
eltaria | Joined since 2011-03-18

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2014-10-13 17:35 | Report Abuse

Hi Unduk.. your Samsung news is more towards JCY I believe.
JCY is mainly on consumer HDDs..

Back then I'm not sure when already, read up my older post here in Notion vs JCY.

While JCY was receiving good revenue increases, I tried to compare and see if there's any correlation between them, but there's NONE. JCY n Notion's HDD business seems to be on a completely different segment.

The way to explain it is, Notion's HDD is more focused (90-100%?) on the enterprise HDD sector, which is not related to JCY's gains in the Desktop/Consumer HDD sector.

I could be wrong though... TBH. Please advice if anyone can confirm otherwise..

Yes, share price drop is ugly, but it's a general market panic now. Tell me which share is still shooting up? There's a lot of good fundamental stocks that's taken a beating as well. Good opportunity to top up (not only notion).. plenty of fish on sales now.

Weiyi, may I ask why did you buy the stock in the first place? And at what price?


2014-10-02 15:55 | Report Abuse

Thoo Chow Fah sold 2mill at 55-56 cents.
Mmmm.. interesting.


2014-09-18 11:21 | Report Abuse

I rebought back at avg 92.7
Still think fundamentally it's good, but will need to wait until next 2 months for the Q results..


2014-09-18 11:20 | Report Abuse

Tua Pek Kong... make me laugh.. guess you knows the quality of people who posts here. Haha.. never trusts any of them.


2014-09-18 11:16 | Report Abuse

Mmm.. if you buy, and have to pray hard. You're buying for the wrong reasons really... trincylim, what made you buy notion in the 1st place?

I can't say for those who buy at 69/62 what can they do...
But from my personal experience, everytime you cut loss, your loss is someone else's gains.. For myself, I've jumped back in, average price 0.5784

Let's assume you're buying in at 69 cents. What's your exit strategy(target)? How long do you expect to hold to reach that exit point(time)? What's your risk from now until that time(risks)? Worst case scenario, can you survive(holding power)?

For me, since my entrance is lower. Strategy could be something like this
Exit at 0.64 for 10% gain
Time, 3-6 months. There's no news at all that's gonna drive the share up until the next Q result is released. (except if got goreng)
Risks... US stock bubble crash. If no crash, I think in 6 months notion's turn around should be complete.
Worst case scenario, I'm prepared for notion to drop to 54 cents. But, I don't think they will though. Even without any positive news, your share is still supported by Notion's NAPS as the baseline.

In the longer term PRO.
Notion's huge amount of CNC machines can turn in a lot of money... (IF, they can get them all running!) Assuming utilization now is at 60% and it won't get worst (no/minimal downside risks) there's still a possibility of them increasing their revenue by 33% more (60% utilization to 80%) and this is what I'm targeting as their Q results churns out as they move along. As long as revenue is increasing, utilization increasing, that's your fundamental reason for buying notion.

In the longer term CONS.
I'm a bit concerned on the senior managements.. this is all speculative feeling, that's not back by any proof.. so do take note.
Feels like there's some 'cracks' among them? Power struggle? Others directors not happy with the chairman's alcyone mistake?
The chairman is buying the shares up, while the others are dumping.
It seems like the other directors may continue dump too, if the price is good. **again all speculative talk.. gut feeling.. take it with a grain of salt**


2014-08-28 11:45 | Report Abuse

I wont say the company didn't change... they changed from HDD to SLR and now they're changing to Automotive. Problem is, there seems to be, maybe just maybe some divergence between top management? You think so easy to change and to get into a new industry/segment which already have their own established suppliers?

Seems to have strong support at 60 cents, and not much sellers too.
I got 8 lots matched yesterday at 59 :S haha

Off topic a bit, anyone of you ever worries about the 'us stock bubble'?


2014-08-27 16:37 | Report Abuse

Drop may continue.. as I'll say most who buy today/yesterday probably is not long holder. Just wait until T+3 in the next 2 days.. if there's another wave of sell, we'll see some cut loss even triggered.. that will help the drop faster.


