
elbrutus | Joined since 2015-02-08

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2015-06-10 21:27 | Report Abuse

stated message..across d board...


2015-06-10 21:26 | Report Abuse

@always_steady...been trying v hard to carry this stated message d board...but most of d time....fell on deaf ears...pity though...hope yours worked....or else might ve to do something really drastic !!!! just joking lads.


2015-06-10 21:04 | Report Abuse

@goodearth...good call from u...hope u r not one of d wounded ???..sorry..


2015-06-10 20:54 | Report Abuse

@blackul66...i salute this call of yours...indeed a very sad episode of IFCA history...hopefully there is a respite from d martket...n give d poor souls some quarters.


2015-06-10 17:29 | Report Abuse

if u were residing in USA...probably working for d NYPD...u can be a 1st grade NEGIOTIATORRRR


2015-06-10 17:25 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75 bro... how truly said..like i said b4..i like ur style...u got a way wt words...subtle yet not offensive...ha3


2015-06-10 17:10 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75...not all r undesirable though...this i must truly admit....but the SH..ONE T ones r more than d righteous....thats bloody annoying..


2015-06-10 17:00 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75 bro...i m cool...just gerum wt certain class of people who really ...NO GO SCHOOL...wan


2015-06-10 16:53 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75..it really pisses me off to some people laugh n joke at other people expense..n that is not very nice...those who passed negative or shitty remarks..mark my words if u r still n in d martket trading...one fineday all d shit will come down on u too...it will !!! so MIND UR WORDS IN FUTURE !!!!!


2015-06-10 16:47 | Report Abuse

alot of newbies losing money like shit n all u guys only knows how to say,,,,I TOLD U SO...ahhhhh..piss off man...p off


2015-06-10 16:45 | Report Abuse

why u guys must...DOG BITES DOG BONE ??...what r d benefits ??? really childish..n yet wants to call urselves SIFUS...my ass SI FATT better


2015-06-10 16:23 | Report Abuse

precisely d point...nothing to be proud of...fung sui loon lau chien...trust me...its true...those who laugh 1st will cry last..


2015-06-10 16:18 | Report Abuse

alot of u guys must be feeling pretty happy n shoik2 predicting that d price will drop to 1.20...but ve u give a thought to those who bought at higher prices wt their probable savings....???


2015-06-10 14:50 | Report Abuse

i sincerely think that this counter cannot PLAY CONTRA....cos its no more penny stock...even up 2 bits only menang sikit...drop 2 bits sudah kalah ribu2...so best ada excess wang buy n keep...betul tak ? any comment ??


2015-06-10 14:45 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat tq 4 ur concern...nope did not beli yesterday...but i do like this counter...d only thing now is when best to masuk ?..1.25....1.20...1.15...?


2015-06-09 18:00 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat...#RESPECT...dont know when to advance or retreat...relax bro...why so ANTI - IFCAMSC ??


2015-06-09 17:48 | Report Abuse

...sorry typo...SOFTWARE SERVICES...


2015-06-09 17:47 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat..m not trying to humour u ...but why in d world do u insist that IFCAMSC is a one GST software model co. ?? mind explaining this issue... i always ve in mind that this co. is providing more explicit someware services other that d simple GST add on 6% thing...thats why research hses r willing to upgrade their TP based on what they r capable of... RIGHT ?? or...???


2015-06-09 16:08 | Report Abuse

gut feeling today it might be able to make it back to 135 level b4 close...harap lah


2015-06-09 16:07 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75..also remind them to invest if only wt EXCESS DOUGH


2015-06-09 15:57 | Report Abuse

or probably u ve so much free time n wants to 8 here ??? if thats case ok lahhhhhh


2015-06-09 15:55 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat..why r u here in this forum ???..u keep asking ppl to be careful...why??..r u trying to be a samaritan or saviour rescuing lost investors ??..what did i remind u yesterday...leave it 4 them to decide...they know how wan...trust me bro.


2015-06-09 13:11 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat..agak2 at what price can ve a look see look see....??


2015-06-09 12:45 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat..good afternoon..in ur honest opinion do pray n tell me if i ve now 6 figs. amt to buy this share at what price n d timing can i masuk ?? no fault of urs if miscue!!!


2015-06-08 21:17 | Report Abuse

@Share8888..in all due respect..i did not mentioned that u curse him...but still what he has commented was not very sincere in many aspects...why dont u guys give it a rest for awhile n see what others has to say ??


2015-06-08 21:03 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat..in my honest opinion..this stock has been gathering alot of attention due to its rapid rise in price...time will tell whether it has got this potential or just another flash in d pan...IFCA supportors will surely hope 4 d best...cannot blame them lor..so much money invested...so why dont be we wish them all d best n good luck...if u think at d moment price is too pricy..tunggu lah...no need to step down on it...this way u sure recd d irk fr them..who wouldnt..??


