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2018-06-21 22:02 | Report Abuse

Harga RON95, diesel kekal hingga akhir tahun


PUTRAJAYA - Harga RON95 serta diesel kekal, masing-masing pada RM2.20 seliter dan RM2.18 seliter, sehingga akhir tahun ini, kata Menteri Kewangan Lim Guan Eng.

Kerajaan telah memperuntukkan RM3 bilion subsidi untuk RON95 dan diesel, bagi memastikan harga bahan api ini diapungkan di pasaran.

"Jumlah itu (subsidi) boleh dikurangkan, bergantung kepada harga minyak tetapi saya tidak mahu memberikan angka kerana ia turun naik minggu demi minggu.

"Tetapi anggaran kami adalah RM3 bilion (subsidi) hingga akhir tahun," katanya, sambil menambah bahawa walaupun harga mungkin akan meningkat selepas ini, kerajaan berusaha untuk 'tidak menaikkan harga'.

Mengenai RON97 yang kini mencecah RM2.59 seliter, menteri itu berkata harga akan berdasarkan kepada pergerakan pasaran.

"RON97 tidak menjadi masalah, kerana ia digunakan kenderaan mewah," katanya. - Bernama


2018-06-21 21:56 | Report Abuse

Prepare For Big Increases In Cost Of Living In The Next Few Months


Many people were disappointed that after the GST was reduced to 0%, the prices of goods did not reduce significantly or in some cases have increased.

Many traders cited increased demand for prices not going down or have now admitted that GST was not a factor in increasing prices for many basic food-stuff as these have always been exempted from GST.

Many manufacturers and traders gave the excuse that the imminent return of the Sales and Service tax (SST) in September meant that they did not want the hassle of reducing prices now and then having to raise it again in 3 months time. Thus prices stayed the same for many products and services despite GST being reduced to 0% earlier this month.

However, the worse may yet come.

What made GST more effective in the past was that it covered more goods and services compared to the range which the SST it replaced covered.

The new Finance Minister has just said that they intend to increase the base of the new SST to make up for the loss of GST. This means that the Finance Minister has indicated that more products and services will now be taxed under the upcoming SST system compared to the old SST system.

So, we are basically back to square one.

It is very possible that it could be worse as SST is at a higher rate of 10% compared to 6% for GST. On top of that, traders and manufacturers could claim back a refund for input tax under GST which is not possible under a SST system.

This could mean that the cost for the manufacturers and traders will now increase under SST forcing them to raise prices even above the GST prices.

Some companies wishing to be transparent such as Proton (and several other brands) have already indicated their prices will increase in September when SST is back.


Another major sign pointing to higher cost and price increases soon is that the huge foreign capital outflow from our bond markets and share markets arising from the illogical political statements regarding our national debt from our new Finance Minister have now pushed up interest cost and capital financing cost.

For sure, the manufacturers will pass on these costs to us.

The big capital outflows have not stopped since GE13 and together with the populist policies have meant that a downgrade of our sovereign credit rating is imminent.

If we are downgraded, this continuous capital outflow could turn into a tsunami of outflow that will mean our Ringgit could plunge significantly.

Already, our Ringgit has blown past RM4.01 to the US dollars.

As we all know, many of the products we consume – especially foodstuff – are imported. Thus a significant weakening of our Ringgit will definitely drive up the price of goods.

And we have yet to also mention that if Pakatan carries through with their 100 days promise of increasing minimum wage, costs for our traders and manufacturers will further increase which will force them to pass on their cost increases to us in the form of higher prices too.

Let’s hope that my prediction based on the chain of events above does not materialize. But the signs are all showing that it will come true. How severe would the increases be, we shall soon see in the coming months.

By this time, many will know that the pre-election blaming of BN for price increases was mere propaganda and we could have ended up worse off by changing the govt and their policies.

Don’t you think that the PH govt can see this trend that you and I can see?

Of course they can. And they know it is due to their policies and actions.

One minister even tried to claim that price of meats and vegetables have fallen 30% to 50% due to GST abolished only to be called a liar or stupid by most Malaysians.

That is also why they are so busy attacking Najib every single day even though GE14 ended 5 months ago. They are even putting up new stories about long-ago cases like Altantuya and Teoh Beng Hock and trying to implicate Najib.

