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2015-07-09 00:07 | Report Abuse




We act for the Right Honourable Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, in his personal capacity.

We refer to the Articles dated 2nd July 2015 and 6th July 2015 in your Wall Street Journal which, we state, contains a plethora of convoluted, scurrilous and vague allegations against our client.

In the circumstances, we are instructed by our Client to seek confirmation as to whether it is your position as taken in the Articles that our Client misappropriated nearly USD 700 million from 1Malaysia Development Berhad?

We are instructed to procure your position because the Articles collectively suggest that you are unsure of “the original source of the money and what happened to the money” whilst on the other hand, the general gist of the Articles create a clear impression that our Client has misappropriated about USD 700 million belonging to 1Malaysia Development Berhad.

In the circumstance and in the interests of our Client, we would expect a Newspaper of your international standing and reputation to state unequivocally and with clarity as to whether it is your contention that our Client misappropriated about USD 700 million belonging to 1Malaysia Development Berhad. You will no doubt appreciate the seriousness of the allegations made against our Client in the said Articles and this confirmation is sought to enable us to advise our Client on the appropriate legal recourse he can take to seek redress in relation to the publication of these Articles.

We demand a reply within fourteen (14) days of the date hereof and please let us know whether you have appointed solicitors in Malaysia to accept service of legal proceedings on your behalf and on behalf of the reporters who wrote the Articles in the event that legal proceeding become necessary.

We hereby reserve all our Client’s rights in this matter.


News & Blogs

2015-07-09 00:06 | Report Abuse



A Wall street Journal had published an article dated 3rd July 2015, implicating our client Datuk Seri Najib. Immediately, our client had instructed us, Messrs Hafarizam Wan & Aisha Mubarak, to scrutinize the said article. The article is tainted with numerous allegations against our client which involved several companies and transactions.

Combing through the said article, we have concluded that the language is intentionally or otherwise has made reference to several facts and companies which are vaguely described. Reference is made to the said article wherein it has been stated that our client had been directly probed into 1MDB, however contents of the article refers to indirect transactions where our client has been implicated with 1MDB-linked companies. A clear contradiction which requires further clarification.

This article by WSJ was issued, published and circulated through WSJ web portal www.wsj.com . Firstly, we have been instructed to identify the parties involved in the authorship, distribution and publishing, for the purpose of naming the appropriate parties in any potential actions which requires deliberation and research as the article does not reflect extensive details for service of any legal letter or court documents.

Secondly, another issue of concern is, jurisdictional issues of which the publication originates from United States of America and accessible worldwide. We have been also instructed that a local presence of WSJ is also available and we are pursuing further clarification and details on this matter.

Since the article involves several parties, we have also been instructed to consider a joint action or an action against, in the event evidence shows a conspiracy against our client. Kindly note that the companies named as conspirators with our client, in the article are; International Petroleum Investment Co, Tanore Finance Corp, SRC International Sdn. Bhd, and Ihsan Perdana Sdn. Bhd.

Several names of companies or organizations had only been referred to as the related companies or companies belonging to certain organizations or companies, and also the sources or destinations or the alleged transactions has not been disclosed. This in itself either intentionally or otherwise has caused further identification of facts been required.

Once we have identified the parties, the jurisdiction, and the involvement of conspirators or are they merely parties which also had been innocently imputed in the article, we can then proceed to address the third issue.

The third issue is to tackle all possible or plausible legal remedies of which our client shall be given advise on an action of defamation, further tortuous actions and remedies including any statutory violations by WSJ and related companies and (if any) conspirers.

This is not a straightforward legal action due to the national and international imputations. We have been instructed to identify facts and lay full facts, before our client, is able to proceed with further instructions.

The purpose of clear explanation is to avoid unnecessary objections by WSJ on the imputations that are made. Once our client has obtained all necessary facts and the position of WSJ is ascertained, we have strict instructions to immediately exhaust legal avenues and remedies.

Yours faithfully,





2015-07-08 23:20 | Report Abuse

i got my 0.185 already. but maybe it can go down further la based on current oil price scenario.


2015-07-08 23:18 | Report Abuse

collect la when it go down.oil crashing.

News & Blogs

2015-07-08 23:09 | Report Abuse

You headlines are misleading. Badlishah is still correct in saying that the report may be inaccurate.

