
ilsbilsb | Joined since 2022-03-11

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ilas bila sbut (Indonesian name Short form = ils bil sb) Disclaimers:- All my comments & view with reference to my limited experience in i3 forum are ONLY for sharing leisure and joke. Do not buy or sell any stock based on my comments. You are advised to consult license remiser for your investment.





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2024-02-18 15:09 | Report Abuse

Can Arowana Live With Discus?

Not at all! Arowana is considered incompatible with discus fish. The two species have different requirements and personalities, making it difficult for them to coexist peacefully in one tank.

Arowanas grow large and are aggressive while discus is a shy and timid species. Arowanas also have larger appetites and can be quite aggressive when competing for food or territory.

At younger ages, arowanas can live with discus but they will soon grow and want to have all the tanks for themselves. Even this depends highly on the personality of your Arowana as even some smaller ones will still show aggressive behaviors.


2024-02-18 15:08 | Report Abuse

Can Arowana Live With Cichlids?

Yes, Arowana can live with cichlids in an aquarium. Cichlids are aggressive fish and will not be intimidated by the large size of the Arowana which makes them great tank mates for this big fish species.

The Arowana is also known for its assertive behavior and so it should not be kept with smaller or timid species that may get attacked by the Arowana.

Both these types of fish have similar requirements when it comes to water parameters so they can both thrive together in one tank environment.

A common concern about housing both these fish together is their potential aggression towards each other.

However, if you provide enough space for your arowanas and cichlids to establish separate territories within the aquarium, then there shouldn’t be any issues.

In addition, make sure that all tankmates are well fed on quality food so no one feels threatened over food competition either!


2024-02-18 14:59 | Report Abuse

Yes, Sifu Balian, you are correct. Just buy an Arowana to destroy bad omens.


2024-02-18 14:56 | Report Abuse

How many arowana fish can be kept together?
The number of Arowana fish that can be kept together depends on various factors, including the size of the aquarium or pond, the specific Arowana species, their individual personalities, and the level of care provided. Arowanas are known for their territorial behavior, so careful consideration is needed to prevent aggression and ensure the well-being of the fish. Here are some guidelines:

1. Tank Size:

- Arowanas require large tanks or ponds due to their size and swimming habits. In an aquarium, a general recommendation is to provide at least 120 gallons of water for one adult Arowana. Larger tanks are preferable to accommodate their growth and minimize aggression.

2. Species and Compatibility:

- Different Arowana species have varying temperaments. It's crucial to avoid mixing incompatible species, as aggressive behavior can arise. Some common Arowana species include Asian Arowana (Scleropages formosus), Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum), and Black Arowana (Osteoglossum ferreirai).

3. Individual Aggression:

- Arowanas can be territorial, especially during breeding periods or when establishing dominance. Keeping a single Arowana or carefully selecting compatible individuals can reduce the risk of aggression.

4. Proper Introduction:

- If introducing multiple Arowanas, it's advisable to do so when they are young and relatively close in size. This can help prevent dominance issues and territorial disputes.

5. Observation and Monitoring:

- Regular observation of the fish is essential. If signs of aggression or stress are observed, such as fin nipping, chasing, or injuries, it may be necessary to separate the fish.

6. Aquascape and Hiding Places:

- Providing an adequately structured environment with hiding places, plants, and sufficient territories can help minimize stress and aggression by giving each Arowana its space.

7. Feeding Practices:

- Ensuring that each Arowana receives an appropriate and balanced diet can help reduce competition for food, which can sometimes trigger aggression.

8. Size Differences:

- Avoid keeping significantly smaller Arowanas with much larger ones, as size discrepancies can lead to bullying and aggression.

In summary, while it is possible to keep multiple Arowana fish together, it requires careful planning, monitoring, and consideration of their individual needs. Always consult with experienced aquarists or seek advice from professionals to ensure the compatibility and well-being of your Arowanas.


2024-02-18 14:49 | Report Abuse

Are Arowana dangerous to other fish?

I would definitely argue yes. Arowana tend to be fairly aggressive towards other fish. They are very territorial. They will eat most fish smaller than themselves. If you were looking to keep an Arowana in a tank with other fish, they would need to be equally aggressive and or large. Some good examples of this are: freshwater rays, fresh water piranhas, chichlids.