They are trying to divert attention and hate to Najib and BN so that people will focus less on asking why prices have not fallen but have increased instead.


2018-06-21 21:50 | Report Abuse

Guan Eng Appears Utterly Confused



Guan Eng says that RM3 billion was stolen from TRX in order to service 1MDB’s debt.

He also says that the govt will now need to bail out TRX with an additional RM2.8 billion in order to complete the project which would then make a profit as it will bring in at least RM7.6 billion in sales.

Only the uneducated and those without any sense of logic will believe our dear Finance Minister as he is purely politicizing to mislead the people.

It is important that everyone knows that the TRX project is 100% owned by 1MDB and 1MDB is 100% owned by Ministry of Finance. Let us be clear.

As everyone knows, all of 1MDB’s fund were borrowed. That includes funds used to develop the TRX project. When you borrow funds, of course you need to service the loan – which is what 1MDB did.

What is wrong with that? That is what any property developer does too when they borrow from the banks to develop a project. They will still have to service the loan during the development phase of the project.

When the project is completed, the developers will then make a profit that will cover all costs including the cost to service the loan.

This is exactly what Guan Eng said when he said the TRX project will eventually make a profit.

How then can it be called a bail-out when in the end, you make a profit – especially since you have always owned that project 100%.

Are you saying you are bailing out yourself to you can make a profit?

By Guan Eng saying we will make a profit on TRX basically proves that Arul Kanda didn’t lie when he said that 1MDB can take care of its own debts and still make a profit over time.

So, not all RM30 billion had lesap., There is still the much bigger Bandar Malaysia project that is worth at least RM20 billion as well as the multi-billion ayer hitam and Pulau Indah land. All in all, 1MDB’s current debt will be fully covered by all these appreciating asset sales.

This again proves that lumping in all those contingent liabilities which included 1MDB’s borrowings to make that RM1 trillion national debt figure is tipu!

Please… Foreign investors can see this even if millions of ordinary Malaysians cannot. That is why they keep pulling out money from Malaysia every single day as they know our finance minister prefers to scare the people and play politics in all his statements instead of managing our country’s finances and giving confidence to investors.


2018-06-21 21:42 | Report Abuse

21 Jun 2018 : Share Market Closes Below 1,700 Points, 31st Day Of Consecutive Foreign Selling And FOREX Reserves Down RM8.5 Billion


Today was the 31st day of consecutive foreign selling of our share market. RM264.9 million left Malaysia today (Thursday) in addition to the RM238.8 million, RM555 million and RM383.96 million from Monday to Wednesday.

This means foreign investors have pulled RM9 billion out of our stock-market since beginning of May on top of the estimated RM20 billion foreign outflows from our bonds.

Our share market fell through the 1,700 points barrier and closed at 1,692 points today – down more than 200 points since the all-time high of 1,896 reached just before GE14.

BNM also reported today that their FOREX reserves have dropped RM8.5 billion since before GE14. Despite BNM using so much to defend our Ringgit, it continues to weaken to close at RM4.014 versus the US Dollar.

Palm oil prices again charted another day of loss to close at RM2,050 per tonne which is a 2 year low. It’s been falling every day for the past month due to our new govt’s crazy decision to impose a 5% export tax, our attacks on China and our silence over the EU’s decision last week to stop all imports of palm-oil based bio-diesel.‎

Rubber prices in our top export market China also fell 7% to a record low of 10,050 yuan.

Things are not looking so good right now and we may be on the verge of a financial crisis if this trend continues.


2018-06-21 21:40 | Report Abuse

21 Jun 2018 : Share Market Closes Below 1,700 Points, 31st Day Of Consecutive Foreign Selling And FOREX Reserves Down RM8.5 Billion


Today was the 31st day of consecutive foreign selling of our share market. RM264.9 million left Malaysia today (Thursday) in addition to the RM238.8 million, RM555 million and RM383.96 million from Monday to Wednesday.

This means foreign investors have pulled RM9 billion out of our stock-market since beginning of May on top of the estimated RM20 billion foreign outflows from our bonds.

Our share market fell through the 1,700 points barrier and closed at 1,692 points today – down more than 200 points since the all-time high of 1,896 reached just before GE14.

BNM also reported today that their FOREX reserves have dropped RM8.5 billion since before GE14. Despite BNM using so much to defend our Ringgit, it continues to weaken to close at RM4.014 versus the US Dollar.