News & Blogs

2015-07-08 23:08 | Report Abuse

Badalisyah made a Facebook post later this evening, maintaining that the documents were fraudulent.

News & Blogs

2015-07-08 23:03 | Report Abuse


However, Badlisyah correctly pointed out that the particular Wells Fargo bank branch should have a standard Swift Code of "PNBPUS3NNYC" instead of "PNBPUS3NANYC" as listed on the documents released by WSJ.

Checks showed that the "PNBPUS3NANYC" Swift Code was used by its predecessor, Wachovia Bank, which was subsequently taken over by Wells Fargo Bank in 2008.

Further checks showed the discrepancy, specifically on the additional "A" on the ninth character of the Swift Code in the WSJ document, merely denotes the logical terminal and has no bearing on the bank identity.

After being challenged by Najib's supporters, the WSJ released nine documents yesterday to back their claim that nearly US$700 million made its way into his personal accounts.

Badalisyah made a Facebook post later this evening, maintaining that the documents were fraudulent.

News & Blogs

2015-07-08 22:48 | Report Abuse



Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah was the first choice of successor to Pak Lah but, unfortunately, he rejected the idea of the Presidential Council. Ku Li replied that if he became Prime Minster then he is not going to be a puppet prime minister or become anyone’s proxy. As Prime Minister he would make all the decisions and not allow a de facto Prime Minister to tell him what to do.

Understandably, because of this attitude and rejection of the terms, Ku Li said he was dropped and the job was offered to Najib instead. Unfortunately, as Dr Mahathir said, after becoming Prime Minister, Najib reneged on the terms of his appointment and refused to take advice from Dr Mahathir.

In the initial stages Najib would pretend to listen to what Dr Mahathir wanted. But then Dr Mahathir began to realise that Najib would just smile and nod and not actually do all those things that he was asked to do.

When Dr Mahathir began to get a bit more aggressive and Najib could no longer take it, he just avoided the old man. According to Dr Mahathir, for six months Najib ignored him and refused to meet him or talk to him. That was when Dr Mahathir made up his mind that Najib has to go.

And that opportunity offered itself when the 1MDB issue came along.

In the beginning Dr Mahathir cited Najib’s ‘giving in’ to the Chinese with the ‘2013 election disaster’ backdrop as the reason he has to go. Dr Mahathir accused Najib of favouring the Chinese and of neglecting the Malays who are going to be the voters who will ensure that Umno stays in power.

Then Dr Mahathir said that Najib is ‘giving in’ to Singapore and that is why he refuses to build the Crooked Bridge, which he had initially promised to do but did not because Singapore is not in favour of the bridge. Dr Mahathir said he does not understand why Najib listens to Singapore. “What is it that Singapore has on him?” asked Dr Mahathir.

But all that did not really move the ground until Dr Mahathir played up the 1MDB issue. Only then did all hell break loose. So now Dr Mahathir is like a dog with a bone. He has got his teeth into the 1MDB bone and is growling and is not letting go.

A number of Umno leaders have suggested that Najib should sit down with Dr Mahathir and resolve their differences. But it is too late for that. Dr Mahathir has gone beyond the point of no return and there is no turning back any more. Dr Mahathir has to see this to the end and complete what he started.

There are no more deals to be made with Najib. The deals must now be made with Najib’s successor, Muhyiddin. First is to ensure that Umno does not waste time with the Chinese voters and focus instead on the Malay voters.

Next, Muhyiddin must build that Crooked Bridge to Singapore and bail out Proton and not allow it to collapse.

Finally, Muhyiddin has to unfreeze the transfer of all those assets that Dr Mahathir wants his proxies to transfer to him. This, it seems, was the straw that broke the camel’s back and which forced Dr Mahathir to come to a decision that peace with Najib is no longer possible and that it has to be a duel to the death.

News & Blogs

2015-07-08 21:52 | Report Abuse

waaa so confident Vaylens Chong

News & Blogs

2015-07-08 21:38 | Report Abuse

Dr Mahathir is in a hurry. Najib is not. Short of a coup d’état, either through a vote of no confidence in Parliament or a military takeover, Najib has three years to get his affairs in order. And three years is a long time. In three years Najib could be ousted either by being challenged in the party elections or by his party being voted out in the general election. Until then he is safe for at least another three years.

