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2023-09-01 20:18 | Report Abuse
Div to payout on the 27th is very good news for budgeting/investment decisions, much better than leaving it hanging,
2023-08-31 09:40 | Report Abuse
Maybank say its Div will be paid out within 3 months! (When they get around to it). 😖
2023-08-30 11:26 | Report Abuse
Although RHB have publicly announced the Div, as usual they want second bite of the announcement by not giving a date till later, thus no Div announcements on Bersa till they give a date.
2023-08-21 11:52 | Report Abuse
Div announcement due Friday 25th. sure 1.65 cents, no worries.
2023-08-03 16:13 | Report Abuse
Dividend announcement is coming later this month. I expect 1.65 cents, again.
2023-05-26 09:06 | Report Abuse
Star 25th May 2023:-
PETALING JAYA: Taliworks Corp Bhd expects steady contribution from water and solar segments, with a slight dip for its highways, going forward.
Recognition from its construction segment is likely back loaded in financial year 2023 (FY23).
The company expects to pay 6.6 sen dividend per share (DPS) and its dividend yield of 8.1% remains its key focal point.
It foresees no issues in maintaining the 6.6 sen DPS going forward, HLIB Research said after attending a briefing with the company. Based on previous guidance, it said, optimising the capital structure in its renewable segment could add another RM120mil to RM130mil to its existing RM191mil cash pile, including investments.
2023-03-10 11:16 | Report Abuse
As I said 30c Div without any added margin to be made of DRP shares is a substantial drop from last year's 30c with DRP component. Thus, the poor performance of Maybank shares after the announcement. The disappointment was compounded by the reports that the bank is far more profitable than it was last year so expectations were heightened. October Div is not so far over the horizon with an expectation that it will be a catch up and far better than last Octobers Div of 28c (with the added attraction of a DRP). Hopefully the Directors have noted the no so hot market reaction to their 30c without DRP and will make up for it in October. The expectation of a higher than 28c with DRP Div in October may work limit Maybank's fall in share price above the 30c on Monday. As such I think a lot of investors will wait and see.
2023-03-10 09:29 | Report Abuse
Both the Dow and Nasdaq have flown so high. Punters in the US have forgotten what happened to Icarus.
2023-03-01 22:47 | Report Abuse
Beware, are all the zillions of 'buy back' shares still on their books as an investment asset at cost (6.00?). Apparently, this deceptive accounting is practiced. If they still have not marked-to-market, you can't see the massive losses looking at their balance sheet. I think that's dishonest con job accounting and wonder I what their true NTA is. Likely it's very very negative.
2023-02-28 10:32 | Report Abuse
The BIG issue with continued losses is how are Top Glove going to roll over their Bonds and loans (and they have huge ones). I can't see investors in the Bonds being willing to roll their lending over to a loss-making company. Lenders are going to want their money back. As Top Glove now has no profitable business, I can't see where it's going to get be able to borrow from to repay the billions. Sadly, defaults seem inevitable.
2023-02-28 09:11 | Report Abuse
30c is a disappointment with no DRP its works out to be less than last year. You need to consider inflation has eaten away at the Capital value. Dividend of 30c with DRP last year was a lot better.
2023-02-09 14:28 | Report Abuse
Dividend announcement is coming later this month. I expect 1.65 cents, again.
2022-12-29 15:01 | Report Abuse
Again, we can only rely of what we are officially told by Taliworks reputable management who in this case are not conmen. Based on the assurances given in the following article the power production is already sold so cash flow should be assured. I think in the longer-term power can only get more expensive as its heavily subsidized in Malaysia, this bodes well for better revenue stream in due course. If Sola power is a dead end, then the whole world has it wrong. It is a must to lessen the reliance on coal and other fossil fuels. I expect large international sola power producers will emerge in coming years and may look at Taliwoks Power as a target for expansion. Who knows maybe Taliworks will be a big international player in years to come. With this acquisition Taliworks is already one of the largest, if not the largest Sola power generators in the region.