Palm oil prices again charted another day of loss to close at RM2,050 per tonne which is a 2 year low. It’s been falling every day for the past month due to our new govt’s crazy decision to impose a 5% export tax, our attacks on China and our silence over the EU’s decision last week to stop all imports of palm-oil based bio-diesel.‎

Rubber prices in our top export market China also fell 7% to a record low of 10,050 yuan.

Things are not looking so good right now and we may be on the verge of a financial crisis if this trend continues.


2018-05-25 17:06 | Report Abuse

result will out 30 or 31 May 2018. So enjoy your weekend.


2018-05-22 10:25 | Report Abuse

will go back to RM 1. Dont worry.


2018-05-14 23:05 | Report Abuse

Based on estimation in oil & gas company, the price of oil will touch 80 USD by end of this month and 80 - 85 USD around June 2018.


2018-05-09 23:36 | Report Abuse

Yes stay at home. BN defeated.

News & Blogs

2018-05-09 15:09 | Report Abuse

This Final battle is for all previous leader Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Hussin Onn,Onn Jaafar, Musa hitam,Gaffar Baba, Anuar Ibrahim and Abdullah Badawi, Ustaz Nik Aziz & Ustaz Fadhil Nor. This going to be the last battle for this Kuda Tua and we Rakyat will make sure he suffer the first lost in history for this guy and let him die with it at his end life. Karma chase him everywhere he go.

News & Blogs

2018-05-09 01:22 | Report Abuse

Najib already talk about future with TN50. Now dia tabur duit sahaja. Itu Firaun bodoh. Last minute talk about future while people talk about it long ago already. Aiyo kesian Maha Firaun. Saat-saat akhirnya. 9 May 18 he will sakit jantung. After election LKS will retire. LGE go to jail. Anwar maybe go out maybe not. All other UMNO pembelot will run to other other country.Lafizi in Jail. Actually this GE is do or die for PH.

News & Blogs

2018-05-09 01:17 | Report Abuse

Invoke ni sampah.Sampah ni pun ada orang percaya. Adoi teruk dah ni. Mana ada orang predict parti sendiri kalah. Lafizi do survey for his own Party and later told everybody that PH will win. Aiyo itu macam pun ada ka. Ini memang desperate betul ni. Sendiri buat survey and sendiri kata menang. wakkakakaka.

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 20:59 | Report Abuse

Trump will kill the Iran nuclear deal — and that's a 'long-lasting' boost for oil prices

Crude futures hovered close to multiyear highs on Tuesday, as investors awaited Trump's decision on the Iran nuclear accord.

The U.S. president is due to make his announcement at 2 p.m. ET.

"Trump is regularly underestimated," says Cliff Kupchan, chairman of Eurasia Group, a Washington-based political consulting firm.


2018-05-08 20:58 | Report Abuse

Trump will kill the Iran nuclear deal — and that's a 'long-lasting' boost for oil prices

Crude futures hovered close to multiyear highs on Tuesday, as investors awaited Trump's decision on the Iran nuclear accord.

The U.S. president is due to make his announcement at 2 p.m. ET.

"Trump is regularly underestimated," says Cliff Kupchan, chairman of Eurasia Group, a Washington-based political consulting firm.


2018-05-08 20:53 | Report Abuse

Wait for the trump announcement tonight.


2018-05-08 20:25 | Report Abuse

wait for tonight. trump will make announcement.

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 20:16 | Report Abuse

Mahathir is in dire need. Very desperate and nervous. Hopefully IJN is still available on Wednesday night

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 20:07 | Report Abuse

9 May 2018
(9)+(5) = 14

Chinese Unlucky Number 14

Number 14 is considered to be the worst number among all the unlucky numbers. The '1' in the number 14 does not represent loneliness; instead it means 'guaranteed'. Therefore, the number would interpret 'guaranteed death'. Though it is pronounced as 'shi si' it means to say 'ten die'; it is also called 'yi si' or 'yao si' which would mean to say 'want to die' In Cantonese, this number is called 'sap ser' which sounds like the words meaning 'certainly die' and in Chiu Chow, number 4 is pronounced differently to mean 'yes' or 'see'. For the different meanings emerging from different regions of China, the number 14 is considered neutral by a few.


