
GreatDreamer | Joined since 2012-11-07

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2013-01-09 11:45 | Report Abuse

AA hold about 18% of AAX. After listing, AAX has stronger balance sheet to acquire more planes. Thus, bring more transit traffic to AA and AA's bottom line.


2013-01-09 10:17 | Report Abuse

Strong flow of postive news (eg Malindo financial constraint, sharp share price gain of ThaiAirasia, impending listing of Tune Ins, AirasiaX etc) help AA to sustain the price recovery.

The tidy has changed. It is better for Mr B&B to switch side. If he switch side now, he will enjoy abolones everyday. Otherwise,.... have to wait for offer of the little and miserable roti canai.


2013-01-09 10:06 | Report Abuse

Cave no more food. Starving already. Come out for abalones. Roti Canai too little to fill stomach.


2013-01-08 19:04 | Report Abuse

Mr B&B is back because of the attractive offer of Abalone & Roti Canai.


2013-01-07 12:34 | Report Abuse

Osk reported today on Malindo: There are rumors that Malindo's major shareholder NADI is reluctant to pour a large amount of capital into the J. Nevertheless, despite these rumors, we understand that recruitment of cabin crews and pilots is ongoing, with the first batch of 20 fresh pilots coming in this month while some first officers and captains have started work. However, due to the JV's limited capital, we gather that Malindo charges a fee for any new CPL (commercial pilot licence) holder with B737 NG Type rating who is interested to become pilots. Charges are estimated to be USD30,000 for the first 500 hours, with no salary. A type rating is a licence to fly a certain aircraft type that requires additional training beyond the scope of the initial licence and aircraft class training. This could be a sign of Malindo and Lion Air facing some financial constraints. We understand that AirAsia does not adopt this practice as it usually bears the cost of type ratings in exchange for a six-year bond. In the case of cadets, we understand that AirAsia provides some kind of financing scheme.

Mr B&B could be one of 20 pilot recruited. Hahahahaha ......


2013-01-07 12:16 | Report Abuse

Where is Mr B&B? I think .... he must be getting a permanent job from Lion Air. ...... Also, a small offering of roti canai is not attractive for him to come back, should consider offering Abalone.

Abalone, Abalone, Abalone, Abalone ........


2013-01-04 12:16 | Report Abuse

For factors influence the share price movement, top factor is rental revision rate while liquidity is secordary factors. When one day a small reit counter achieve a high rental revision rate, big fund still won't be buying but hedge fund is willing to buy. This will cause sharp share price upward movement.

For hektar, the rental revision rate for the time being is still weak (esp melaka parade mall)compared with big reit like cmmt and pavreit.


2013-01-03 12:23 | Report Abuse

TF has target Thailand Airasia as profitable as Malaysia operation. Will it achieve soon? ThaiAA (or so call 'Asia Aviation') share price hit record high of THB5.35 yesterday, a big gain from IPO price of THB3.70 in mid 2012. Is the share price gain hint very good business in ThaiAA? Mr B&B, do you have the answer? Please do not silent and hide in the cave anymore .......


2012-12-30 23:03 | Report Abuse

This stock moved in a range from 1.00 to 1.15 for the past one year. Doubt will move much since it is an office reit. Office reit yield is under pressure due to incoming oversupply of office space in Klang Valley. However, downside risk is also limited as it was support by dividend yield.


2012-12-24 10:30 | Report Abuse

Mr bear hide in the cave? A lot of people miss you this morning ......

News & Blogs

2012-12-23 23:09 | Report Abuse

Faisal, as you are bumi investors, i agree that you would have good chance to make good profit vide IPO as more shares are alloted to bumi investors. For those shares you bought direct from market, i think to make good return may not be as easy as you thought. When you single out a counter you make a good profit, you should also take into account the loss (may be unrealised) of those counter you suffer, in order to calculate the overall gain/loss.

News & Blogs

2012-12-23 20:06 | Report Abuse

8.9% highest payout for past 5 year. Election may have influence the payout.

Invests in Bursa Saham and make 30 - 60 percent per year. Can this sustainable?