2014-08-25 21:49 | Report Abuse

Have to watch in pain tomorrow as the short term traders who depends on tua pek kong/rumours sells :/


2014-08-25 21:47 | Report Abuse

Just wondering what they're doing to address the losses only, and what item is the 1.5million extra cost for?

Assuming the 1.5million of additional cost, is hopefully something in regards to servicing etc etc and is a one off thingy, we may see a good result in the next Q.

Number crafting now.
Their current Q losses is -3.6
Assume the -1.5 loss as a one off cost. Next Q this will be 0
Assume Dubai operations gain 700k
Assume China results is the same.

We're getting... 2.2m improvement.
For a net of -1.4 loss

From -1.4
Assume a 700k improvement in Dubai with the rest being the same.
-0.7m loss in 4th Q.

Think the above is very fair assumptions, and good possibilities that it'll breakeven by year end.


2014-08-25 21:10 | Report Abuse

Mmm, sorry I was wrong. Main losses for this Q is from Msia operations..
Increase in cost of 1.5 mill...

The good news for ILB
Their Dubai turnaround seems to be picking up speed.. losses narrowed by a lot YoY, and by 500k QoQ. Dubai business, on track and is looking good. Losses should stop by 4th Q, and may even turn profitable.

The bad news.
Why Msia operations cost increased 1.5 million?? Mmmmm.. is it a one off thing too?

The neutral.
China operations is still bleeding, although got QoQ improvement

Obviously, the best time to sell was in ~105.. so if you're holding ILB now, what is your strategy?

If you have holding power, I think it's fair to say QoQ for the ooming next 2 results, it's going to get better and better. If you like to sell, mmmm I think window is close now pretty much. Force selling at this point at most will drive it down to 90 cents. IF it falls down that low, it's actually a good price to buy more.... You can sell at 95, but you wont have much window to buy back, and you'll lost the 0.4% in trading fees~~

Risk between now and 6 months later, there's always the financial bubble in US keeping us awake. If it doesn't pop until then, I'll say chances are good... for a TP of around 1.10-1.20 in the next 6 months. The TP is not supported by *TUA PEK KONG* AHEM....

But it's supported by gradual turnaround of their Dubai operations into profitability, and possible dividends in the future. **Based on their previous records, I think they will give something out, just too soon for this quarter.

I'm saying this to myself as a shareholder, as well as to anyone else who would benefit hopefully.
** ILB strategy. Keep, but need to monitor the following risks.
1) Their next Q report MUST show improvements in Msia and Dubai operations. With China ops being neutral
2) Along the way, I expect the share price to drop from now until next Q's results. But drop by how much and will the directors buy more share once it hits 0.90 ranges? 0.9 first average down point.
3) Watch the US stock bubble.... if that pops, all else pops!

**PS, there's actually a very very good piece of news in ILB's operations in dubai.... that information is publicly available, and you should search for it own your own.

Anyone else care to comment? Constructive and informative discussions pls :)


2014-08-25 17:21 | Report Abuse

told you guys... expect it to drop tomorrow, no special dividend** Ahem** TUA PEK KONG** Ahem** losses increased from their china operations, **BUT their dubai operations is turning around strongly. Losses reduced by 1 million, which is the top of my expectations.

Gonna have a selling wave tomorrow, but can add more at ~95 cents. Longer term, it's a good keep. Should I have sell? Maybe in hindsight.. anyway, fundamentally, it's improving, and they need to sell their remaining china assets ASAP now..


2014-08-22 13:51 | Report Abuse

I dont mind selling at 1.1, my order's there.. but so huge sellers in 105 106 107 108... hahaha.. tua pek kong sleep d


2014-08-21 14:14 | Report Abuse

Or maybe their exit point is longer...


2014-08-21 14:13 | Report Abuse

If you're someone who can wait for their dubai turnaround to complete, maybe 150 is possible, but we're talking at least 1 if not 2 years from now. However, I must admit, I'm not sure what's the strategy of those who's still buying at 105-108....

Do they still expect a 10% gain? even after buying at 105? There's millions spent buying ILB from 105++... they all can't be stupid right.. or maybe their average price is just 100 or lower if they accumulated huge amounts during 7x-8x


2014-08-21 14:09 | Report Abuse

Impossible 70 cent dividends right, that's like giving all their cash out d.

