
enning22 | Joined since 2014-07-04

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2017-01-01 17:37 | Report Abuse

why average price of cpo in 2017 is presumed to be rm3000, actually it could be just over rm2000, then everything is just bullshit, It was believed the price high was due to el nino heat wave which cut productions in these two producing countries,with the heat wave became history, and high production pattern back into normal, the chances of price decline is highly realistic.


2016-12-29 10:30 | Report Abuse

malaysia is in the midst of recession,and you still hope for many lucrative projects coming out from the air for gadang?? sorry lah.


2016-12-28 10:37 | Report Abuse

look at samchem , report show strong business growth in Vietnam and indonesia, luxchem also had established subsidiaries in these two countries, need to see the result.


2016-12-26 12:53 | Report Abuse

don't be silly,this';s not a big deal ? please refer http://www.twgreatdaily.com/cat98/node1381956#146003

News & Blogs

2016-12-25 12:53 | Report Abuse

don't be silly , EPF would rather see best time to exit, if cpo price fall ,you would not find any buiyer to take.It would be dump like toilet papers.


2016-12-25 12:44 | Report Abuse

FGV and Felda , whether same or not same, not the really issue, same people are up there making decision,using left arm or right arm, is the only difference.the truth is cancerous virus spreads.


2016-12-24 23:37 | Report Abuse

Nazir Razak calls on Felda's board to justify acquisition, valuation of Eagle High's stake for US$505.4m



2016-12-23 17:25 | Report Abuse

the phrase was used as metaphorical symbolism,not accounting technical description,if you can not think in broader perspective ,so be it.

News & Blogs

2016-12-20 23:19 | Report Abuse

BPlant ,fgv ,thplant same category of stock, that the old saying goes:"fools rush in where angels fear to tread".


2016-12-20 23:11 | Report Abuse

wtk has very small palmoil plantation ,jtiasa has big palmoil platation, that is the different.jtiasa has to utilise large percentage of earning from plantation to help timber sector, so we have net profit figure not so shining as compare to other plantation houses.

News & Blogs

2016-12-19 12:42 | Report Abuse

CUT LOSS----when you trade commodities.precious metals or financial futures etc, you need to learn about stop orders,that means cutting loss at certain price point, to avoid being wipeout completely.This is very important trading strategy.Many novices do not understand this important concept and want to make stupid noices about this issues, clearly exposed their ignorance, and lack of trading experience .


2016-12-16 17:30 | Report Abuse



2016-12-16 17:25 | Report Abuse

In The Edge Singapore this week: Is the growth of palm oil companies really unstoppable?
By Michelle Teo / theedgemarkets.com.sg | December 16, 2016 : 5:14 PM MYT
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SINGAPORE (Dec 16): The recent rally in crude palm oil (CPO) prices has surprised analysts and boosted locally listed palm oil stocks.

Shares in Indofood Agri Resources, which had been trading sideways since the middle of the year, shot up considerably in early December to 58.5 cents — close to the 52-week high of 62.5 cents that they hit in March. Wilmar International’s stock has also rallied and was up more than 23% so far this year. Golden Agri-Resources, the world’s second-largest oil palm planter, is now worth 25% more than it was a year ago.

But the higher palm oil prices may not offer, as big a boost to the palm oil companies as investors expected. Analysts say that’s because there are still some factors weighing down CPO prices and that the rally was not as strong as it could have been.

Against that backdrop, investors have to factor in new limitations in expansion opportunities too. The aggressive expansion of plantation land that palm producers were able to undertake in the past — planting about 10,000ha of new land every year, for instance — is unlikely to continue.

The Indonesian government has announced a ban on the conversion of peatland for cultivation, which will limit new plantation land available to these companies. Companies have been accused of burning the land to clear it for planting, thus causing the seasonal haze that blankets the region.

Still, there is a chance that the Indonesian government’s moratorium could eventually turn into a positive for plantation companies, says palm oil expert Dorab Mistry. A tightening in the supply of palm oil would keep prices up. “A moratorium will consign millions of poor consumers in the third world to a lifetime of high prices,” Mistry says in an email to The Edge Singapore.

Instead, Mistry is in favour of educating smallholders and incentivising them not to clear land by burning. “Once we incentivise smallholders to take the safer but longer route to clearing and planting, they shall say goodbye to the haze and all that it brings.”