2012-12-22 00:10 | Report Abuse

Though Lion in SEA is bigger than AA, key test is profit. Size is only secondary factor. Isn't MAS in the past alway bigger than AA?

Lion never reveal their account. Is Lion very profitable? Doubt so, at best making small profit. Media all the while speculate that Lion is not profitable, but was deny by Lion. Lion has been in the past saying want to have IPO in the coming years. The recent interview with its president indicate the IPO is deferring again. Without good profit, cannot have IPO. Without strong financial position, it would increase your finance cost when you lease your planes.


2012-12-21 18:15 | Report Abuse

Today volumn at 23mil (Bursa 3rd highest volumn), more than double than yesterday transacted indicate strong buying support at this level. Very good chance to have rebound next week. Most of selling due to KLCI components change is off. Some of the selling investors, will have to buy back. Year end window dressing is also near.

For short term trader, please remember AA is high risk stock with huge storm from time to time. For long term investor, AA is safe bet.

Malindo is no threat to AA in Malaysia. However, Indonesia AA is big threat to Lion in Indonesia.


2012-12-20 10:42 | Report Abuse

There is nothing wrong that Airasia pricing is always higher than its peer in the last minutes deal. The problem is people willing to pay due to its good branding and marketing. This has cause critic unhappy and attack AA.


2012-12-14 18:25 | Report Abuse

AA share price movement most likely be dragged on until 24 Dec, the date KLCI index component changes take effect.


2012-12-14 12:59 | Report Abuse

Indo is a large country. To fly europe, they only have 3 choice, transit vide Jakarta, Spore, KL. Say you from Medan, it is more convinent transit vide KL./ Spore


2012-12-14 12:29 | Report Abuse

We should not hammer Mr B&B. Actually Mr BB love AA a lot. So many times he receive invitation to join MAS forum, but so far he refuse. He really has shown a strong passion toward AA........


2012-12-14 12:12 | Report Abuse

Lion Air international network is very weak. Currently, Lion Air only fly direct from Indo to 2 destination of Asean, namely KL and Singapore. Therefore, all the new routes launched by Malindo other than Indonesia or east Malaysia will incur very huge losses, for a long period. Why? The lack of Lion brand awareness in other country will only generate one way traffic (passanger originated /transitted from KL), which is not sufficent to support the routes when there is competition with Airasia. As the Lion partner NADI finance strength is believed not strong, Lion Air most probably have to support the loss portion incurred by NADI.


2012-12-12 18:04 | Report Abuse

3rd interim Div in respect of 3Q12 earning has been moved forward & paid on 18 Oct 2012 due to right issue exercise undertaken in Sep 2012.
As for 4Q12 final div, most likely paid in Mar2013.


2012-12-12 10:46 | Report Abuse

Padini most likely in the consolidate phase for short term. Early year sharp gain principally due to strong qtrly results reported by then. The latest qtr result released last month is below market estimate, will cause profit taking activity in short term. Rebound possible but sharp gain unlikely.


2012-12-12 00:24 | Report Abuse

'comes from deception', it look like Mr Bull are those gangs who do not believe in Technical Anaylsis in the long run ......


2012-12-10 10:36 | Report Abuse

Market is very dynamic. Time the market as entry point is very difficult job. When Astro drop to RM2.60, all the ppl said it will drop further. Out of sudden, it rebound to today RM2.98.


2012-12-10 09:56 | Report Abuse

Though RM2.70 is attractive, problem is investors nowaday only taking short term view on this stock.

Anyway, AA is grossly oversold and may one day rebound like Astro.


2012-12-06 09:03 | Report Abuse

Should consider Astro short term stretegy be 'Buy on rumour, sell on fact'.


2012-12-01 18:14 | Report Abuse

From 2008 to now, it is the down cycle for shipping company. For Hubline to have meaningful rebound, it need container and drybulk shipping rate to move up. Analyst believe overcapacity in shipping industries will continue persist in 2013. Hopelly, will see improvement in 2014 onward.


