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2020-04-15 10:46 | Report Abuse

@alibaba, I do admit that I am not a pro trader and I am trying to learn. Never did I want to gather followers or to prove myself right or wrong. I am not a sifu here who shares sure win strategies. And just to make it clear, I did not say that you are not sharing good insights. If you refer to what I said earlier, is to move your arguments. If you have good insights to share instead of bashing people, then please do share them. You have pointed out where my 'mistakes' are, then correct them. Tell us what is resistance and support.

@babydragonslayer, so far my rumor for this counter is 2, one in which turned out to be true. The second one I mentioned that I am not sure if its credible or not. You know very well those Telegram people often share 'rumors'. I share them here for the benefits of people to chase high just to take note. Cuz since they are more 'pro' and 'experienced' than I am, I am sure they will know whether the information I share have impact on them or not. I did not tell them specifically to buy or not to buy.

@sammmy Thank you for your insight, I do agree that the 'rumor' does not make sense base on the information you shared. And I also agree that yesterday's show of 150m share in 3 minutes is freaking hyper esp at 4.50pm mark, at least 100m share snapped up in 1 go.


2020-04-15 10:32 | Report Abuse

On the flipside @sammmy, I did hear rumor of massive dumping at 0.02. Not sure if its credible or not, but regardless, it doesn't impact me. Just hope that people who wanna chase high at 0.025 would take note of this.


2020-04-15 10:31 | Report Abuse

So the summary and continuation of the argument:

@alibaba called @babydragonslayer a conman and a cousin of calvin.

@babydragonslayer refuted that statement and asks @alibaba to retract his statements and brand himself conman.


2020-04-15 10:29 | Report Abuse

No offense @alibaba and @babydragonslayer, as much as I appreciate both of you trying to slash each other out in this forum, but it makes tracking other people's useful comment / discussion / information a tad bit more difficult. Would it be okay for you both to move your argument to the Lambo-WB page instead? It would be greatly appreciated :)

Here's the link to make things easier:


2020-04-15 10:15 | Report Abuse

@sammmy You've heard rumors about that? I didn't hear any from my end though.

I do know that the price is perking up and there are operators who joined the table yesterday. So today they might be fishing the retailers before flushing them out at 0.02. That's what I'd do if I am the operator.

Retailers chasing high is never a good thing, easily trapped.


2020-04-15 09:46 | Report Abuse

@BursaFollower, I think they are hedging on these few points below, but feel free to comment and let me know what you think. Perhaps we can discuss more points to learn.

1. The economy / market has not really seen the true bottom yet, now is just the euphoria of all the QE's and liquid injection done by the government.

2. Gold will only head upwards when compared to last 5 years graph. In any circumstances, gold gains, USD weakens, good for gold.

3. Once the dust of the Covid19 settles and market turns into recession, gold will be the focus point cuz banks / companies start to hold gold bullion, which is one of PohKong's trades.

4. PohKong technically can't do physical store sales, but right now they can focus on lower cost products to be sold online.

I get that younger people tend to ignore gold at the moment, but they could be gravely wrong. Like it or not gold still exists in physical form, and it has been the benchmark for currencies since hundred of years ago. But again, times change, greed does not.


2020-04-15 09:31 | Report Abuse

Hope all who heed advice and bought at 0.015 yesterday managed to sold for 0.025 at least.

For those who intend to queue at 0.015 today, you got a long long way to queue.

Short Term / Day Traders: For those who intend to chase at 0.02 / 0.025, my honest suggestion is not to do so. The volume is not a huge as yesterday. Today is more of the retailers / small time fishes like us trying to chase high.

Long Term / 'Investors': If you feel that the 0.04 net cash is a strong enough safety net for you, then by all means chase 0.025 then :)

Tip: Look at Lambo-WB :)

Good luck!


2020-04-14 17:03 | Report Abuse

@alibaba, don't worry I cancelled my GTD hahaha! Pretty excited to see such big volume, although it doesn't really impact me for the time, cuz it will take some time before it reaches 0.04.

I hope those who heed my advice to collect at 0.01/0.015 managed to get it and hang in there. Tomorrow might be good show. If tomorrow volume dies down, I will continue to collect.

Foreverchung's safest bet: RM0.04/share and below is definitely a buy, based on net cash alone.


2020-04-14 16:53 | Report Abuse

Yup, all 0.02 cents all gone.


2020-04-14 16:36 | Report Abuse

Big volume came in sapu 500k lots. Gg. Left 1.05m lot parking at 0.02.