Dr Mahathir has shifted the goalpost a number of times. It is no longer about Najib being too accommodating to the Chinese voters (at the risk of losing Malay votes) or too compliant to Singapore (and not building the Crooked Bridge). It is now about RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money disappearing into thin air.

Dr Mahathir is going to keep hammering that point home. And if Najib answers those charges and puts the 1MDB issue to sleep, then all that is going to happen is Dr Mahathir will just look for another issue to hit Najib with. So better Najib just let Dr Mahathir scream, jump, kick and punch while he dances, prances, ducks and dodges and when the time is right he pulls his rabbit out of the hat and face the voters in the general election and his party in the party elections with a very loud, “did I not tell you so?”

The problem with Dr Mahathir’s attacks is it is now no longer just about hurting Najib. It is also hurting Umno and Barisan Nasional. To kill Najib, Dr Mahathir must also bomb Umno and Barisan Nasional. This is akin to blowing up an entire plane of 300 passengers just to kill one person on that plane.

And this is what is unsettling most people. And the RM2.6 billion is a case in point. Did Najib steal that money or was it for the use of Barisan Nasional in the 2013 general election? If Najib did not pocket that money then someone else must have done so. And if Barisan Nasional pocketed that money instead, then it opens up an entirely new can of worms

If Najib can be hit with a sniper shot and no one else gets hurt then many would support Dr Mahathir’s effort to oust the Prime Minister. But if it means bringing down the entire Barisan Nasional then the ballgame changes. And this is precisely what the new ballgame is all about — kill Najib by blowing up the entire plane and everyone in it.

And this is the very reason why Najib can afford to play Taichi.

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News & Blogs

2015-07-08 21:25 | Report Abuse


Does this not make you proud to be Malaysian? At last, after 58 years of Merdeka, Malaysia has finally seen its first coup d’état and a counter-coup the very next day.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Yesterday it appeared like Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak had been cornered and that there was no way out for him. It looked like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s fingers were tightening around Najib’s neck and that it was a matter of hours before his life was going to be squeezed out of him.

Then, late last night, the tide turned. Yesterday, what was supposed to have been Malaysia’s first coup d’état (READ HERE) now appears to have transformed into a counter-coup.

What a classic comeback!

Just to reminisce a bit about a similar situation that happened in Thailand about 40 years or so ago. Some army generals (not Tan Sris though) who were planning a coup d’état sent three tank divisions to surround the Parliament building in a bid to topple the Prime Minister.

One tank division got lost along the way and could not find the road to Bangkok (that’s why it is important to have proper signboards, and in Thai). It had to stop to ask for directions and finally after some farmers pointed the road to Bangkok the tank division continued its journey.

The second tank division managed to find Bangkok but caught in a massive traffic jam and for hours could not move. Bangkok in those days was notorious for its four-hour or more traffic jams, which practically turned Bangkok into one massive parking lot. (Therefore when you made appointments you did not specify the time but just said ‘after lunch’ or ‘before lunch’).

The third tank division managed to find its way with no problems and arrived on time. But when it found that the other two tank divisions were missing it thought that it had been sold out so it surrendered.

By the time the other two tank divisions arrived the coup was over even before it started. That was probably the shortest coup of maybe more than a dozen coups in Thailand’s history (even Thais cannot remember how many coups they have had).

Malaysia’s first coup d’état yesterday was exactly like that. Some of the conspirators got lost. Some got caught in some sort of jam. And the others found that they were not playing with a full deck after all and decided they might as well run for cover before the bullets start flying.

Sad to say, what was supposed to have been Malaysia’s first coup d’état has fallen flat, just like that one in Thailand of 40 years ago. The guns that were pointing at Najib’s head are now pointing at the heads of the coup conspirators. And, today, the conspirators are going to be flushed out one by one.

But no, they are not going to be lined up against the wall and shot for treason, although Malaysia does have a ‘waging war against the King’ law that makes treason a crime punishable by hanging, like what happened 15 years ago to the Al-Ma’unah people.

A quick death is not satisfactory. Instead they are going to be given a slow death. So stay tuned over the next few days as news of this counter-coup hits the Malaysian airwaves and one by one the coup conspirators are made to grovel in the mud while begging for mercy.