I'm not selling my shares. SEE:-
2022-12-29 12:36 | Report Abuse
We can only rely of what we are officially told by Taliworks reputable management who in this case are not conmen. Based on the assurances given in the following article, I'm not selling my shares and I fully expect to continue to get my dividends.
2022-12-22 18:51 | Report Abuse
Old news, Langkawi concession expired Oct 2020, more than 2 years ago.
2022-12-21 18:04 | Report Abuse
We will have to wait for the next report to see if the drop in profit was due to one off aspects. I note that T-Haji have not sold any shares since the end of November. Hopefully they have finished their selling. Time will tell. Div yield of 7.76 is undeniably attractive, so I see limited downside.
2022-11-22 12:08 | Report Abuse
It's OK, nothing to be concerned about, Dividends will continue.
2022-11-21 19:27 | Report Abuse
Declared: 3rd interim Div of 0.0165 Ex 6th Dec paid 23rd Dec.
2022-11-21 09:46 | Report Abuse
Politicians always promise what they think will get them elected. Then they do what they think will make them rich.
2022-11-20 11:12 | Report Abuse
Malaysian Breweries contribute 2.2Bil a year in tax. Alcohol is a large component of hotels, clubs and restaurants income which if banned would cause widespread closures loss of jobs. So don't worry, no govt is going to give that up that mush loot. See: -
2022-11-20 11:11 | Report Abuse
Malaysian Breweries contribute 2.2Bil a year in tax. Alcohol is a large component of hotels, clubs and restaurants income which if banned would cause widespread closures loss of jobs. So don't worry, no govt is going to give that up that mush loot. See: -
2022-11-17 12:34 | Report Abuse
Dividend announcement is due this week, but maybe they decided to wait until next week after the election as all eyes are now on the clowns in that circus. Payment is not due till end December so no real hurry to announce.
2022-11-14 12:30 | Report Abuse
Div should be announced tonight. Agreed of concern is LTH continued selling for some time now and I am sure it is holding the share price down. Maybe just a rebalancing. I think if LTH were serious in wishing to dispose, they should have no problem placing a big chunk or all in an off-market transaction (maybe Lim would buy?).
They may of course have some inside info. Hard to see why they would sell a solid stock with a regular 7.4% Dividends as LTHs portfolio may not be overflowing with good Dividend stocks. It maybe they just need some cash to buy tea and cakes or new cars for the Management.
2022-08-04 12:35 | Report Abuse
Don't completely discount that the ill conceived 50% stamp duty increase may be shelved once the impact is clear. The Minister of Finance made his view known that he thinks the increase was undesirable. Sure there is no certainty, however should the Minister have his way it will be abolished or substantially reduced (maybe in the next budget) and if it is then the positive impact on Bersa share price will be dramatic and immediate as the impact was very negative and immediate when the tax was imposed. I agree the value add put on Bersa shares due to the possibility of the change of heart is hard to put a number on, but to my mind its not zero.
2022-07-26 17:10 | Report Abuse
Hi Treetop. I'm suitably bruised.
2022-07-23 14:40 | Report Abuse
With EPF buying Bursa I think it would take a very brave person to short Bersa. Another thought is maybe EPF has had a heads up on whats intended for Bursa such as the mad 50% increase in stamp duty being removed so that Bersa can be regionally competitive again. EPF would stand to do quite well on its shares. But of course this is Malaysia and a nod and a wink between the MOF and EPF would never happen. Right?
2022-07-22 13:09 | Report Abuse
Thursday 28th July the dividend announcement is due. I guess we will see the damage the politician's have done with the 50% increase in stamp duties. I suspects its a case of higher tax so lose business and maybe as a result less taxes collected. We will see the real damage in the Dividend next week hopefully wise heads have cost cut to manage the business to cope with the drop in revenue.
2022-06-27 13:53 | Report Abuse
As long as EPF keeps throwing away TNB shares by the millions, and as long a politicians keep robbing TNB, then TNB will sadly continue to drop.
2022-06-20 21:59 | Report Abuse
If your looking to buy stocks then first you must decide if your a speculator or investor. Speculators come and go and debate when the bottom or tops can be found. They are seldom right either way and more often than not loose sleep and money.