Maybe 25 cent, and even that's not guarenteed...

And here we're talking abt Tp 180, 220...

The profit result, at most, their dubai is still gonna lose 1 million. From previous Q loss of 2.x million, i'm giving them very very generous improvement d..

Sometimes, it's just common sense.. I think a lot of you all will be disappointed when the real results comes out. And will trigger a dump again. Aih. Of course, as someone still holding to mine, go ahead, push it to 180..


2014-08-21 12:18 | Report Abuse

Are you serious rm 1.80-rm 2.20??? I don't want to go on against other posters, I'm glad we're sharing what we can. But that's really impossible TP loh. I can see that price being possible in 3 years time, assuming the dubai business keep progressing well.

Even then, there's so much risk in such a long time frame.

Sometimes, the things posted in forums' is really out of this world...
The real people who have news, won't be posting it in i3.


2014-08-18 13:29 | Report Abuse

actually, I dont think there's gonna be a super surprise.
At most, dividend is announced, and their dubai operations losses is less. Ard 1.5-2 million loss. This is the best case most realistic scenario. Careful of the hype, although I dont mind you guys keep buying it up :)


2014-08-15 17:04 | Report Abuse

Some rich ppl is buying in... but can say rich ppl selling too :S


2014-08-15 17:03 | Report Abuse

By next week mostly... today even if it's close at 95, but very very strong volumes.. good signs.

3000+ sell volume bought up within 20 minutes.


2014-08-14 21:56 | Report Abuse

So many new Notion-ers suddenly.. hahaha. I'll just drop by to put my 2cents.

I'm one of the longer holders of notion, all the while trying to give a neutral position while everyone was screaming sell back then. But eventually, I did cash all out during the recent rise, missed the peak by a lot too...I must sadly admit. Those who follow this thread, should remember me ba.

I'm not someone who follows emotions, rather like to believe in numbers.
The numbers don't really look good near term.

If it's not for the forex, it'll be another Q of lost for notion.

Now, just recently, someone was saying the Thoo Chow Fah is buying, but at the same time I did try to offer a counter opinion that, the other directors were selling too... In my mind, if the other directors are selling so near this Q's results, surely they know it's not going to be good.

And it's not too good to be honest.

QoQ wise, I'll expect the same results next quarter.
HDD, 22m (+2 qoq)
Camera, 20m (+5 qoq)
Automotive, 20m (+3 qoq)
Silver, -2.5m
Forex, 0 (no more forex gains, unless USD dips below 3? as current favourable exchange rate already booked for all outstanding loans, more forex gain is only possible if USD continues weaken)

All in, abt 5m better vs this q. My figures here is very very optimistic already, showing reasonable growth across all 3 core sectors.

Assuming even if the glass business is confirmed for 2015, it's a bit of a disappointment, initially, I was hoping it's related to the metal aluminium body, as I believe that's the real good margins...

If it's machining glass, the glass should come preordered from sony or lg or etc.. and notion's part should just be on grinding the edges to smooth things out and to get the rounded edges, which may not be able to contribute big margins... **I could be wrong. assuming a RM1-2 net profit per piece, at 1.5million pieces per q, the initial contribution from machining of glasses may not be that much.. Mmm. However, if they can grow it to 4 or 5 million per q, then there'll be some good money in it, that's definitely possible.

Another thing that I'm a bit uncomfortable, is previously I take it as their management to be honest in their reporting, however, I'm a bit worried on some signs where what's reported didn't turn up well. For example, their fire insurance claims, they keep saying it'll be paid in the next quarter, for too long already... a bit of a red flag there.
Or the special dividend which was hinted, as another example. It may still come, in the future.

Let's see how the shareprice reacts.

*Final disclaimer, all in, I still think it's can be re-bought back at a lower price. If it drops to ard 55-60, maybe i'll jump back in.


2014-08-14 21:09 | Report Abuse

I'm more interested to see actual growth/reduction of losses in their Dubai operations. Dividend and cash, is just gonna be there for a while. Actual growth, going to last forever. An improvement of 4-600k QoQ is a great sign.


