
jjohnchew | Joined since 2019-10-29

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5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho ssleee think is Jtiasa going to sell hybrid rice ke ???

On Jaks :
JAKS Resources said the sale and transfer of the land will require consent from relevant authorities and anticipates the disposal to be completed by the third quarter of 2025.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho no worries, can diversify land suitable for hybrid rice into Sawah Padi … those not suitable for Plantation to be leased for Solar RE site like TDM land in Terengganu with rental RM 578 per acre per year .


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho as said CRESS details to be announced by September 2024 on TNB power grid as Third Party Access for RE Power Generators .. the Mulling charges is announced on August 2024 .. there is different charges on consistent supply n non consistent supply ( will affect the power grid load factor) … but standby charges ( storage charges) is not announced yet .


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho oh with the CGPP 800 MW Solar project Winners going to start Construction by 4Q 2024 n LSS5 2000 MW Solar project tender award by 4Q 2024 … Jaks is exploring the potential of opportunities in the battery energy storage system (BESS) market, with a particular focus on the Southeast Asia region.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho ssleee is the business diversification as success as Jaks diversified into Power Generator industry n Solar RE …


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho sadly why Subur Tiasa in Timber , Palm oil n Chipboard manufacturing need to diversify into pipe-manufacturing and auto sector .


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Forget Jtiasa ke as the Pulau Bruit land ( rented 76 % n lease 14 % ) going to be Sawah Hybrid Padi instead of Palm oil plantation.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Jaks :

Study on insiders behaviour:

1.) There is a Senior Manager Corporate Strategy with surname Ang is no longer in Top Management after 2017 .

2.) MD/CEO Ang brother did not hold any share and so far LTIP is not offer to him .

3.) CEO Ang had successfully prevented the Take over intention on 2018 . ( a sad battle of 14 % vs 30 % ) .

4.) CEO Ang had successfully steered the company diversified into Power Generator industry and Solar RE .

A difficult n complex task as referring to Toyo Ink Vietnam Power Plant contract being terminated on July 2024 .( awarded on 2020 ) , due to the financial arrangement for the project, which resulted in the effective termination of the build-operate-transfer (BOT) contract for the project by MOIT.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho see how Jaks CEO successfully steered the company diversified into Power industry on Vietnam Power Plant 1200 MW joint venture with CPECC .

Where as Toyo Ink had failed :

Vietnam ministry cancels coal-fired Song Hau 2 power plant, Malaysian investor explores options. Vietnam's Ministry of Industry and Trade has terminated the $3 billion Song Hau 2 thermal power plant and sent a notice to Malaysia's Toyo Ink Group Berhad, the parent firm of the project investor.5 Jul 2024


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Subur Tiasa :

Subur Tiasa ventures into pipe-making, auto

Monday, 29 May 2023

KUCHING: Subur Tiasa Holdings Bhd has ventured into pipe-manufacturing and auto sector as the company diversifies from its core loss-making timber operation and plantation business.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho key points on Jaks as Calculated Risk stock :

1.) Compared Jaks , Zelan n Capital A … Jaks is much Less Risk .

2.) On Jaks LTIP granted RM 43.88 million to the Directors, based on SGP approved in 2018 , reference to Vietnam 1200 MW Power Plant construction, EPC contract ard RM 2.1 billion with Profit over RM 400 million.

> My own observation point : during the sad battle on Take Over intention on 2018 , Directors r in Loss as RI issued in WB RM 0.25 … none is converted . And to reward the Directors whom successfully steered the company diversified into Power industry.

3.) The only Substantial shareholder as at FYE2023 is the CEO with ard 14 % … others Top 30 are in average 0.5 % . The CEO shares all in Pledge Accounts, even all the WC .

The Lowest Jaks price is RM 0.12 .. price at 13/9/2024 is RM 0.14 . ( NTA 0.59 )

👉Ouestion : Do you think the CEO want to be Margin Call if Price dropped further , or is the time to reap the fruits by 2025 .

👉 WC with ex price RM 0.49 is mature on 18/11/2025 .

