
eltaria | Joined since 2011-03-18

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2013-10-02 16:38 | Report Abuse

Puncak's dropping steeply too, seems all water play big sharks is taking profit.


2013-10-02 16:38 | Report Abuse

*Edit, 46.5 not 46* actually besides sharing the good part, here's the not so good part, half my q at 46.5 were matched before i can cancel the remainder..


2013-10-02 16:33 | Report Abuse

anyway, where it goes next, nobody knows, maybe it'll go up and i regret why i cancel half my q.. but, seems seller heavy though...


2013-10-02 16:27 | Report Abuse

I've exited also, ard 47.5, some at 48. Will buy back ard 44.


2013-09-27 18:18 | Report Abuse

Rome is built over years, but burned down in a day or something.. mmmmm


2013-09-27 18:17 | Report Abuse

while the big volume buying in is welcomed, but somehow I'm a bit concerned on it too... they can easily push it down if they want to.


2013-09-27 18:15 | Report Abuse

also wanghing, eventhough you see us talking abt this share a lot, if you check back our history, we buy in long time ago... so even if it drops now, we'll still profit (less) but for you it'll be a loss, same share different ending. so it's just up to you to decide your risk at the moment. It might continue go up for all i know... or fall. your guess as good as mine now. Fundamentally, I believe it's at least worth 1.50 and that's what im holding it until. But again, like i say, if it goes south, i'm still in a profitable position, albeit lesser one.


2013-09-26 16:38 | Report Abuse

Too many speculators profit taking in engtex-wa, the price is lagging behind mom. :(


2013-09-26 16:17 | Report Abuse

resistance broken... 140 soon :)


2013-09-25 18:46 | Report Abuse

Again interesting volumes at the closing, wonder who's buying in huge chunks of 1.28


2013-09-24 16:36 | Report Abuse

bulls have broken LTH!! :D


2013-09-23 18:30 | Report Abuse

By all means, not a buy or sell recommendation, you just need to make your own conclusion on this. as a disclaimer, personally i've been holding it for a while and i can afford for it to drop a bit or even a lot, before it continue rise. never a good idea to buy base on what other ppl tell you. you need to decide how much it's worth yourself, ultimately the risk is yours.


2013-09-23 17:07 | Report Abuse

thailand flood again, maybe some positive effect to local harddisk makers..


2013-09-23 17:05 | Report Abuse

Janice, there's no magic bullet or magic charts that can tell you a very specific number.. it was at 1.24, now its at 1.27. Nobody knows where it'll go next.... by the looks of it, i think LTH is out of stock, or even if they have, maybe just last 1 million stocks that they can dispose of.. not enough to really hold the bulls back d, *IF* the current buying trend continues.


2013-09-19 16:29 | Report Abuse

Assuming that TH only sells above 1.2, think LTH may have 2 more days to completely sell off their shares (~8 mil) and if buying interest is still strong then, shld hit 1.30 soon


2013-09-18 17:18 | Report Abuse

Anyway, assuming the big fish who bought huge chunks of engtex at 1.24 aren't stupid and is looking for at least 10% gain... 1.24*1.1 = 1.36 TP for the rest of us

Unless, the shares are sold from left hand to right hand to create the impression there's big volume going on... :P


2013-09-18 17:12 | Report Abuse

isn't it strange/coincidence that everytime a big seller comes, there's an equal big buyer? It's like they have a deal already to sell at x price. Imagine if there's no prior deal, and there's this huge sell volume at 1.24, it should put a lot of pressure on the price and send it downward... or if there's this BIG buyer, and there's no prior arrangement, then it should also drive the price up significantly.. anyway, expect TH to be finishing off their shares either today/3 days later at this rate..


2013-09-18 17:01 | Report Abuse

Again big volume at 1.24, sometimes i wonder if it's just shares exchanged from left hand to right hand... can't be such a coincidence every time big seller is matched by big buyer...


2013-09-18 15:40 | Report Abuse

couple of weeks ago tabung haji may still have 5 million shares left, after selling a lot in the last round of 1.18-1.25 stages. If they follow same sell pattern in this round, they should've sold all of their engtex shares by now, unless another major shareholder takes profit and keep sell, engtex should climb up now..


2013-09-13 17:06 | Report Abuse

Short term, where you think it'll go? North or South? I'm not good with short term... good news today is big volume, bad news is, even with huge volume today, it didn't break 1.24 mmm


2013-09-13 10:07 | Report Abuse

Also, didn't the star mentioned that engtex's factory is nearest to the langat 2 location? Logistics wise, that's a benefit already.


2013-09-13 10:06 | Report Abuse

Just to add in, even excluding Langat 2 completely. There's still a lot of new revenue stream coming in, hotel(2014/2015), properties(ongoing). These 2 segments are not entirely realised in current EPS. Assuming jaks or yli is fully occupied with langat 2, it'll create a shortage of pipe supply too, eventually engtex will benefit from it as well indirectly.


2013-09-12 16:00 | Report Abuse

Buy buy buy~~ I'm biased of course as an existing shareholder :P


2013-09-04 16:53 | Report Abuse

Something's coming up? Buying volume picking up on a down day... mmm


2013-08-28 19:37 | Report Abuse

depends on ur strategy really... and also how u view things, fundamentally nothing's wrong with engtex's business, syria war, usd exchange dont really effect them too much. engtex's more of a local player i believe. if you're looking at 6months, i can probably say with 80% certainty that buying now you'll be at least 10% profitable 6 months later (with expected 25-30 cents FY EPS), i can't say how the near term impact's gonna effect it though... near term is played by short termers who'll do anything to try to make more profit.. whether they succeed or not.. (those who sold at bottom today) who knows...??


2013-08-23 10:01 | Report Abuse

the only reason for engtex going down is because THaji is selling off.. estimate TH will finish selling off by next week, good entry point now, once TH is out, selling pressure will be much much less, and it'll fly. Current EPS is 15 cent. Full year EPS of 30 cents just x6 = 1.80 or even lets say FY13 eps of 25x6 = 1.50

6x multiplier, of 25 cent EPS as the baseline TP 1.50, or 30cent x 8 = TP 2.40

Plenty upside, minimal downside.


2013-08-22 17:11 | Report Abuse

Anyway, US tapering, interest rate goes up, USD to RM goes up, good news for exporters. panic sell, buy when everyone fears~~ fundamentals doesn't change much, if not improved by usd appreciation. Only problem is, can you guess when the panic sell will end, and end at what price (btm)?


2013-08-20 10:42 | Report Abuse

the amount of shares that is currently owned by 'public' people. People who're not directly/indirectly related to the company's management. the chairman, ceo, etc are not public shareholders.. u are a public shareholder.


2013-08-15 18:18 | Report Abuse

Notion Q results up... insurance claim from fire banked in, but still have 1 more batch to come. Current EPS 7.38, projected full year eps at 10-11 cents at least. Considering hdd is in down cycle at the moment, it's not too bad at all.


2013-08-05 16:57 | Report Abuse

**Im not sifu lee mi, u already did your homework on the fundamentals, so what's your concerns at the moment? fundamentally it's good as you highlighted, and they're successful in any new market that they entered, automotive, and slr for example.

Share buy back, and then share redistribution back to the shareholders, nikon owns 10% of notion, there's plenty to like actually.

Just need a catalyst to kick it up, maybe 1 to 2 quarters results later, but by then everyone already knows about it and you'll end up chasing. Good entry point now actually.


2013-06-12 17:47 | Report Abuse

Shhh.. keep it secret


2012-07-03 17:48 | Report Abuse

Arent the ex price = X u paid for the warrant + 60 cents?