Malaysian palm oil industry veteran Ling Ah Hong is similarly optimistic about the moratorium. A slowdown in new planting or land expansion, Ling says, would reduce the chances of oversupply and therefore add stability to CPO prices.

For now, companies are just focusing on improving the efficiency and yield of their plantations rather than churning out higher volumes of raw palm oil. The larger and better capitalised ones will also be counting on their diversified operations to improve shareholder returns.

To find out what some palm oil companies are doing to ensure the stability of their earnings, read our cover story “Can palm oil companies keep growing?” in this week’s issue of The Edge Singapore (Issue 759, week of Dec 19), available at major bookstores, 7-11 stores, and selected petrol stations.


2016-12-16 16:39 | Report Abuse

wat strategy --t +3 strategy, plus bluffing , plus cheating,liaring etc ? this is not investment , this is gambling,or game of conman.


2016-12-16 10:28 | Report Abuse

  外媒12月15日消息:新加坡联昌国际研究公司(CIMB Research)周四发布报告,将2016年马来西亚棕榈油产量预测数据调低至1730万吨,低于早先预期的1790万吨,较上年产量减少13%。



  CIMB分析师Ivy Ng Lee Fang称,我们预计棕榈油库存低于预期的消息对毛棕榈油价格利好。由于担心棕榈油供应紧张,2016年11月份毛棕榈油平均价格环比上涨6%,为每吨2885令吉。



2016-12-15 18:12 | Report Abuse

you father gave you one , zero cost..remember the blind man directing traffic story, simply tipu. even the Jkid also said ABOUT you , no class.


2016-12-15 16:42 | Report Abuse

@007 again , you sold all your taann at 336, sorry about that.that wat you accounting told you to do so, right??

News & Blogs

2016-12-15 16:34 | Report Abuse

CPO price at RM2,400/tonne and RM2,500/tonne for 2016 and 2017 respectively.the fellow must be joking, simply talk nonsense.


2016-12-15 13:14 | Report Abuse

0120 , annual profit is RM2.1 million, not enough to pay directors fees., please kindly explained how share holders could receiving any sensible returns ." Goring stock", out to cheat.uninformed speculators


2016-12-15 13:02 | Report Abuse

best opportunity for you to collect more,breaking 4rm is just a matter of time ,no doubt about it. Must have faith based on better global consumption on food stuff and higher biodessel mandate in fuel.


2016-12-14 15:25 | Report Abuse

if you think the stock price is high, tomorrow could go even higher.


2016-12-13 15:52 | Report Abuse

if all bearish news are already out, then all would be well in the future,bearish factors had been factored in in current price. With crude oil returning to above 50 usd , investment confidence would return to the market.


2016-12-13 15:45 | Report Abuse

why not ? need to watch out crude oil price,if steady ,and stay above 50usd .all would be well.

News & Blogs

2016-12-11 17:40 | Report Abuse

europeans learnt their hard lesson on relationship with religion and politics ,more then 500 years ago. they had dark age in the middle age.
now we are in the midst of our dark age.


2016-12-08 19:03 | Report Abuse

ai ya ,buy futures better , every month can sepeculate, up down up down ,better then go up genting casino.

@ blacksnake, didn't i say earlier ," just do whatever you want"? how is that your got such impression i intend to restrict you.or thinking i take this plase as mine ;don't simply talk nonsense,or just don't be over sensitive,please .


2016-12-08 15:12 | Report Abuse

@blacksnake Innoprise has only 9k hectare of plantation , it is a size of small holder, should not be listed in BURSA , TAANN has 90k plus hectare,almost 9 time the size of Innoprise,different class.


2016-12-08 14:56 | Report Abuse

@blacksnake ---you do wat ever you want ,this is the place,people discuss about TAANN --many people here bought in very cheap during the begin of the year,if like CEPAT OR Innoprise , plese go respective places and talk about them .Here we keep latest developement posted,for future reference.


2016-12-08 14:50 | Report Abuse

@007 is just a notorious con man , everybody here know about him .


2016-12-08 08:29 | Report Abuse

don't be silly , no way. foreign funds see ringgit soon would fall to 5rm to 1 usd, they run quick,quick.park their money in USD, so how to go up ?you tell me.


2016-12-07 22:55 | Report Abuse

@blacksnake innoprise plantation ?size too small, profit not enought tp pay directors; and current price overvalued.


2016-12-07 17:00 | Report Abuse

if you are still holding on with steel counters, sure eat shit.