Investors look for healthy blue chip companies with a good track record of respectable dividend payouts at reasonable prices.
The paper value value of all stocks including good blue chip stocks may go up and down as the wind blows, but steady healthy dividends keep paying the bills and will always recover any paper loss in due course.
Maybank has a dividend yield of 6.5% more if you take the margin on the DRP which is very respectable for a blue chip bank. As such Maybank is a great stock for investors to own.
2022-06-10 12:39 | Report Abuse
With inflation running probably close to 3.5%. to 4.5%, dividend yield on stock that has been sliding for the last 4 years is not attractive.
In addition to the RM slide Vs most currencies alongf with the slide in share price is not an inducement for foreign funds to invest. I don't see much hope of a comeback to anything like 16.00 in the near future.
With political appointees continually feasting off Tenaga at every turn I'm sad to say looks pretty gloomy to me.
If inflation can be bought back to 2% to 2.5%, the political appointees can be sacked and replaced with proper managers that are not raping the company
then higher dividends will be forthcoming. If these happen then perhaps its not to late and the long term continuous slide in share price of Tenaga that we have suffered over the last 4 years can be arrested.
2022-06-10 09:52 | Report Abuse
Deekay; your information is wrong, please check the charts again. In 2018 it was above 16.00.
2022-06-09 13:00 | Report Abuse
In 2018 Tenaga was over 16.00 a share now its just 8.81. Says it all! This is what happens when Governments treat companies as charities to win votes.
2022-05-23 17:43 | Report Abuse
Tan Sri and Paun Sri simply rotating the Nominee Committee position with each other. No doubt they will rotate back again next time. No big deal.
2022-05-19 08:58 | Report Abuse
Dividend announcement due any day now. 1.65 cents or better.
2022-04-18 11:48 | Report Abuse
40 Bil does not grow on trees! KLSE t/o is about 2.5Bil a day 5 days a week say 50Bil a month. For EPF to cash up 40Bil will hit KLSE hard. Yes I know they have other investment, but a lot of them cannot be cashed so fast. Yes I know they have money coming in on deposits, but they also have money going out as retirement age hits with withdrawals. No matter how you add up it must severely impact KLSE as the MinFin. did warn parliament at the time. Taken that EPF makes up a big chunk of KLSE you can guess why. Taken that EPF are not investors in about 70% of the KLSE counters so it stands to reason that wherever you see EPF as a substantial shareholder you had best beware.
2022-04-18 09:11 | Report Abuse
Be warned, EPF is the largest shareholder in MRCB and is likely going to have to sell down its stake to help pay out 40 Bil in the next two months. Any significant sale of MRCB shares will likely have significant negative impact on its MRCB share price.
2022-02-24 14:45 | Report Abuse
Not good! Big reduction in Div, last year it was 39c.
2022-02-22 11:49 | Report Abuse
EPF dumped another 1,722,000 yesterday.
2022-02-21 14:56 | Report Abuse
@SincereStock, agreed and I'm often wrong. Just look back over the last year and see for your self.
I've owned this stock for many years and keep it for the dividend. I have closely followed its price and try to understand why its current price is so low. But by all means you make your own call.
2022-02-21 13:40 | Report Abuse
Tenaga is a very undervalued company, simply because EPF keep dumping Tenaga shares. Their floor price seems to be just above 9.00, much above that they dump. But don't worry, they only have about 912,000,000 shares left to dump. Assuming they can keep dumping at an average rate of 1 million day (current sell rate) it will take them 912 trading days to run out. Allowing say 250 trading days a year, it will take them 3.5 to 4 years. However people will stop buying Tenaga from EPF because they wake up to the sad fact that these shares cannot rise much above 9.00 while EPF keeps selling, so then EPF may not be able to sell a million a day on the days the price stays at about 9.00. Unfortunately this means that it may take many more years to run them dry. After that then this share will fly.
In the interim can buy for the dividends with zero chance of Capital gain.
