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2016-07-12 07:30 | Report Abuse

早安 PE high N price up so much aready, can still buy?


2016-07-11 07:44 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday........back 2 work :-(
I buy back AA last 2 weeks. Dun move so i can buy AA N Cs more. This is my 2nd time play AA aready. To me, looks good, can more up. Laugh.


2016-07-11 07:39 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday........back 2 work :-(
PMetal really hero, look like can up more but i skared. Laugh


2016-07-11 07:37 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday........back 2 work :-(
Can U trust calls by those who use bad words N coment get deleted by admin. I no coment, readers decide. Laugh
Supermx still look like got selling, i dun buy yet, wait N see 1st. In glove, I think Topglove better.
2day i plan 2 buy more AA N Armada N their Cs. Padini N EG i keep.


2016-07-08 18:26 | Report Abuse

Going home time.......weekend here again :-)
bwcc N bwcc are spammers N pretend 2 B BWC, not same person
Best way is 2 ignore spammers N flag them 4 abuse when they spam.
AA up! Think next week up more! Laugh


2016-07-08 18:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by bigprofit: Jun 27, 2016 09:49 AM | Report Abuse
This time serious! No play play! The best opportunity for you to to make a big recover if you have suffered a big lost from other counters recently!

Posted by bigprofit: Jun 27, 2016 09:47 AM | Report Abuse
Buy Superman C5! Few hundreds percent gain is waiting for you!


2016-07-08 18:08 | Report Abuse

Going home time.......weekend!
Supermx duwn to 2.11 N C5 duwn 20%! U can judge the intention of ppl who call big buy, sure buy on Supermx N C5 recently. Only they make money, other ppl trap. That is why BWC warn readers 2 b careful. AA up a bit, next week more up i think :-)


2016-07-08 12:35 | Report Abuse

AA not up 2day but I still think AA good 2 buy 4 coming results.
Dun mistake, real BWC not the same person as bwwc N previously bwcc. bwwc N bwcc are fake IDs by Kai89 who is spammer N fradster.


2016-07-08 07:34 | Report Abuse

早安 Friday.........back 2 work but weekend coming!
2day AA huw? Mabye ppl start 2 buy after holiday aready? Laugh


2016-07-08 07:32 | Report Abuse

早安 Friday.........back 2 work but weekend here again!
Admin got do good work, this prove readers N admin decide who bad aready.
I look at supermx, fall a lot like no bottom. I skared still got more duwn so i wait N see 1st. Dun get trap in Cs, 1 day up, 10 days flat or duwn.
2day, i plan buy more AA N Armada N their Cs. EG N Padini i keep. Laugh


2016-07-05 13:30 | Report Abuse

Market close half day. Supermx-C5 duwn 28% again! bigprofit (=kai89) trap readers 2 buy C5, ETmoney, waihang82 N skyx keep attack Bwc becost Bwc warn readers 2 b careful. ETmoney, waithang82 N skyx dun say anything on bigprofit buy call. Why? Becost they also bigprofit/Kai89 gang, they work 2gether to trap ppl. Readers nut stupid, easy 2 see. .

Posted by bigprofit: Jun 27, 2016 09:49 AM | Report Abuse
This time serious! No play play! The best opportunity for you to to make a big recover if you have suffered a big lost from other counters recently!

Posted by bigprofit: Jun 27, 2016 09:47 AM | Report Abuse
Buy Superman C5! Few hundreds percent gain is waiting for you!


2016-07-05 08:52 | Report Abuse

早安 PMetal hero, market quiet it still up! Look like can still up :-)


2016-07-05 08:51 | Report Abuse

早安 Tues.....2morrow N Thurs holiday!
Market sure quiet 2day but hope AA up. Laugh.


2016-07-04 13:34 | Report Abuse

i think U mistake buywithcconviction (bwcc) with BuyWithConviction (bwc). 2 different ppl. Bwcc is fake ID 4 Kai89 who is fradster N spammer.


2016-07-04 12:38 | Report Abuse

Lunch......... :-)
Supermx N glove quiet. All on holiday mood. Hari Raya coming!
Bigprofit/Kai89 trap ppl by his sure make money buy call on supermx N C5. He also use bad words. Admin delete his coments again. But ETmoney, Waihang82 N Skyx dun attack bigprofit/Ka89 but they attack ppl who warn 2 B careful. This shows ETmoney, waihang82 N skyx = clear Kai89/bigprofit gang, they work 2gether to trap readers. Easy 2 see. Laugh.


2016-07-04 08:15 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday again....but short week only, Hari Raya coming!
Can up more ?


2016-07-04 08:14 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday again....but short week only, Hari Raya coming!
2day AA huw?


