Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2022-05-10 09:58 | Report Abuse

15 sen dividend?


2022-05-09 20:09 | Report Abuse

for such cases
leno already mentioned
all liabilities RM5 billion are genuine
whereas all assets had gone MIA

which fool will pay RM5 Billion?
btw I have a rubbing lamp you just rub and nothing comes out. Its only RM4.9 Billion

save RM100 million in the pocket.


2022-05-09 16:34 | Report Abuse

sure got comments one
tonite all kats including but not limited to pasar malam kats, all made millions of profits


2022-05-09 16:17 | Report Abuse

no shares available for lending to short sellers

all desperately dumping


Already dropped 63% today even without short sellers. Once trading resumes tomorrow will support at 10 sens hold?

3 minutes ago


2022-05-09 15:54 | Report Abuse

530 million shares done
another 1.9 billion shares to go
can call Grab to collect it....


2022-05-09 15:46 | Report Abuse

its a machine
AI programmed selling has no mercy


2022-05-09 15:30 | Report Abuse

invest in success

do not invest in failure
do not invest in monkey see monkey do


2022-05-09 15:11 | Report Abuse

its still 3:11am in New York

Part 2 continued tomorrow when US funds throw all.


2022-05-09 09:24 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2022-05-08 22:58 | Report Abuse

went to middle east ah loong got ignored and blame on staff

now going to US ah loong, the Great Satan (according to PAS)
most probably the Great Satan (according to PAS) will give out some pity grants and pity loans


2022-05-08 20:35 | Report Abuse

was 14 sen before ............


2022-05-06 15:01 | Report Abuse

its 80.5 now?
no worries
sslee will buy it up to 1.20


2022-05-06 14:58 | Report Abuse

its 2.65 now?

no worries
tutu tuti taxi driver will buy up the price to 3 plus


2022-05-04 19:44 | Report Abuse

19 sen is a fair TP
RM0.19 per share


2022-05-02 13:12 | Report Abuse

lose RM200 million if do like that
u think it limit up?

thats like 10 ACE listed counters .... all 10 go bankrupt.

Posted by luckyman > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

The low hanging fruits for Jaks are buying the additional 10% in the Vietnam power plant and disposing of the malls immediately.

Won't be surprised to see its share price shoot up drastically if it does these two simultaneously as it will become a pure power & profit generating company.


2022-05-01 22:48 | Report Abuse

Nasdaq dropped due to Mr Bean's Toshiba Intelligence MI5 saying Putin will announce a Global War on 9 May

thats nothing actually..

US and EU is gonna apply War economic sanctions to Malaysia (chips and palm oil) due to amb_ass_ador confirming chip sales to Russia.
Amb_ass_ador was misquoted of course, he actually said "no chips" sale to Russia but because Moscow is so windy, the Russian wind blew away the word "No"


2022-04-30 14:13 | Report Abuse

killing with 59 rubber stamps must be called "rubbericide"

or maybe its "stampicide"?

I am sure of it coz it rhymes well with pesticide


2022-04-30 13:56 | Report Abuse

it is called "infanticide" when you kill your own baby


2022-04-30 09:43 | Report Abuse

margin call bankruptcy Letter of Demand

The procedure as explained by Zhou Gong last nite is

Petronas given free to Serba
Serba will then pay Director Fee of RM1 Billion to "wink wink"


The "window" of being relisted may be a tiny crack. Retailers have better make up their minds in a week's time rather than to deliberate at the price later on.

Winding up Petition filed would mean the Default had cross the CA1 and CA2 and beyond negotiations. Proof of Debts filed together with Petition and the Crystalization of Charges in Escrows are the RIGHTS of the Lenders/Bankers.

26 seconds ago


2022-04-30 09:40 | Report Abuse

Zhou Gong already gave Executive Order last nite for Petronas to be managed by Serba for 1,000 years.
The initial mobilisation payment for management fee will be RM50 Billion to be paid to Serba in cash in form of RM1.00 notes on the 9th of May 2022.


Tis is BAU

But nothing is BAU


2022-04-30 09:33 | Report Abuse

so Letter of Demand is to be issued on the 9th of May 2022

Bankruptcy is a process after which a debtor is declared bankrupt by order of the High Court.

The court may make a bankruptcy order under section 4 of the Insolvency Act after receiving a bankruptcy petition from a creditor or the debtor himself.