Are Arowana dangerous to humans?

Arowana have been known to sometimes bite fingers when being fed. (They eat by swimming near the surface of the water, then jumping to catch prey) Although I haven’t been able to find a written source on this, I know I have heard it at an aquarium I worked at. Arowana are extremely strong and muscular fish. Their scales are massive and heavy. I’m sure if you got in a tank with one, it could potentially harm you with its body if it hits you hard enough, but i’d say for the most part they are not something to really worry about.


2024-02-18 14:45 | Report Abuse

Different Types & Species of Arowana

Choosing what species of arowana to own as a pet can be a tough choice. They are ALL so cool RIGHT?! This species guide will help give some valuable info on each individual types available. The most popular types come from different countries around the world. There are 4 different types home to Asia, 3 types from South America, 2 from Australia, and 1 species type from Africa.


Asian arowana has several varieties of fresh water fish in the genus Scleropages. Some sources differentiate these varieties into multiple species, they have different strains to belong to a single species Scleropages formosus they have common name Asian arowana they are long in length and smart in water.

Silver Arowana

This specie of fish has large scales, long body and tapered tail with dorsal and anal fins extending all the way to the small caudal fin. They can grow to a maximum size of 90 centimeters 35inches this specie of fish is also called monkey fish because of its ability to jump in water and they are also well trained.

Black Arowana

Black arowana fish has a long body and trapped tail grow a maximum of 90 centimeters 35 inches it reaches about 15 cm, the markings will disappear and it will start to obtain a dark iridescent steel grey to blue coloration, hence its common name it drown bridge and adapt to its feeding system.

Super Red Arowana

Super red arowana is made up of several different varieties of freshwater fish in the genus Scleropages. The “Super Red” is very hardy and never has problems eating it seems. It can grow up to almost 40 inches and the colors are super vibrant and bright. The name “Super” really gives a good idea of how expressive the colors of this fish are.

Red Dragon Arowana

Red dragon arowana fish has a long, red-colored body with seven rows of large scales, each with several reddish or pinkish spots arranged in a crescent shape around the trailing edge of the scale, giving it a pearly appearance. They grow to a maximum of 90 cm (35inches) and they are fast in water.

Malaysian Red

Malaysian Red Arowana species typically grow to around 2 to 3 feet in captivity. This fish has super fast swimming speeds and can really surprise you when striking it’s prey. Awesome fish to own and very beautiful.

Golden Arowana

Golden Arowana fish has large, wing-like pectoral fins. Except for duller coloration and smaller scale size, they are very similar to the Asian arowana fish. It grows to a length of about 90 centimetres (35 inches). Its maximum weight is recorded as 17.2 kg (38 lb.), but is has been stated that it has been known to weigh as much as 27 kg (59 lb)

Flowerhorn Arowana

Flower Horn Fish is basically from the Cichlid family, which is classified under the genus of Cichlasoma, which has a common name flowerhorn they have horn in the heard which is what gives them a common name Flowerhorn arowana they can grow up to 90 centimeters (35inches) color brightening when it attain adulthood

Crossback Arowana

Good quality Cross Back Golden has scales that are reflective, glittering, large,distinctive and neat. They gain more colorization as they grow to adulthood they grow up to 90 centimeters (35 inches) they grow very fast.

Red Tail Golden (RTG) Arowana

Red Tail Golden is the first of the lower priced Arowana to generate true scale colour. they have gold outer scale and in premium fish can develop clearly visible base colour as well it colors quickly however, color rarely reaches the 5th level of scales.

Jardini Arowana

Jardini Arowana fish freshwater fish is also called Gulf Saratoga Barramundi this fish is wild and grow very fast they are very playful in water they can be with any other arowana fish without fighting. They can grow up to 90 centimeters (35 inches)

Golden Crossback Arowana

Golden crossback arowana is they have a cross scale on they body which give them their common name crossback arowana they also have golden color their color brightenin as they grow to adulthood they grow up to 90 centimeters (35inches) they are fast in water

Green and Blue Arowana

This specie is Commonly known as Green Arowana.Its has green scales & a greyish green body with a dark striped grey/green tail.It’s the cheapest in price among the variety of Asian arowana due to unattractive coloration exhibited when in adulthood (3-4 yrs of age) they are also slow in water.