2016-07-01 12:21 | Report Abuse

Supermx duwn again! Liike i say, Supermx 1 day up, 10 days flat or duwn. Lucky i dun buy yet or big loss. C-5 duwn 25% again?! Bwc is right 2 warn risky N B careful.. Ppl like ETMoney, Waihang N skyx support buy call N try 2 stop any ppl who warn be careful about buy Supermx and C5, why? Readers judge themselves, I no coment. Laugh.


2016-07-01 12:09 | Report Abuse

Yah it is Kai89 back again 2 spam. Last time he create bluff ID like my name, now he create bluff ID like BuyWithConviction (Bwc) but with extra c. Just ignore them or flag them 4 spam.
I also hope AA up afternoon! Laugh


2016-07-01 07:48 | Report Abuse

早安PMetal announce results? Huw was it? 2day buy or bye?


2016-07-01 07:47 | Report Abuse

早安 Friday.........weekend coming!
RM strong again, lucky i dun buy Supermx N glove. Bwc right, Brexit market N RM weak temporary only, take opportunity 2 buy.

Bwc make money by good stock pick N read market good but frausters make money by cheating ppl. Everyday frausters work hard 2 attack ppl N 2 spam complain only - check their coment history U will see almost no supermx N market coment. Laugh.

2day i plan buy more AA N Armada N their Cs. Padini N EG i keep.


2016-06-30 18:35 | Report Abuse

Why AA up little 2day again? Not becost Brexit - KLCI up. RM strong also.


2016-06-30 18:31 | Report Abuse

Going home time.......:-)
ETMoney, waihang, skyx = gang with Kai89, readers can see their old coments, little on Supemx or market but 99% in complains only. U can easy guess their real intention 2 call big buy on Supermx and Cs. Check Bwc also N compare, see who U believe, I no coment. Laugh

Supermx flat. Lucky i dun buy yet. Price up 1 day then flat or duwn 10 days, ppl in Cs trap. Bwc is right, monitor glove but buy other stocks 4 now. My Armada-C15 up 11%!, Tues it up aready 21%! AA up little only, hope 2morrow better.


2016-06-30 14:19 | Report Abuse

Yes we just tell true N do like normal, let Kai89 N gang work hard try 2 bluff all they wan. Laugh.


2016-06-30 12:28 | Report Abuse

Kai89 wan 2 bluff he make bluff ID as Bwcc 2 pretent as Bwc. Readers not stupid. Laugh


2016-06-30 12:26 | Report Abuse

ETMoney, waihang, skyx = gang with Kai89, readers can see their old coments N decide their real intention 2 call big buy. Check Bwc also N compare, see who U believe, I no coment. Laugh

Supermx duwn again. Lucky i dun buy Supermx, as usual 1 day up then duwn duwn again, ppl in Cs get trap. My Padini up! Got 4sen div also, i make profit aready. Thought must wait long term but fast aready make profit. Thx Bwc. My Armada-C15 again up! Laugh.


2016-06-30 12:20 | Report Abuse

This kai89 is back 2 spam here, this time his bluff ID is bwcc (extra c) 2 try 2 bully bwc N me.
I just ignore them N flag them for spamming.


2016-06-30 07:45 | Report Abuse

早安 2day should up at last ! Laugh


2016-06-30 07:44 | Report Abuse

早安 i was right, yesterday buy buy! 2day up more. Laugh.


2016-06-30 07:41 | Report Abuse

早安 Raya coming next week.......:-)
ETMoney, waihang, skyx = gang with Kai89, readers can see their old coments N decide their real intention 2 call big buy. Check Bwc also N compare, see who U believe, I no coment. Laugh
I dun knuw how Bwc do it but so far his big picture spot on. RM so strong again. Lucky i dun buy Supermx, as usual 1 day up then duwn again, ppl in Cs get trap....again. Lucky i keep buy AA, Armada, EG N their Cs/Ws when market fall last week. 2day, i mabye buy more.


2016-06-29 18:24 | Report Abuse

Going home time.........:-)
ETMoney, waihang, skyx = one gang with Kai89, readers see their old coments N decide real intention, I no coment. Laugh
Supermx up 1 day only, same like last time, C5 duwn 20%?!! Lucky i dun buy. Thx Bwc 4 remind me, I dun get trap. Readers also knuw 2 B careful. My Padini N Armada up again! Hope my AA up soon.


2016-06-29 13:32 | Report Abuse

Lunch........ :-)
Bad ppl say bad words. ETmoney, waihang, skyx = kai89 gang, bad ppl. Readers easy see.
Market no action, mabye Brexit still uncertain a bit.
Supermx flat, so fast again, lucky i dun buy. My Armada N Padini up! Hope afternoon my AA N EG up also. Laugh


2016-06-29 07:29 | Report Abuse

早安 Market good, 2day up? Lucky i got buy back AA! Thx bwc


2016-06-29 07:27 | Report Abuse

早安PMetal keep go up, buy! buy! Laugh


2016-06-29 07:26 | Report Abuse

早安 Middle week.......Friday soon!
RM strong back! Bwc right on market, say short while only N buy more. Even ETmoney have 2 follow bwc nuw, soon he talk big picture 2 laugh.
Supermx i wait N see, i skared price up little, than fast duwn, ppl in Cs trap again, many time aready. Got bad gang here keep ask ppl 2 buy Cs, use words sure sure, this time all in etc so they make big profit N then they run, leave ppl trap.
When market duwn I buy aready more AA N Armada. Yesterday my Armada-C15 up 21%! Market up 2day!


