
GreatDreamer | Joined since 2012-11-07

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2020-05-08 16:23 | Report Abuse

Dont hope much on dividend. May be hope on director will cut salary by 50% as pratice by some in the industry.


2020-05-08 16:15 | Report Abuse

Need clarity from Bank. Highly doubt Bank will be in 'agreement' with MOF to waive HP interest without some sort of compensation. Somemore, it is govt who make the mistake.

News & Blogs

2020-05-05 10:44 | Report Abuse

Why Msia Bar always like to talk politic? Why other professional body like Accountant, QS etc dont talk politic at all.

News & Blogs

2020-04-24 15:52 | Report Abuse

Some harsh wording and critical comments being made by this research house:

1. '...Malaysian government may have chosen an extraordinarily risky path of inflicting huge long-term economic repercussions... '

2.'....Furthermore, the reality could be that Malaysia may not be able to lower detected new infection rates in the coming weeks, given that mass testing has not been made....'

3.'....Another crucial point to ponder is the government’s future response should there be cases of reinfections as reported by South Korea....'

4. '....Malaysia’s MCO extension will likely be the longest compared to other governments that have imposed lockdowns....'

If our conuntry is communist country like china, sure this research house will close shop immediately!

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2020-04-23 21:08 | Report Abuse

When Moohiden annouce the MCO , he told u it is 2 week only. Rakyat has a high expectation end soon. Now 2 month already, and look like more extension to come ....

Unless industrial gradual relaxation can be done fast , which i doubt so, Mohiden Approval rating will start dropping fast.

Of course, if Mohiden can come out another round of Bantuan Payment, his popularity can be maintained. But now oil price only RM20 not RM65 year ago, not so easy lah ....


2020-04-20 11:11 | Report Abuse

We like this type of rumour but not news.

Extract from Kenanga today report as follows:

Based on our anecdotal study, focussing on the smaller size property companies as probable privatisation candidates, we conjecture that: (a) MCT (current price of RM0.18 vs net cash per share of RM0.32), (b) SHL Consolidated (current price of RM1.90 vs. net cash per share of RM1.56), (c) MUI Properties (current price of RM0.18 vs. net cash per share of RM0.11), and (d) KSL Holdings (current price of RM0.56 vs. net cash per share of RM0.25) could be potential “take-private


2020-04-17 10:23 | Report Abuse

KLSE strong rebound might reflect that we are escaping the 'deep state' imposed by PH. Some investor confident are return. PN do a few right things to correct the 'wrong' of PH.

If investor confident are back, may not test 1300, even with poor corp result , due to low interest rate environment.

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2020-04-07 11:55 | Report Abuse

No Worry, PN will make money from GST. It is just matter of times when to implement GST. Higher Budget Deficit can be financed by higher govt Domestic Bond issuance. This imply higher interest rates at the expenses of the borrower . If BNM lower interest rate mean lower exchange rate at expenses of Importer. After All, it depend on which catergory you are in!.

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2020-04-06 03:53 | Report Abuse

The main objective of Spore Lockdown is to force its people to change its behavoirs like here. Without lockdown, a lot of people will still behave as biz as usual lah ....


2020-04-04 03:48 | Report Abuse

Spore Lockdown. Share price to drop on Monday as Maybank derive 30% revenue from Spore Ops.


2020-03-25 22:40 | Report Abuse

Our Govt follow China model , to lockdown to reduce the spread of virus. Biz owner suffer the most.

While in US, Trump prefer Singapore model, biz still in ops, with certain limitation & partial closure, making testing kid easily available. So all the US citizen has to take care themselves. It will take a longer period to contain the virus. So dont expect V shape rebound in US economy in this scenario.


2020-02-18 10:53 | Report Abuse

KSL Klang Esplanade Mall to be opened by Apr21. Todate, it has secure tenant commitment 65% of its retail space over 100 brand.

Ksl Esplande Hot Spring Hotel is due be open by 3Q21.

(souce : The Edge 17feb20. PageCC2)

Base on above, the above investment projects need a lot of cashflow, it is not optimsitic that ksl will annouce any dividend by end of this month.

