
hendrycheah | Joined since 2018-04-06

Investing Experience Intermediate
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Hendry is a follower of Benjamin Graham Value Investing Method. My Icon on investing is Warren Buffet and strongly believing on Rule No 1 Theory which is never lose money and Rule No 2 is Dont forget Rule No 1. Always looking for undervalue wonderful company to purchase





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2020-10-13 14:51 | Report Abuse

so ada loan atau tidak ni..aiyo~!


2020-10-12 12:29 | Report Abuse

then how about mynews outlet? all change to CU?


2020-10-12 10:19 | Report Abuse

For 45c, you may need to wait till the oil price drop to USD35 - USD38, if the stimulus talk in US is off, you may get a chance to buy a 45c hibi.. the current price is holding at 42 to 43 is due to Delta Huricane, Norway Protest and Stimulus Hope...Since hurricane is gone and Norway protest has settled last Friday, our last hope is US 1.8t stimulus package


2020-10-09 17:12 | Report Abuse

when dayang go below 90c. I'll get some


2020-10-08 11:45 | Report Abuse

I'm average down pricing again to 569, if it go down further will get more.. Since Saudi is taking 50-55USD estimation of oil price in 2021 in their budget.. Im not too worried on current pricing..like @allyoucanbuy said, if all things fail..I sell on 2022


2020-10-07 14:14 | Report Abuse

@laychee, what kill off astro isn't PH Manifesto but Netflix, HBO and Disney+, who wanted to commit a 2 year subscription a 100+ package when we can get netflix at RM17 and go on and off as we please..


2020-10-02 15:51 | Report Abuse

manage to get some on 495..now the average price drop to 577.. will top up more when hibi price drop further..


2020-10-02 12:52 | Report Abuse

I still couldn't get it at 50c, currently my average price is 589


2020-10-02 11:19 | Report Abuse

@micsoh, I belief you, will q at 50c to average down my price..


2020-10-01 15:22 | Report Abuse

seems like hibi only left retailer trading..where have all the iB gone?


2020-10-01 09:49 | Report Abuse

lets wait and see at the post moratorium time.. with 7 million borrowers need to start paying loan... billions of dollar disappear monthly in the real economy and finance economy..


2020-09-30 11:18 | Report Abuse

I wonder what would the NPL number be after moratorium end today


2020-09-25 17:26 | Report Abuse


2.4 million acres with a 38 years exploration and production term, its not a bad prospect at all.. Hibi price will fly, if they are able to buy the asset from Exxon.


2020-09-25 13:15 | Report Abuse

almost there...will collect more when it hit under 50


2020-09-25 12:57 | Report Abuse

Would a 2nd Lockdown in EU and US Election will send Dayang back to 70c?


2020-09-22 16:59 | Report Abuse

@winner128, sama-sama, please drop below 50c, I will start collecting again .. currently average price at 589


2020-09-21 17:09 | Report Abuse

Sesiapa simpan hibi ticket sampai 2022 akan menang besar


2020-09-17 17:08 | Report Abuse

Should everything goes according to HIbi plan, by mid of nxt year, we should have 3 more producing asset to increase its production. The lower EPS due to CRPS dilution should be short term


2020-09-17 10:49 | Report Abuse

With another 7 week to US Presidential Election, sharks is trading cautiously, worrying of the next great correction coming before the election


2020-09-10 15:46 | Report Abuse

@shyang, good news for me.. I'll start collecting at 50c


2020-09-10 11:04 | Report Abuse

16% drop. I thot bursa will suspend the account for the day when it drop more than 10%?


2020-09-10 10:05 | Report Abuse

How can buying asset for the company could be a bad news for shareholder? can you imagine they use the 2 billion debt to buy a 6 billion worth of oil reserve, how can this be bad to shareholder. It will be bad when they start buying liabilities with our money...such as private jet or yatch


2020-09-09 16:03 | Report Abuse

@speakup @ are you for real. Privatisation, I've been studying the company for half a year.. please don't


2020-09-09 15:37 | Report Abuse

@wilson, i do hope so, 30% down mean I can get more ticket at 39c


2020-09-08 10:48 | Report Abuse

@sheldon, buy both, then u own 99% of malaysia beer marrket


2020-09-08 10:46 | Report Abuse

There is a MA dead cross for Oil Brent, so it is a downtrend for oil price for now, hope it will goes low enuf to cause panic sell and I'm ready to collect as much ticket as I could..Hopefully it will could go under 50c and I will forget about it and sell it on 2022