2015-06-08 20:51 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat...sometimes susah talk to u lah...anyway u ve ur reasons on why this share price will go down further but there r others who begs to differ...ONE MAN ' S FOOD IS ANOTHER MAN ' S POISON


2015-06-08 20:44 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat... what a few of d forumers here r stating d fact that IFCAMSC does not only provide GST service softwares..they r into alot more than that...so try to state more backup facts rather than just ur assumption of 1 GSTsoftware IFCA sells !!!!...then only we can ve a friendly debate...


2015-06-08 20:28 | Report Abuse

@hockhuat...see what i mean ?? is it worth all d troubles ?? cool it...ok


2015-06-08 20:23 | Report Abuse

tq for d pointers..thats good..that shud be d way to announce...not blah22 here blah2 there...let d buys or sellers decide 4 themselves..what if u were wrong ??? u want d ppl to curse u ?? i dont think so...what if u were right...hallo no tqs wan n also no prizes too...see my point ? bro


2015-06-08 20:12 | Report Abuse

attention guys..dont need to guess...if so clever all forumers here oredi huat...but then again dont need non IFCAMSC believers to shout cannot buy lah..will go down lah...common guys if u so chun u sudah kaya esp shouters like @hockhuat....buyers got brains lah ..they dont simply jump in n buy..they pun ada timbang wan...beli naik good buy ..beli turun ..i told u so...1st to jerit sure hockhuat...so best leave it to d buyers...d more shouting done d more confused we potential buyers become...so do us a favour n just list d pros n cons...no need to remind ppl below RM1.00 can buy...who dont know ur mum or sis wear frowns...tq


2015-06-05 19:22 | Report Abuse

@an777rpt...depending on ur entry prices...if 0.20 to 0.22 cts...or better even lower still..at least u ve got one more quarter to assess their performance....then only decide.. in my opinion should ve sufficient safety factor to cabut..if u dont like what u see...FRONTKEN based on all sifus" assessment shud be ok to hold till next quarter...ur decision bro


2015-06-05 19:06 | Report Abuse

no no.... going north lah....south habis lah....north bro...north !!!!


2015-06-05 18:55 | Report Abuse

got time go n take some H2SO4 n rinse ur mouth...alot of my IFCA bros will totally agrre wt me...ha3


2015-06-05 17:20 | Report Abuse

another possible reason why d shares difficult to goreng....???


2015-06-05 17:14 | Report Abuse

...goreng his shares...


2015-06-05 17:13 | Report Abuse

reason being i believe is that we got a mat salleh who is ad major shareholder n goes strictly by d book...doesnt believe in going his shares...so end result slow n steady lah...hopefully can win d race in d end...or else...big fire wait for dick...understand!!


2015-06-05 12:33 | Report Abuse

was refering to those following blindly..bro..not u..u very siang mok ....wan..


2015-06-05 12:11 | Report Abuse

asking u to buy u buy.. ask u go n jump down 20 storied bldg u jump.... then u deserve to ccccccc......pakai lah d pea brain u got


2015-06-05 12:03 | Report Abuse

guys like i said yesterday do not respond to their silly comments then they dont ve a chance to counter....leave them be n when they see no one want to HEW them i strongly believed they get d meaning n quietly pissed off fr this forum wt good riddance..trust me all IFCA bros


2015-06-05 12:01 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75...let me back u up...been involved in this forum since DEC 2014 n ve NEVER see hear n or suggested by Ozzie75 to ask anyone 4 that matter to BUY or SELL...he is there normally on giving constructive advice or comments....PERIOD


2015-06-04 17:51 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75 u may ve a point there...lets wait n see..if Fitch gonna help us out this time...come to think of it these Agency can either let one country prosper or mahu dia mati pun bolih...amazing.. isnt it ??


2015-06-04 17:40 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75...harap this comment by MoF Irwan would help to disarray fears of a possible downgrade of our country rating...n reinforced our equity mart at d same time...harap lah


2015-06-04 17:25 | Report Abuse

guys ..just ignore his silly comments...d less u respond he will sooner or later nothing to counter...so what he do... quietly leave this forum n look for newer ones to shout n vent his anger...ah.. this we shall ve peace here..right guys ??


2015-06-03 19:18 | Report Abuse

ozzie75... i ve oredi given up on those insentitive ppl....no comment


2015-06-03 15:39 | Report Abuse

@GREATINVEST0R..since Dec 2014 till now still here...faith in this company...in Simon Cowell 's words ..u ve 4 YESES


2015-06-03 15:17 | Report Abuse

@madmoney.... ur evaluation on current share movement deserve APPLAUSE...


2015-06-03 15:14 | Report Abuse

prudent cost management is of utmost priority n importance...bottom line is untung atau rugi depends on how one co. manage it...600k invested to make 60m profit...fair investment decision


2015-06-03 14:56 | Report Abuse

@greatinvestor..r u seeing anything thats similar to yesterday movements or perhaps a more aggressive one now ?? if it ia d latter then 1.59 to 1.60 is possible


2015-06-02 19:53 | Report Abuse

anyway it was a good run out today