Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2022-06-05 11:04 | Report Abuse

Genetec looks like on the verge of collapse just like XinqGuan


2022-06-05 01:47 | Report Abuse

looks like very close to collapse soon just like XinqGuan


2022-06-03 14:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-03 13:34 | Report Abuse

consolidation 100 to 1 will mean your 6 sen per share today become 0.06 per share after moving 2 decimal places


Still playing musical chairs? Why so many still think they would come out the other side unscathed and making profits? Sap would still be the same? Then the world must be upside down and Debts are nothing but blank papers.

12 minutes ago


2022-06-03 11:59 | Report Abuse

the next drop will bring it to RM1.00 per share


2022-06-03 11:50 | Report Abuse

no one is talking about any turnaround at all.

The Rakyat is supposed to subsidise Sapura losses for the next few million years.


High interest rate will kill this heavily indebted company. No chance of turnaround at all.

7 minutes ago


2022-06-03 10:36 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-03 09:54 | Report Abuse

when you see Bank freeze project loans it means => Contract is loss making, and the loss is so large that Bank Engineers also company cannot kowtim

we also know that costs increased from 30% to 50% due to inflation due to oil costs and shortages bidding to ultra high pricing.

but the Rakyat is stupiiiieeed right?
Lets kowtim the stupiiiieeeed Rakyat instead of the smart Bank Engineer...


2022-06-03 09:29 | Report Abuse

Sapura obviously cannot "kowtim" bank engineers due to massive losses from contracts.

now the tactic is to kowtim the stupeeeeiiid Rakyat to get Rakyat Free Money


2022-06-03 09:16 | Report Abuse

previously Sime loss more than RM2 Billion to complete their Middle East oil contracts.

Sapura loss making contracts will be a bombshell given that costs had already increased more than 50%.
So if contract margin was 10% previously, a loss to completion of 30% to 40% will be normal.

means => a RM50 Billion contract will lose RM20 Billion

plus liabilities RM16 Billion, means total bill for the stupiieed Rakyat may exceed 1MDB fiasco amounts.

Bank Engineers will not simply freeze loans unless the contracts are loss making to 40% - 50% expected losses to completion.


2022-06-03 09:01 | Report Abuse

for project financing borrowers need to prove contract is profitable before drawdown is appoved by bank punya engineer.
Bank engineers will review costing.
Guaranteed all contracts signed are loss making thats why Bank Engineers refused approval for drawdown.
Bank also want to make money right? if contract is profitable, guaranteed loan is approved.

all these comments by sinkalang are outright lies, lies and blatant more lies

total bill for the stupeeeeeeed Rakyat could come out more than RM25 Billion due to these loss making contracts.


2022-06-02 22:44 | Report Abuse

EPF sold off Top Gove very very desperately, exactly like Serba case.

its outgoings only.


2022-06-02 22:31 | Report Abuse

very few companies can survive a double compression X 2 for units and value.
effectively a simultaneous quadruple compression.
Odds of survival are very low.
spiral rates to death are high once the flight envelope exceeds design specs.

Companies graveyards are littered with such companies led by Permanent Head Damages people who are normally expected not to be able to cope.

companies with Permanent Head Damages are expected to fare badly coz such employees are not businessmen.

Its a recipe for disaster.


2022-06-02 21:04 | Report Abuse

Lose money just keep quiet.
Losers who deliberately paints fraudulent and fake bright future
and encourage other people to join them in losing money together deserves no pity but the deepest levels of hell.


People already lose so much money why no sense of sympathising but ridicule them instead? I think this is not correct.

1 minute ago


2022-06-02 21:00 | Report Abuse

EPF is no longer a substantial shareholder

when companies goes bankrupt, EPF always dumps irrespective of share price or amount of losses, you can see the example in Serba and Top Glove


2022-06-02 20:55 | Report Abuse

some people cannot stomach 10% losses

then cannot stomach 20% losses
then cannot stomach 30% losses
then cannot stomach 40% losses
then cannot stomach 50% losses
then cannot stomach 60% losses
then cannot stomach 70% losses
then cannot stomach 80% losses
then cannot stomach 90% losses

and then
the end is near and zero dividends arrived

the FIRST THING to learn in share gambling is a CUT LOSS system
otherwise ... ... ...
facts are facts

its inevitable like drink and drive, sure die one.