2018-05-08 19:43 | Report Abuse

Just keep. this will go high.


2018-04-19 22:42 | Report Abuse

EPF keep disposed


2018-04-14 10:45 | Report Abuse

Statement by the Ambassador of Russia to the USA Anatoly Antonov on the strikes on Syria

The worst apprehensions have come true. Our warnings have been left unheard.
A pre-designed scenario is being implemented. Again, we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences.
All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris.
Insulting the President of Russia is unacceptable and inadmissible.
The U.S. – the possessor of the biggest arsenal of chemical weapons – has no moral right to blame other countries.



2018-04-14 10:41 | Report Abuse

Trump orders targeted strikes in Syria to retaliate for suspected chemical weapons attack



2018-04-14 10:39 | Report Abuse

Trump orders targeted strikes in Syria to retaliate for suspected chemical weapons attack


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2018-04-12 00:19 | Report Abuse

PH Macai aka Red Bean Army spotted. Report to Police under new Anti-Fake New Act

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2018-04-10 19:02 | Report Abuse

Date 9 May 2018 also very unlucky date for Chinese. 9+5 = 14. Chinese Unlucky Number 14. Number 14 is considered to be the worst number among all the unlucky numbers. The '1' in the number 14 does not represent loneliness; instead it means 'guaranteed'. Therefore, the number would interpret 'guaranteed death'.

News & Blogs

2018-04-04 00:57 | Report Abuse

Smear Campaign Backfires And Kit Siang Panics


More importantly, how can they use this as ammunition in the GE14 general election campaign? If the US and Swiss Governments keep those cash and assets they confiscated and do not return it to 1MDB or to the Malaysian Government, that would mean the money was not stolen from 1MDB or from the Malaysian Government.

News & Blogs

2018-04-04 00:55 | Report Abuse

Smear Campaign Backfires And Kit Siang Panics

The problem is Switzerland confiscated the money due to a complaint lodged by Matthias Chang and Khairuddin Abu Hassan and not due to a complaint lodged by 1MDB or by the Malaysian Government. If 1MDB or the Malaysian Government want that money they have to lodge a complaint with the Swiss Government and submit proof that they lost that money or that the money was stolen from them.

But then 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government did not lose that money. The money was not stolen from either 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government. So how can 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government claim that money back if they did not lose it or the money was not stolen from them? More importantly, how can 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government show proof or offer evidence that they lost that money or that the money was stolen from them if the proof/evidence does not exist?

So, it looks like Pakatan Harapan’s smear campaign has backfired badly and Kit Siang is panicking. If Switzerland keeps the money, like how they plan to do, and not send the money to 1MDB or the Malaysian Government, like how they plan to do, then this only proves that the money may have been stolen from somewhere, but it was not stolen from 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government.

Matthias Chang and Khairuddin Abu Hassan also went to the US to lodge complaints with the Department of Justice. So, because of this, the US is confiscating various cash and assets. On 20th July 2016, the US DoJ announced that around US$1 billion or roughly RM4 billion is being targeted. On 15th June 2017 the US DoJ revised that figure downwards to US$540 million or RM2.1 billion.

Anyway, whether it is RM4 billion or RM2 billion is not really the issue. The issue is all those confiscated cash and assets will belong to the American people, said the news report on Friday, and not to 1MDB or the Malaysian Government. And that is why Kit Siang is panicking. If the US and Swiss Governments confiscate billions from all over the world and keep the money for themselves, then what good would that do?

More importantly, how can they use this as ammunition in the GE14 general election campaign? If the US and Swiss Governments keep those cash and assets they confiscated and do not return it to 1MDB or to the Malaysian Government, that would mean the money was not stolen from 1MDB or from the Malaysian Government.

News & Blogs

2018-04-04 00:54 | Report Abuse

Smear Campaign Backfires And Kit Siang Panics

According to The Malaysian Insight news report below, Lim Kit Siang is panicking and is frantically getting in touch with the Swiss authorities to discuss what to do with the RM430 million they confiscated.

Kit Siang does not want the money returned to 1MDB or to the Malaysian Government. Switzerland, on the other hand, is planning to keep the money for themselves. Kit Siang is not happy with that either and he wants Switzerland to keep the money ‘in trust’ and to be used for the benefit of the 32 million Malaysian people.

