK, Israil, and US have proven it is possible to return to Pre-Covid. So it is a matter of vaccination coverage.

What I can see here is, the shortage in vaccines mostly due to high cases in US, in Europe and now India.

Now China doing good, US cases drop below 20K, UK below 2K, Europe countries are improving, the vaccines availability should be ample in next months, that is also the timelines given by KJ.

If that happens, sentiments will turn really good.


2021-05-24 10:48 | Report Abuse


Just my own thoughts, nobody (except glovelovers) would want the cases to continue to rout...
NOrmal people would want to end this pandemic so that live can return to normal, jobs can maintain, out rice bowl are preserved...

So far what happened in US and UK shed some good hopes.Recovery can happen faster than we expected...

Except one thing, if US, UK, ISrail cases rise up again and Vaccine proved to fail in long run, than

I will rethink my positions....


2021-05-24 10:31 | Report Abuse

Just to share my thought, we are now like UK during deep COvid crisis, or US during deep COVID crisis...where mortality and cases all are higher and higher...

It was also a turn around moment that both US and UK gorment started their serious comitments to bring in vaccines, vaccination drives, and enforce stricter SOPs. And cases constantly drop until now they are easing more and more activities...

I think we are repeating their footsteps, and I think the current crisis here will speed up our vaccination drives...

When vaccination soon reach 40-50%, we should see huge encouragement in the drop in cases...just like UK and US...so the next recovery sentiments should happen fast than expected. It may materialize earlier than we expected...Everybody mention herd immunity at 80%, but look at UK, Israil, and US, they aren't reaching 80%, perhaps 50-60%, and the results are very positives now...So we may not need 80%, maybe 40-50% may be a significant drop in cases...

Disclaimer: Just to share own thoughts, not a buy or sell call.


2021-05-24 10:29 | Report Abuse

Anything can happen, strong support around 2.6...

Just to share my thought, we are now like UK during deep COvid crisis, or US during deep COVID crisis...where mortality and cases all are higher and higher...

It was also a turn around moment that both US and UK gorment started their serious comitments to bring in vaccines, vaccination drives, and enforce stricter SOPs. And cases constantly drop until now they are easing more and more activities...

I think we are repeating their footsteps, and I think the current crisis here will speed up our vaccination drives...

When vaccination soon reach 40-50%, we should see huge encouragement in the drop in cases...just like UK and US...so the next recovery sentiments should happen fast than expected. It may materialize earlier than we expected...Everybody mention herd immunity at 80%, but look at UK, Israil, and US, they aren't reaching 80%, perhaps 50-60%, and the results are very positives now...So we may not need 80%, maybe 40-50% may be a significant drop in cases...

Disclaimer: Just to share own thoughts, not a buy or sell call.


2021-05-21 16:06 | Report Abuse

everthing possible, its now 2.6++....

Still think this is strong support..,i already in some :)


2021-05-21 14:52 | Report Abuse

I think its because of the license granted for casino in Las Vegas, biggest in Las Vegas history...


2021-05-21 14:45 | Report Abuse

Biggest in Las Vegas history...


2021-05-21 14:45 | Report Abuse

Biggest in Las Vegas history...


2021-05-19 18:19 | Report Abuse

I think there is a hidden hand to stop the price of EWINT and ECOWORLD to move up, evertime there is a huge buying momentum due to good market sentiment, there will be a huge selling lots qeuing, either the main players do not want it up at this moment, or they seems to have other plan.

I think the big player i happy at 55sen+ at this moment, not much up and down. If you pay attention, even with good market sentiment, the huge selling calls will be qeuing there...

I am not sure if this is good sign or not, maybe they hold it for now while waiting COvid to fade away finally..

Just to share my thoughts...


2021-05-17 22:23 | Report Abuse

US Covid cases dropped to 16k++ today...India 280k , things improving in oversea...
lets hope our situation improves in upcoming days...

Oil demand is held solid...


2021-05-17 22:21 | Report Abuse

US Covid cases dropped to 16k++ today...India 280k , things improving in oversea...
lets hope our situation improves in upcoming days...


2021-05-17 22:20 | Report Abuse

US Covid cases dropped to 16k++ today...India 280k , things improving in oversea...
lets hope our situation improves in upcoming days...


2021-05-16 23:12 | Report Abuse

US Covid new cases continue to decline (15May:29k)
India new cases 311k, slowing down apparently...
Malaysia 3780 cases, a drop from previous day.

Lets hope situation continue to improve more and more...
Sapura can sustain its current share price...

No worry...


2021-05-16 23:10 | Report Abuse

US Covid new cases continue to decline (15May:29k)
India new cases 311k
Malaysia 3780 cases, a drop from previous day.

Lets hope situation continue to improve more and more...

plus more vaccines are arriving here...so I am expecting GENTING can sustain its share price, not gonna drop too much folks...we will see...