2022-02-13 10:10 | Report Abuse
In 2016 Tenaga was over RM 16 a share now its only 9.16! Is it any wonder smarter investors are moving their capital to Singapore and elsewhere outside Malaysia? Tenaga needs to pay a good dividends to encourage investors that invest for returns. Gamblers will win or loose on their skyrocket companies but true investors look for long term dividend returns. Tenaga needs pay attractive dividends to set an example and help stem this sad dive in the values of Malaysian blue chip companies.
2022-02-09 13:05 | Report Abuse
Sadly Tenaga, and Malaysia large cap companies such as Banks etc. have become charitable institutions there to help the rotten governments of the day to look good. Interest freezing, lower tariffs, increased taxes etc etc. Free money is always popular with voters. However, its all at the cost of the shareholders who have seen their capital bases eroded to the point that many are simply giving up cashing out and leaving KLSE for greener pastures.
Just look at the drop in the daily turnover of the KLSE! Even EPF have given up on Malaysia and have been selling as fast as they can. Once the KLSE looses investor's it is very hard to get them to return.
Governments need to stop treating listed companies as their personal purses to take from to buy votes as they please. KLSE is looking decidedly sick in comparison with other regional markets. In short shareholders have grown very tired of loosing money here and their selling drives KLSE share prices ever lower. Its a vicious trend that will be hard to reverse.
Tenaga is a classic example, Just a year ago it was 10.00 a share now its 9.20, Maybank is another, 3 years ago Maybank was 10.00 a share now its 8.44, and these are KLSE blue chip companies. Malaysian companies now need to pay very good dividends to help attract new investors and try to win back back lost investors. Lets hope Tenaga will set an example.
2022-02-09 11:36 | Report Abuse
I would rather they paid a good dividend to shareholders than use it on capital expansion projects where unseen hands cream off the bulk in coffee.
2022-02-09 09:17 | Report Abuse
Tenaga has 5.7Bil shares issued so a 1.8Bil tax win is 31.5cents a share in freed up net net cash. Not only that, it has established a precedent on tax claims by IRD for the ensuing years amounting to many many billions. Its not good news, its fantastic news. I'm looking forward to a bumper dividend (due in April) to make up for a lot of the pain endured in the last 12 months.
2022-02-05 10:36 | Report Abuse
As reported in Business Times; "Dynacare is expected to commission subsequent dipping lines in stages with a total of six dipping lines in commercial production by Feb 2022,".
What happened?
2022-01-28 18:39 | Report Abuse
17c is very miserable payday considering that this is for a period before the new stamp duties kick in.
Last year they paid 26c + 8c = 34c.
A poor result.
2022-01-27 10:05 | Report Abuse
Still no information at all on its glove business for shareholders! Why?
2022-01-24 17:27 | Report Abuse
Sadly I can think of only one reason Banks management would lend such huge sums unsecured to a single borrower. I wonder what they did with the coffee money in HK.
2024-10-19 14:02 | Report Abuse
I am a foreign investor and have a portfolio of Malaysian counters most that I have accumulated over the last 30 years. I am retired, and I live quite comfortably on my Dividend Income. My Dividends on my Malaysian Stocks exceed RM100K per year so this new 2% tax catches me. I issue I have is not paying 2% on dividends I receive over RM 100k, it's how that's processed. As of now I don't have taxable Malaysia income as my dividend income was taxed already. With this proposed new tax Now I will have taxable income in Malaysia requiring me to file a Malaysian tax return. This is not a simple matter. As a foreigner I will be required to engage a registered Malaysian Tax Agent (Cost RM10,000 to register with one) and they will file my returns each year charging me 250 for each source of income (say 20 counters x 250= RM 5.000 per tax return).
The cure is relatively simple, I will sell most of my Malaysian shares to ensure my total dividends in Malaysia remain less than RM100,000. I will take the proceeds sell Ringgit and buy Singapore Dollars to invest the equivalent funds in Singapore. The Singapore dividends will not be taxed in Singapore or Malaysia. I will sell Maybank and buy UOB. Bad for Malaysia as my funds are withdrawn from Malaysia, and good for Singapore as I invest there instead. Dividend yield Maybank Vs UOB is quite similar. This I avoid the hassle, and the costs associated with having to deal with tax returns in Malaysia.