2016-06-28 18:30 | Report Abuse

Going home time...... :-)
Market up! Lucky i follow bwc say 2 buy more after Brexit fall. I got buy more AA N Armada-C15. 2day my Armada-C15 up 21%!! Miss small up in Supermx is ok becost skared price duwn back fast, specially the Supermx-C N get trapped. RM strong back. ETMoney lucky got follow bwc buy AA but he buy late becost dun know big picture on stock market, he wrong again.


2016-06-28 14:47 | Report Abuse

Bwc, of course ETMoney attack U, he is Kai89 gang. They wan all ppl 2 folluw Kai89 (he got many bluff IDs nuw) calls so the gang make fast money on Cs N run so ppl get trap. Easy 2 see.


2016-06-28 13:39 | Report Abuse

Only kai89 N gang complain me la N if no reader support me Y U N gang so skared? Let readers decide who tell true. Laugh


2016-06-28 13:29 | Report Abuse

Let readers decide why U warn be careful but then buy AA. Sounds like U lie. Dun shy admit la, if U ask nice mabye bwc will teach U big picture, than dun so wrong.


2016-06-28 13:06 | Report Abuse

Y complain be careful if U folluw 2 buy AA? Who stupid? Let readers decide from yr coments i put up. Laugh.


2016-06-28 12:43 | Report Abuse

Complain no need mobile, so don't waste time complain. Laugh


2016-06-28 12:39 | Report Abuse

After ETMoney (Eric Teh) complain be careful bwc's call buy AA, then he go buy AA this morning! Show he talk lies N he is clear Kai89 gang. Even he know bwc call right so he follow. ETMoney should say thx 2 bwc N big picture, laugh.

Posted by ETMoney: Jun 28, 2016 10:16 AM | Report Abuse
Hi everyone, i am on board again. After these few days of bad mood in the market, AA still manage to hold the height. So I trust the captain again to fly higher. Hope we have a joy trip.

Posted by ETMoney: Jun 28, 2016 10:11 AM | Report Abuse
Readers be aware of those who keep promoting other counters in this thread eg AA, EIG and Armada. Their main purpose is to influence more ppl to support the counter which they already bought so they can minimize their loss or maximize their gain (actually most of us did this, just someone wanna act like their not but do the most). Do your own research before you really touch those counters.

Posted by ETMoney: Jun 27, 2016 04:53 PM | Report Abuse
Market rebound after big drop is expected. suggesting market would have another round of dumping in coming 2-3 days. But suppermx close nicely. Hopefully the momentum can carry on.

Posted by ETMoney: Jun 17, 2016 11:48 AM | Report Abuse
Just sold my AA yesterday to the alien. Good luck alien. About to top up supermx but i think not yet reach the bottom. Could be another week or 2 before real rebound. Anyone good in TA here mind to share?


2016-06-28 07:38 | Report Abuse

早安 stock look like wan 2 go up. I wan 2 buy but skared. Laugh


2016-06-28 07:35 | Report Abuse

早安 Markets still bad, 2day i wait N see. I skared buy supermx, last time 1 - 2 days up then down. When down, many ppl trap in Cs. I still look at AA, if fall more, i buy more. EIG, Armada N Padini keep.


2016-06-27 18:25 | Report Abuse

Market start 2 stabil slowly, bwc right. Supermx N TG up, i skared 1 - 2 day up, then duwn again like last time. I buy more AA, 2day at 2.56. If market rebound, i think AA will fast up. My Armada also ok, oil price up back.


2016-06-27 12:59 | Report Abuse

bigprofit sound like Kai89. Same got say bad words N bluff ppl 2 buy with talk big sure make profit. Readers can see N admin do good job. Laugh.


2016-06-27 12:55 | Report Abuse

Supermx up, bwc got say this morning Supermx long term value ok now. But i dun buy Supermx, skared trap short term. I buy AA again 2day at 2.56, near my average of 2.55 last week. Wait 4 market 2 rebound. Laugh


2016-06-27 07:35 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday.......back 2 work :-(
Market bad, Got buy back last week awerage 2.55, now also skared. Laugh. 2day how?


2016-06-27 07:32 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday......back 2 work :-(
Market bad, i also skared. PMetal ok?


2016-06-27 07:30 | Report Abuse

早安 Monday......back 2 work :-(
Market bad, i also skared. Not sure what 2 do 2day. Supermx i wait N see. Below 2.0 chart got support,.