2020-09-07 10:13 | Report Abuse

hibi steady, though oil price drop to 42+, it still wont fall...the only way we can go now is up


2020-09-04 15:57 | Report Abuse

Good News, new stimulus package mean good for economy and devalue USD further, it will only send oil price higher


2020-09-04 12:52 | Report Abuse

Hibiscus solid, it wont budge even Dow down 800 point and Brent is 43+..Good time coming soon~! But such ashame that I couldn't collect with lower price


2020-08-28 12:31 | Report Abuse

@harold, what is your target price to get in, Im eyeing at 5. much expected global economic meltdown, CV pandemic, low interest rate and high unemployment rate, its gonna be a very tough year for banker..


2020-08-27 14:36 | Report Abuse

The 2Q hasn't really taking account on CV19 impact yet. We only can see real loan impairment after the moratorium is off.. No one knows how much defaulters on their house, car, personal and business loan


2020-08-26 10:17 | Report Abuse

why la hurricane laura came right after Hibi 140m loss report...if not I could have get a 55c or lower hibi ticket now..


2020-08-25 09:32 | Report Abuse

I miss the IDSS gang who always paint doom and gloom picture for us to collect cheap price.. How to buy cheap without them... The market is flying mah..should have let IDSS trade again to check and balance


2020-08-21 11:42 | Report Abuse

Glove counter now is like Thanos with all the Gemstone..can rebound in V shape with just a flick of its finger..Its Inevitable


2020-08-20 16:34 | Report Abuse

Without much progress on vaccine by this year, petrol may linger around 40 to 46 by end of 2020... For which it is a very comfortable price for Hibiscus to trade oil. Oil may start to limit up start from 1Q21, when the CV sentiment starting to dissipate and will rise to USD60+ by end of 2021.

With new Production of Marigold block and ramping up production for Anasuria and North Sabah. Easily a 22k barrel a day production then. A multi billion revenue by end of 2021.


2020-08-14 13:16 | Report Abuse

According to Trump philosophy it is still GREAT even the economy slump to 90% as long it is "Better Than Expected"


2020-08-14 12:57 | Report Abuse

@Lownet2323, but the Citibank suggest it will rise to RM100+, means 300+PE by then..I think Citibank had a lot of money in TP now.


2020-08-14 10:57 | Report Abuse

Since oil price is still above MA9 and MA20. It is still an uptrend for now. It's the best time to collect Hibi stocks as we know the cost per barrel for Hibi is around 17 to 20 USD. Hibi is running in profit while its shares is going sideway. However, we need to trade cautiously as the Shiller PE and Buffett Indicator is showing a big correction may come anytime.


2020-08-13 12:42 | Report Abuse

If Brent is 62 and hibi starting to ramping up their production, easily 1.50 shares then... but I still hope it goes under 50 before it rebound to RM1+... US economy is beaten up now, without a solid stimulus package... my chances is high..


2020-08-12 10:20 | Report Abuse

Dont worry. oil price will rise back to 70 within 2 years, Hibi production will certainly increase its production to 22000 barrel. 60c is a steal if you are a long term investor, I'll get more if it goes under 50c


2020-08-11 17:04 | Report Abuse

if tmrw hit MA200 at 715.. it will start flying...kaya raya dengan bunga raya~!


2020-08-07 16:37 | Report Abuse

AllYouCanBuy @ becoz Republican and Democrats haven't strike a deal for 2nd stimulus package. If for whatsoever reason they could get a deal done thru the weekend, there will be another Black Monday coming.


2020-08-07 12:18 | Report Abuse

start to collect yesterday, should it drop further, will collect more


2020-08-06 13:02 | Report Abuse

If there is no more bad news coming..oil price will organically goes up as the USD is devaluing. However, if Democrats and the Republican can't agree any stimulus package by tommorow..you may expect another Black Monday next week..


2020-08-05 14:55 | Report Abuse

feezzy @ can if it could stay afloat till 2023


2020-08-04 13:11 | Report Abuse

chtan33, i think by the minute..what if next minute the big sharks suddenly lost appetite with the 100 PE stock and start profit taking..


2020-08-04 10:03 | Report Abuse

Oil price will only get higher when USD start to stumble..trillions of money have printed in US and it will only devalue the USD in due diligence.. and with lesser oil rigged around due to bankruptcy and lesser exploration...Oil price should goes up to USD70+ per barrel within 3 years time.