Does this not make you proud to be Malaysian? At last, after 58 years of Merdeka, Malaysia has finally seen its first coup d’état and a counter-coup the very next day.

Well, as the late Jimi Hendix said:

Purple haze, all in my brain

Lately things they don’t seem the same

Actin’ funny, but I don’t know why

Excuse me while I kiss the sky

Yes, excuse me while I kiss the sky…muah…


News & Blogs

2015-07-08 21:06 | Report Abuse

Thirdly, why is the SWIFT Code used in the SWJ shared document is different?

The best and most straight forward way to check whether a SWIFT document is authentic is to check the SWIFT Code of the bank used in the document. If it is wrong then the whole thing is a fraud. This can also be done online through the relevant official website.

The SWIFT Code of Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (New York International Branch) located at 375 Park Avenue, NY 4080, NEW York, NY, US that is depicted on the shared SWIFT document is PNBPUS3NANYC. However, the actual SWIFT Code of Code of Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (New York International Branch) located at 375 PARK AVENUE, 10TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10152 is actually PNBPUS3NNYC. See http://www.swift-code.com/m/united-states/swift-code-pnbpus3nnyc.html

The SWIFT Code PNBPUS3NANYC belongs to Alfa-Bank Moscow. This is not just a tell tale sign that the document is an absolute hoax but a very firm confirmation that the document is a hoax or a fraud. How could WSJ miss this factual error?

Three simple questions are enough to prove the documents shared cannot be relied upon as basis for the accusations against Prime Minister Najib. Anyone making and reaffirming the accusations based on the shared documents without asking these questions would unfortunately be seen as doing something frivolous, vexatious as well as totally and absolutely irresponsible.

Fraud using SWIFT message is real and it is shocking that WSJ fell for it. And it is even more unfortunate that some Malaysians also fell for it by relying on WSJ's good reputation. I hope WSJ will do its own checking base on the three simple questions here and if the result is similar to what I have shared here then they must withdraw their accusations and apologize to Prime Minister Najib.

Bru Notes: This is not the work of PGI but I'm sure the people who tracked down Justo would be impressed by the analysis done by this author, who by the way is a legally-trained Malaysian currently heading a banking/finance institution [and therefore, unfortunately, must remain anonymous].

Hafarizam, Najib's lawyer, has his work cut out for him.

News & Blogs

2015-07-08 21:05 | Report Abuse

Secondly, why is the address of Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (New York International Branch) stated in the SWIFT message very different from its actual address?

It is stated in the SWIFT message that the address is 375 Park Avenue, NY 4080, NEW York, NY, US.

When I searched online for the address of Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (New York International Branch), I found it is 11 Penn Plaza, 4th Floor, New York, New York 10001. See http://www.banklocationslist.com/wells-fargo-bank/new-york-ny/branch.24723.html

So what is located at 375 Park Avenue? My first search led me to Wells Fargo Advisor, which is a non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company. See https://home.wellsfargoadvisors.com/001_PNZ2. The actual address is 375 PARK AVENUE, 10TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10152.

Nonetheless, I was not happy with this as there could still be a Wells Fargo bank branch in that same location as Wells Fargo Advisor so I searched online specifically for Wells Fargo Bank N.A. using the same address and upon further checking I found out that there is also another Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (New York International Branch) at this same actual address, thus making the WSJ document seemingly authentic enough to those who does not scrutinize the document thoroughly.

However, the actual address online for this bank is still very markedly and visibly different from what is stated in the document shared by WSJ. http://www.swift-code.com/m/united-states/swift-code-pnbpus3nnyc.html. The real address is 375 PARK AVENUE, 10TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10152. Please note post-code is very different - 10152 vs. 4080 and also how the address is written in the shared document by WSJ is quite wrong as follows 375 Park Avenue, NY 4080, NEW York, NY, US. (ie. the post-code put in the middle of the address).

This is typically one way how one could check the authenticity of a SWIFT message. The tell tale sign includes wrong name of bank and/or wrong address. Frauders will always make at minimum a slightly different name or address so that people would miss it upon first scrutiny. How could WSJ rely on documents that have such an apparent discrepancy found in the document to the information found at Wells Fargo website?