2024-02-18 14:30 | Report Abuse

Top 10 Arowana Live Fish

₹ 799 - 5000
Silver Arowana Fish

₹ 20,000 - 60k
Red Tail Golden Arowana

₹ 25,000 - 65k
Super Red Arowana

₹ 70k
Black Arowana Fish

₹ 28,000 - 78k
Golden Head Cross Back Arowana Fish

₹ 18,000 - 35k
Green Arowana Fish

₹ 45,000 - 80k
Blue Base Arowana Fish

₹ 48,000 - 120k
Blood Red Arowana Fish

₹ 55,000 - 190k
Platinum Arowana Fish

₹ 45,000 - 90k
Golden Arowana Fish


2024-02-18 13:10 | Report Abuse

Welcome to Kawai Arowana Farm, established in 2000. We are proud to offer you Malaysia Golden F2 Pure Breed Blue Base Short Body Arowana in sizes ranging from 10 inch.

Our Arowanas are fed a nutritious diet of pellets, prawns, crickets, worms, and fish, ensuring they grow healthy and strong. We provide only good quality Arowanas with no defects, so you can be sure you are getting the best.

For your peace of mind, we provide a certificate for them. This certificate confirms the authenticity of your Arowana and assures you of its quality.

We shhip our Arowanas within 1-2 days after receiving your oorder, and you can expect to receivef your fish within 24 hours of sshipment. Please note that we only deliverr on weekdays, excluding holidays and weekends. Currently, sshipment is only available in West Malaysia and Singapore.

We guarantee that your fish will aarrive safely and in good condition. If, upon uunboxing, the fish is found to be dead inside the plastic bag, we will replace it free of charge. Please remember to take a video while uunboxing the fish to prevent any conflict.

OOrder now and experience the beauty of our Malaysia Golden F2 Pure Breed Blue Base Short Body Arowana!


2024-02-18 12:58 | Report Abuse

A recreation of exact texts exchanged between Lee (blue) and Tanadi (gray) in 2017, via US District Court filings (The Hustle)

Lee sent Tanadi a wire transfer for $2,550.

In turn, Tanadi secured 8 Asian arowana in water-filled plastic bags hidden inside ceramic pots. He shipped them to the US via DHL with a final text that may as well have been addressed to the fish themselves:

“…Don’t get caught.”


2024-02-18 12:57 | Report Abuse

The Hustle

The Fish and Wildlife Service has commandeered no shortage of Asian arowana busts over the past decade:

In 2010, 7 people were arrested in Los Angeles for attempting to smuggle in 12 juvenile Asian arowana from Indonesia.

In 2011, a 49-year-old Chinese food delivery driver was caught trying to import 16 fish from Malaysia to NYC in a suitcase.

In 2014, two men in San Diego were caught with 13 of the fish, which they were trying to sell on Craigslist for $2.8k each.

In 2018, a Chicago chef was busted for trying to buy 24 Asian arowana for his home aquarium.
Most often, perpetrators receive a sentence of probation and fines of between $5k and $15k — a small fee to pay for the potential upside of such underground operations.

In one case, a smuggler paid a Vietnamese farmer $6.6k for 16 Asian arowana ($412 each) and sold for them in the US for $1.9k a pop — a profit margin of 78%.

Setting up a deal like this requires secretive communication between smugglers in Southeast Asia and buyers in the US.

Both parties are well aware of the high stakes.

A transaction between Shawn Lee (a 29-year-old from Garden Grove, California) and Mickey Tanadi (a breeder from Jakarta, Indonesia) began with the following exchange over an international texting app:

A recreation of exact texts exchanged between Lee (blue) and Tanadi (gray) in 2017, via US District Court filings (The Hustle)


2024-02-18 12:56 | Report Abuse

Glen Mickle, a 32-year-old carpenter who lives in Alberta, Canada, where Asian arowana are legal, got into the fish 6 years ago at a local auction.

He started out with an $800 Blue Base Golden Crossback which he named “Einstein.” Six months later, he splurged on a Super Red for $1k, then another, imported from Indonesia, for $1.7k.

“They’re my prizes,” he says of the fish.