2012-11-30 18:26 | Report Abuse

Mr Bull score big in the afternoon session by changing the topic from Malindo to business finance 101. What a brillant move.

Tune Air has been buying AA share for 2 months. However, shareholding only increased 3% from 22% to 25%. The buying of AA can be sustained for sometimes as Tune Air was holding AA 45% after IPO in 2004. The 45% was gradually reduced to 22% after several private placement. Anyway, price is determined by market force. If Tune Air don't buy, other investors will be buying. The effect of Tune Air buying is just smoothing the price movement.


2012-11-29 10:19 | Report Abuse

Padini reported last quarter result yesterday, which are below expectation. Padini may consolidate further, in view of Padini have run up substantially since beginning this year.


2012-11-28 00:28 | Report Abuse

KSL is a mid cap stock. KSL have been paying dividend all the while except for last financial year due to conserve cash for future projects.

KSL were the largest property developer in Johor Bahru. Now KSL are benefiting from development of Iskandar Malaysia as they hold large land bank in JB. KSL announced 3Q12 result yesterday, showing result improved across the board.

KSL deserve a look as the stock appear undervalued, in term of PE and Net Asset (revalued). However, this stock is very illiquid. In addition, JB property market may face oversupply in the coming years since they are so many developer venture into JB. However, KSL is expect continuing do well as they have lower cost and huge land bank.


2012-11-27 11:43 | Report Abuse

Market downturn, ‘goreng-goreng’ also no use, cannot last long, not enough punters to support the price. Fundamentalists are not buying, PE not cheap.

Public portion IPO category oversubscribed 136 time is a distortion of market confidence. Proceed raised from public portion is only RM1 million ringgit. (5 mil share @ RM0.20).

They are just recycle the waste oil ... not recycle gold bar ......


2012-11-23 19:36 | Report Abuse

Look like Malaysia Civil Aviation has a high standard nowaday. A bit worry of Malindo Air. Can Malindo Air met all the Malaysia Aviation Standard by March 2013 for launching its maiden flight by then? Only time will tell.


2012-11-22 13:31 | Report Abuse

To get a clearer picture of AA 9 mth profit, other than minus one time gain from Thai listing, we should adjust for other material non-operating items like gain/loss from term loan ,deferred tax etc.


2012-11-22 11:39 | Report Abuse

Don't pressure Mr Bull.... now he is working very hard to study all the investment reports for the preparation of 52 posts... Should give him more time to study, otherwise, his posts are just repeating and repeating the old ideas/news .....


2012-11-21 00:38 | Report Abuse

Hektar announced improved 3Q12 result yesterday. At current price RM1.44, gross yield ~7%. This yield is highest among retails reits. ,In comparison, CMMT, Pavilion, SunReit and IGB reit gross yield ranged from ~ 4.5% to 5.0%.

One favourate question: when Hektar will fly like CMMT, Pavilion (or so call yield compression)? To answer this question, we need to look at Hektar 9 mth revenue (grow 5.0%) while rental revision rate grow at 8%. As both rates are still below than those peers, Hektar therefore cannot fly like those peers. In addition, Hektar is smaller and not as liquid as those peers.

Notwithstanding the above, it appears that Hektar’s outlook now is better, it may able to swim faster instead of flying.


2012-11-19 21:53 | Report Abuse

I am not the shareholders of icap and below are just my observations based on the inputs from the forum.

icap are holding 33% cash at year end @ 31 May 2012. As a fund, the cash reserve 33% look like on the high side. Unless there is recession in South East Asia to give opportunity to icap to utilise the cash to buy stocks during severe market downturn, I really have some doubts over icap can sustain growth rate of 18% in median to long terms.

The early period of strong performance of NAV may partly explain its share prices were traded over a premium over NAV by then.

Icap good performance is based on stock picks. To judge the timing of market cycle as best re-entry point for its cash reserves, I think icap remain unproven. As such, cash reserves keep building up ......


2012-11-18 13:38 | Report Abuse

I think Fed Bernanke's extra loose monetary policy is the right short term solution for the US weak economy. Otherwise, US will be like today Europe in recession.

