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2016-06-24 17:04 | Report Abuse

Market bad. Supermx duwn even when RM weak, so i think Supermx no good. I buy AA at 2,54 morning 2day, happy nuw aready 2.61. Bwc is right, buy stock with good big picture.


2016-06-24 16:54 | Report Abuse

Market still bad but i happy 2day i buy at 2.54! Laugh


2016-06-24 12:22 | Report Abuse

Lunch...... Brexit?!! Run, run. Laugh.
I folluw what bwc say, if Brexit buy more stock with good big picture, AA i buy more at 2.54 just nuw. Supermx fall 4%?! I think Supermx rebound little only, i dun wan 2 waste time N get trap.


2016-06-24 07:29 | Report Abuse

早安 PMetal look like can up more! buy! Laugh


2016-06-24 07:28 | Report Abuse

早安 i like TG most but RM strong, profit will duwn. Can buy or bye?


2016-06-24 07:25 | Report Abuse

早安 Friday.......weekend again!
Lucky i folluw buywithconviction N buy back last a few days. Hope AA fly 2day again. This time i wan 2 keep. :-)


2016-06-24 07:22 | Report Abuse

早安 Friday.......weekend again
Markets all up last night, RM also up! Lucky i folluw bwc advice 2 keep buy stock which will rebound fast like AA. Supermx N glove will up little since RM up also..


2016-06-23 18:39 | Report Abuse

Buy importers eg AA!


2016-06-23 18:37 | Report Abuse

Supermx up little. Glove stock got up N duwn. My AA up more N Armada up back. 2morrow we see Brexit vote huw, if fall i buy more. I dun wan 2 waste time N trap in glove nuw.


2016-06-23 13:48 | Report Abuse

Supermx flat again. RM strong. Glove dun eady 2 up much yet. I buy more AA at 2,65, skared Brexit but bwc say sell 2 get cash N also buy importer. I still learn.


2016-06-23 07:44 | Report Abuse

早安 Can buy? or wait Brexit vote first?


2016-06-23 07:42 | Report Abuse

早安 skared Brexit but i wan 2 buy more AA 2day! Laugh


2016-06-23 07:41 | Report Abuse

早安 Back 2 work....
RM strong again! Every1 say RM fall 4.20, 4.40 sure sure but only bwc say dun expect much fall. I dun buy supermx yet, wait N see. I wan 2 buy more AA 2day but skared Brexit! Laugh.


2016-06-21 18:56 | Report Abuse

Supermx duwn again.Look like mabye can reach 2.00. After big bro Topglove earnings bad, i skared 2 buy glove. Yes! my AA up 4%! My AA C-30 also up. Bwc look like right again, buy stock that will up when market rebound. ETmoney happy he sell AA last few days. Mabye he wrung again? He N Kai89 gang only knuw small things, should learn big picture. I still learn. .


2016-06-21 18:43 | Report Abuse

Yes! Lucky i buy back last few days, average 2.56. Hope will up more Thursday. :-)


2016-06-21 12:56 | Report Abuse

Supermx price weak, Supermx Cs risky. i think AA more safe. AA i folluw bwc, he say buy with conviction if can hold. His big picture good but he humble, keep say can B wrung, make own decision. 4 me, if AA fall more i buy more as long will rebound high.


2016-06-21 12:30 | Report Abuse

Lunch....2morrow holiday! :-)
Suddenly so many ppl make coment. Looks like Kai89 gang back. Some old gang N got new bluff IDs also. Supermx duwn still, whole market bad. I wait N see. 2day i buy more AA at 2.52.


2016-06-21 07:33 | Report Abuse

早安 move up la, laugh


2016-06-21 07:32 | Report Abuse

早安 market good 2day, mabye can buy! Laugh


2016-06-21 07:30 | Report Abuse

早安 2day AA should rebound. Buy! Laugh


2016-06-21 07:28 | Report Abuse

早安 Tuesday....2morrow holiday! ;-)
Brexit no more, all markets up! Bwc right again, say opportunity to realign portfolio. Get ready 4 rebound! Laugh. Big bro Topglove report bad result, mabye that is Y bwc say big picture for glove still weak, i skared 2 buy Supermx. Many ppl dun listen big picture, make wrung call N lose big money on Supermx N glove. I buy more AA again. Keep Padini, EG N Armada. This forum got ppl work in gang? Readers decide;

Posted by eddy33 (=Kai89): Jun 8, 2016 12:17 PM | Report Abuse
the bottom price for supermx will be END today ,monitor closely afternoon session , 2.31 is banker collect

Posted by ETmoney (=Erich Teh): Jun 8, 2016 11:10 AM | Report Abuse
Wah. Really cheap. I all in this time.

