
enning22 | Joined since 2014-07-04

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2016-11-11 11:22 | Report Abuse

BURSA futures market trading live


2016-11-11 10:43 | Report Abuse

Free fall in the ringgit,4.5 Usd now, people need to hedge on currency, first thing to do is to buy commodity, OR commodity producing stocks, or buy gold, or direct ly buy USD.


2016-11-11 09:47 | Report Abuse

jtiasa is big brother , rsawit is baby brother, so situation cannot reverse , somemore rsawit has young trees, little production.


2016-11-11 09:33 | Report Abuse

in general investors in our market , need to see the black and white written on quarterly report,before committing any money, and not listen to private forecaster ,like you and i, right?


2016-11-08 16:56 | Report Abuse

this cpo selling price , plantations and small holder , could make tons of money by sell ffb at extremely high price.


2016-11-08 12:42 | Report Abuse

yes , there are people would appreciate the value, they bot 330,,290, 280, 250, may be next 230, 200, 150 or further. This is exactly i saw wat was happening perisai trading history, oil and gas counters sure good, will come back for sure ,so it went from high of 1.60, now 5 sen.


2016-11-08 11:41 | Report Abuse

these people refused to open their eyes to see, current ugly and depressive conditions existing in property and contruction sector, Now you face the fact, and cry there is no tears.


2016-11-08 09:43 | Report Abuse

PE was based on palmoil average selling price at 2255rm last year, but this year the price improved significantly, current price is 2600--2800rm, so the PE number was out dated,


2016-11-07 13:19 | Report Abuse

you really know, or just another really don't know,but pretend to know.


2016-11-07 11:42 | Report Abuse

if i see this counter's future prospect turns uncertain, cloudy, or even ugly, i run fast,fast. Never fall in love with any counter. Wishful thing must be banished , this is the maxim for experienced traders.


2016-11-07 10:40 | Report Abuse

chicken feed standard


2016-11-06 15:21 | Report Abuse

Don't be carry away by your blind wishful thinking, all good thing would come to an end some day.As we know the economic enviroment currently is getting gloomier,every day passed, and little light ahead, in particular on property and infrastructure sector.It is amazing to see so many people did not notice the dark reality.


2016-11-06 15:11 | Report Abuse

NOW KYY had this to say : After careful consideration, I must admit my mistake in giving you the wrong opinion of Gadang. I have requested the Administrator of i3investor.com to withdraw my article under the title “My Opinion of Gadang after the AGM & EGM” which was published yesterday.


2016-11-06 14:35 | Report Abuse

Jayatiasa~棕油园 Oil Palm Plantation
Total Land Area: 83,483 hectares
Planted Area*: 69,589 hectares
Matured Area*: 63,837 hectares


2016-11-04 09:01 | Report Abuse








2016-11-02 16:07 | Report Abuse

annual report contained July 2015-June 2016 business data , what you are looking was old depressive old business enviroment , not the current more positive situation, addend to this , Najib plans to visit China ,and in the process, works to close CERTAIN deals,SAID include palm oil export to that country.


2016-11-01 10:38 | Report Abuse

Crude Palm Oil (CPO) price
increased by 4.1% to RM2,255 per Metric Tonnes (MT) .
this is outrageous, CPO clearly in the region at 2400-2800, how on earth can derive figure like RM2.255 on average level.Did the people passed the primary school mathematics.something fishy.


2016-10-30 15:37 | Report Abuse

As regard to future CPO price, i think ,they will be traded at reasonably profitable level, it would be in region around 2400--2800,much better then year before.The reasons are comsumer coutries' economy are better, and have larger healthy comsumption figures.The large overhanging stock of oil had been pared down, particularly in Indonesia, as the country introduced B20 program in the biodiesel program,helped to reduce the stockpile.This put the monthly disappearance of palmoil in Indonesia to increased to 900 plus thousand ton a month.China import of soyabean also increased to 86 millions a year, all increase substantially.


2016-10-30 15:19 | Report Abuse

from the past performance , we can see ,there are large room for improvement on expertise palm manegementand marketing.See the large monthly FFB output and low CPO output, it is a mismatch,


2016-10-30 11:21 | Report Abuse

for investment , you need to look at ugly data and hard facts of our economy,not wild imagination.The hard facts are , things are not so rosy as some blind imagination seemed to lead many of u into. Caution is the real word, the sole MESSAGE


2016-10-30 11:01 | Report Abuse

everything turns out fine ,hold tight, tight! wait for the durians to fall.


2016-10-29 10:35 | Report Abuse

pisanggoreng 's logic is wrong , kokonn acqiured his shares few years back , which could be 50 sen or less a share, if he disposed and averaging ,upward or downword, either way, you are no match.


2016-10-28 15:05 | Report Abuse

in this case , you need to take a trip to holland , then come back


2016-10-28 14:25 | Report Abuse

40 sen drop within aday, it is a limit down?


2016-10-28 13:53 | Report Abuse

APEX security sees a booming economy in our country,many lucrative projects going around. the dark truth is exactly the opposite,
In this particular case, you have to judge for yourself.


2016-10-28 13:39 | Report Abuse

in recessionary economy, one quarter result can explain all the dark facts , and bleak future;.don't just day dream


2016-10-28 12:49 | Report Abuse

from the last national budget, indicated, there would be, little fresh lucrative public infrastrature projects to go around , you should know the consequence for civil engineering company like gadang.


2016-10-27 16:55 | Report Abuse

a nuisance fooling around,and telling lies


2016-10-27 00:16 | Report Abuse

locality of the plantation land carry extra value,not too far from Kuching,i think the management sees the future prospect,and thus willing to pay abit higher then normal.


2016-10-26 07:12 | Report Abuse

added to this ,jtiasa has large financial borrowing, this needs to be serviced annually, this number needs to be lower or clear ,before the company is going to have good time.


2016-10-26 06:49 | Report Abuse

we notice the company has current cash level of RM304m, lying idle , and this is put into good use,this should be considered positive , and not negative. unless the purchase is an overpriced deal, like what was happening in FGV.


2016-10-26 06:31 | Report Abuse

2015, up to june 2016 was bad time and tricky moment for palm oil industry,experienced ,normal producton ,while selling price was low , or else high price,but low monthly output,but since June, we are having high price, and high output , so this coming quarter should show the real strength of the company, need to observe carefully.


2016-10-24 14:54 | Report Abuse

father cannot be trusted , son unknown?


2016-10-24 12:42 | Report Abuse

nothing wrong?his analytical scheme did not take into consideration of the massive expansion soyabeans acreage in US and South america,like Brazil and Argentina,also the uncontrol ever enlarging expansion of planting in Indonesia, on the demand side, you also need to evaluate the consumption volumes in India and China, and the rest of the world.At that time the supply side clearly larger then the demand side,large disequalibrium gap existed, the rest of the story, you can figure out for yourself.


2016-10-24 11:52 | Report Abuse

like i said ,kyy analytical methods has plenty of flaws


2016-10-24 11:49 | Report Abuse

should be at par with public bank or hongleong bank.


2016-10-24 10:20 | Report Abuse

weng77, your target has been set, too unrealistically low,


2016-10-24 09:37 | Report Abuse

if you keep planting , and no harvesting , may be you felt the stress, but if you keeping planting , also have good harvesting , and the demand is good , price is high, plenty of cash to go around ;why there is so much worry.


2016-10-24 09:09 | Report Abuse

logic is simple , when the trees are small, little crop to go around , and selling price was low around 2000--2200 rm, you can say anything, but now trees are matured , production is good, selling price is high, 2450-2800, factors have changed., it is another story , right?

News & Blogs

2016-10-24 08:59 | Report Abuse



2016-10-24 08:53 | Report Abuse

this company has plenty of cash, but the core industry is stagnant, needs new changes or new developements,otherwise you need to wait.


2016-10-24 08:12 | Report Abuse

i think calvintaen is right, and kyy is wrong , simple as that, no need to twist around, playing with double meaning words.kyy's understand of palmoil industry is shallow and simplistic,need plenty of catch up,


2016-10-22 20:28 | Report Abuse

Flintstones's is realistic and correct,! gadang has entered overvalued zone., need extra cautions

News & Blogs

2016-10-22 18:22 | Report Abuse

it is not a matter of good or bad , the issue is , whether it is over priced or not as currently traded in the market. so it is for now.


2016-10-21 18:56 | Report Abuse

EPF needs money.oh, need to borrow money from foreign banks.


2016-10-17 17:59 | Report Abuse

don't be silly,WTK: monthly production of FFB is only 5000 ton,/ negligible in actual sense, in the oilpalm industry. for example as compared to jtiasa ,which produce 100000 ton per month


2016-10-14 21:27 | Report Abuse

taann today performed very well ,reflecting the global supply and demand situation,cpo in particular , keep it up.