2014-07-29 16:18 | Report Abuse

98.72 cents to be exact, take cash and cash equivalent 175,758,000 / 178,026,000 shares.


2014-07-16 12:10 | Report Abuse

Now that it broke news, public investors are all jumping in, no stopping this train now, but I doubt the majority of them will stay around if a bad/not so good quarter result is announced soon.


2014-07-16 12:06 | Report Abuse

Ok.. found the news, from the chairman himself.
Interesting... let's see how it goes, he did only say, 'close to clinching' the contracts... Sony and LG would be the customers if accurate.
Sony, possible from their SLR tie up previously I think, LG?

Mmmm, one thing of interest is the smartphone assembly would still be in China, which component is notion going to provide? The body itself (most likely, those metal phones which CNC machines can do)

Up til now, I think Thoo Chow Fah is still pretty trustworthy, it'll be interesting if he made up the news to support a goreng.
Still, impossible Choo Wing Hong don't know of any ongoing contracts negotiation and he choose to sell at 55?


2014-07-16 11:50 | Report Abuse

Disclaimer wise, I did unload majority of my holdings, too early i must say :( but still have some left to enjoy the run...


2014-07-16 11:48 | Report Abuse

Mmm.. i remember a lot of people were screaming sell and what not previously... traders :P if you sold, you've just locked in your losses.

Now, is this pure goreng? Or will it last... Mmmm.

Calvin, you chose to ignore the fact that another director was dumping too, even at 0.55.

Invester, if what you say is true, fundamentally that's a major good news (But still I doubt Choo Wing Hong will not know of...)

I've been a steady voice here, let's see how it goes... But the smartphone news, seems a bit not jive.. Their prior strategy announcement is automotive, oil and gas... sudddenly smartphone?? Unless they are doing iphone6, htc etc body with their CNC machines?


2014-05-15 23:22 | Report Abuse

Quarter result's out, 7 mill loss, camera sales dropped a further 5 million to 10million, camera sales just drove off the cliff, in this last 2 Q.

Increase in HDD and neutral in automotive, + a bit of forex gain...

What to make of it, and if you're already in the boat (like i am)

ENTERPRISE HDD is gaining strength, VS 2013's 4Qs, HDD sales increases from Q to Q over the year, 2nd Q's 2014 is already higher than 4th Q 2013. If the same season sales pattern persist, sales still should have some more room to grow, as 4th Q is the strongest..

It can't get any worst realistically now can it?

1st Q 2013 sales, 22mil, vs 1st Q 2014 15 million. (32% drop YoY)
2nd Q 2013 sales, 20mil, vs 2nd Q 2014 10 million (50% drop YoY)

The level of drop here, is significantly more than Nikon's sales drop. Unless Nikon has a significant stockpile, correction should stop after 6 months of stock clearances. Also, Nikon's projected YoY sales vs 2014 is an 8% drop in sales. Which is a far cry from the YoY % drop we're seeing here with Notion of abt 40%. Taking a 8% drop from Notion's 2013 sales to match Nikon's projection, can we see camera sales normalize back to ~18-19m per quarter for the final 2 Qs?

Seasonally, vs 2013's each Quarter reviews, the 2nd Q 2014 sales have already surpassed the 4th Q of 2013, again if similar seasonal sales pattern is projected, still room for auto sales growth for the next 2 Q.

Not good... expect another 1 mil loss, potentially 1 mil write off per Q until all invested amount is written off, to consider as the worst case scenario.. silver price is not too bad, but something else is wrong with alcyone management... Really like to know more from Thoo Chow Fah on what's happening there.

Good news at least here. As of now, USD to RM of 3.23, reliazed forex gain for the past 1.5 month of next Q's result already locked in. Surprising strength of RM since, most will probably expect RM to weaken further as QE tapering continues... Close of 3.23-3.20 at end of June's gonna be great.

OIL and GAS?
Finally, after the announcement of venturing into O&G, like 1 and half years ago by Notion, there's a mention of it in this Q's results. Seems to be positive, but not sure how much that will bring in terms of sales.

