
hng33 | Joined since 2013-01-11

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2023-03-09 16:50 | Report Abuse

dragon, that why is best for YTLP to reserve its 500MW solar capacity solely to power up its Green data center instead of opt to export to Singapore to maximize its landbank in kulai. YTLP can just opt for its seraya unit to source freely from TNB or other solar plant to import to singapore and get long term trading profit.


2023-03-09 16:44 | Report Abuse

Based on development cost, YTLP is developing first phase 75MW green data center at cost RM 1.5 billion. But, based on LSS4 project owner, most of them develop their 50MW at range RM 150m -RM 200m only. Therefore, it is logical to YTLP green data center have much higher value than just sole solar power farm.


2023-03-09 16:23 | Report Abuse

Power seraya already selected for maiden 2 year trial to import 100MW from TNB. More to come


2023-03-09 16:22 | Report Abuse

Power seraya can just act as importer and earning trading profit by sourcing external power supplier like TNB or other solar plant developer since its kulai 500MW only reserve to supply solar for its own green data center


2023-03-09 16:17 | Report Abuse

According YTLP plan, the entire 500MW green data center will be develop at cost RM 15 billion. First phase 75MW worth RM 1.5billion ready by Q1 2024 and remaining phase will be develop over 10 year period. Such huge green data investment RM 15 billion is secure by anchor tenant on long term commercial basis. YTLP current market capitalize only of its entire RM 15 billion green data hub


2023-03-09 15:59 | Report Abuse

YTLP 500MW solar power plant is moving up value chain to green data center, maximize solar power profitbility


2023-03-09 15:56 | Report Abuse

Agreed. YTLP kulai data center may solely reserve as green data center, power by 500MW solar power. The green data center will have dark fibre connection to Singapore which will entice Singapore business owner to use kulai data center as hub to store and backup all their data and score green certificate as part of their ESG effort to reduce carbon, score carbon credit and improve business rating


2023-03-09 15:38 | Report Abuse

YTLP is largest independent solar power with capacity 500MW to be develop in few phase with first phase 75MW ready by Q1 2024. If gov allow export green energy, YTLP will play key role due to act as exporter from Msia and import taker through Seraya.


2023-03-09 12:13 | Report Abuse

No doubt call warrant have better margin than underlying share, but is suit for short term trading.


2023-03-09 12:11 | Report Abuse

Call warrant is passively dependent on underlying share performance, nothing unusual for call warrant now. The core is underlying stock, YTLP, now after 2 consecutive Q performance have pave way for all IB to upgrade buy call and pending growth driver from traffic rate hike from Wesse water, new stream of profit from COD jordan power plant and upcoming first phase RM 1.5 billion Green data center by Q1 2024.


2023-03-08 16:58 | Report Abuse

To allow YTLP price fully recovery, we need great patient in every trading day as share price movement is within narrow range and only get boost up when Q result release or dividend declare.


2023-03-08 16:54 | Report Abuse

I have very high hope on YTLP share performance in next 1 year to fully recover back above RM 1.50. These is supported by recovery in EPS to above 4sen per quarter. Core earning seraya + traffic hike in wessex water and maiden contributor from Jordan power plant + newly green data center phase 1 worth RM 1.5 billion by Q1 2024


2023-03-08 16:49 | Report Abuse


Based on historical data, YTLP share price is closely mimic to its earning EPS. But, market take time to reflect these trend, so, just patient


2023-03-08 14:57 | Report Abuse

Regaining momentum :D)


2023-03-03 22:59 | Report Abuse

RAM rating........The Group’s liquidity profile stayed superior, backed by RM6.83 bil of unencumbered cash reserves as at end-June 2022. The ratings consider the Group’s strong financial flexibility, with a sizeable net realisable asset value (RNAV) of around RM30 bil against company-level debts of RM7.52 bil as at the same date...

Remark: YTLP RM6.83 bil of unencumbered cash reserves as at end-June 2022 is more than current market capitalization of only RM RM 6.4 bil.

Aside YTL free cash is more than market capital, the more remarkable value is its realizable asset value is RM 30 bil, quadrupole higher than carry debt asset now at RM 7.5 bil


2023-03-02 13:53 | Report Abuse

Social Security Organisation (Socso) <-------S.O.S


2023-03-02 11:15 | Report Abuse

YTLP fundamental recovery cannot be continue ignore by IB. Current increasing EPS growth already promptly many IB to upgrade YTL target to > RM 1.00. Next upgrade is when wessex water profit resume and increasing, IB will chase up again to upgrade YTLP further high to RM 1.50. Next upgrade will be full operation shale power plant and phase 1 Green data center to RM 1.80


2023-03-02 10:33 | Report Abuse

In additional, weakness in RM will boosts up further YTLP profit as all its earning kicker now derive from oversea currency denomination

1. Seraya power - Singapore, SGD = RM3.33
2. Wessex water and sewerage - UK, pound = RM 5.37
3. 465MW Shale power plant (45%) - Jordan, USD = RM 4.47 (Jordan power is USD denominated based on concession 30 year + 10 year extension)


2023-03-02 10:19 | Report Abuse

In summary, YTLP earning now is highly predictable and share price will react accordingly, return back eps to 2015 EPS>16sen, dividend > 10sen level will follow return bank share price back to RM 1.60 in 2015. Up 100% capital appreciation is now achievable by end of these year or early next year


2023-03-02 10:12 | Report Abuse

dragon328, correct, wessex water earning recovery will increase ytlp quarterly eps by another 1.5sen on top of existing seraya eps 2.4sen = eps 3.9sen. Full contribution from jordan power plant will add additional pes 0.5sen quarterly. Therefore, conservatively, quarterly eps =4sen-4.5sen, annualize eps > 16sen, dividend > 10sen