How that is going to be done (and whether such a thing has ever be done before) is not clear because Kit Siang has not explained the mechanics of how to do it. If Switzerland uses the money, say to build Chinese schools in Penang, then only a handful of Malaysians would benefit from the money.

The problem is Switzerland confiscated the money due to a complaint lodged by Matthias Chang and Khairuddin Abu Hassan and not due to a complaint lodged by 1MDB or by the Malaysian Government. If 1MDB or the Malaysian Government want that money they have to lodge a complaint with the Swiss Government and submit proof that they lost that money or that the money was stolen from them.

But then 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government did not lose that money. The money was not stolen from either 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government. So how can 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government claim that money back if they did not lose it or the money was not stolen from them? More importantly, how can 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government show proof or offer evidence that they lost that money or that the money was stolen from them if the proof/evidence does not exist?

So, it looks like Pakatan Harapan’s smear campaign has backfired badly and Kit Siang is panicking. If Switzerland keeps the money, like how they plan to do, and not send the money to 1MDB or the Malaysian Government, like how they plan to do, then this only proves that the money may have been stolen from somewhere, but it was not stolen from 1MDB and/or the Malaysian Government.

News & Blogs

2018-04-02 03:40 | Report Abuse

The opposition and their supporters really don't understand Malay mind. That is why they will never rule Malaysia. Give them even 100 years.

News & Blogs

2018-03-01 21:03 | Report Abuse

hahahah new law? you are taking recycle mahafiraun who 22 years have time to change law but he does nothing. Now you talking about changing law ? new law? what law ? how stupid you are. Hello you recycle guy cannot do that for 22 years. Tarak Faham KA?


2018-02-28 00:28 | Report Abuse

Mahafiraun aka Mahazalim

News & Blogs

2018-02-27 17:51 | Report Abuse

Of course Mr Robert Kuok is Mahafiraun crony.Hello Mahafiraun you are now trying to save you crony. You and your crony go to hell. Mahazalim aka Mahafiraun.

News & Blogs

2018-02-13 01:58 | Report Abuse

Najib Is Not A Pirate But Mahathir Is A Kleptocrat


It is ironical that the theme of Mahathir rally was kleptocracy. Mahathir is listed as the second-biggest kleptocrat after Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, and higher than Suharto of Indonesia and Marcos of Philippines. Mahathir must feel no shame standing on stage screaming about how the country has been robbed when he and Tun Daim Zainuddin robbed the Malaysian taxpayers of RM160 billion and parked them in more than 50 banks all over the world.


2018-02-11 13:19 | Report Abuse

woiii...ini forum saham lah...ada akai??? mahu cite politik pergi tempat lain lah


2018-02-10 21:32 | Report Abuse

la tak mati lagi orang tua ni. Semoga Maha Firaun ni mampus cepat.


2018-02-06 10:56 | Report Abuse

gila la freefall


2017-11-08 21:53 | Report Abuse

I don't know what BN is doing in Penang by giving that 1 Billion support for flood mitigation. Penang already become Second Kelantan. Why go and safe it? Penang has nothing to offer and expensive there and now its become the next kelantan.BN is stupid to go and help penang.The penangites will never support BN. Why wasting money and time there. Let them destroy their self. Feel so frustrated with BN la.


2017-11-05 12:54 | Report Abuse

im afraid for another highland tower in the making. with this rate something have to be done.


2017-11-05 12:45 | Report Abuse

Penang floods: Large sinkhole appears in Tanjung Bungah

GEORGE TOWN: A landslide-cum-sinkhole tore up a road in front of a row of newly-built luxury houses on a hillside in Tanjung Bungah early Sunday.

The landslide occurred at Persiaran Tanjung Bungah 3, and the land slipped down to the base of a towering condominium downhill.

The sheer retaining wall between the houses and the condominium tower gave way and tonnes of laterite earth pushed a steel wall outwards.

It is believed that the houses are unoccupied and no casualties were reported.

In a video posted on his Facebook page Sunday, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said he called Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to seek his help and thanked the Deputy Prime Minister for picking up the call although it was almost 3.30am.

"He promised to send the armed forces to save Penang," said Lim.