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2015-07-08 21:04 | Report Abuse

The SWIFT Code PNBPUS3NANYC belongs to Alfa-Bank Moscow. This is not just a tell tale sign that the document is an absolute hoax but a very firm confirmation that the document is a hoax or a fraud. How could WSJ missed this factual error?

To Whom It May Concern,

I have done my analysis for the evidence shared by WSJ. In my attempt to evaluate the veracity of the accusations made against Prime Minister Najib based on the documents shared online (at http://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/info-MALPROBE070715b.html) by WSJ and Sarawak Report (who had said they have sighted similar documents as WSJ), I have the following three simple and straightforward questions:

Firstly, where is the substantive documentary evidence that confirms the account numbers depicted in the documents actually belongs to the Prime Minister?

The elementary diagram included by them explaining how the fund flowed is not relevant as it is clearly created by somebody else and it goes without saying that it is not a formal bank document. Any Tom, Dick and Harry could have drawn the diagram. This makes it an unreliable evidence. Moreover, the letter supposedly issued by someone by the name depicted under the signature did not refer to the Prime Minister in any way whatsoever. For all we know he was referring to somebody else altogether. This creates a very strong reasonable doubt.

All in all, the documents lack clarity. This makes it difficult to conclude that the documentary "evidence" shared is strong or good enough to be relied upon for an accusation to be leveled against the Prime Minister in the first instance. I hope WSJ can shed more light on this seemingly inaccurate and incomplete picture. How could they make the accusation with so called banking documents that never had Prime Minister Najib's name reflected anywhere?

News & Blogs

2015-07-08 21:01 | Report Abuse

Just Three Questions for WSJ, Hafarizam please take note


The SWIFT Code PNBPUS3NANYC belongs to Alfa-Bank Moscow. This is not just a tell tale sign that the document is an absolute hoax but a very firm confirmation that the document is a hoax or a fraud. How could WSJ missed this factual error?

Rocky’s Bru

Updated: The Malauysian Royal Police will have more than 3 questions for WSJ:
IGP says IGP under investigation over leaked bank info, MalayMail Online 8/7/15
p.s. IGP also says there’s NO link between murder of Ambank founder and 1MDB

Original posting:

To Whom It May Concern,

I have done my analysis for the evidence shared by WSJ. In my attempt to evaluate the veracity of the accusations made against Prime Minister Najib based on the documents shared online (at http://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/info-MALPROBE070715b.html) by WSJ and Sarawak Report (who had said they have sighted similar documents as WSJ), I have the following three simple and straightforward questions:

Firstly, where is the substantive documentary evidence that confirms the account numbers depicted in the documents actually belongs to the Prime Minister?

The elementary diagram included by them explaining how the fund flowed is not relevant as it is clearly created by somebody else and it goes without saying that it is not a formal bank document. Any Tom, Dick and Harry could have drawn the diagram. This makes it an unreliable evidence. Moreover, the letter supposedly issued by someone by the name depicted under the signature did not refer to the Prime Minister in any way whatsoever. For all we know he was referring to somebody else altogether. This creates a very strong reasonable doubt.

All in all, the documents lack clarity. This makes it difficult to conclude that the documentary “evidence” shared is strong or good enough to be relied upon for an accusation to be leveled against the Prime Minister in the first instance. I hope WSJ can shed more light on this seemingly inaccurate and incomplete picture. How could they make the accusation with so called banking documents that never had Prime Minister Najib’s name reflected anywhere?

Secondly, why is the address of Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (New York International Branch) stated in the SWIFT message very different from its actual address?

It is stated in the SWIFT message that the address is 375 Park Avenue, NY 4080, NEW York, NY, US.

When I searched online for the address of Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (New York International Branch), I found it is 11 Penn Plaza, 4th Floor, New York, New York 10001. See http://www.banklocationslist.com/wells-fargo-bank/new-york-ny/branch.24723.html

So what is located at 375 Park Avenue? My first search led me to Wells Fargo Advisor, which is a non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company. See https://home.wellsfargoadvisors.com/001_PNZ2. The actual address is 375 PARK AVENUE, 10TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10152.

Nonetheless, I was not happy with this as there could still be a Wells Fargo bank branch in that same location as Wells Fargo Advisor so I searched online specifically for Wells Fargo Bank N.A. using the same address and upon further checking I found out that there is also another Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (New York International Branch) at this same actual address, thus making the WSJ document seemingly authentic enough to those who does not scrutinize the document thoroughly.