2016-12-07 16:13 | Report Abuse

did i recommend FGV , that time got a friend ask me,well no harm done ,just short term speculation, small profit ,quick move.

@henly , you don't understand chinese proverb , go back to school , or take some tuition.class.


2016-12-07 15:18 | Report Abuse

Ooi Teik Bee's charting method only workable in a bull market, but during bear market ,it is worthless. agree or not!!


2016-12-07 15:10 | Report Abuse

@why , where u get the idea of overpriced ,or under-valued ,people buy, people sell, free market.


2016-12-07 13:42 | Report Abuse

Malaysia's exports fell 8.6% to RM69.2 billion in October from a year earlier, mainly on lower oil and gas-related sales. Weaker timber-based sales also contributed to the nation's export drop.
In a statement today, the Statistics Department said liquified natural gas exports dropped 40.2%, crude oil sales declined 27.9%, while refined petroleum product transactions were 1.4% lower.

"Timber and timber-based products (exports) decreased RM240.8 million or 11.4%, from RM2.1 billion," the department said.

In September, the country's exports and imports fell 3% and 0.1% respectively, from a year earlier.


2016-12-07 13:25 | Report Abuse

Voting With Their Feet : Foreign investors dumping more M’sia shares on the KLSE. Here is more scary news. This is more relevant :

The net amount of Malaysian equity sold by foreign investors amounts to -RM780.5 million, up 58.2 percent from the week before (-RM493.3 million).



2016-12-07 13:00 | Report Abuse

@007 @chaishen , same person , changed the name and start shiting again.Like dog never change the habit of eating shit.


2016-12-07 12:34 | Report Abuse

for share mkt , sometimes you do investment, sometimes you do short term speculation, you must clearly understood the distintion , and know exactly wat you are doing. I did speculate in FGV shares earlier,saw govt link funds moved in a big way to purchase , the story at that time FGV was undergoing restructuring exercise, and a new CEO had been appointed, and the new CEO, scraped the deal on purchasing Indonesian company called Grand Eagle plantation. It looked good at that time. but then suddenly the story changed, that deal with Grand Eagle are actually still carry on with further negotiation, and many corporate frauds of FGV being reported, in Star, and the Edge.
i quickly disposed all Fgv,luckily no loss incurred.That was my speculative experience on FGV.For you knowledge , i never advise anybody to speculate in any share,not FGV or anything else.Whatever anybody do,they do on their own accord.and those action has nothing to do with me,PLEASE understand that.
For short term speculation, I learnt one IMPORTANT principle, cut loss once the trend changed course.


2016-12-07 09:42 | Report Abuse

those companies ,based on setup, strickly speaking not overpriced, but undervalued, by right should be very profitable, but results are not there , so i say the management managed in " strange way". So thanks , but no thanks.


2016-12-06 23:57 | Report Abuse

SOP also not bad, my second choice.i myself avoid FGV ,Jtiasa,Thplant ,due to bad managements and many problems existed; thought price was low for these companies.
As investors , we shoud stick with good companies.


2016-12-06 18:05 | Report Abuse

as CPO selling keep moving up , FGV got a chance to move higher.wish you all best of luck.


2016-12-06 14:22 | Report Abuse

institutional investors are stupid , you are totally right! they are so foolish in believing in people who can make brilliantly intelligent decisions ,and so brilliant that FGV would loss money all the time.


2016-12-06 14:06 | Report Abuse

why u always imagine institutions wanted to collect at low, why not learning that investment institutions who are dumping to the silly fools wanted to collect toilet papers.


2016-12-06 12:20 | Report Abuse

Human beings by nature have many appetites, once it loss control of these appetites, it could go wild----Thomas Hobbes


2016-12-06 12:12 | Report Abuse

one-mdb good or not? you tell me ? don't be silly and naive?


2016-12-06 12:07 | Report Abuse

to rescue FGV, first you need to wait the price to fall 28 sen, then only can active "operasi rescue", that the standard model established since MAS ,...


2016-12-06 09:49 | Report Abuse

yesterday i bot , today i cut loss, thinking it is better go and buy toilet paper


2016-12-05 23:34 | Report Abuse

one of those trap in gadang,now putting up smokescreen, to blur people eyes,confuse people.

News & Blogs

2016-12-05 20:45 | Report Abuse

first he ,calvin cries "wolf!", second time he again cries "wolf", the third time he cries again,
omg ,ths time he is eaten by wolf.