News & Blogs

2019-12-19 12:51 | Report Abuse

Wow! Another truth has been revealed. TUN now is playing Muslim International Politic. To be involved, TUN need to be PM as long as possible. Now TUN has another good reason to defer the handover date to the last day of GE15.


2019-11-28 11:38 | Report Abuse

Finally, Key Shareholders Dato Tan HC start buying again on 25/11/19 with 20k share @ RM2.00 after stop buying for a few months.

If Overseas biz downturn is temporary, APM may maintain the same dividend since there is plenty of cash in hand.

For local biz, good performance most likely be maintain since BNM can lower interest rate again and again next year..... this will stimulate car volumn sold..


2019-11-14 12:56 | Report Abuse

Klang Mall, which heavily drain on KSL cashflow, Expected to be ready by end 2020. After that, if no big land acquisition, KSL may be paying div in 2021. So, it is not a time to rush in to buy now....

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2019-10-24 10:20 | Report Abuse

Why DAP in a mess? Just blame TUN might not right. Inmagine a Party run by 'corrupted mind' leaders, we are seeing the consequences now.... even grass root has no respect to the leaders.

Leaders saying ' Moron is good, frog can be good or bad', would u think they will do a good job?

News & Blogs

2019-09-28 23:01 | Report Abuse

FY18 Sales rm1.8bil, net profit Rm300mil. Based on this, it net profit margin is 16.6%!!

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2019-09-26 11:02 | Report Abuse

Finally, TUN said the right thing in World Forum. Malaysia plantors suffers a lot because Indonesian choose open burning to save cost. So indonesian plantation cost is much lower than our cost. At current CPO price of RM2100, Msia Plantors is at loss or near break even but for indonesia plantors is still very profitable. This has incentised them to do more CPO planting.

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2019-09-13 12:05 | Report Abuse

Heavely Doubt on 'Interim Deal' unless China offer are attractive. Trump still in a good bargaining position. US still have huge room to cut interest rate to negative and tax cut (need democrats support) to avoid a recession. China would not be silly enough to offer attractive concessions (esp farm products) for interim deal. China goal is to change US president. A change of president, China At least earn some breathing space of 6 month to 1 year, to reorganise its machineries to continue fight the trade war. As for Trump 'Maximum Pressure' stretegy, a interim deal mean giving china a chance to fight back....

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2019-09-02 11:39 | Report Abuse

DAP nowadays different already, always act like boss to instruct UMNO & PAS what they should do.... No wonder, this give UMNO&PAS excuse to claim DAP is controlling PH govt..

News & Blogs

2019-08-27 10:45 | Report Abuse

Root of the Trade war happened is bcos of trade btw USA & China. So one of solution, is trade divorce by imposing high traffic among them. It is only short term pain.

After that, world financial market would be calm and less voliatile. As day go by... Investor would be happy with 2 different market (ie Western & China). They are no longer depandant. By then, whatever us impose on China or vice versa, would not have impact on financial impact.

So Trade War may be bad for short term, but good for long term.....


2019-08-24 12:22 | Report Abuse

Room for price improvement to be super defensive stocks on 2 fronts. Trump counter impose 5% tariff on Rm500bil china good today. The intensified trade war btw China & US, mean more relocation of MNC to Msia. Axis MNC industrial property bound to benefit a lot. In addition, US fed will cut interest rate mean loom for Msia interest rate cut also. More fund shift to REIT on attractive yield compare to MGS.

News & Blogs

2019-08-02 11:40 | Report Abuse

The trade war is on going.... . It is just matters how fast it is moving iirrespective whether Xi or Trump still in office. Basically, key deciding factor still is feeling of Anti China Sentisement in USA on the persist threat from China.

Xi misguided by his advisor on China on vast market, thought all country will not miss its market. USA hide his stretegy on Technology Strength well in the past & not let his enemy know. EU better (especially French & Germany) better surrender to US fast. US can simply break EU using divide and Rule stretegy. Also, EU also is depend on US on persist military threat from Russia.