2015-07-07 22:57 | Report Abuse

Najib will reveal la one by one. But cannot simple do it. I believe he waiting for the right time slaughter DR M.DR M think he can bring back all his assest from proxy and force najib to bail out proton like he did to his son. Haahhhahaah najib not that stupid to allow that to happen. Najib should finish DR M once and forever.


2015-07-07 21:00 | Report Abuse

heheeh relax the show not stop there yet. hahahah this guy Jibye or Najib or whatever you want to call him are different kind of PM and so many time he show u that you are wrong. Im waiting for the next move by this guy to slaughter the other guy.


2015-07-07 20:53 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz you would be terkejut beruk when you know suddenly that person sue WSJ.This is what im waiting for. So far Najib has shown so many time that everybody a wrong when they thought he do things wrongly. I am waiting for the other guy to get slaughter.

"However, if they fail in their coup d’état and Najib stays in office, and if the investigation proves that Najib did not steal RM2.6 billion, then the investigation cannot stop there and has to go deeper into who then were the beneficiaries.

The danger with this, of course, is that some of those beneficiaries could actually be those making the allegations against Najib or maybe even the children of these people."


2015-07-07 20:39 | Report Abuse




Raja Petra Kamarudin


Susulan kepada kenyataan media bertarikh 4 Julai 2015, Pasukan Petugas Khas ingin memaklumkan kemajuan tindakan-tindakan yang telah diambil oleh Pasukan ini sehingga kini.

Perintah pembekuan enam akaun bank pihak-pihak yang dipercayai terlibat dalam kes ini telah pun dikeluarkan pada 6 Julai 2015.

Selain itu, Pasukan Petugas Khas telah mengambil dokumen-dokumen berkaitan 17 akaun dari dua buah bank bagi membantu siasatan.

Pasukan Petugas Khas juga telah mengambil dokumen-dokumen melibatkan isu ketidakpatuhan peraturan-peraturan dan kaedah Bank Negara Malaysia oleh bank terbabit.

Siasatan masih berjalan. Justeru, Pasukan Petugas Khas menyeru kepada semua pihak agar memberi kerjasama sepenuhnya bagi melengkapkan siasatan.

Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, Peguam Negara Malaysia

Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia

Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, Ketua Polis Negara Malaysia

Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed, Ketua Pesuruhjaya, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia




2015-07-07 20:37 | Report Abuse

The private account number cannot be that combination of numbers as it is different. That one is saving account number. How come Najib stupidly create that account number so that everybody can know he steal the money ? hahahahah. Najib ni memang bodoh. Lucky Pengasas AMBANK already being kill before he can relieved everything.


2015-07-07 20:08 | Report Abuse



(Bernama) – Tycoon Tan Sri Halim Saad lost his final legal bid to restore his RM1.8-billion civil suit against Khazanah Nasional Berhad and two others over his settlement to give up control of Renong Berhad.

A Federal Court five-member panel chaired by Court of Appeal President Tan Sri Md Raus Sharif today denied him leave to proceed with his appeal at the Federal Court.

Halim had filed the legal action against Khazanah; former minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop and the Government but in 2013, the High Court struck out his suit on the grounds that it was filed beyond the six-year time frame allowed under the Limitation Act 1953.

He was also unsuccessful in his appeal. It was dismissed by the Court of Appeal last year.

In unanimously dismissing Halim’s application today for leave to appeal, Justice Raus said Halim could not be given the leave because he had failed to satisfy the threshold requirement under Section 96 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964.

Halim, the former executive chairman of Renong Bhd, had wanted the Federal Court to determine legal questions regarding the test in striking out civil suits but Justice Raus said that there was settled law on that issue.

Justice Raus ordered Halim to pay RM20,000 in legal costs to Khazanah and another RM20,000 in legal costs to Nor Mohamed and the government.

Halim had sued Khazanah, Nor Mohamad and the Government, seeking to reclaim over RM1.8 billion in compensation for selling his stake in Renong. He claimed he had owned 372,000,000 shares in 2001, amounting to about 16% of the company’s issued and paid-up capital.