Posted by ETMoney (=Eric Teh): Jun 16, 2016 02:48 PM | Report Abuse
Thx waihung. I did, I came back to support merck who gv good comments.

Post by merck: May 30, 2016 06:09 PM | Report Abuse
Don't look back anymore, look at the brighter future of Supermax. Their additional capacity and better efficiency will reflected the next 2-3 quarter, hold from now. Don't need to look at big picture, because the picture is telling same story everyday, repeat and repeat, copy n copy, paste n paste. My English not good, but I never lies. I told ur all this QR not good. But I never tell people RM5 is still low.


2016-06-20 12:33 | Report Abuse

Wah so quiet 2day here, mabye it shows ppl make coment here many from gang only. Supermx quiet, market quiet, gang also quiet.


2016-06-20 07:47 | Report Abuse

早安If can tp 4.00 then buy Cs! :-)


2016-06-20 07:45 | Report Abuse

早安 Hope this week AA go back up. I buy back last week. Skared market but like AA. Laugh


2016-06-17 14:56 | Report Abuse

Very wrung! Up Aprll/May still ask me 4 proof Kai89 ever wrung! Reader can see U promote Kai89 clear got bad intention (like U promote merck nuw). No ppl normal will promote Kai89 like that, unless frauster, when Kai89 is so wrung N use many bad words unless he same gang. Like bwc say, readers not stupid.


2016-06-17 14:31 | Report Abuse

ETmoney (=Eric Teh), of course U hate look at yr old posts, you shame 2 see U lie so much in old posts. I paste some here 4 readers 2 decide if U give good advice or nod, sincere help or bad intention:

Eric Teh (now ETmoney): Mar 10, 2016 04:59 PM | Report Abuse
And i can't find anyone doing better than him (Kai89) so far. in Supermx.

Eric Teh (now ETmoney): Apr 22, 2016 10:03 AM | Report Abuse
You no need to trust him (Kai89). Just take count his analysis. It will help you a lot.

Eric Teh (now ETmoney):Apr 22, 2016 09:53 AM | Report Abuse
You know why i always refer to kai's call (only for supermx) but not bwc. It's been so many times since last year that proven this crazy kai Technical analysis was amazingly correct.

Eric Teh (now ETmoney): Apr 21, 2016 05:11 PM | Report Abuse
I can't find any fact that show his wrong about supermx. pls show me.


2016-06-17 12:39 | Report Abuse

good advice?! Lie no blink eyes! U ask me 2 folluw Kai89 call 2 buy supermx above 3.00! I said i dun trust him, u said dun trust ok, just folluw! Lucky i smell rat N dun buy or will get trap. U N Kai89 gang bad ppl.


2016-06-17 12:23 | Report Abuse

Yes, i remember, Eric Teh try 2 tell not good 2 buy AA in Apr. His gang Tressle also say good luck in bad way like ETmoney say nuw. Shows they gang with Kai89 N alway calls wrung.


2016-06-17 10:58 | Report Abuse

Dollar up, commodity duwn usually.


2016-06-17 10:57 | Report Abuse

miracledy, i talk abut Armada, whut is SSN? Good?


2016-06-17 10:55 | Report Abuse

So quiet 2day! When supermx duwn, ppl who talk big N say must buy, sure up, all in, all missing. Laugh


2016-06-17 09:53 | Report Abuse

Got, C30 Laugh. I trader la.


2016-06-17 09:38 | Report Abuse

Bwc, i folluw U buy at 2.60!


2016-06-17 07:55 | Report Abuse

早安 oil duwn more again! Lose money :-(


2016-06-17 07:54 | Report Abuse

早安 hah? i just buy back yesterday! Huw 2 nuw run? Laugh.


2016-06-17 07:53 | Report Abuse

早安 Friday.....weekend coming!
US market up, hope 2day we also up, many stock fall much. 2day i look at AA, buy more if duwn more. Keep Padini, EG N Armada.

Supermx i dun wan 2 buy anymore. If big bro TG can report bad result, supermx will report good profit? Like bwc alway say, see big picture. Dun be like merck, see small small things then call on Supermx wrung becost no learn big picture:

ETmoney last time support Kai89 when he wrung call N talk bad words. ETmoney nuw support merck when he wrung call N cheat by post only 1 sentence out of bwc long coment. This prove Kai89, ETMoney N merck = bad ppl N all 1 gang.


2016-06-16 19:02 | Report Abuse

Readers judge, i no coment:

Jun 15, 2016 12:12 PM | Report Abuse
Everyday give comment, Forex, oil, brexit, and stay away from glove, forever don't need to buy,talk only. Next 2QR will be good, buy, RM3.00 33% margin when reach RM3.00......

