Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2022-06-12 22:38 | Report Abuse

no worries

just like all Sapura shareholders, I also want free money to finance my loss making contracts.

just tell me who I need to kiss.


2022-06-12 22:32 |

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News & Blogs

2022-06-12 22:27 | Report Abuse

demand destruction will be across the board.

non food items like gloves will be especially hard hit.
Treat all revenue growth forecasts especially gloves as fantasy.
6.3 million people died from covid

no company will be spared even plantations
if you buy, must hold


2022-06-12 22:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-12 20:07 | Report Abuse

no worries

nothing wrong

I also want to be MP
later get pension, FREE MONEY, FREE FOOD for rest of life.

who do I have to kiss to get it?


2022-06-12 18:32 | Report Abuse

can try calling TG and offer RM15.00 per kg for scrap iron.


2022-06-12 15:33 | Report Abuse

I never look at profits and losses.
Profits and losses are always irrelevant.

Those who looked at profits and losses ended up buying Serba.



2022-06-12 14:22 | Report Abuse

Res ipsa loquitur

compare say Brahim => 1 nasi lemak stall 1 worker, Director borrow money from friends to pay RM1,500.00 salary.
Friends say just take the money no need to pay back lah.

compare say TG => 50 nasi lemak stall 22,000 workers, Director borrow money from friends to pay RM33 million salary plus RM50 million losses every month say all in RM83 million every month.
Friends told the security guard not to let the silly feller into the gated community.


2022-06-12 12:32 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-12 09:11 | Report Abuse

makes sense
its nature's way of culling humans ie Sri Lanka people

Posted by Sslee > 8 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Someone need to save this planet Earth by going for organic farming.

So a country is destroyed for the greater good of planet Earth.


2022-06-12 09:10 | Report Abuse

if some religious nut bans all Fertilizers in Malaysia, same thing will happen, all agriculture in Malaysia will not exist anymore.
no more palm oil
no more rubber
no more nenas
no more Cameron vege, eat grass
no more rice, eat sand


2022-06-12 08:50 | Report Abuse

Sri Lanka bankruptcy happened coz the country banned all manufactured fertilizers.
All agriculture died collapsed disappeared killed melted vanished missing evaporated vaporized overnight.

I think these Sri Lankans are disciples of Robert Mugabe who successfully destroyed Zimbabwe overnight.


2022-06-12 08:43 | Report Abuse

at 26 sen, the next RI could be 20 sen

lost one third of capital


2022-06-11 20:03 | Report Abuse

no worries

everything in Malaysia is pariah and or just plain cuckoo.

I dun mind being fined RM1,000.00 if I have an unexplained RM1.3 million in my bank account.
RM1,000.00 is just breakfast money at Harrods


Jailing the single mum and fining cabinet ministers a mere RM1,000.00 for exactly the same offence.


2022-06-11 19:49 | Report Abuse

Avoid all gloves.


2022-06-11 17:55 | Report Abuse

one of the signs and confirmations that Snaky Snake is part of the Insider Macau Scam Group is that Snaky Snake like to put words into other people's mouths

Whether TG goes bankrupt or not is dependent on management actions and cannot just say one.
and the timeline for bankruptcy 2022 was all Snaky Snake idea.

The Sith and the Dark Side deals only with absolutes whereas life is all grey with multiple possibilities.


2022-06-11 15:25 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-10 20:36 |

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2022-06-10 13:44 | Report Abuse

when TG is at 30 sen
the RI could be 25 sen

and next 10 years no dividends


2022-06-10 12:39 | Report Abuse

Latest estimated TP is around 30 to 40 sen
Still long way to go


2022-06-10 00:52 | Report Abuse

many people like Barbie punya Ken do not understand and beggars belief that a company the size of TG can go bankrupt so fast.

actually the bigger they are, the faster they go bust.
Like the way I illustrated to you, TG can go bust in just 2 months time.

new MD immediate solution is to freeze those RM773 million capex
(immediate survival requirement)

every time I say TG bankruptcy, Ken says no way.
every time I say TG bankruptcy, Ken says no way.
every time I say TG bankruptcy, Ken says no way.

so now I draw out the skeleton for you so that you understand.

There are lots of hope though,
TG can be saved by fast and correct action.
Americans are very good at this management method.

Done properly with proper objectives, TG can be profitable by August 2022
otherwise all of us here will be harping and harping on TG bankruptcy.


2022-06-10 00:33 | Report Abuse

the armchair CEO game is very nice
TG should immediately shut down at least 10 factories and at least 200 latex lines
balance after Capacity Reset should be circa 392 nitrile and 190 latex lines or thereabouts.


2022-06-10 00:04 | Report Abuse

Top Ten TG

Terminate Snaky Snake without compensation to save costs
Immediate Capacity Reset to 15,000 workers

Freeze or terminate all Capex
Machine Reset to remove low quality latex lines

Minimise indirect staff.
No more dividends (to make Snaky Snake unhappy)

Execute PP for more cash
Execute RI for more cash

Asset sales like Snaky Snake punya laptop, handphone, car and table.
Company wide cost reduction (without playing with any third party meters)


2022-06-09 23:50 | Report Abuse

one way is to terminate all contracted capex of RM773 million
might need to pay some penalties.
even 10% deposit penalties forfeited also nevermind

no wonder TG changed MD
must have had a long and huge argument at BOD meetings.