2021-05-16 23:08 | Report Abuse

US Covid new cases continue to decline (15May:29k)
India new cases 311k
Malaysia 3780 cases, a drop from previous day.

Lets hope situation continue to improve more and more...

plus more vaccines are arriving...so don't think GENM will drop below rm 2.6...we will see...


2021-05-13 10:38 | Report Abuse

Thanks Warchest. Hope the big fund still behind support it...
Its yet to go back to its IPO 1.2.


2021-05-12 20:13 | Report Abuse

But this is ewint, not ecoworld...different entity? and ecoworld is making a come back which is reflected in its share price?


2021-05-12 19:57 | Report Abuse

After i read it carefully, its actually a sell off from Quek of 27% stake, so Quek does not have a share in Ewint anymore?

But isn;t this is a losing position selling at current 50 sen, with IPO of RM1.20? Even at a discount from IPO of rm 1.20, their investment should be still significantly higher than current share price...and why do Quek sell it off? is he getting upset with TS LKS?

Who bought over that huge number of shares from Quek??

Is this good or bad to EWINT?

Someone can enlighten us?


2021-05-12 19:50 | Report Abuse

So its essentially it is left hand to right hand right?still under Quek family ownership right?


2021-05-12 19:49 | Report Abuse

Hi Warchest, if I understand it right, HL group still own the EWINT 27% stake right? Its just that they have internal restructuring exercise to move the stake of 27% from HL Company to GLL EWINT limited, which is still owned by HL boss right?


2021-05-12 18:07 | Report Abuse

HL group pulled out with a loss? and why?
Who bought over the shares?
What is the impact to EWINT? Thought they annunced a very positive quarter report ?


2021-05-12 10:32 | Report Abuse

JOker show time, guys, enjoy this crown :) I am back to my patient and will be back to check out his show :)


2021-05-12 10:09 | Report Abuse

@stockisnotfun, you are right, truly agree, we collected starting rm 2+...and collected more during the rocky ride few rounds...

and this round, just our humble opinion, good timing to collect today, just dunno how low it can dip...already expecting a rebound, was waiting at 2.6++

Rationale is that, after nationwide MCO, next week we think we should see some decline in cases, and sentiment should come back...and genm will rebound slowly...

Just our thoughts to share, not meant to be buy call or sell call.


2021-05-12 10:05 | Report Abuse

The joker poor doggie888 is here to entertain us, guys, watch the show by big loss Doggie 888, who made big loss with VC :)


2021-05-12 10:00 | Report Abuse

At this moment, already some rebounds are surfacing for GENM stocks...people are preparing for rebound after Raya...


2021-05-12 09:59 | Report Abuse

for GENTING B, based on analysis, the lowest it can dip is rm 4.4/5+-

We will see. Rebound is imminent after Raya.

Just to share here, not a buy call or sell call.

Selamat Hari Raya, have some rest, and stay safe, guys.


2021-05-12 09:57 | Report Abuse

invest_Malaysia, if you read my early comment, i gave my verdict rm 2.6++ is the lowest it can dip in this round of slump, based on some analysis we carried out...believe or not, we will see soon...

And based on analysis, the next rebound gonna be higher than the peak it achieved in March21.

Just to share, not a buy call or sell call.

Good luck guys in GENM.

Lets look forward for rebound soon.


2021-05-11 18:10 | Report Abuse

I think tomorrow may stay around rm 2.7+-, and rebound before noon closure, and next week rebound strongly after Hari Raya...

Tomorrow good timing to buy, if it dip to rm 2.6++...I will load more...I bet it will not dip below rm 2.6... THere is a strong support at this rm 2.6...


2021-05-11 18:06 | Report Abuse

So funny, everyday got this doggie888, joker here to entertain us...
After big loss endured by Doggie joker, he seems not having any bullet left to invest, so he can only keep cursing and teasing here, without knowing he is the joker and crown here entertaining other...
Pity him...big loss here, keep hatre with him forever...


2021-05-11 09:41 | Report Abuse

No panic sell off, market well absorb the MCO 3.0 effect...


2021-05-11 09:28 | Report Abuse

the current price 55 sen is well supported...I think the good recovery in Australia and UK boosted the confident in this stock...The mother share should be higher value than son, coz on paper, the mother share each share worth more...EWINT...son IPO was rm 1.20...So no surprise mother share is abit higher than son share for now....But the son Ewint is posting for good recivery in UK and Australia admist fast vaccination and good governance...

So I think EWINT is very properous in near future...imagine if there is more interim divident being declared...


2021-05-11 09:21 | Report Abuse

I still think the worst it can dip is rm 2.6++, not likely below rm 2.6...I am preparing more bullets, anything below rm 2.7 I will grab more...

We will see...


2021-05-11 09:07 | Report Abuse

I think EWINT can sustain throughout this MCO3.0, UK and australia are all heading for recovery plus HONGKONG, so home buyers should be encounraging...so this EWINT is bullet proof market sale and business should be bullet proof even if COVID rout in Malaysia..