2020-04-14 15:56 | Report Abuse

If it goes back to resistance 0.015, I will eat up alot.


2020-04-14 13:49 | Report Abuse

@babydragonslayer, yeah did not want to go to Netx, but its fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Saying Lambo better than Netx does not necessarily say Netx bad. Could be Netx is good, but Lambo is even better. Depends on how you understand what others write.

For me, I am here in this mudpile to learn. Some people genuinely share true insights; some people spread fake news to garner support / criticism; Some people just give trash comments. Its fine to me. These people doesn't answer to me at the end, I don't answer to them as well.

Of course this is not the only channel I learn, there are many out there that are better. I commit to putting in useful information / comments as much as I can instead of trash talking all the time. Afterall, this counter is judi counter. I am just doing a calculated judi.

In the end, everyone for themselves. Good luck.


2020-04-14 13:33 | Report Abuse

For me, both counter not for long term. But short-medium term, Lambo > Netx. My own opinion only.


2020-04-14 13:07 | Report Abuse

@Kingston1, could you elaborate more? As I noticed that there is a huge buy Q, not sure that's from the operator or retailer.


2020-04-14 10:55 | Report Abuse

@sniper89, I somewhat agree with you. But we have to keep in mind some people rather take profit early and not be greedy just like @Kingston1. So we can't control.

I myself plan to hold till 0.04 before I let go, then I can no need look at this counter anymore until it goes back 0.01-0.02. Too bad I can't gather more to gamble hahaha. After some people commented that this counter is gamble counter, I somewhat agree to that as well, but I feel its more of a calculated gambling as I am using 2 points for hedge: 1. This counter currently making money although little; 2. This counter's net cash stands ~0.04.

Again, good luck everyone.


2020-04-14 10:43 | Report Abuse

@alibaba, I think so too. But as long as this company share is within the price range of 0.05 and below, it's rather safe for me.

Company collapse takes time, maybe 1 or 2 losses, then there's risk of directors cabut or smth.

@Kingston1, good for you! Not greedy. Maybe you can queue back in once it hits 0.01, which won't happen this week I feel. Maybe next week :)


2020-04-14 10:40 | Report Abuse

People wanna take profit. Some held roughly at 0.4/share, now 0.49 its quite healthy for them so they throw.

Whereas for some others like me, I hold cuz I know it will go further than this. :)


2020-04-14 10:21 | Report Abuse

@Kingston1 why not queue much earlier at 0.02 lol.


2020-04-14 09:58 | Report Abuse

Those who queue sell at 0.02, might wanna relook to queue back sell queue at 0.025. Just saying.

For those who want in immediately, change your queue to 0.015 if you want immediate in.

Don't ask me how I got these, if you read my comment above you'll know where this is from.


2020-04-14 09:46 | Report Abuse

Have been holding PohKong ever since. I would say I agree with @SuperPanda, Tomei has higher uptrend, but lower volume, so abit harder to sell off; Pohkong has lower uptrend, but higher volume, easier to sell.

Personally I prefer Pohkong, although I was holding Tomei and Pohkong between these, but I sold off Tomei cuz I felt that its abit harder for me to convert my paper profit to actual profit.


2020-04-14 09:37 | Report Abuse

@Ravi Kumar, the cash balance at hand for this company stands at 0.05, but to play it safe, I take it as 0.04 instead.

- Cash balance ~ roughly 0.04
- Company is profiting compared to other similar peers

I myself value this company at 0.04 tops. Judge and do your own research, we take risks at the end of the day :) Good luck.


2020-04-14 09:17 | Report Abuse

Bullseye, 0.02 hit.


2020-04-14 09:16 | Report Abuse

Turns out my rumor is real, 1.8m lots within first 15minutes.

Second rumor - Might have news coming in, not sure what, no details mentioned. Today might be top 1 active counter in bursa.


2020-04-13 13:20 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker which product you're referring to?

I do agree that their e-commerce website LamboPlace needs a little rework before it can start to compete with tier 2 e-commerce platform like PGmall/Qoo10. Now probably ramping up. No need to mention tier 1 e-commerce platform like Lazada/Shopee.


2020-04-13 13:14 | Report Abuse

@babydragonslayer yeah it is a rumor, heard from Telegram group. So do take it with a pinch of salt. But judging from the buy queue at 98%, seems plausible.

Anyhow, for those who think its possible, then its up to your decision. Good luck is all I can say!


2020-04-13 12:49 | Report Abuse

Got rumor saying that there is big buy volume coming in, those who last min queue 0.015 sell might be a good idea for you to change to 0.02 if you are interested in holding a few more days to weeks.