+20% SALES??
Notion management projects an increase of 20% sales in 2nd Half, where and how will these 20% come from? Probable or are they just blowing water?

Let's see where we can get 53-55m from.
Worst case scenario
HDD - 22m = Assuming no significant increase QoQ.
Camera - 18m = From 2013's lowest Q sales of 20m, + the already huge drop in the 1st two Q of 2014. Shld be able to at least normalize back to 18million? Conservative figure?
Automotive - 12m = Again assuming no significant changes
Silver - (1m)

Probable scenario?
HDD - 24m
Camera - 20m (This is equal to 2013's lowest Q sales for camera)
Auto - 14m
Silver - (1m)

Optimistic scenario
HDD - 24m
Camera - 23m
Auto - 15m
Oil & Gas - 1m?
Silver - (1m)

How did they react to the drop in sales from Camera/HDD as their business goes along....
They managed to get TRW in abt 3 quarters ago. But it's been pretty quiet after that. Didn't managed to see a big growth in automotive sales from TRW's entrance unfortunately.

Oil & Gas, some small update on this, after being silent/bad news on this for the past 1 year. Hopefully, we'll see actual sales in the next Q.

Silver. Mmm, an unsuccessful attempt at diversification. I was optimistic on that initially, and was expecting alcyone to at least breakeven. But, don't know why they have a hard time to extract the silver out, they have some fundamental issues at their leaching pads... not gonna be easy to solve.

Were they aware of the significant camera sales drop that happened subsequently? And now that it's beyond reasonable doubts that camera division is in trouble, how are they going to react to this?

Management rpt card, so so at the moment.. good & bad decisions.

All in.
Expecting a wave of selling in the next couple weeks, unless there's some more Bursa announcements coming up in regards to dividend/new customer. Conclusion? Inconclusive, trader in me ask to sell & buyback, investor in me, sees positive fundamental values still intact. NAPS, great amount of CNC machines that can roll out the $ if can be utilized. Expect another JCY like drop, before share price recovering strongly as the Q results improves.


2014-04-29 17:54 | Report Abuse

Or maybe you meant few weeks/months?


2014-04-29 17:52 | Report Abuse

Thank you green tea, it's a good share...

I just like to add that there's an mistake in your post.. even though I do expect Nikon to post a flat result. Nikon's only annoucing their Q result couple weeks from now. May 13 2014 to be exact. Source:

So, unless you came back from the future.... :)
"Yet, the fact that DSL camera market is still weak base on Nikon's latest quarter report announced few days ago. "


2014-04-02 16:01 | Report Abuse

mmm better to keep low at the moment, but let's see how it goes :) cautiously optimistic. warrant A, they sold off long time ago actually, no effect to what happened in the past 6 months. The exercise price is nonsense too, and with the nearer excise date, makes sense to sell.

On WB, its still quite funny, that on the days the Ds, dispose, it was equally met with buyers at high volume too. if you follow notion-b's volume, at the rates that the directors were disposing previously, it's more than enough to tank it to 10 cent and below in a single day. Excise price of RM1, is still probable to be in the money since it have sufficient time left to mature.

dont feel like talking too much on this d, as previously... maybe you can take the flag :D


2014-03-21 13:12 | Report Abuse

Been staying out of spotlight for a while... but i'm still holding ;D
Yes Green Tea, I do agree that one thing I like abt notion, is their management is quite frank on their projections, and when possible I think they warned the investors ahead of a bad Q and what not.

what's the total CNC machines that they have at the moment? Assuming Q42013's harddisk division sales of 21.2mil is at 80% utilization, now they mentioned it's in full capacity (21.2*1.2) = 25.5 mill, + 100 CNC machines more allocated to it from camera. Potentially, HDD sales is at 27-30 million?

Assume camera sales is stagnant at 15.8m QoQ

Automotive +8% (based on 8% increase in car sales in europe that u can google abt) QoQ = 13.8m

Revenue = ~54-56mil
Assume all losses is as same as previous(forex, alcyone, etc) QoQ
Assume finally a low insurance claim of 3 mil.

Quarter result shld be breakeven to +3 mil in gains?