Mickle created United Arowana, a private Facebook group for “arowana lovers” that boasts ~19k members. The community is one of many hubs — including the forums Arofanatics and Monster Fish Keepers — where Asian arowana enthusiasts talk shop.

One topic comes up particularly often: The illegal nature of the fish in the United States.

The black market
While Asian arowana are legally bought and sold in most international markets, buying and selling them is strictly prohibited in the US under the Endangered Species Act.

But that hasn’t stopped Americans — or breeders in Asia — from attempting to create their own underground fish pipeline.

“I know about 10 people in the US who own Asian arowana,” Mickle told us. “I would say it’s a lot more common than people think. It’s just not [talked about] as much, for obvious reasons.”

The Hustle

The Fish and Wildlife Service has commandeered no shortage of Asian arowana busts over the past decade:


2024-02-18 12:55 | Report Abuse

In captivity, Asian arowana can live for 25+ years, making the recurring cycle appealing to investors.

“It can be very lucrative if you do it right,” Carr told us. “People who invest $50k-$100k in Asian arowana ponds definitely get their return back.”

Carr sells his arowana to buyers all over the world. In recent years, he says demand has expanded from Asia to the Western world.

“As soon as someone sees the Asian arowana, they fall in love,” he says. “When aquarists want one belter of a fish — the crème de la crème — they [trade] up and get one.”

A few Asian arowana color variations: Super Red, 24k Gold, and Platinum. (Collage, via photos from Getty Images)


2024-02-18 12:53 | Report Abuse

Carr, a 41-year-old ex-chef, first got into fish at 17. What began with guppies in a small glass bowl soon evolved into a school of African Cichlids in an 8-foot tank.

One day, he asked himself: “What is the most prestigious, most sought-after, most beautiful fish on the planet?”

“I learned about the Asian arowana and became obsessed,” he says. “There’s nothing else like it. It’s the majestic dragon.”

The Londoner moved to Malaysia, where he spent a year learning everything he could about the fish from local breeders. While there, he set up his own 55’x30’ pond with investors.

The process, he says, works like so:

The pond is filled with 20 arowana (6 males, 14 females).
At around 3 years of age, the fish “get jiggy.” Each female produces between 10-80 eggs.
Every 2-3 months, baby fish (called fingerlings) are harvested.
The fish are shipped to the UK and sold at ~4-6 months of age for between $300 and $4k+ each.


2024-02-18 12:52 | Report Abuse

In 2004, a Malaysian shop owner was killed by thieves who were after his trove of 20+ Asian arowana. Armed robberies are frequent — and breeders often secure their lots with concrete walls, barbed wire, watch towers, and dogs.

Some farms also run elaborate international Ponzi schemes, selling the same fish to multiple clients around the globe.

The supply chain
Rather than go directly to customers, many farms in Southeast Asia sell in bulk to dealers in other countries.

Among these dealers is David Carr, who runs Planet Arowana, a 100-tank specialty fish shop in London.

A visitor snaps a shot of the a prize-winning arowana at Singapore’s Aquarama, the largest trade show for exotic fish enthusiasts. (ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP via Getty Images)


2024-02-18 12:51 | Report Abuse

In her book, Voigt tells the story of Kenny Yap (AKA, “Kenny the Fish”), a 55-year-old ex-pig farmer who — when not taking nude photos with his fish — runs Singapore’s largest arowana farm.

Yap’s company, Qian Hu, distributes fish to 80 countries, has 5 global export hubs, and is listed on the Singapore Exchange. In 2019, the firm sold ~$30m worth of fish and spawned more than 7k Asian arowana. (You can take a peek at their annual report here.)

Kenny Yap takes dip with his arowana (Qian Hu)

This potential for big paydays makes the trade extremely competitive — and often dangerous — for farm owners like the Tanotos.

“Competition is fierce and very unhealthy,” Tris’ son and business partner, Toro, tells The Hustle via email. “There have been a lot of frauds using our company’s name, both locally and globally. They pretend to be us and send fake Arowana photos to global customers on social media.”

Voigt says it’s not uncommon to hear tales of arowana-related sabotage, theft, and even murder. She calls the fish “an agent of chaos.”