2022-06-02 19:56 | Report Abuse

facts are facts

its inevitable like drink and drive, sure die one.


2022-06-02 19:50 | Report Abuse

Price of 35 sen per share coming soon for the Evil Ular Empire to enjoy
plus no more dividends, sure 100% JIALAT


2022-06-02 19:16 | Report Abuse

The Evil Ular Empire had fallen, no more renew FD.


2022-06-02 19:14 | Report Abuse

The Evil Empire had fallen.


2022-06-02 10:44 | Report Abuse

no worries

even though Govt bankrupt, will implement Special Sapura Tax to rescue Sapura

BUY WITH CON_FIDENCE before share price becomes RM0.005 each


2022-06-02 10:30 | Report Abuse

no worries
even though Gobermen bankrupt no money to pay subsidy and now 100% must have GST.

I will propose to Gobermen to have special Sapura Tax where all the homeless are taxed RM10,000.00 each.
People with homes are taxed as RM100.00 each.
Cats, dogs and goldfish are exempted under this special Sapura Tax.

Posted by cicakman > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Ayam layhong no more subsidy.
Telor still long time festival


2022-06-02 10:21 | Report Abuse

share price dropped to 8 sen is proof that Gobermen will sell Petronas to Sapura for RM1.00 plus RM500 Billion compensation for taking over Petronas.

share price dropped from 8 sen to 6 sen is proof that Gobermen will sell Maybank to Sapura for RM1.00 plus RM500 Billion compensation for taking over Maybank.


2022-06-02 09:42 | Report Abuse

thanks rr88


Support broken days ago as i told u.
I repeat: 1.40 was the lowest point in 2019 before covid. A clean break below 1.40 is DEADLY as it will sink n sink until your jaw drops. My tp 0.70 the next 12 months.

4 minutes ago


2022-06-02 08:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-02 07:32 | Report Abuse

poor thing!!!
its slave labour !!
forced to take 2 jobs,
forced to answer all Zhou Gong remarks from me
and forced to work kfc as well


Lose so much in TG until u have to go working in kfc outlet kah aiyo

21 minutes ago


2022-06-01 14:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-01 14:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-01 14:17 | Report Abuse

the next RI could be 25 sen to 27 sen

another USD3 Billion to USD6 Billion capital requirements

you could lose 99% of your capital from repeated RIs and consolidations

Wise Men all sold it off...


2022-06-01 09:53 | Report Abuse

share price dropped is proof that Gobermen will sell Petronas to Sapura for RM1.00 plus RM500 Billion compensation for taking over Petronas.


2022-06-01 09:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-06-01 09:32 | Report Abuse

this worth RM5.00 per share company is even much worse than INSAS.

at least INSAS is 80 sen


2022-05-31 21:53 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2022-05-31 21:38 | Report Abuse

different plants have totally different designs
different base efficiency per contract
example Plant A contract base efficiency is 32%
example Plant B contract base efficiency is 40%
and the heat path can be totally different.

basing your profits on another power plant means said person have totally no idea how power plant contracts are signed
and revenue generated.

News & Blogs

2022-05-31 21:27 | Report Abuse

for simple layman understanding..

ass_u_me a block of coal has 100 units of energy
ass_u_me Vietnam contract says must achieve 32% efficiency
if you achieve less than 32% efficiency you will suffer penalties making your IRR less than 10%
if you achieve more than 32% efficiency you will enjoy incentives making your IRR more than 10%

the contract terms can vary between 32% to 42% depending on plant design and nego skill.
Typical China efficiency is 40.9%

do you feel lucky today?

News & Blogs

2022-05-31 21:17 | Report Abuse

essentially whatever you do has no effect at all.
you will only get 10% IRR unless you screw up big time
thats where all these parameters like heat rate, up time, plant conversion efficiency are all methods used as incentives for plant operator to perform well.