On their forex losses.. Prior to this, in 2011 and 2012 their forex gains was actually 11 million from the hedge. 2013 -3.7 mill and as of 2014 at 3.28 (forex loss of 3.3mil) net they're still 4 million gain from forex at the moment. I think all in, their forex is a no win no lose in the end after all.


2014-03-05 17:56 | Report Abuse

.... sometimes it's hard to expect others to understand ur point here... my statement is just simply to say even the fund managers may get it wrong. since after their purchase, it went back to 2.8 before climbing back up again... i'm not saying im right or u're wrong.. aih. different understanding of english is common here it seems


2014-03-05 17:35 | Report Abuse

angelina, like i said, seems their entry is high, and they don't necessary manage to ALWAYS buy low, sell high. as again i mentioned, of course i didn't check their entire purchase history la to really find their AVG price.

Just saying that even fund managers can get it wrong, or didn't able to expect the drop back to 2.8x that happened.


2014-03-05 17:23 | Report Abuse

EPF and fund managers are also human it seems... after EPF's buy to peak on 13/12... it went down south until 2.8x and now that it's in the money, they're selling it..


2014-03-05 17:22 | Report Abuse

Was looking through some of EPF's buying... their buying price is quite high.. for the last few rounds of purchases, from nov to dec onwards.. average maybe 3.3.. So if they dispose at 3.5, not so much profit in terms of % really... mmmm. I didn't go further back on their buying history though.


2014-03-05 13:06 | Report Abuse

No big buyers... small timers buy a bit here n sell a bit there, can't move...


2014-03-05 11:28 | Report Abuse

very strange volume for KPS and Puncak.. vs engtex which just shot up.


2014-03-04 16:46 | Report Abuse

Yeah, noted the 1.9k and 2k transaction... abt time for some of those who exited to come back in... but volume still too low..


2014-03-04 16:01 | Report Abuse

well, gonna be 10th March soon... if it wanna happens, it will happen this 3 days...


2014-03-04 15:57 | Report Abuse

volumes too low at the moment, although some support seems to happen at 335. why would you say something's happening?


2014-03-03 12:26 | Report Abuse

Very slow day... volume is so small.. all waiting?


2014-02-28 19:20 | Report Abuse

Look at the chart on 13/12/13 and 16/12/13 I wonder if it'll match the same trade pattern after this or not...


2014-02-28 19:16 | Report Abuse

Actually, yesterday was a perfect technical setup for it to breach higher... not only did it fail at that, the sellers won too.. although, the overall volume is still lower than yesterday's gain volume.
Now if it doesn't turn up on monday, more and more sellers will join in and beat it back down.. mmmm..


2014-02-28 18:54 | Report Abuse

there's no more weak holders, i think as a hot stock, it's getting repeatedly manipulated on purpose... if just rise from 3.00 to 4.00 for example, only gain 33% but if 3 > 3.5 > 3 > 3.5 again and again.. the profits is much much more.. either u're really long term holder or u sell when it's almost acceptable to u... serious money is playing the stock here..


2014-02-27 17:50 | Report Abuse

Very quiet forum now d.... aih sad sad notion


2014-02-27 17:40 | Report Abuse

dont think anyone got appetite to go d.. hehe, but would be interested to know more from the directors.. what's their plans in regards to things right now...


2014-02-27 15:51 | Report Abuse

Huge Q at 347, 48 49 and 350.. how to break.


2014-02-27 14:16 | Report Abuse

The speculators who wants to make quick money are all leaving.. either they buy on margin/T+3 players who really dont have the money to hold.. see how it goes after today...


2014-02-27 14:10 | Report Abuse

As of now, there's no mention anywhere that the gov will send letter.
The 2b government give to selangor, is more like a loan so that selangor only pay the remaining 7.x billion. in return for accepting the 2b, selangor actually will give 2b worth of assets back to the Fed.

The fed didn't give anything away


2014-02-26 16:53 | Report Abuse

Why would TP at 4.16, when NAPS is closer to 4.30? In any business deals, you'll not only sell your business at NAPS price, but you'll sell it with premium if it's a profitable business.. I wonder why the valuations from the research houses is so low? Not trying to hype up the stock, but just want objective discussion on it.