For QE3, I think, to certain extend, it may work this time as external environment has changed drastically. In the previous QE, it only props up the commodity prices and inflation as Europe ,China and India were growing. Now, they either in recession or slow down. Therefore, QE3 has a better chance to succeed.


2012-11-14 10:51 | Report Abuse

EPF announced on Monday that it bought 3,000,000 Airasia Share on 7/11/12. As share price drop, demand will increase. Therefore, EPF switch its position from seller to buyer is no surprise.

On the issue of …... Despite of continuous EPF buying telco stocks ,still were unable to defend price stability, resulting in the plunge of share prices more than 10% in 2 weeks in those counters. This has proved that share prices are determined by market forces of supply and demand. Therefore, the usual myth ‘no worry, price won’t drop, EPF will support’ is wrong.

On the question that Lion Air chose Msia as a new base… According to media report, lion Air all the while has the intention to set up a base in Msia. This is because when Indonesian travel overseas, they have 3 choices. First they fly to either KL, S’pore or Jakarta, then transit to other destinations. Media also reported this JV deal is a fast track deal in response to acquisition of Batavia Air by Airasia. If Batavia deal go through, Lion Air super-dominant position will be threatened ,bear also in mind Lion have so many aircraft orders which may result overcapacity in Indo market. …. Luckly…. This Batavia deal called off subsequently, otherwise, Airasia might have to cut dividend in view the deal is cash drained.

Lion Air local JV partner is NADI. A lot of analysts question NADI financial strength. Todate, Malindo Air’s strategy remains mystery. So far it only made known that it will start operation by March 2013 to East Malaysia.

On the issue of …. Airasia Insiders keep buying at current price. Those insiders believe current price is attractive, however, based on Long Term view. Long term means Airasia will eventually defeat Malindo’s grand ambitious plan and most of its JV (eg Thailand, Indo, Japan etc) will bear fruit. Currently, EPF and other short term investors are selling Airasia share to price in the potential Malindo negative impact on Airasia profit. At the movement, majority of Airasia profit are derived from Msia operation.

Finally touching on the pricing…, is current price attractive to buy? So it depend which view you taken. Do you share the same view of Insiders which is on the long term? Is current share price has fully priced in Malindo negative impact? Or the negative impact is grossly exaggerated, share price is due for rebound? In short, it appears that based on current environment, taking the short term view would have to consider more factors than long term view.

One more interest point,…..on the phrase ‘it's only when the tide goes out that you learn who's been swimming naked’. This wait and see attitude would not work! Why? In share market, we are talking about foreseeability or prediction of the future. So if you are able to foresee correctly who is swimming nake before the tide goes out, you are the winner. … if you wait for the tide out, price has moved by then, too late already…… . Hehehehehe….. Mr Bull & Mr Bear, good foresight is key to success…


2012-11-11 11:46 | Report Abuse

Hisbicus can fly, though no business at time of ipo, is due to the timing is right at the time of ipo(oil & gas boom). Other factors like management expertise, good company plan etc do take into accounts.

As for Astro, investors lose money. No choice, they have to blame book builder investment bank. Why? Because they are PAID and suppose to do a good book building exercise.


2012-11-10 19:39 | Report Abuse

Based on price RM1.20, PE should be 10x to 11x based on 2013 EPS - Affin Investment. Source:The Edge Msia 12 Nov, 2012 edition.page63.


2012-11-09 17:58 | Report Abuse

Astro poor performance, FGV drop to RM4.60, CPO price drop to RM2,300.... It look like Malaysia IPO Boom and safe haven status has started losing momenterm..

News & Blogs

2012-11-08 13:29 | Report Abuse

Fernandas buy Airasia share at current price are taking long term view.

At current price RM2.95 is attractive if you are long term investors. As for very short term investor, hard to say whether attractive as Malindo Air entry have created great uncertainty and profit of Airasia Malaysia operation will be under pressure. Remember, bulk of Airsia operation are derived from Msia operation at the movement.