2023-03-02 10:05 | Report Abuse

Many may claim shoppe now is no profitable due to reduce volume and logistic cost hike, but, digital banking is different business model. It involve none high cost logistic delivery, everything go online to deposit, access loan, market financial product, its 24 hour online business model, allowing everyone especially in rural area in East Msia to access banking service. With gov effort to increase 5g coverage up to 80% nationwide by 2024, online access at cheaper rate and wider area will promote further digital banking business model viability


2023-03-02 09:48 | Report Abuse

Digital banking JV between YTLP and Sea (listed in US, own largest online Shoppe platform) . Digital banking can accept cash deposit, interest, loan, market finance product through exiting Shoppe online platform. Light assets cost structure, but huge potential to reach financial product to everyone at anytime


2023-03-02 09:36 | Report Abuse

YTLP share price on track to return back above RM 1.50-1.80 level record in 2015 when EPS > 16sen, dividend > 10sen. Its whopping 100% gain from current market price of just 80sen


2023-03-02 09:33 | Report Abuse

With everything in line, wessex water + seraya + COD jordan power plant = Full earning recovery back to 2015. Quarterly EPS > 4sen/share, annualize EPS 16sen, dividend 10-12sen.

Remark: Multibillion green data center solar power is ADDITIONAL future EPS growth


2023-03-01 23:57 | Report Abuse

New wessex water traffic rate hike up to 14.2% for household and 15.1% for wholesale is triple hike higher than any previous rate to accommodate current high inflation rate and to Wessex compensated earlier loss. Therefore, starting April 2023, Wessex water and sewerage will record MASSIVE profit surplus forward.


2023-03-01 23:53 | Report Abuse

Please take note Wessex water new charge rate for water and sewerage new traffic rate is significant higher than hike in any previous year which range from lowest 4.1 to highest consumption 4.9% rate hike only.

but, the newer water and sewerage charge range hike wildly in accord the volume consumption, the more water usage, the higher rate charge incur up to 14.2% rate hike for household and 15.1% for wholesale non household.


2023-03-01 23:41 | Report Abuse

YTL power wholly own Wessex water in UK have published new charge rate. The following relates to the year 2023-2024 water and sewerage charge starting 1 April 2023.

Taking account of our allowed revenues, the proposed mitigations above, and latest
forecasts for consumption we expect to see typical bill increases ranging from

for household bill = 5.8% - 14.2%
for non household wholesale bill = 8.3% to 15.1%


2023-03-01 15:57 | Report Abuse

added more oil to ytlp, bought all at 77.5sen


2023-03-01 15:08 | Report Abuse

Sold back at 25.5sen, locked small contra profit first


2023-03-01 11:34 | Report Abuse

Next level is 80sen and 84sen


2023-03-01 09:31 | Report Abuse

breakout breakout breakout


2023-03-01 08:35 | Report Abuse

A success turnaround capitalA is example for pharma as long as business continue generate profit, PN17 will soon later lifted once cash generated surplus net asset


2023-03-01 08:32 | Report Abuse

As long as pharm business continue operation and generate profit + write back impairment if these vaccine manage to sale or export to Indonesia will lifted PN17 by end of 1 year period. Alternatively, LTAT can just make privatize call to delist pharm avoiding bursa ruling PN17


2023-03-01 08:28 | Report Abuse

Going forward, Boustead said Pharmaniaga will continue its effort to negotiate with various parties including overseas markets for the sale of the remaining Covid-19 vaccine inventories.

Any successful sale of vaccine inventories will be write back provision from current impairment. Pharm opt for total impairment is just to meet accounting rules, any sale after impairment even at huge discount will write back current impairment in later Q.


2023-02-28 16:25 | Report Abuse

bought also ytl at 56sen


2023-02-28 16:13 | Report Abuse

Maybe can seek gov compensation due to fault by MOH order


2023-02-28 16:11 | Report Abuse

add all ytlp at 74.5sen


2023-02-28 15:40 | Report Abuse

will buyback later


2023-02-28 15:40 | Report Abuse

sold back at 1.20 first


2023-02-28 14:41 | Report Abuse

sold back at 60.5sen


2023-02-28 13:21 | Report Abuse

We are also guided that the 45%-owned oil shale plant in Jordan could potentially commence operations under the original power purchase agreement (PPA). .....RHB research


2023-02-28 12:19 | Report Abuse

hope to breakout 76sen, lets hentam CIMB call warrant kau kau


2023-02-28 12:05 | Report Abuse

wonder how long cimb can still depress ytlp for its expire call warrant


2023-02-28 10:22 | Report Abuse

bought all pharma at 24.5-25.5sen


2023-02-28 09:37 | Report Abuse

locked profit at 88.5-89sen


2023-02-27 23:24 | Report Abuse

Insas essentially is investment holding company, have no core business operating. Therefore, insas need to conserve cash in order to invest in both listed or unlisted company and highly dependent on these investment return to generate income for insas. Thus, cannot ascribe normal valuation to reach fair value for insas due to fact that it relying on indirect profit from invested company and record profit through dividend/share of profit from invested company.


2023-02-27 23:16 | Report Abuse

CMSB is very rare conglomerate and yet in net cash position. Its business empire spanning from cement, construction, property, road maintenance, have associate listed kenanga and kkb + upcoming new phosphorus manufacture plant and newly acquire scomi oil and gas service provider.

Cement main feedstock energy provider thermal coal now at lowest year level, offer great profit margin forward