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/11/05/penang-floods-large-sinkhole-appears-in-tanjung-bungah/#3AgMP4UBEjwDZE2F.99


2017-11-05 12:42 | Report Abuse

Penang floods: Two senior citizens found drowned

GEORGE TOWN: Two senior citizens died in the wee hours on Sunday after flash floods hit Penang.

A 75-year-old man, was found drowned in his house in Kampung Masjid on Jalan Perak.

Another elderly woman, whose identity has yet to be ascertained, was found dead at an old folks home in Jalan P. Ramlee.

George Town OCPD Asst Comm Anuar Omar said both bodies were retrieved by Fire and Rescue Department personnel and sent to the Penang Hospital for post-mortem.

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/11/05/penang-floods-two-senior-citizens-found-drowned/#P3p5Fw7KZOUjHC5h.99


2017-11-05 10:53 | Report Abuse

Penang paralysed by floods

GEORGE TOWN: The flood situation in Penang has worsened with flood waters rising to about 10 to 12 feet in Bandar Baru Air Itam, reaching the roof of the landed houses there in the wee hours of Sunday (Nov 5).

Paya Terubong near the former Lee Rubber factory was not spared from floods.

Netizens posted that areas such as Lintang Sungai Ara and Gurney Drive, which were never flooded before, or had not been flooded for more than 30 years, were now inundated.

From the Facebook page of the Penang Island City Council (MBPP), it said roads that were flooded since 7am on Sunday were Jalan Masjid Negri, Jalan Perak in front of flat Taman Abidin, Jalan Makloom, Jalan Free School, Jalan Terengganu, Jalan Sungai Pinang and Lilitan Stadium.

Other areas that were flooded included Jalan Datuk Keramat in front of Penang Times Square and Jalan Transfer.

Many roads especially those located by the hills, such as Jalan Tun Sardon, Jalan Batu Ferringhi and Jalan Paya Terubong were not passable due to fallen trees.

In his Facebook page, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had agreed to send the Royal Malaysian Armed Force to help Penang in a telephone call at about 3.30am on Sunday.

Lim said that the situation in Penang was getting worse as the water level rose and winds were strong.

He urged Penangites to be patient and stay safe, as the state government will try its best to help those in need.

Penang Environment Committee Chairman Phee Boon Poh linked the continuous rain to Typhoon Damrey that hit Vietnam.

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/11/05/penang-paralysed-by-floods/#kYybCJToApqpIkex.99


2017-11-05 10:51 | Report Abuse

GEORGE TOWN: Penang has sought help from the armed forces after typhoon-like winds and rain lashed the state since Saturday (Nov 4) , causing widespread floods, landslides and trees to topple.

In a video posting on his Facebook page Sunday (Nov 5), Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said he called Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to seek his help and thanked the Deputy Prime Minister for picking up the call although it was almost 3.30am.

“He promised to send the armed forces to save Penang,” said a solemn-looking Lim in the video which was posted shortly after he made the call.

He said the flood waters continue to rise and the winds were still strong.

Lim hoped victims would be patient, saying that the state would try to ensure that help reach them.

In an earlier posting Sunday, he said that such a disaster has never occurred in Penang before and that 80% of the state was hit by typhoon-like winds and incessant heavy rain.

He urged Penangites to stay at home for their safety as the wind was very strong and trees have toppled.

He said Jalan Tun Sardon which links Paya Terubong and Balik Pulau was closed due to a landslide.

Many people working in the night shift in Bayan Lepas were unable to go home in the wee hours of Sunday after floods in Bayan Baru and Relau cut off links to other parts of the island.

It was reported that at least 130 people were evacuated on Saturday after floods hit various parts of Penang following incessant rain since noon.

Besides Jalan Tun Sardon, mini landslides were reported in Minden Heights, Hong Seng Estate and Paya Terubong.

Strong winds caused trees to topple in some places, including along the Teluk Bahang-Balik Pulau road.

Teluk Bahang assemblyman Datuk Shah Headen Ayoob Hussain Shah claimed that the flood was the worst that hit Balik Pulau.

Penang International Airport senior manager Ramzi Ahmad said four flights, which were supposed to land in Penang from 4.55pm on Saturday, were diverted to Langkawi or returned to Kuala Lumpur.

A Meteorological Department spokesman said the rains were expected to lash the northern states until Sunday.

The floods that hit Penang this time is possibly worse than the major floods on Sept 15.