To be declared bankrupt, section 5 states:

The debtor must be unable to pay his debts of at least RM50,000.00. Before the amendments the amount was RM30K, making it slightly more difficult to be declared bankrupt after the amendments;
The debt must be a liquidated sum, payable immediately or at a specific time in the future;
The act of bankruptcy must have been committed six months before the petition is presented; and
The debtor must be domiciled in Malaysia or must have ordinarily lived or carried on business in Malaysia within one year before the petition date.


2022-04-30 09:29 | Report Abuse

quite likely lawyers will be standing by with Letter of Demand on the 9th.
already typed and dated, waiting to send out only


2022-04-30 09:24 | Report Abuse

Good solution by BURSA to bankrupt the main shareholders


2022-04-29 21:49 | Report Abuse

Just few days, I wonder whether got time to build something on those empty land ?????
its easier to say conspiracy ... Google Maps and Microsoft Maps want to takeover Serba


2022-04-29 21:47 | Report Abuse

its always cheaper to set up a totally new company
and dun have to pay few billion RM to the banks and bondholders

its cheaper to fook them and throw away as rubbish


2022-04-29 20:56 | Report Abuse

thats why Trading Must Restart so that Bankruptcy Proceedings can commence immediately.
sure path to quick death

Posted by Sslee > 19 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Wonder once trading start will margin call forced selling restart?


2022-04-29 18:08 | Report Abuse

aliens did not build the pyramids?

I am shocked


2022-04-29 14:30 | Report Abuse

Zhou Gong says dun try to be a policeman in Somalia, Yemen and some say Afghanistan.
You will be forced to resign.


2022-04-29 14:11 | Report Abuse

no worries

Zhou Gong will issue an Executive Order to order the new Executive Chairman and all SC staff including toilet cleaners and tea lady to bow 3 times and kneel down in front of Karim to beg forgiveness for issuing "wrongful compound"

Zhou Gong will also order a compensation of RM50 Billion to be paid to Serba, failing which the SC building will henceforth belong to Serba and all staff of SC will work for Serba for food only without any salary until they die.

Posted by TreeTopView > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

I'm speculating that senior SC execs are now drawing a line in the sand to state they are totally disgusted with what has been directed by the AG. Just my opinion.


2022-04-29 13:57 | Report Abuse

no lah
Lady Ramunia has some "Curse Value"
I wonder who will be willing to pay money to be cursed though

also the building might have some value since its a "Magical Building that will have Power Failure when SC comes"

Posted by MiaoMiao7 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

7.4B fake assets.... but pearlwhite will have a theory....


2022-04-27 06:44 | Report Abuse

Inari is may touch 1.50 like I mentioned way back.

Globetronics dropped from 3.1 (MCO rally) to 1.50
so Inari is expected to trace a similar drop

so the value trap punya value is expected to be halved
of course the plus point is that you are trapped for half the value only, thats good, no?



2022-04-27 06:34 | Report Abuse

left behind is tutu tuti taxi drivers sucking thumb and screaming "mama!"


2022-04-27 06:33 | Report Abuse

Mad Sailors now saying that computers and handphone were overbought during covid MCO periods globally
so tech revenue will be flat at best or down for the next 3 years
thats the reason for selling down US tech for around 25%

Apple, though more resilient, is also down drastically to 156.78 today from when 176 was normal


2022-04-27 06:14 | Report Abuse

Mad Sailors are now saying that tech stocks are now uninvestable.

US tech majors are dropping around 25% so not surprising if their vendors drop 50%
that will make Inari around 1.50 like I mentioned many many times before


2022-04-26 21:49 | Report Abuse

I must remind you that there is internet in Tanjung Rambutan happy dormitories.


I sometime feel no point in talking to people like CYC and etc.

They were born rich, never hold a meaningful job, never go thro' life hardship, educated but not well schooled hence lack moral compass, social, communication, compassionate and listening skill.

They cannot understand the true well meaning when people spoke: in jest, in sarcasm, in contradiction, in criticism, in between the lines and etc.

Hence they keep repeating their own fake, false, misinformation and their own delusional make beleive falsehood world/viewpoint.

1 day ago


2022-04-26 07:54 | Report Abuse

only tutu tuti taxi drivers left holding Inari shares


2022-04-26 07:53 | Report Abuse

maybe it looks like a fantastic buy right now, but that is before it goes to below 1.50 per share


2022-04-24 16:26 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-04-24 15:16 | Report Abuse

to my other id xskyriver

these people eat full rice
got nothing better to do
just argue and curse family for fun purposes