
hendrycheah | Joined since 2018-04-06

Investing Experience Intermediate
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Hendry is a follower of Benjamin Graham Value Investing Method. My Icon on investing is Warren Buffet and strongly believing on Rule No 1 Theory which is never lose money and Rule No 2 is Dont forget Rule No 1. Always looking for undervalue wonderful company to purchase





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2020-08-03 12:33 | Report Abuse

Earning report month coming for 2Q..another 800m+ lost for AA will be a disaster...hope Tony get the liquidity he need before the Q report.


2020-07-27 12:29 | Report Abuse

Vaccine need at least 18 months to get ready, it needed to be tested on animal before it test on human. After it test on human subject, they need to monitor the subject for some time to make sure its effective and possible side effect.

Any error on the vaccine it may create chronic disease (cancer) or mutated viruses. Even when it is ready, it need at least another 6 month to 12 month to produce 6 billion of vaccine worldwidely.

So it's better to make sure our company has a strong balance sheet to go thru the long fight with CV19.


2020-07-24 12:18 | Report Abuse

@KAQ, tangan sudah gatal..harap-harap correction coming soon~!


2020-07-24 12:04 | Report Abuse

AA balance sheet is ugly, and I do hope Tony found the liquidity he needed to go thru the storm..if Tony manage to keep it afloat until CV19 dissipate. 70c AA is a steal~!


2020-07-24 11:18 | Report Abuse

Dont worry, Padini have a very strong balance sheet, it won't go down even the great depression coming but im more worried on the long term plan of Padini as outlet is closing and Padini didn't show us much on long term planning for its expansion on overseas.. Malaysia market have been stagnant. Not much grow unless it could lower cost or expand more Brands Outlet like Uniqlo @ GU Brand in Japan


2020-07-24 11:10 | Report Abuse

@patient Investor, anything lower than 50c will be good for me but still wont put all my bullet in one shot, as I may dollar cost averaging it if it goes lower..


2020-07-24 10:21 | Report Abuse

@KAQ, I do belief it just matter of time that Hibi will be up to 1.60 - 3.00 when oil price going up to 60 to 70 and Hibi have upscale it's production to 22000 barrel a day. But just sit out for now and following up closely on the American Stimulus after July, China US trade tension, oil demand, bank moratorium end of Sept and 2Q report of economic data. Any of the above may trigger those big sharks to sell mindlessly and I will prepare to grab as much as I could when it fall under my price target... I wanna be kaya raya with Bunga Raya~!


2020-07-20 17:02 | Report Abuse

senyap coz everyone had gone to Glove sector.. now Supermax Buy 1 free 1 and Top Glove Buy 2 Free 1


2020-07-07 10:35 | Report Abuse

This just 1Q result, the cashflow should be much lower on 2Q, will act on AA only after the 2Q result is out. I hope they will report the 2Q result on schedule


2020-06-24 10:46 | Report Abuse

@wilson, stock market is totally disconnected with economic factor (QR, unemployment, debt, economic data). Price movement is run by news and stimulus package now..As long as government keep on printing money..stock market will hit new high everyday~! Cheers


2020-04-23 13:30 | Report Abuse

It will spike more if Trump shoot down one of Iran ship


2020-04-22 14:43 | Report Abuse

@sammofee, don't have slightest news what happen but based on old news, IIS the 3b project suppose to be announce by this month.

@spchia, looking at current momentum, yes, we could hit 1.20 today..


2020-04-22 14:14 | Report Abuse

Seems like its gonna go up after lunch break


2020-04-22 08:51 | Report Abuse

Oil price is a cyclical product. Low pricing will eventually rise back. Being one of the most energy commodities for the past 100 years. I dont see why it wont get back to USD50 and above.

The moment Covid-19 being dissipated and economy start to recover. Price will rise.

The question is only whether Hibi could go thru the bad time. With 200m cash with 0 debt. Its a much better position than most of its energy peers. By the way I dont see hibi 2 main customer BP and Petronas will be closing down anytime soon.

Dont miss the 2nd time of 26c again.


2020-04-20 10:05 | Report Abuse

@icecool, yeap market is always irrational whether it go up or down..so we just focus on the company fundamental instead of guessing what is others going to do


2020-04-20 09:44 | Report Abuse

@wallstreetrookie, you are right, the market super irrational, with best qtr performance, double digit growth during MCO (according to Mr Wong), Nak Makan prospect and expansion to Indon, Phillipines and Bangla..MYEG should be 1.50 now..yet market value it at 1.10+


2020-04-17 19:59 | Report Abuse

@monetary. This time we fart tart!


2020-04-17 10:55 | Report Abuse

wow..welcome back Mabel and KAQ...u all been bz with Energy Stock..lolx


2020-04-16 15:16 | Report Abuse

what is the surge for? NakMakan prospect? or we are going to get the VLN or IIS contract?