News & Blogs

2022-05-31 21:08 | Report Abuse

This is so totally not the way it is calculated.

Powergen contracts are based on IRR .
This follows from US and western models which were then benchmarked to World Bank methods of drawing up contracts.
World Bank methods had become the defacto standard worldwide
and for Vietnam case its 10% IRR
10% IRR is based on approved capex by Vietnam which may or may not be same as per accounts capex shown in Jaks audited accounts.

all these are whatcamacallits
These are actually efficiency bases to make sure operator performs well to agreed standards before the 10% IRR are paid out.


2022-05-31 09:01 | Report Abuse


so glad to know that I am so NOT ......... the only suspicious feller..

whole thing just looks "not right" to me.

water release timing is electrical valve controlled by PLC module or computer software.
why do you need to track water usage?
the water valve opening time report is nearest to 4 decimal places or more.

someone is using Top Gove factory water to wash personal cars? so need to track it?
there is zero security at factory premises?
dun have ISO9000 at all?


If want to track water usage, can always install after sybas meter, not replace it. Everybody knows this…

32 minutes ago


2022-05-31 08:02 | Report Abuse

=> same for Top Gove shares

Guaranteed Profits means Got Profits Take Profits, dun be greedy otherwise end up like Cheat You Crazy.... mentally disturbed...
Degil people like Cheat You Crazy invariably lose money due to GREED, then blame everybody but themselves.


2022-05-31 07:58 | Report Abuse

in fact said warrants was trading for 30.5 for quite some time after I said sell please do not regret.
and after that was trading for 30 sen for a long time as well.

Degil people like Cheat You Crazy invariably lose money due to GREED, then blame everybody but themselves.

Guaranteed Profits means Got Profits Take Profits, dun be greedy otherwise end up like Cheat You Crazy.... mentally disturbed...


2022-05-31 07:39 | Report Abuse

Top Gove publicly admitted it refused to follow international standards ISO9000 procedures in removing Syabas meter.

does Top Gove also refuse to follow medical standards and ISO9000 procedures when manufacturing medical gloves?


2022-05-31 07:33 | Report Abuse

just before I sold my warrants for Guaranteed Profits, I said those who do NOT sell, please do not regret.
Then only I sold.
after so long ago, Cheat You Crazy is still jealous?

making money in shares or warrants is normal, if jealous, no one can help you.


2022-05-31 07:21 | Report Abuse

Cheat You Crazy still talking about my Guaranteed Profits after I sold my warrants at 30.5 sen?

dun be jealous ok?


2022-05-31 00:59 | Report Abuse

I say
You keep saying things you have totally no idea loh

The Syabas meter ... does it have a Top Gove asset tag ?
after removing said Syabas meter, where was the said meter stored ?

was the Top Gove Asset Register updated that the Property of Top Gove moved to new location? (wink wink) ie location updated.

was a Asset Impairment Request Form signed and approved?
but of course this ass_u_me that an Asset Removal Form was first authorized in the first place
and the Syabas meter Asset Number was identified prior to removal as per ISO9000 requirements.

so at a master stroke everything was not complied with.... ... ...

the Syabas meter is property of Top Gove ???????????????????????????????



2022-05-30 23:44 | Report Abuse

dun bluff lah
the 2 dilution event is computer controlled
there is totally ZERO / NO NEED to monitor water consumption at all

I kasi muka dun mention
snaky people climb on top of my head

even Arduino can get the job done
wats that got to do with Syabas labeled meter with seal?


2022-05-30 23:37 | Report Abuse

Karma time

now Top Gove bad karma time

funny things come out only happen to Top Gove but never elsewhere one.


2022-05-30 23:33 | Report Abuse

bankrup9t lah

tats wi hire Syabas mistales with unqualified engineer lah guna minimum wage and 4 inch mattresses lah


2022-05-30 23:26 | Report Abuse

tak payah cakiap cakiap manyak manyak

TG bankru8pt lah
when TG bankru8pt manyak manyak "funny things" happen one ...
like Mr Bean broke Syabas seal on water meter lah

sampai bi bi EPF

Bye, bye Miss Top Gove
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
And them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die