Trade war mean more us rate cut. Same for here. It is matters of time for BNM to cut rate again.


2019-07-22 10:19 | Report Abuse

Big income inequality btw rich & poor in HK. This Time Bomb finally blast off by this incidents. Poor young people just want show their frustation, of course at the expense of the rich people.

News & Blogs

2019-05-15 13:20 | Report Abuse

No matter what all these politician say and do or so call U-Turn, eventually US will impose all 500b import from China at 25% rate, for compensating forced technology transfer and cheaper yuan. From economic point of view, it may valid to some extend. From politic point of view, it will be done as US people are increasingly anti-China!

News & Blogs

2019-05-14 10:56 | Report Abuse

In Realty, a full trade war with US mean Challenging Western Countries. China will be isolated by Western Countries especially FDI. So China have to play the games carefully..... . Dumping US Bill would not work well, as they are plenty buyers around the world.

News & Blogs

2019-05-12 04:21 | Report Abuse

Look like there wont be a 'real' deal at all. Both Side select continuing talk is to avoid the worst outcome. For China, to challenge US, mean to Challenge Western Country. As western Country tendto follow US eg germany restrict China Investment rule.


2019-04-01 10:51 | Report Abuse

Down on Expensive valuation. At RM23, PBB value at 2.1X P/B. PBB Only big income driver nowaday is Unit Trust income, which always tie to share market performance. Latest QR show UTI growth story has gone.

News & Blogs

2019-03-20 14:44 | Report Abuse

Talk only. Doubt got sincere buyer. Look at Joh Low yarht still there. If i am a crony, i would like to takeover MAS by RM1 with govt offer me a RM5bil loan over a period of 5 year.

News & Blogs

2019-03-13 23:00 | Report Abuse

Tun has no mandate to carry out heavy reform (etc MAS, cut civil servant no) other than light reform since he lost malay support. He know well any misstep would cause him PM Premiership and he has to hand over to Anwar immediately.

So I would say his proton3 project would not able to go ahead!


2019-03-12 12:26 | Report Abuse

In short, Hektar income can be view as this: 1/3 from Subang Mall, 1/3 from Malaka Mall, other 1/3 from 4 Other Malls. SM and MM have rental reversion problem for the past few years due to competition and now also. Hektar share price will fly only if SM & MM have good rental reversion rate. As for OM, so far so good and stable, due to diversify bases and less competition in suburb town.


2019-03-06 22:51 | Report Abuse

Director bought 1.5m share @ 0.852 on 5Mar19.


2019-03-01 22:54 | Report Abuse

CEO 2018 Unitholder letters.

This is the new management team. Old management (lead by ex-Malay Boss) team appear left already. I believe Singapore Shareholder Fraser has greater control nowaday. A lot of thing seem has changed.

Compare with previous ex-team ceo letter, the current team letter appear much more informative. Some interesting points noted in the letter:
1. For 2018, our portfolio rental reversions recorded a positive 5.4%,
2.'Three of our malls are “the only mall in town”, while the other three are the “leading malls in town”
3. 'We believe that ultimately, a ‘network’ of neighbourhood malls strategically located throughout Malaysia would serve as an ideal ‘platform’ for emerging brands'

Let see whether they can do thing better. ....


2019-02-27 12:13 | Report Abuse

Macquire Research prefer Maybank over Sluggish Public Bank.

There are more growth drivers in Maybank than Public.

The tide has turn becouse of the rise of digital banking few year back. Maybank has the advantage of cheapest cost of fund & dominate malaysia digital banking landscape. In the near future, Nearly all Malaysian need a maybank account to do transaction. Something like, when Malaysian fly, they cannot foreever avoid Airasia.

There are room for maybank share price to rise in longer term, as there is valuation gap with public bank (Price/Book : Maybank 1.4x vs Public 2.4x).

News & Blogs

2019-02-19 22:40 | Report Abuse

After Cameron defeat, Tun know Bossku 'cash is king' stretegy is working very well. Tun is learning fast.... Next , Tun will strike a deal with china on ECRL.... With now more MP with Persatu, Tun will have 4 year 3 month left to gain malay support...