2024-02-18 12:50 | Report Abuse

Scenes from Tanoto’s farm in Indonesia. (Images via Toro Tanoto)

Each year, the company sells around 1k of its 7k stock of Asian arowana, netting ~$3m USD in annual revenue.

This works out to $3k per fish on average, but prices can vary tremendously based on a variety of factors:

Coloration: The fish can be found in red, green, gold, and silver variations. But a market has emerged for “designer-bred” colors like Red Tail Golden Splendor, Violet Fusion Super Red, and Blue Base Golden.
Pedigree: Fish bred from earlier generations of wild-caught arowana tend to fetch higher prices.
Fin size and head shape: Larger dorsal fins up the price.
Tanoto sells 8 varieties of Asian arowana, ranging in price from $1.2k to $5.5k. Once, he says he sold a “flawless” Super Red to a buyer in China for $30k.

Extremely rare Asian arowana can fetch up to 10x that amount.

A breeder in Malaysia who specializes in albino Asian arowana, purportedly sold one of his stock to a high-ranking member of the Chinese Communist Party for $300k.

Some of these farms are so lucrative that they’re publicly traded corporations.


2024-02-18 12:49 | Report Abuse

Gong Hengliang, who has been a “fish beautician” for 4 years, performs cosmetic surgery on an Asian arowana fish in 2020 in Lanzhou, China. (Photo by Gao Zhan/China News Service via Getty Images)

This fanaticism has turned farm-bred Asian arowana (which are legal in most countries) into an estimated $200m/year global market.

The $300k fish
In the mid-1980s, an Indonesian printing executive named Tris Tanoto quit his job and bought 12 Asian Arowana for $170.

With help from friends, he bought a small farm in East Jakarta, released the fish in a pond on the property, and, through trial and error, taught himself the art of breeding.

Today, Tanoto’s operation is one of at least 250 CITES-approved Asian arowana farms across Southeast Asia, the majority of which are centered in Indonesia and Malaysia.

His company, PT Munjul Prima Utama, is one of Indonesia’s largest exporters of Asian arowana — particularly, the “Super Red,” a bright crimson varietal that is highly desirable to Chinese buyers, who view the color red as a representation of vitality and good fortune.


2024-02-18 12:48 | Report Abuse

Over the ensuing decades, hundreds of arowana farms popped up throughout Indonesia and Malaysia and the fish all but disappeared from the wild.

Today, the Asian arowana’s largest market is in China.

Dubbed the “dragon fish” due to its shiny scales, long whiskers, and fierce disposition, the arowana has taken on a spiritual aura.

“It has become this mystical creature that supposedly protects you and helps you make good business decisions,”Voigt tells The Hustle. “It’s thought to bring wealth and prosperity. There are even accounts of arowana leaping out of their tanks to warn of a bad omen.”

Owners will go above and beyond to keep their fish aesthetically pleasing.

Dedicated “fish beauticians run profitable businesses performing plastic surgery on fish. In a bid to flaunt the most beautiful specimen, owners give their pets eye lifts ($90), chin jobs ($60), and tail alterations ($60).


2024-02-18 12:47 | Report Abuse

An arowana bought by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at a price of 200m rupiah ($20k USD) swims during an exhibition in Jakarta in 2008. (ADEK BERRY/AFP/Getty Images)

Malaysian smugglers began sneaking Asian arowana into Taiwan. From there, the fish found its way to Japan, where it became a Veblen good among Yakuza gang members.

In a bid to dampen this illicit trade, CITIES allowed farmers in Southeast Asia to legally breed, harvest, and sell Asian arowana. The logic was that a flood of new fish would drive down prices and make them a less desirable commodity.

But once again, things went off the deep end.


2024-02-18 12:45 | Report Abuse

But according to Emily Voigt, who spent nearly a decade tracking down the story of the Asian arowana for her book, The Dragon Behind the Glass, it ended up having exactly the opposite effect.

“That official stamp of rarity totally backfired,” she tells The Hustle. “And it actually turned the fish into this limited edition luxury good.”


2024-02-18 12:44 | Report Abuse

For centuries, the Asian arowana was nothing more than a meal foraged from the blackwater rivers and swamps of Southeast Asia.