He claimed that he had been induced by Nor Mohamed, as an agent representing the government, for him to take up the deal for his exit from Renong and United Engineers (M) Bhd (UEM) where Renong had held a substantial stake in the company’s (UEM) issued and paid-up capital.

Halim had sought RM1.3 billion in general damages for breach of the Renong purchase obligation, another RM508 million being the value of paid-up capital of Kualiti Alam Sdn Bhd in settlement of Halim’s losses for rescuing Fleet Group, and damages for alleged fraudulent misrepresentation.

On Oct 31, 2013, High Court judge Datuk Hanipah Farikullah allowed the application brought by Khazanah, Nor Mohamed Yakcop and the Government to strike out Halim’s civil suit.

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News & Blogs

2015-06-27 01:50 |

Post removed.Why?

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News & Blogs

2015-06-27 01:21 | Report Abuse


Raja Petra Kamarudin

It is interesting to note that Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has lodged a Qazaf report against Muhammad Shafee Abdullah (READ THE NEWS REPORT BELOW). I say interesting due to the following.

According to the Oxford University Islamic Studies (I did Oxford’s study of world religions and not Islamic Studies):

Hadd means limit or prohibition (plural Hudud): a punishment fixed in the Quran and Hadith for crimes considered to be against the rights of God. The six crimes for which punishments are fixed are theft (amputation of the hand), illicit sexual relations (death by stoning or one hundred lashes), making unproven accusations of illicit sex (eighty lashes), drinking intoxicants (eighty lashes), apostasy (death or banishment), and highway robbery (death). Strict requirements for evidence (including eyewitnesses) have severely limited the application of hudud penalties. Punishment for all other crimes is left to the discretion of the court; these punishments are called tazir. With the exception of Saudi Arabia, hudud punishments are rarely applied, although recently fundamentalist ideologies have demanded the reintroduction of hudud, especially in Sudan, Iran, and Afghanistan.

Yes, that is what Oxford University said. Malaysia already has punishments for five of those six crimes: theft, drinking intoxicants (plus smoking, injecting, sniffing, etc., intoxicants), illicit sexual relations, robbery, and apostasy. The only crime not yet punishable is making unproven accusations of illicit sex.

Some of those crimes, however, apply only to Muslims (drinking, illicit sex and apostasy) while others apply to all Malaysians regardless of religion. On the crime of unproven sexual misconduct allegations, you may need to take civil action, unless the government arrests and charge you for criminal defamation (which can sometimes happen, like in my case).

Anyway, Wan Azizah has decided to go to the Shariah Court and she lodged a report for them to take action under Shariah laws. And chapter 24 of the Qur’an, Surah An-Nūr (The Light), actually provides for this.

The punishment for this crime, as Wan Azizah said (and as mentioned in verse 4, chapter 24 of the Qur’an) is 80 lashes. And this basically is what Hudud is all about.

Now, what I find most interesting is that Wan Azizah is falling back on Hudud to seek justice. And if Hudud is applied in Malaysia then for sure Shafee is going to be punished with 80 lashes unless he can get four witnesses to support his allegation.

The other way out would be for Shafee to swear fives times in the name of Allah that although he does not have any witnesses he is telling the truth (as stipulated in chapter 24 of the Qur’an). Once Shafee does that he would be considered as having told the truth and would be spared punishment (80 lashes).

However, that would mean Anwar, too, has to swear five times that he did not commit that sexual misconduct. If not Anwar would be presumed guilty. And if Anwar does not swear fives times then he would be punished with 100 lashes.

This is getting very interesting. Now that Wan Azizah has dragged Hudud and the Qur’an into this we shall certainly be monitoring its developments with bated breath. Now the debate as to why Malaysia must implement Hudud would be stronger in favour of Hudud. Wan Azizah herself wants Shafee whacked with Hudud.

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2015-06-26 00:46 | Report Abuse

pancit already.hahahaha


2015-06-25 20:44 | Report Abuse

When they going to start the project and when they plan to open for buyer to buy. Really want to buy a few house there for investment.


2015-06-24 20:55 | Report Abuse

my first TP 0.25


2015-06-24 18:38 | Report Abuse

only 0.210 sulah pancit woo.


2015-06-24 18:34 | Report Abuse

This Trive will become profitable company sooner than everybody expected.