May 30, 2016 06:09 PM | Report Abuse
Don't look back anymore, look at the brighter future of Supermax. Their additional capacity and better efficiency will reflected the next 2-3 quarter, hold from now. Don't need to look at big picture, because the picture is telling same story everyday, repeat and repeat, copy n copy, paste n paste. My English not good, but I never lies. I told ur all this QR not good. But I never tell people RM5 is still low.

Posted by merck: Apr 5, 2016 09:44 AM | Report Abuse
Nov, Dec, Jan a bit slow down due to year end long holiday. Feb or March onward will pick up. They want to stock more glove before raw material price increase and strengthening of RM. Manufacturer can alwalys pass this increase to glove user. But I believe glove user start to accumulated stock by putting in more purchase now. So, I agree with Kai89, end April is good time.


2016-06-16 13:58 | Report Abuse

Dun like me? Laugh. Only Kai89 N gang la dun like me. I nod the 1 who need 2 hide N change ID like U la. My Id nod the 1 that keep suspended by admin la. Laugh.


2016-06-16 13:55 | Report Abuse

ETmoney, U can post my old post N reader decide if i got make call on Padini N Armada. Also U keep say Kai89 never wrung, ask 4 proof many times when i say got wrung, any1 dun agree with Kai89, his gang will attack..I nod same as U. Kai89 N gang bad 4 this forum. Reader decide. No need 2 argue.


2016-06-16 13:19 | Report Abuse

merck N ETmoney, Y so skared ppl knuw yr old posts? Nod proud meh when talk so big? i dun bluff, put yr old post no change word, no remove sentences like how merck do. U all be like bwc la, he say he nothing 2 hide.


2016-06-16 13:13 | Report Abuse

Readers decide, i no coment:

Posted by ETmoney (last time Eric Teh): Jun 8, 2016 11:10 AM | Report Abuse
2.31 all iin.

Posted by ETmoney:Jun 8, 2016 11:10 AM | Report Abuse
Wah. Really cheap. I all in this time.

Posted by ETmoney: Jun 16, 2016 01:04 PM | Report Abuse
soon will retest 2.13 low.


2016-06-16 12:51 | Report Abuse

Market bad. After TG report bad result, i decide dun wan 2 buy supermx even if duwn more, skared. Bwc talk can buy AA again, so morning i buy AA at 2.58. If more duwn I buy more N mabye buy Cs even. Last time i make good profit on AA. Hope big picture right again. I still learn.

merck bluff, i check bwc coment in Jan, merck put only 1 sentence of bwc many sentence.2 bluff readers. Bwc say valuation cheap but big picture nod good. merck bluff so much N call so wrung, soon folluw Kai89 N ETmoney need 2 change new ID. Laugh.


2016-06-16 07:23 | Report Abuse

I no coment, readers decide 2 trust Kai89 N gang or not:

Posted by Kai89: May 27, 2016 06:32 PM | Report Abuse
yes , strong support 2.49 forever wouldn't break , when it touching support ,they will a lot long term investor and institution step in

Posted by merck: May 30, 2016 06:09 PM | Report Abuse
Don't look back anymore, look at the brighter future of Supermax. Their additional capacity and better efficiency will reflected the next 2-3 quarter, hold from now. Don't need to look at big picture, because the picture is telling same story everyday, repeat and repeat, copy n copy, paste n paste. My English not good, but I never lies. I told ur all this QR not good. But I never tell people RM5 is still low.

Posted by ETmoney (=Erich Teh): Jun 8, 2016 11:10 AM | Report Abuse
Wah. Really cheap. I all in this time.


2016-06-16 07:15 | Report Abuse

早安 US no up interest rate, market mabye up 2day. EG yesterday got up, look like can go!


2016-06-16 07:14 | Report Abuse

早安 US no up interest rate, 2day oil up?


2016-06-16 07:11 | Report Abuse

早安 time 2 buy?


2016-06-16 07:09 | Report Abuse

早安 US no up interest rate. Mabye market up 2day. Supermx duwn alot but PE still high, i dun buy yet. Big bro of glove TG report weak profit yesterday, nuw i understand power in big picture more. I still learn.


2016-06-15 17:39 | Report Abuse

Supermx up after duwn a lot. TG duwn after report weak earnings. TG is biggest and also most early 2 report. Mabye that is Y bwc say big picture weak. So far big picture a lot right. So i dun buy supermx yet, dun wan 2 get trap.


2016-06-15 07:18 | Report Abuse

早安 oil duwn again, run or time 2 buy?