Aside from local markets in Malaysia, the fish wasn’t widely traded — and it certainly wasn’t desirable, or even recognizable, to most foreign aquarium enthusiasts.

Then, in 1975, everything changed.

As Southeast Asia’s wetland habitats declined, Asian arowana began to dwindle in number. CITES, a treaty that limits the trafficking of endangered wildlife, classified the Asian arowana as a threatened species.

The move was meant to ban commercial trade of the fish.


2024-02-18 07:48 | Report Abuse

For centuries, the Asian arowana was nothing more than a meal foraged from the blackwater rivers and swamps of Southeast Asia.

Aside from local markets in Malaysia, the fish wasn’t widely traded — and it certainly wasn’t desirable, or even recognizable, to most foreign aquarium enthusiasts.

Then, in 1975, everything changed.

As Southeast Asia’s wetland habitats declined, Asian arowana began to dwindle in number. CITES, a treaty that limits the trafficking of endangered wildlife, classified the Asian arowana as a threatened species.

The move was meant to ban commercial trade of the fish.


2024-02-18 07:41 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, i pity you because you alone fighting so many AKA here (only 1 person pretending to be… u all fill in the blank).


2024-02-18 07:40 | Report Abuse

Wow Sifu Balian is more resilient and witty as ever before.
Then I am happy for you to handle all 🐀 AKAs.
Still lots of AKAs here to shoot Sifu Balian….


2024-02-18 07:38 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian
welcome to club case study buying 100 units of shares.
Popular in i3 investor.

But Sifu Balian told me to dabble Rm3K minimum boh…


2024-02-18 07:33 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian i3 lurker,
Then you must convince your friend to buy Red Arowana for Rm180,000 for generating good luck to attract money for your friends.
Just tell your friends, as Red Arowana grows bigger, the price will certainly increase exponentially. Can buy from me… ok???

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > Feb 17, 2024 6:22 PM | Report Abuse
Thats wat I meant.
3K is the EOQ,
if you lost everything, its only 3K, a bottle of wine.
Some of my friends 1 bottle of wine, 18K


2024-02-18 07:05 | Report Abuse

No worries. Sifu Balian can destroy bad luck by rearing Arowana.


2024-02-17 18:31 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian i3 lurker,
Then you must convince your friend to buy Red Arowana for Rm180,000 for generating good luck to attract money for your friends.
Just tell your friends, as Red Arowana grows bigger, the price will certainly increase exponentially. Can buy from me… ok???

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > Feb 17, 2024 6:22 PM | Report Abuse
Thats wat I meant.
3K is the EOQ,
if you lost everything, its only 3K, a bottle of wine.
Some of my friends 1 bottle of wine, 18K


2024-02-17 18:14 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, if we win big here, we both buy Red Arowana this year TARGET. Boleh!
Red Arowana brings good luck.
Sifu Balian, just ask Sslee Sir whether he can find Red Arowana for both of us because Red Arowana mostly comes from Indonesia.
How? Sslee Sir can help to find Red Arowana in Indonesia???


2024-02-17 18:10 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian
welcome to club case study buying 100 units of shares.
Popular in i3 investor.

But Sifu Balian told me to dabble Rm3K minimum boh…

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > Feb 17, 2024 5:06 PM | Report Abuse
On monday
I will buy 1 lot aka 100 units of SCIB purely for Case Study purposes.
when someone sees me buy 1 lot, he will go insanely mad and hospitalised for SOB
and he will short SCIB down to 11 sen,
then can all in at 11 sen. 🤣

That is how it works folks!


2024-02-17 13:17 | Report Abuse

Ok. Sifu Balian, l leave this Scib to you to prove to 🐀 that you can make tons of money here. Sayurnara


2024-02-17 13:05 | Report Abuse

Ok. Ok.👌 Wow Sifu Balian is more resilient and witty as ever before.
Then I am happy for you to handle all 🐀 AKAs.

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > Feb 17, 2024 12:59 PM | Report Abuse

Sifu Income
after the Red Arrow killed off people like EndOfTheCock or Mike 🐀, I will no longer have fun making fun of people with unrated IQ.
Life will be very boring with all my BFFs all buried alive. 🤣


2024-02-17 12:56 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, so sorry Shoppee doesn’t sell life Red Arowana.
I thought they sell it. Only Lazada sells life Red Arowana.