4.) Jaks Non current asset keep increasing since from year 2016 ( eg : Investment in Joint Venture March 2016 = 128,297,000 .. June 2024 = 943 ,960,000 ) with Gearing ratio is reduced from 0.8X to 0.303X as at QR ended June 2024 .

Current Ratio is in range 1.08 .

Question : Is this one of the reasons why Jaks PP fund raising still attracted interest of investors. ( compared to Hexcap n Binacom PP , no investors are interested n has to be delayed.)

5.) Jaks has 2 Cash Cow Projects:

a.) Vietnam Joint Venture Power Plant 1200 MW .. holding 30 % which fully Commercial Operating Date ( COD ) on January 2021 with 25 years concession.

b.) LSS4 50 MW Solar project in Penang which COD on August 2023 with 25 years PPA from TNB . Ni

On going Solar project : CGPP 30 MW is awarded on August 2023 … is scheduled to start construction on 4Q 2024 ( CRESS is scheduled to be announced details on September 2024 , Mulling charges is announced on August 2024 with TNB power Grid as Third Party Access ( TPA ).

> COD is scheduled on 4Q2025 .

6.) LSS5 2000 MW Solar Project with EPCC RM 7.2 Billion ( tender RFP dateline is 25/7/2024 , brought forward from December 2024 ) :

Jaks partner again with Vietnam Power Plant 1200 MW China partner , but this round : Jaks 51 % , CPECC 49 % … to tender 200 MW … Land 1730 acres in Terengganu is lease from TDM ( Rental is RM 578 per acre ) .

7.) Jaks recently had monetised Property land in Penang with RM 77.74 million…Net Book Value as at FYE2023 is RM 15.97 million…a net pro forma gain of RM50.38 million from the disposal.

Jaks had intention to monetise another 2 Property Division assets :

a.) Evolve Mall : loan balance RM 206.4 million… net book value as at December 2023 is RM 280 million.

b.) Pacific Towers : loan balance RM 70.6 million… net book value for Business Hub Tower only as at December 2023 is RM 232 million.

👉 Not only on anticipating Profit Gain on Monetisation these 2 properties asset , the Loans n Borrowings shl be reduced to Zero.

👉Loans n Borrowings as at June 2024 is RM 473.4 million….after monetise these 2 properties assets with Total Net Book Value RM 512 million … Jaks Shl be a Net Cash company.

👉👉as posted earlier, year 2025 shl be Jaks year .

P/s : After won the 6 years legal battle against Star on March 2024 ( Pacific Star project ) from Federal Court … Jaks is counter claimed Star for RM 540 million.. next case management on 11/10/2024 for the parties to comply with the Pre-Trial case management directions. Trial was fixed on August 2025 .


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho btw as said much earlier my investment portfolio divided into 2 categories:

1.) Growth n Dividend stock : oredi debated with Sslee in Jtiasa forum .

2.) Calculated Risk Stock : like Zelan with mother MMC as posted above .

Capital A with cost RM 0.58 … lowest price is RM 0.56 ..

Jaks cost ? Ssleee had you checked when you said bought Insas WC at RM 0.225 …


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho no worries as said Ethical Sifu 3iii picked on Good FA stock … I am on calculated Risk stock , eg Zelan with MMC ( mother ) cut win on 2021 during MMC privatisation.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Samling group previously had few listed companies, even One in HK listed .

But getting low profile….


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Samling Miri group ke : Wealth House 55% jayatiasa subsidiary Wealth Houses Development.

No wander Rsawit most of the Plantation area in Miri .

During debated against Calvin on 2021 regarding bought Miri land , I found 1/3 of the land is not suitable for Plantation.🤣


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho recalled Ssleee idol Calvin promoted TSH .. asking his followers n members average down every 10 sen down from RM 1.80 until RM 1.10 …

Recalled Sslleee promoted Jtiasa in Insas : average Up every 1 sen ..

But he had a record that averaged down Insas but is averaged Up … being exposed then deleted the 2 posts .🤣3


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho no worries, KonartistLee trapped High in Jtiasa same as in SCIB …🤣


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Information Compiled By KLSE

Particulars of Director

Descriptions(Class) Ordinary Shares
Details of changes

Date of change
No of securities
Type of transaction
Nature of Interest
Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Jin Kee Mou
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction
Consideration (if any) RM53,000

Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred
Acquisition of shares through open market
Nature of interest
Direct Interest
Total no of securities after change

Direct (units) 123,825
👉Direct (%) 0.013
Indirect/deemed interest (units)
Indirect/deemed interest (%)
Date of notice 12/09/2024
Date notice received by Listed Issuer 13/09/2024


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho recalled during KonartistLee promoting Petronm in Insas at RM 7.00 ..

I am posted at Point 1 ( Peak Range ) … ethical Sifu 3iii posted Market is on Sale .

I learned from ethical Sifu 3iii from his posts for 15 months during debated against Calvin in Netx .( share consolidation 25 into 1 after 2020 ) .

Latest in TSH forum .

Sslee until now did not reply me on his selection criteria for Growth n Dividend stock :

Only said :

1.) Yinson is Growth stock , going to see 5 waves wow but did not know the waves name … EW .🤣1… until now Yinson FPSO Atlanta First Oil is delayed from May 2024 to August 2024 to ??? , each day is Losing revenue RM 1.585 million.

2.) Jtiasa is Dividend stock .🤣2 … said with Dividend Policy Minimum 20 % ..but why 2021 No Dividend although with Net Profit RM 31.4 million?


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho KonartistLee still twisting with Tikus eyes ke … oredi posted at least Twice :


Hoho interesting le , 👉referring to Annual Report FYE2023 :

Top 10 List of Properties Owned :

1.) Pulau Bruit , Bruit Land District

👉Tenure : Rented land

Existing use : Oil Palm estate, CPO mill , Building & Quarter

👉Area : 52,880 hectares

Approximate age of building: 15 years

2.) Pulau Bruit , Lot 5,6,14,15 Bruit Land District

Tenure : leasehold until 2064

Existing use : Oil Palm estate, Building & Quarter

👉Area : 10,043 hectares

Approximate age of building: 11 years

> Where as other 9 properties are with Leased Tenure until 2060 , 2064 etc .

>>👉👉Going to tanam Hybrid Rice !!!


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho konartistLee better buy Jaks le .....


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho as said year 2025 shl be Jaks year ....

Posted by Sslee > 10 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Is Mike-tikus trying to say jaks price will be pressed down over 10 years?
My take jaks price will go up only after year 2030.

jjohnchew Hoho recalled Ytlpower price had been pressed down over 10 years to as Low RM 0.80 ...
Jaks price Lowest is RM 0.12 ....
13/09/2024 3:19 PM


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho after tikus away from Yinson ... here became tikus eyes pulak ... scroll up to see , tikus ...


Posted by Sslee > 5 hours ago | Report Abuse

The Federal Court had on 7 March 2024, dismissed the Federal Court Appeals with costs of RM150,000. Suits 258 and 374, which will be heard
together will now proceed to the High Court for trial which the High Court had tentatively fixed for 25 August to 28 August 20

Go and find out what inside Suits 258 and 374?


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Posted by jjohnchew > 1 day ago | Report Abuse

👉Jtiasa :

All our palm trees have matured. Out of the Group's total planted area of 69,589 hectares, about 3% of the palms are more than 18 years of age. The average age of palms is 14 years, which is within the prime production bracket.

Pulau Bruit Palm oil plantation area = 52880 + 10043 = 62,923 hectares

>>> 62923 / 69589 = 90.4 %


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho recalled Ytlpower price had been pressed down over 10 years to as Low RM 0.80 ...

Jaks price Lowest is RM 0.12 ....


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho ssleee better buy Jaks … buy Low sell High … not like u promoted Hengyuan n Petronm at Rm 7.00 with wayang show .

Jaks today price RM 0.135 to RM 0.14 … NTA 0.59


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho interesting lo … presently Sarawak only supply ard 34 % of Rice by own cultivation , to push up to ard 80 % only need start up expenses of RM 1.0 Billion… Sarawak government willing allocate funding RM 500 million n RM 500 million from Federal gov .

If want to rivalling Kedah which supply 40 % Rice demand in Malaysia… and to supply 100 % Sarawak rice demand… Pulau Bruit is the suitable land .


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho is Jtiasa that SMALL ???

The government, through the Ministry of Finance and Agriculture and Commodities Ministry, has established a special fund for the Smallholder Palm Oil Replanting Financing Incentive Scheme (TSPKS 2.0).23 Jan 2024
https://www.nst.com.my › 2024/01

Malaysia sets up RM100mil fund for smallholders to replant palm oil
By S. Birruntha and Daniel Ahmad
January 24, 2024 @ 8:09amSass


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Ssleee take note on the key words : average cost >>

MPOA Chief Executive Joseph Tek said the average cost of replanting was about 20,000 ringgit (US$4,265) per hectare, or nearly US$3 billion.

As I said Sarawak CPO production cost is the highest in Malaysia… that’s why between RM 20,000 to RM 30,000 of replanting cost … I picked RM 30,000 for Jtiasa replanting cost per hectare.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho MPOA Chief Executive Joseph Tek ke … he also said :

15 hours ago | Report Abuse
Tek said this at a press conference after he delivered a keynote address at MPOA’s 23rd annual general meeting in Sabah Hotel here today.

He explained that trees that are over 19 years old are mostly too tall for harvesting, and many present harvesters do not have the skill set to perform the task. There are in fact not enough available tall palm harvesters.

Furthermore, the number of trees would have been reduced from the initial planting based on the norm of 136 to 148 trees per hectare. In many estate blocks, the balance remaining may well be below 100 trees per hectare.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho not sufficient Replanting capital of RM 1.6 Billion ( current Reserve n Retained Earnings is Rm 0.5 billion) ..

No worries, an example from FGV :

Net Profit:

2021 : RM 1.2 Billion
2022 : RM 1.3 Billion
2023 : RM 103 million

But No Reserve n No retained earnings…

FGV QR ended June 2024 :

Reserve in Negative figure ( RM 1.06 Billion) , taken out from Equity Share Capital RM 7.03 Billion… became RM 5.97 Billion.

Oh Jtiasa Equity share capital is only RM 0.98 Billion…

Replanting capital RM 1.6 billion ( for 76 % planted area ) - Reserve n Retained earnings RM 0.5 Billion… still required RM 1.1 Billion !!! 😱


6 days ago | Report Abuse

👉Consequently, the Company also succeeded in defending the two appeals lodged by STAR vide Civil Appeal No.: W-02(IM)(NCVC)-1188-09/2020 and Civil Appeal No. W-02(IM)(NCVC)-1435-10/2020.

The Court of Appeal directed that Suit No.: WA-22NCVC-258-04/2019 where the Company has counterclaimed for damages arising from loss of profit from corporate exercise, loss of reputation and loss and impact on the status of the Defendant as public listed company and WA-22NCVC-374-05/2019 where the Company has claimed for the sum of RM248,242,987-62 as liquidated ascertained damages, RM297,035,481-00 as loss of proceeds from corporate fundraising exercise and refund of RM50,000,000-00 together with all interests pursuant to the Bank Guarantees be refunded, be reverted back to the High Court for full trial before Justice Nazlan Mohd Ghazali.

The Company will make further announcement on developments of the above matter as and when necessary.

This announcement is dated 28 July 2021.  


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Oh another one is Sslee said Jtiasa with Dividend Policy minimum 20 % but why FY2021 No Dividend with Net Profit RM 31.4 million ???


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Jaks Total counter claimed against Star is RM 540 million.

>>Referred to QR ended June 2024 :

👉next case management on 11/10/2024 for the parties to comply with the Pre-Trial case management directions.

The Trial was fixed on 25/8/2025 to 28/8/2025 .

👉👉Possibility of settlement out of court ???

MATERIAL LITIGATION JAKS Resources Berhad ("JRB" or the "Company") Federal Court finds in favour of Company

Type Announcement
JAKS Resources Berhad ("JRB" or the "Company") Federal Court finds in favour of Company

Further to the announcement dated 12 December 2023, the Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that the Federal Court on 7 March 2024 unanimously found no merits in Star Media Group Berhad (“STAR”)’s appeals against the Company and Jaks Island Circle Sdn Bhd (In Liquidation) vide Civil Appeal No. 02(i)-16-03/2023(W), Civil Appeal No. 02(i)-17-03/2023(W) and Civil Appeal No. 02(i)-18-03/2023(W) [“the Appeals”] and dismissed the Appeals with costs of RM150,000.00 to be paid by STAR.

Consequently the Company can proceed at the High Court with its Suit No.: WA-22NCVC-258-04/2019 where the Company has counterclaimed for damages and WA-22NCVC-374-05/2019 where the Company has claimed for liquidated ascertained damages, etc. Further announcement on the development of the above matter will be made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad pursuant to its Listing Requirements. This announcement is dated 7 March 2024.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho why preferring Jaks , as all the risks is disclosed , successfully diversified into Power Plant industry n Solar RE . After monetise the 2 property division assets , eventually be a Net Cash company.

Where as Jtiasa has 2 hidden risk :

1.) Pulau Bruit rented Land , 52,880 hectares ( 76 % of planted land ) is identified suitable for cultivation of hybrid rice in 2024 … align with Sarawak state gov vision .

2.) Palm trees averagely 14 years ( as Pulau Bruit rented land 52,880 hectares since 15 years ago .) .. Replanting is expected in next 4 years with ard RM 1.6 billion expenses.. is current Reserve n Retained earnings ard RM 0.5 Billion sufficient !!!

Oh another one is Sslee said Jtiasa with Dividend Policy minimum 20 % but why FY2021 No Dividend with Net Profit RM 31.4 million ???


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho KonartistLee no facts n figures to support Jtiasa ??? Then better buy Jaks as buy Low Sell High ( 1st time used Buy ) .


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Jaks Total counter claimed against Star is RM 540 million.

>>Referred to QR ended June 2024 :

👉next case management on 11/10/2024 for the parties to comply with the Pre-Trial case management directions.

The Trial was fixed on 25/8/2025 to 28/8/2025 .

👉👉Possibility of settlement out of court ???

MATERIAL LITIGATION JAKS Resources Berhad ("JRB" or the "Company") Federal Court finds in favour of Company

Type Announcement
JAKS Resources Berhad ("JRB" or the "Company") Federal Court finds in favour of Company

Further to the announcement dated 12 December 2023, the Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that the Federal Court on 7 March 2024 unanimously found no merits in Star Media Group Berhad (“STAR”)’s appeals against the Company and Jaks Island Circle Sdn Bhd (In Liquidation) vide Civil Appeal No. 02(i)-16-03/2023(W), Civil Appeal No. 02(i)-17-03/2023(W) and Civil Appeal No. 02(i)-18-03/2023(W) [“the Appeals”] and dismissed the Appeals with costs of RM150,000.00 to be paid by STAR.

Consequently the Company can proceed at the High Court with its Suit No.: WA-22NCVC-258-04/2019 where the Company has counterclaimed for damages and WA-22NCVC-374-05/2019 where the Company has claimed for liquidated ascertained damages, etc. Further announcement on the development of the above matter will be made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad pursuant to its Listing Requirements. This announcement is dated 7 March 2024.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

MATERIAL LITIGATION JAKS Resources Berhad ("JRB" or the "Company") Federal Court finds in favour of Company

Type Announcement
JAKS Resources Berhad ("JRB" or the "Company") Federal Court finds in favour of Company

Further to the announcement dated 12 December 2023, the Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that the Federal Court on 7 March 2024 unanimously found no merits in Star Media Group Berhad (“STAR”)’s appeals against the Company and Jaks Island Circle Sdn Bhd (In Liquidation) vide Civil Appeal No. 02(i)-16-03/2023(W), Civil Appeal No. 02(i)-17-03/2023(W) and Civil Appeal No. 02(i)-18-03/2023(W) [“the Appeals”] and dismissed the Appeals with costs of RM150,000.00 to be paid by STAR.