2015-06-24 18:31 | Report Abuse

The best project. Guaranty return as there is huge demand of housing in this kerteh area especially demand from oil and gas workers mainly PETRONAS staff who will surely looking for this house. I know this because i work there before and i know how limited housing supply in kerteh due to increase number of PETRONAS employee transferring from other area to kerteh or decide to stay in kerteh. The best thing is this area is one of the area safe from flood during raining season in Terengganu starting from october - February and the extra thing is that it is so near to the new build East Cost Highway connecting Terengganu to all main city.


2015-06-24 15:12 | Report Abuse

mcm dah pancit jer.


2015-06-24 15:06 | Report Abuse

lucky i jump in this morning on SUMATEC adik PDZ. :-)


2015-06-24 14:57 | Report Abuse

hahahah sudah mari


2015-06-24 10:29 | Report Abuse

Now Sarawak Report and Tony Pua have to cook other lie in order to be use or reference by Dr. M. Hahahahah wakakkak.


2015-06-24 10:07 | Report Abuse

(The Star) – A former PetroSaudi International employee has been arrested in Thailand, allegedly for leaking information related to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Xavier Justo, a former IT executive at the company, was arrested at his home in Thailand on Monday and was charged with attempted blackmail and extortion against his former employer.

“We are relieved that Mr Justo will now face justice through the courts. We have been the victims of a regrettable crime that has unfortunately been politicised in Malaysia.

“We are happy to finally set the record straight and we apologise to the Malaysian people for the harm that one of our unscrupulous ex-employees has caused to them,” a spokesperson for the company said in a statement on Tuesday.

The Royal Thai Police’s crime suppression division had reportedly seized numerous computers, hard drives, and other evidence from Justo’s residence after obtaining a court ordered search warrant.

PetroSaudi said it was mulling further legal action in other jurisdictions against Justo’s actions.

PetroSaudi had become embroiled in the 1MDB controversy after a joint-venture deal between the two companies was said to have been orchestrated by business tycoon Low Taek Jho.



2015-06-21 22:07 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-06-21 22:04 | Report Abuse

hehhehe every month got big news leh...but price no move one. they should push down again to 0.185.hehehhe.


2015-06-21 01:46 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-06-20 22:43 | Report Abuse

PART 2 : -
7. Mr Pesek’s opinions do not seem to have a strong connection to the facts. He gives away his true agenda when writes that “Asia-based journalists have missed Mahathir Mohamad since he left office in 2003” and suggests “a return to old political leadership” is “urgent”.
It may be that nostalgia for the past and his distance from Malaysia have clouded his judgement, and led him to write an unsubstantiated hatchet job on the current prime minister in order to please a former prime minister about whom he gushes, his “mercurial governing style and fiery rhetoric made for great copy”.
He certainly seems to have changed his mind about Tun Mahathir. Only last year he wrote: “The insular and jury-rigged system of affirmative action, national champions and fat subsidies over which Mahathir presided now holds the economy back. The Malaysian leader also had a tendency to embarrass his nation on the international stage with his nutty anti-Semitic tirades.”
He concluded: “Malaysians must find fresh inspiration by looking forward, not back to 1990.” We agree. Why does Mr Pesek now think we should look back to a system he described in such a derogatory manner last year?
8. Malaysia has undergone an impressive economic transformation under Prime Minister Najib and the country is on course to reach the goal of becoming a high income status nation by 2020 – as the figures and achievements I have mentioned above make clear.
Because of our achievements, I was invited to share our experience at both Harvard and Oxford Universities this year. At the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, I had the privilege to share Malaysia’s success story with government ministers from many countries. Last month, I was invited to share our experience with Russian cabinet ministers in Moscow.
9. I wonder why it is that many countries and institutions can see the progress we are making, but Mr Pesek chooses not see any of it? His latest outburst is consistent with a serious of slanted articles that unfairly run down Malaysia and its leadership.

10. Differing opinions are bound to be expressed on Bloomberg View. The defence of “fair comment”, however, does not apply to getting facts so woefully wrong. We would hope that the editors at Bloomberg agree, and will correct or take down such a disgracefully biased and ill-informed article.
Y.B. Senator Dato’ Sri Idris Jala
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and CEO of the n Performance Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU).