
JJchan | Joined since 2015-05-28

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2020-05-12 18:32 | Report Abuse

The marching spirit is good today + Dow will look okay tonite----Tomolo, once the marching Drum sounds, Jaks should breached 1.20 ( going 1.25)


2020-05-10 19:04 | Report Abuse

Latest 30days MCO is Not the End (Expect many more mco if Indonesia Covid19 cases expanded)
This is what i was told 2 weeks ago by Custom Dept. when i request re-entry permit for my Indonesian workers.
Anyway mco is good for BAT's bottom line ( controlling illegal Indonesian Cigarette )


2020-05-09 14:09 | Report Abuse

The main operator for Jaks (5yrs ago) was one of the "director"---Then came Ykk----Now it seems
Jaks is a back-up rally horse for Dso. Who knows another operator might comes in-------
As long as someone keep pushing for 1.25--1.30 Target, it will rocket into 1.50----just "pure" Greed
Only Lot of money and strong desire of Operator can push stock price Up. The rest just kopitiam
Talks ( 80 yrs Old trying to climb Mount Everest scenario )


2020-05-08 21:41 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the correction


2020-05-08 12:02 | Report Abuse

"Dai Soh" (Dso) will pull back this afternoon to give room for Jaks to push to 1.20----I hope


2020-05-08 09:28 | Report Abuse

Oil prices gained Thursday after Saudi Arabia announced increased prices on almost all grades for June, Bloomberg reported. West Texas Intermediate crude surged as much as 11% Thursday to $26.74 per barrel. The commodity erased those gains in the afternoon, settling roughly 2% lower, around $23.59.7 hours ago


2020-05-07 22:01 | Report Abuse

I think BAT is just at the beginning of a long march ( very nice Chart ) Should throw caution in the
Air if Bat price started with V-shape surge


2020-05-07 21:42 | Report Abuse

from 23Mar til now---1month 8days----BAT jumps from 9.26 to 13.26 (43% Up). Someone must
be collecting----where there's smoke, there is fire


2020-05-07 18:56 | Report Abuse

I am not a Oil expert but 40 by End June seem likely ( from 18 to 31 now in one month )


2020-05-07 17:17 | Report Abuse

Urusharta might be Buying stock But it is buying more than 5% in Velesto (from 2 months Bursa announcement) MoF is running Urusharta (ain't no stupid fund manager like Tabung Haji)


2020-05-07 14:12 | Report Abuse

Both Bursa and Dow are recovering from the Bottom, some bursa stock have fallen 50%, some 30%----up-side is sure but slow (give or take 6--9months)----The Good thing is BAT recovery rate
much faster than most, RM15 target is remarkable close. Don't forget most FF had left Asia, but
are slowly returning. Bat is always a favourite among FF


2020-05-05 10:33 | Report Abuse

many contra players dumped and left yesterday so BAT is so light today. Can jump 46c morning.
Punters left yesterday maybe be coming back if BAT keeps pushing higher-----Operator's job


2020-05-05 10:24 | Report Abuse

operator should jump to 1.15 given such a good trading mood


2020-05-04 14:51 | Report Abuse

1.05 not easy to take out. Another try coming---- tomolo


2020-05-04 14:48 | Report Abuse

Expect 12.66 to be broken soon. Many enjoying a free ride have Jump-ship---morning


2020-04-30 09:08 | Report Abuse

I won't be surprise if BAT test the full range of Tp given by Bankers ----RM 25 to 17
Nobody understand the extend of MCO effective on illegal Cigarette from Indonesia


2020-04-30 08:44 | Report Abuse

Remdesivir works in China. Why China refused to promote this Hiv drug? I think it is bcos Gilead
refused to give patent rights to be manufactured in China. (have mention here before, some of my
China workers relatives were in ICU waiting to die, Chinese Doctors in Wuhan gave them Remdesivir and 3 days later they woke-up and ready to go Home. )

But there is another Drug, Avigan by Fujifilm (now mass produce in China---it is as good as remdesivir. Why Trump didn't promote it------ bcos it is not made in America


2020-04-29 16:12 | Report Abuse

first, i thought taking out 1.05 is easy job but it has proven to be more difficult. The Good thing is
1.10 is much easier to breach now( finger crossed) bcos most contra players have dumped into 1.04 and below.


2020-04-29 13:59 | Report Abuse


As i said on 27/4 Mon, this week is bullish. Got to do some marketing here, or else my reputation
will be downgraded by " iron ". Just cari makan here(give tp only) ----also manyak susah


2020-04-28 19:34 | Report Abuse

Bottom is reached on 23 March @ Rm9.26


2020-04-28 19:30 | Report Abuse

With Dow climbing everyday due lockdown openings, Bat will be swept in same direction. It is a Bull-Run


2020-04-27 12:04 | Report Abuse

I am bullish this week bcos 2nd and 3rd largest economy (China and Japan) are going to inject
more stimulus this week. USA( 1st ) will have many states opening up lockdown this week and next week. I said 1.05 will be broken( last Sat) and 1.10 will follow bcos too many good news this week


2020-04-26 10:27 | Report Abuse

Very few stocks in Bursa can escape to be badly bruised by MCO. Except "Sin Stocks" bcos i
am running out of Carlsberg and favorite Cigarette (BAT)


2020-04-24 17:15 | Report Abuse

Closing at 1.03 again after overbought last few rounds, is a indication Jaks will try to breach 1.05 .
Next week Jaks might try to hit 1.10 later part of the week if Dow don't throw a curved Ball.....
I think the path to 1.10 has solid grounds for good traction---------no longer slippery


2020-04-24 08:13 | Report Abuse

Even with the expired of next mco, i was told that movement along states will be checked and curtailed for next 3 months. As Indonesia Coronavirus is just beginning to explode, all coast line border between Mal/Indo will be actively patrol by Naval (nobody dare to cari makan )----With illegal Cigarette from Indo taking 50% of BAT sales, i am bullish with BAT coming quarter sales revenue.
RM15 high should be breached soon.


2020-04-22 16:21 | Report Abuse

so i think, mas carries alot of "bargages" ( very expensive bargages). You merged Mas/AA both
are going sink like a Ton of Rock


2020-04-22 16:15 | Report Abuse

almost all BN administration blame MAS Union the source of all problems including profitability. But
after PNB took over---- losses still one billion a year without the Union-----


2020-04-22 14:21 | Report Abuse

dow future raising again 220pts


2020-04-22 11:06 | Report Abuse

yesterday selloff has removed alot contra players. Dow should be calmer for the next 30 days after massive oil future plunged


2020-04-22 10:36 | Report Abuse

i don't know why ppl are chasing aax . Don't even bother to look at account bcos i know aax is dead next Qr ( financially )


2020-04-22 10:21 | Report Abuse

Based 1Q2020 results, say AA stops flying(grounded) for 2 months----Total expenses( salary and others non-reducible like Debt payments etc )----AA got to forked out 1.192 Billion ( of course Tony can say no money don't want to pay )


2020-04-20 19:07 | Report Abuse

Breathing space for some. Despite the “restricted operations” accorded to some sectors, the impact of the MCO still remains widespread. Within our coverage, sectors that are allowed to resume operations under strict guidelines include:

Aerospace: DRB via CTRM and UMW via UMW Aerospace.
Automotive: Limited to exports of CBU (Mazda; BAuto) and equipment and components (Pecca).
Machines & equipment: This seems rather broad but could likely encompass tech related companies (names like UWC and Vitrox have been operating at sub optimal levels since MCO day-1) and EMS (understand that VSI will soon recommence limited operations).
Construction: Listed contactors do not fall under the G1-G2 category (paid up capital <RM25k) which has been allowed to operate. Buildings with IBS score of >70 can recommence works; positive for IBS players like Kimlun. Jobs that are >90% complete can also proceed, offering a mild reprieve to contractor’s orderbook execution.
Services related to science, professional and technical: O&G is one of the 4 areas that falls under this category but no further details provided.
Shops involved in hardware, E&E and optical: Think FocusP.
Others: Social health services, barber shops and full-service laundry.


2020-04-20 17:06 | Report Abuse

very slippery path to 1.10


2020-04-20 15:18 | Report Abuse


Going thru kcchongnz. comment. I think he has made the " loss gap too small " for yKK margin account loss.-----1) margins are given based on stocks plus Cash Or either one ( already known yKK has a huge margin account (more than one margin accounts in different Bank) before Dayang so my guess is yKK used a " All stock margin account."