Good luck.


2020-04-09 16:52 | Report Abuse

Okay, volume start to pan down already. Need to wait few more days. But my decision not to come back join pointless discussions is correct. In the end, all for themselves. Good luck have fun all.


2020-04-09 14:53 | Report Abuse

Okay I bought my last batch at 0.015, not gonna be greedy. Just want to snap up some share then I can no need watch this counter everyday. Queue sell GTD at 0.04. Bye ya'll.


2020-04-09 09:13 | Report Abuse

@sokowanda, What is the reasoning / evidence that led to your comment?

Do you have any articles / evidence that I can read on? Or you can give me more details on your insights? Like you say, at the end of the day I will know you're not lying, but I wanna know more.

I am putting my money in this counter not because it will explode big and become huge ass company. I do not like how many China linked companies work too, but at the moment, this company seems to be somewhat generating profit compare to similar companies like Netx, VC etc.


2020-04-09 07:22 | Report Abuse

@john1102, technically @codaud is not talking cock. The company is technically earning money instead of loss making at the moment.


2020-04-08 13:25 | Report Abuse

Dude why @wong, @Addy & @fishchu keep deleting their comment then repost?

THANK YOU FOR THE NEWS / COMMENT, WE GET IT! Let's move on with the discussion man.


2020-04-08 12:16 | Report Abuse

Yeah @Aliibaba, I agree. I queued some for WB and queued some for mother share. Let's hope I get to my turn before the day ends.


2020-04-08 11:48 | Report Abuse

@Aliibaba did you manage to collect some WB at 0.005? Got long queue?

Thanks for the idea, I didn't thought of WB too since expiry is in 2024.


2020-04-08 11:40 | Report Abuse

@dragonslayer, for this 10k lot, yes its sort of a gamble, cuz this was extra fund that I manage to fork out for Lambo. So its sort of a short term whereby I look to sell around 0.02 or 0.025 just to get a little extra. The rest 30k~ lot I plan to hold until at least 0.04 before I will let go just using NTA (cash) as a benchmark.

So throwing a coin wouldn't make more sense. I was looking for information / comments on people who monitor volume and maybe they can give me some ideas that's all :) but thanks for your feedback.

@fishchu, I don't understand why are you repeating your comments and making inconsistent remarks.


2020-04-08 11:20 | Report Abuse

Hmmm, wanted to queue for more at 0.01 but it seems like 0.015 is the way to go now if want immediate buy in. If queue 0.01 don't know when only my turn sigh. Earn 25% less? or risk no earn at all? Questions as a stock trader always ask.

What do the rest of you think? If queue 0.015 can buy in in time before last bell rings?


2020-04-08 09:33 | Report Abuse

@wong Yes thank you, this news has been on for a few days now.

Meanwhile, we seeing some volume here but not too much, more playing on WB.


2020-04-08 08:08 | Report Abuse

Would today have as much volume as yesterday? Would Lambo touch 0.02 per share today?

Strap on your Lambo seat belt, Press Start Engine button, ready to rev your engines; and find out next at 9.00a.m. Sharp.


2020-04-07 14:59 | Report Abuse

@fishchu, am not sure how sure you are in Netx, but remember to do some research before you buy Lambo / Netx, I did mine for Lambo but am not so sure about Netx. Good luck.

@ahbah sure thing, no problem. At the end of the day, everyone hopes to gain useful information and earn money.


2020-04-07 14:48 | Report Abuse

@wong that would be good for Netx, then good for Lambo too.


2020-04-07 14:45 | Report Abuse

Good volume today!


2020-04-07 14:37 | Report Abuse

@5354_ I think Gemlive is own its own entity (owned by Netx Holding Berhad) and has nothing to do with FoodPanda. They just got into MoU with Lambo to be their delivery service partner, that's all.

Whereas for Lavo / Marquee Inter, would be another restaurant / F&B operator who appointed Lambo as their delivery partner as well via MoU. Again both no association with FoodPanda.

@wong was just mentioning FoodPanda as he thinks that Gemspot will use FoodPanda instead of LamboMove after MCO.


2020-04-07 14:35 | Report Abuse

@wong and if Gemspot will be super app, that's even better for LamboMove. Don't you think so? It means more business for LamboMove, which does not eat away Gemspot/Gemlive's branding compared to FoodPanda which is effectively their competitor.