2020-04-16 12:34 | Report Abuse

@Luke91, I like your optimism, I'm thrill if it could end with 1.10 today


2020-04-16 12:20 | Report Abuse

Please feed more bad sentiment..I'm looking to collect as low as I could and keep it for nxt 3 years.. at this moment I miss IDSS.


2020-04-16 10:01 | Report Abuse

@jack, EPF is just a speculator with a lots of money~! lolz


2020-04-15 11:03 | Report Abuse

@icecool..yeah I'm loving it..as long as my money grew faster than Inflation..I'm happy.. EPF needed 16 years to double our money by 6% growth a year..In 1 or 2 years time..I'm pretty sure Ah Wong have double our money...


2020-04-15 10:48 | Report Abuse

Ah Wong is really an opportunist..never fail to impress me..Iour money is in good hand..It will be one or two year to double our money..much better than FD, EPF or investment fund~!


2020-04-08 10:27 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo...Data moves from 50+ to 1.. what ashame that MYEG are so slow compare to our peer...


2020-04-06 16:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo. I let go at 43. Sakit hati la KAQ


2020-04-06 13:44 | Report Abuse

Yeap, too early to talk about GST, might well keep a close eye on VLN and IIS contract. That's MYEG bread and butter.


2020-04-06 10:32 | Report Abuse

@kidsplay, because myeg had develop a GST online accounting tool before PE14. Due to the abolishment of GST by PH Government, the system investment have to be writes off in MYEG account in 2018.

Should gov restart GST, MYEG will have a ready use GST system.


2020-04-03 14:56 | Report Abuse

aiyo @KAQ, this morning tak boleh tahan sell at 0.43...good luck to u all..I'll be back wait for nxt red cycle~!


2020-04-03 08:40 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo...bila balik 1.15...amaaa appaa...Encik Wong tolongg


2020-04-03 08:36 | Report Abuse

@winner128, I think he is referring to WTI but Hibi is selling Brent Crude


2020-04-02 23:01 | Report Abuse

Ini macam skim cepat kaya. Oil up 30%. Hibi tmrw up 50-60c.

Tutt tutt


2020-04-02 15:28 | Report Abuse

@KAQ, jkalau boleh pi 2.60, wa muntah duit la..


2020-04-02 15:20 | Report Abuse

@csan, the time when the oil is 68 to 70 per barrel.. Hibi is a 1.00+ counter


2020-04-02 15:04 | Report Abuse

@mayzam, trump kata dia dah settle Saudi dan Russia Perang Harga..Brent Future naik 11%


2020-04-02 12:33 | Report Abuse

@KAQ u are here too..Mari Mari Mari.. Tutt Tutt


2020-03-31 18:18 | Report Abuse

bought at 1.157 and still waiting to gain 40% by end of 2020


2020-03-31 16:48 | Report Abuse

ya @Naz90, bunga raya dah underprice.. dengan book to price 0.4 dan nett cash. kalau hari ini bunga raya tutup..kita masih boleh dapat 70c/share..


2020-03-31 11:29 | Report Abuse

I have some question here, since Saudi is having Covid 19 outbreak now. Is it possible that they would impose a lockdown in Saudi sometime? Should one of the largest oil producer stop production? What will happen to the oil price?


2020-03-31 09:33 | Report Abuse

To check Hibi debt u may refer to Debt to Equity ratio. Hibi is 0.00. Mean 0 debt.


2020-03-31 08:49 | Report Abuse

Hibi have become a cigar butt company? If so Im not too worry with Graham calculation of 0.71. I still make money when it go south.


2020-03-27 10:43 | Report Abuse

Ini Kalilah!!!


2020-03-26 16:20 | Report Abuse

@newbiesPG, don't get too worry on the Covid-19 test kit approval, it is never myeg core business. Should VLN or IIS awarded to MYEG, it will limit up~!


2020-03-26 09:24 | Report Abuse

Maybe the oil war wont last long


While MBS is trying to strengthen his crown prince position now. Economy breakdown in Saudi is unnecessary.

Saudi and Russia is playing who will blink first game. By the way. I wont think China and US will be sitting down quietly letting them whack the world econonmy


2020-03-25 12:19 | Report Abuse

paktua hebat lah~!


2020-03-25 10:11 | Report Abuse

At first i dont understand what is mygg. Now i know. Mygg mean gap up. So lets MYGG more. Lolz


2020-03-20 21:23 | Report Abuse

@GoodTrade. Not everyone happy. I stuck at 0.429.. lolx


2020-03-19 16:52 | Report Abuse

Not too concern on the stock price. Do anyone know how long could Hibi last if the oil price below USD25 and could they just goes too hibernate mode if the price seem too low to produce.


2020-03-19 10:31 | Report Abuse

27c a share for hibi is even cheaper than one pack of maggie mee!