2) During recent stock crash, it is Not just dayang that is plunging (all other stocks are also plunging )
Even you sell Half or All Dayang, your stock collateral are Not enough to support the remaining
stocks-----a cascading sell-off ( many investors ending-up with No stock But still owe Brokerage House a Huge balance )


2020-04-19 19:16 | Report Abuse

iron. kps is tightly held private club--cannot compare with Jaks (high liquidity) i play kps for syiok only


2020-04-19 17:32 | Report Abuse

The way i see it 1.03 doesn't has a strong footing, operator got to push to 1.10-1.15 range ( of course 1.20 is solid ground )


2020-04-19 11:41 | Report Abuse

The bulk of the illegal Cigss are from Indonesia ----sold by Indo ( that is what i saw around Port Klang area ) MCO has literally eliminate/decimate illegal cigarette. Pretty sure BAT sale Volume
will jump tremendously ( i happen to notice ppl are not buying one pack at a time but 5--6 packs
at one go) Nothing to do, just smoke moer


2020-04-18 14:14 | Report Abuse

If there is a Rally next week, i think Bau can gain 25cents next week bcos the liquidity is drying-up.
Everyday EPF and KWSP are buying up to 2mil shares while the total Volume done for the day is only 4mil


2020-04-17 16:04 | Report Abuse

CEO bought everyday at 1.70--1.77 before Q results. I think he expects price 2.0++


2020-04-17 14:20 | Report Abuse

If Dow don't throws curved ball, most likely Bat man will challenge its near term high 14.86 on 26 Feb


2020-04-16 11:02 | Report Abuse

We should look at China stock market instead of Dow for Direction ( If IMF give Malaysia 9% growth in 2021, Bursa should Top somewhere in December 2020---like it or not ). Dow need another 6 months to breach 25,000 and to revisit this year high.


2020-04-16 10:57 | Report Abuse

Looks like Jaks is slowly moving away from Dow's influence (having a mind of its own) This is good, a goreng stock must be goreng stock. Anyway Dow no longer plunged 10% or even 5%,
it is fluctuating between 1.5--2.5% (even with all those Bad Quarter results coming out everyday )


2020-04-15 16:26 | Report Abuse


Petronas got money to pay most of Velesto's Contracts


2020-04-15 09:52 | Report Abuse

there are some leftover foot soldiers at 1.01, 1.02 & 1.03 that cannot leap before the previous plunge. Clear them, the path to 1.15-1.20 is clearly visible


2020-04-14 19:03 | Report Abuse

Urusharta is under MoF. A vehicle to recycle Lousy Tabung Haji portfolio and sell back to ikan Bilis.
Some LTH shares has fallen 70% so to average these stocks back to breakeven, you need a
stock that can jump 300---400%-------Velesto Good candidate-----
Together with PNB, EPF and Urusharta they can corner the market, maybe push back to RM 2--3 in 1--2years time


2020-04-14 12:58 | Report Abuse

my target is RM1.0. so it takes a long time. I prefer to play among a small group of players, each
can take profit in turn. However, this is much harder than said. Big fish can come and eat all the
profit and run. It will take a long time to built back confident


2020-04-13 11:02 | Report Abuse

Sap and Velesto should be consider as GLC companies. PNB and EPF have dumped so much
monies into them, you really think they will go under the water-line ( even Mas is still alive )


2020-04-13 10:55 | Report Abuse

----10mil / day cut is for 2 consecutive months but 7--8 mil /day for followings
months to come until 2021


2020-04-13 10:37 | Report Abuse

All the Bad News already out (unemployment & Business Tanking )----no more surprises
Sap should have a fair Value of 40cents. But most likely is going to trade around 20--25 cents
for towards the end of 2020 ( Oil should spike up to $70( in 2021) if Opec+ maintain its projected Cut till 2021)------Many highly leverage Shale Operators will Kaput in USA if Oil stay at 30--35---that is reason Oil will temporary spike to $70 ( maybe for a few months in 2021 )---This is all i get from reading Oil expert's opinions