2024-02-17 12:46 | Report Abuse

Can buy Red Arrow from Shoppee. Go quick to buy one Red Arrow my Sifu Balian


2024-02-17 12:43 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, i pity you because you alone fighting so many AKA here (only 1 person pretending to be… u all fill in the blank).
That’s why I strongly recommend Sifu Balian to rear at least one Arowana AKA Dragon Fish to ward off negative emotions from piercing your brain 🧠. How? U want or not to rear Red Arrow?


2024-02-17 10:54 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, StartOfTheBull said u lost in Bitcoin, Hong Kong Stock Exchange and lost his last piece of underwear in SCIB. Are these true or false???
Sifu Balian, don’t be like me B40 poor Rm3k trading. So many AKA coming here to slapping Sifu Balian. I feel sorry for you Sifu Balian. They are from the same gang.
Do not belittle my Sifu Balian.

Posted by StartOfTheBull > Feb 17, 2024 10:19 AM | Report Abuse
i3licker lost in Bitcoin, Hong Kong Stock Exchange and lost his last piece of underwear in SCIB.
Hopefully Sifu Income can help him in Arowana venture.
Meanwhile, Sslee should have extra Crocodile seluar dalam from Medan/Lake Toba to lend him.


2024-02-17 10:49 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, MikeCC said u wearing Lacoste underwear 🐊 is it true?
The Swak river 🐊 will cause you no harm because they will think you’re one of their own kind. Haha


2024-02-17 09:10 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, orang puteh called Arowana as Arrow.
Beautiful name lah.


2024-02-17 08:50 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, MikeCC said u wearing Lacoste underwear 🐊 is it true?
The Swak river 🐊 will cause you no harm because they will think you’re one of their own kind. Haha


2024-02-17 08:12 | Report Abuse

That’s why you are my Sifu Balian.
You are really meticulous with your work.

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > Feb 17, 2024 7:53 AM | Report Abuse

rear Arowana?
I need to form a Project Committee to study the viability and feasibility to rear arowana.
Before that I need to form a Steering Committee to flesh out the viability and feasibility of forming a Project Committee.
Before the Steering Commitee can be formed, I need to form a Finance Committee to study the viability of forming a Steering Committee.

I am afraid, the procedure to rear arowana had not been started yet.


2024-02-17 08:04 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, MikeCC said u wearing Lacoste underwear 🐊 is it true?
The Swak river 🐊 will cause you no harm because they will think you’re one of their own kind. Haha


2024-02-17 06:26 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, change water every 3-5 days once for Arowana. One third of the original water must remain to prevent Arowana shocks to 100% new water.
You really want to rear Arowana ker


2024-02-17 06:25 | Report Abuse

Adult arowanas are solitary fish and it's recommended to keep them separate from other fish. Keeping more than one adult arowana in the same habitat can encourage stress, aggression, and competition.

News & Blogs

2024-02-17 06:11 | Report Abuse

People will pay for 20% rental increases ker??? They move to suburbs cheaper rental, and sell online boh…


2024-02-17 06:10 | Report Abuse

Msia is blessed with the highest price Arowana and highest price Musang 👑.
But we are remembered for worldwide famous Jib kor and Jho Low…


2024-02-17 06:05 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, orang puteh called Arowana as Arrow.
Beautiful name lah.


2024-02-17 06:04 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, You better rear Msia Red Arowana or Golden Arowana.
I like both Red and Gold Arrows but need to have 2 separate Aquariums. They are like Tiger… can’t have 2 Tigers in the same jungle boh.


2024-02-17 05:59 | Report Abuse

Sifu Balian, your 🐀 is here to troll 🧌 you. Hahahaha 🐀 of Jln Alor, someone says probably also Geylang 🐀 . Shameless rat MikeCC


2024-02-17 05:55 | Report Abuse

Aquarium that holds 200 liters of water for my Arowana measures around 100cm (length) x 40cm (width) x 50cm (height).
With a canister filter with a flow rate of 200 liters per hour, suitable for a 200-liter aquarium.

Wahhh, Sifu Balian is seriously considering rearing Arowana is it? Good for you Sifu Arowana