2020-04-07 14:34 | Report Abuse

@wong, I stand to disagree. If Gemspot were to use FoodPanda as their food delivery partner, they are effectively cannibalizing and killing off their own platform.

Gemspot/Gemlive has been invested to get people to use the platform. By using FoodPanda instead, people would just eventually migrate to FoodPanda as FoodPanda has more choices and established food choices; effectively killing Gemspot/Gemlive and reduce their subscriber / users. If the directors of Netx does that, then it is Netx that is having loss. For Lambo, they just lose one business partner.

Lambo would still be having their own E-comm that can use LamboMove, and also Lavo as well. Meanwhile, the directors of Lambo will have to work hard to diversify the income / industry and look for new contracts for their IT side.

Let's say and just a big BIG IF, if they managed to renew their contract on the IT side for 1 year or so, think about the revenue. It will go back to beginning-2019 levels.


2020-04-07 14:27 | Report Abuse

@ahbah I wouldn't say this is seasonal factors only, even without Covid19, Lambo still got work to do before their earnings is back.

But Covid19 gave Lambo a good chance to look carefully which aspect / direction they wanna grow into. They have Logistics, IT, E-comm, and others. But since MCO and Covid is going to change the shape of the industry by promoting E-comm and also food delivery, Lambo made a good move in placing a little more focus on E-comm / Food delivery / Logistics scene which I think could be a good move for them.

E-comm / Food delivery is not restricted as badly as other sectors. From experience, I noticed that people around me now use GrabExpress/point to point courier service even more to deliver small items from food / books / clothes / documents just because they cannot travel between 2 locations, whereas the couriers have the approval to do so. Paying RM20+ just to get a hard disk delivered from Segambut to PJ by motorcycle. Think about it.


2020-04-07 14:20 | Report Abuse

@fishchu Gemspot/Gemlive is by Netx 0020.


2020-04-07 13:50 | Report Abuse

@dragonslayer I feel that there's small-medium operator involved here, can see the volume is suppressed at 0.01, only small fish bought those 0.015.

Let's see second half, as the news broke out in TheEdge, if market sentiment towards Lambo is good today, then should be able to push towards at least 0.015.

Considering that alot of market will be reaching off trading hours, more people will pay attention to SEA market. More movement of funds, last 2 hours will tell you more story on KLCI and also Lambo. Either way, hold tight fellas.


2020-04-07 13:18 | Report Abuse

@5354_ if you read the QR report back in Sep Q, you'll notice that the existing contract for their IT consultancy has ended, hence the reduction in revenue.

However, that said, pointing to the chart of the share price, you'll see that also actually have been priced into the share price around Oct'/Nov'/Dec'. Even with such reduction, the company still actually makes money, albeit significantly smaller amount. So, it tells you that the company is still trying to make money instead of let the market beat them up.


2020-04-07 13:16 | Report Abuse

@wong LamboMove has actually been established, probably you're referring to expansion. Even if they need to expand, I don't see that is an issue.

1. They have huge cash balance in the bank.
2. The more motorcycles / worker, means that there is demand, presence of demand means got opportunity to earn. Win win.

Whereas for Gemlive/Gemspot, the more business they get, the more Lambo earns as they need Lambo to deliver. Riding on that, Lambo themselves also have e-comm platform, Lamboplace, that can utilize the their sister company last mile delivery.

1. Fuel price is relatively low at the moment.
2. Hire purchase / loan rates are low at the moment.

If the company takes advantage of this and work on the food delivery platform by connecting small hawkers / famous eateries and pair them up with LamboMove and LamboPlace, I don't see why there is not much room for growth. Considering that the MCO might be extended, it can only mean that the business might grow, as there are minimal restriction on food delivery / e-comm.


2020-04-07 10:52 | Report Abuse

@Aliibaba good point, agreed. 1cent doesn't mean cheap. But for Lambo, it could be considered cheap considering it is earning money, compare this to Netx fundamentally you'll be slightly more confident in buying this stock @karen koh.

With cash at hand, minimal borrowings, this stock cash alone is almost 3x its market cap. Sell all asset probably looking at 0.04 per share. But again, market is emotional. Do your homework, for me, I bought as much as I could at 0.01, was hoping for 0.005 but that's just greedy. Personally, I hope it to go up to 0.04 level then I'll be comfortable to let go.


2020-04-07 10:48 | Report Abuse

Market priced in the loss of main revenue back in Oct/Nov period, with this new partnership with Gemlive/Gemspot, could be a good chance for Lambo to earn as E-comm is still allowed to operate during MCO. Reduce impact on earnings.