2022-06-09 23:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-09 23:32 | Report Abuse

As at the end of the reporting quarter, the Group had approved and contracted for capital expenditure amounting approximately to RM773 million.

available cash is RM1,004 million
=> left only RM231 million

if happened again a Gross Loss, TG has cash to last only 2 months looking at historical burn rate of 100 mil a month.

Guaranteed the Snaky Snake punya gaji will not be paid soon.

the alternative is to be a Chow Kah


2022-06-09 18:41 | Report Abuse

not yet finished selling
the drop only comes after selling has been completed.

now its still

which fool want to sell cheap?


2022-06-09 18:35 | Report Abuse

my old data was like this...

latex up 50%
butadiene fluctuate between up 200% to up 300%
compared to pre-covid

HR up RM300.00 (or RM600.00 if overtime) per mth
if no OT then RM3,600.00 per year

loan amortization say RM20,000.00 to RM40,000.00
amortized over 5 to 10 years means ~ RM4,000.00 per worker per year

4 inch mattresses and new housing ? ~ RM1,200 per worker per year

electricity up 18.4%

PPE ~ RM400.00 per worker per year


2022-06-09 17:33 | Report Abuse


Can I advise you something?
coz China 100% confirmed and maybe US will be self sufficient in Gloves

its downhill all the way for Top Gloves unless they invent a Time Travel Machine or something ...


2022-06-09 17:13 | Report Abuse

nobody wants to sell at low price
the handwashing will continue until completely sold then jump off cliff
dun believe?
ask rr88 and many others with decades of experience


2022-06-09 16:48 | Report Abuse

best just do momentum trading

if up just hold until next down 10% then sell
if down cut lost at 10%

Guaranteed profits this way and no need to bother about Snakes.


2022-06-09 16:30 | Report Abuse

must ask the Snake whether the difference of 2 is due to Snaky billing by him to TG


sales 1.46b
cost 1.48b
what a choke

5 minutes ago


2022-06-09 15:27 | Report Abuse

thanks rr88


Bear trap. Cannot. Index will come down and cruise past 1500 without any resistance. Sell/stay away.

2 minutes ago


2022-06-09 15:05 | Report Abuse

I am only curious about the Bankruptcy Snake punya FD interest this QR
Snake forgot to renew the FD interest.
Snake only renewed the Principal.

later Snake will be informed that the bank had just become a Swiss Bank
in Swiss Banks you no get interest ... you pay the bank interest instead...


2022-06-09 14:56 | Report Abuse

you are supposed to set a cut loss at 10% to 25%
depending on your risk appetite

its a bit too late now, rite?


Can anyone share your feeling if your entry price > rm 3 n still hold tg ?

10 minutes ago


2022-06-09 14:37 | Report Abuse

thats why 15,000 workers
taking into account further drops

the current conditions requires 17,000 workers

you can only cut once
otherwise the drop in morale is a sure road to bankruptcy
many people make this mistake of continous cuts every month
sure die


more challenging ahead … minimum wage implementation, too much capacity, more competition and continuously lower and lower ASP, profit getting lower and lower per Q.

32 seconds ago


2022-06-09 14:23 | Report Abuse

these are forensic results
its in the past

already die liao lah


2022-06-09 14:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-09 14:16 | Report Abuse

ini ACE counter punya results lah


2022-06-09 14:15 | Report Abuse

how about a lickable and eatable condom?


TG will be the next big thing if they came out with durian flavor and texture condom.

1 second ago


2022-06-09 14:15 | Report Abuse

someone is hoping those Ballot count centers will be flooded?


Parliament will dissolve on 1st of sept and GE15 on 8/10. Rumours only. You know you know la

8 seconds ago


2022-06-09 14:12 | Report Abuse

when it hits bottom, company goes bankrupt
why would anyone buy a bankrupt company?


2022-06-09 14:11 | Report Abuse

its a Gross Loss
so Capacity Alteration to 15,000 workers is critical to short and long term profitability.

otherwise sure Top Glove hugs 22,000 workers to bankruptcy.


2022-06-09 13:41 | Report Abuse

if you did not see Elvis at Lorong Haji Taib
or see Martians at Putrajaya,
its confirmed you are not the right type of person to see or hear Ekovest news


2022-06-09 13:36 | Report Abuse

its invisible news
if you are not the right person you cannot hear the news or see the news.


2022-06-09 08:23 | Report Abuse

coffee and cake at Harrods been RM150.00 for years
zero inflation
the Rakyat are all liars


Yeah, the same Gobermen that kept saying Inflation rate is at 2.2 to 3% only lah......

They have never gone marketing or shopping for groceries......Even their roti canai has price increased....maybe their driver paid for drinks.

18 minutes ago


2022-06-09 07:58 | Report Abuse

no worries
I have full confidence that MOF will agree to send out Free Money to oil rich Middle East Countries via loss making contracts.

I suspect some people might not agree with me.


Today is last hour already. Tomorrow is 10th June....still no noise from MOF....keep your pants on...don't hold your breath......hahahaha

10 minutes ago


2022-06-09 07:54 | Report Abuse

I dun agree,
the Snake is just a floor sweeper and rubbish worker working outside the KFC outlet coz Outlet Manager dun allow him to go inside,
too dirty and smelly to work inside outlet, will scare away customers.