Is it too late? With all new minister and distrust btw PH component parties. Look like, time is really running out on his side.

News & Blogs

2019-02-18 04:42 | Report Abuse

EPF declare dividend without taking into equity impairment loss, will only impact EPF future dividend payout.

However, if ASB ASN KWSP etc practising the same, it mean government liability will go up, as deposit of those fund are guarantee by govt. Like the Tabung Haji case.

News & Blogs

2019-02-04 18:17 | Report Abuse

If PH build ECRL, it will incur losses much higher than build by BN.

Under BN, ECRL, SporeKL, MRT3 rails will be ready more and less the same times. For Rails, the more comprenhensive it is, the better and it will spur economic growth.

Therefore, It doesnot make sense PH to build ECRL since PH doesnot have a comprehensive rail policy.

News & Blogs

2019-02-04 11:27 | Report Abuse

Tun Change his stretegy to visit bus Terminal, farm land after cameron election loss. Is it too late...

News & Blogs

2019-01-27 04:23 | Report Abuse

Cant blame them. OCBC own Great Eastern. GE (Msia) are contributing insurance fund for Msia B40 MySalam.....


2019-01-23 04:43 | Report Abuse

Very Strong Earning for 4Q18. EPS 2.92. DPU only 2.45sen (majority is tax free as 99% distribution).

Expect placement soon after good result to reduce gearing.


2019-01-23 03:20 | Report Abuse

Only hope can declare little dividend like 2 sen, since there is no land acquisition during the year and cash reserve also up in 3q18. The only capex commitment is Klang Mall under construction.

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2019-01-15 12:07 | Report Abuse

Malaysia economy is even being attacked by Asean country on all front eg Vietnam (manufacturing), Indonesia (plantation). Since our new govt prefer protection policy, sooner and later, more malaysian will find working overseas is an option If they are not ready for 3D local job.

News & Blogs

2018-12-23 04:09 | Report Abuse

No more easy money for China Co. Money making machine being destroyed by Trump. China Economy sustainable annual grow should slow down to 4-5% with an ageing society.


2018-12-01 16:52 | Report Abuse

KSL wedsite show they have a new township project, call KSL Bukit Jaya at JB.

News & Blogs

2018-11-20 04:39 | Report Abuse

GLC performance cannot improved much because continued Politician or govt interfernece (eg TM heavy interference by Gohind). LGE or PH say 1 thing, do another thing.

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2018-10-20 04:41 | Report Abuse

PH dont believe spending money on planning by employing good advisor. Canceling GST, now have to squeeze here n there, using hit n run stretegy. As such, Rakyet will feel hits from time to time.

News & Blogs

2018-10-12 11:45 | Report Abuse

No toll Abolishment. Toll Operators shareholder beware! PH will take a hardline in renegotiating toll hike or deferment. Toll Operator has little bargaining power, since there are very small operator. GET READY BE BULLY!

News & Blogs

2018-10-11 12:04 | Report Abuse

PH is reforming the economy from Capitalist to Socialist to address income inequity. More reform is coming. Wealth of Top20 and Middle40 will be destroyed!. PH must strike to balance, T20 n M40 is awaiting to revolt!


2018-10-10 22:51 | Report Abuse

If PH is socialist govt, then LGE do the right things (tearing contract, chase away investor, reduce income gap etc). Indirectly, he is destroying people wealth.

If PH still want Msia to be a capitalist Country, LGE do the wrong things!

News & Blogs

2018-10-09 22:57 | Report Abuse

LGE bully stretegy will work only for weak players (eg Gerge Kent). It wont work on Country Iconic Company. Soon LGE will U-Turn again.

By continueosly dishonouring the contract signed mean investor interest are not protected. As such, foreign investors will keep leaving Msia and there is no sign of leaving will end soon. When foregin investor leaving, this make our Economy slow down. Soon Interest rate will down and also Exchange rate.