Consequently the Company can proceed at the High Court with its Suit No.: WA-22NCVC-258-04/2019 where the Company has counterclaimed for damages and WA-22NCVC-374-05/2019 where the Company has claimed for liquidated ascertained damages, etc. Further announcement on the development of the above matter will be made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad pursuant to its Listing Requirements. This announcement is dated 7 March 2024.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho KonartistLee still can do simple maths ke .. but not yr usual Kon maths ..

Jaks sold Penang land total 72.23 hectares for RM 77.74 million , ie : RM 1,076,284 per hectares >>> RM 435,566 per acre .

Our friend here posted : FYI, Jtiasa's land cost is very minimium ( the rented land), if you need to buy the land( 68k hectares),

And Jaks MOU lease 1730 acres of land in Terengganu from TDM for tendering LSS5 2000 MW Solar project ( tender RFP dateline is on 25/7/2024 ) … rental is only RM 578 per acre per year .

Referring to Jaks AGM dated 27 June 2024 :
The company is going to monetise Property Division assets .. mainly Evolve Mall in Ara Damansara , Selangor and Pacific Towers in Section 13 , Petaling Jaya , Selangor .

D) Current outstanding loan balance for Evolve
Concept Mall stands at RM206.4mil whereas the
outstanding loan balance for Pacific Towers stands
at RM70.6mil.

See on monetise the Penang land for RM 77.74 million , net book value as at December 2023 is RM 15.97 million with a net pro forma gain of RM50.38 million.

If monetise :

1.) Evolve Mall : loan balance RM 206.4 million… net book value as at December 2023 is RM 280 million.

2.) Pacific Towers : loan balance RM 70.6 million… net book value for Business Hub Tower only as at December 2023 is RM 232 million.

👉 Not only on anticipating Profit Gain on Monetisation these 2 properties asset , the Loans n Borrowings shl be reduced to Zero.

Loans n Borrowings as at June 2024 is RM 473.4 million….after monetise these 2 properties assets with Total Net Book Value RM 512 million … Jaks Shl be a Net Cash company.

👉👉as posted earlier, year 2025 shl be Jaks year .

P/s : After won the 6 years legal battle against Star on March 2024 ( Pacific Star project ) from Federal Court … Jaks is counter claimed Star for RM 540 million.. next case management on 11/10/2024 for the parties to comply with the Pre-Trial case management directions.


Posted by jjohnchew > 7 hours ago | Report Abuse
Hoho as usual Konartist ran out of idea , followed his Kon gang wording … best in twisting facts n create fake facts . 


Posted by Sslee > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse 

Aiyoyo Mike-tikus, 
Jaks LSS4 soon become landless. 
Negative cash flow 
And next year another cash call PP or RI for loans repayment and working capital 

You better sell your jaks and buy jayatiasa. 
Word of wisdom.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho KonartistLee still can do simple maths ke .. but not yr usual Kon maths ..

Jaks sold Penang land total 72.23 hectares for RM 77.74 million , ie : RM 1,076,284 per hectares >>> RM 435,566 per acre .

Our friend here posted : FYI, Jtiasa's land cost is very minimium ( the rented land), if you need to buy the land( 68k hectares),

And Jaks MOU lease 1730 acres of land in Terengganu from TDM for tendering LSS5 2000 MW Solar project ( tender RFP dateline is on 25/7/2024 ) … rental is only RM 578 per acre per year .

Referring to Jaks AGM dated 27 June 2024 :
The company is going to monetise Property Division assets .. mainly Evolve Mall in Ara Damansara , Selangor and Pacific Towers in Section 13 , Petaling Jaya , Selangor .

D) Current outstanding loan balance for Evolve
Concept Mall stands at RM206.4mil whereas the
outstanding loan balance for Pacific Towers stands
at RM70.6mil.

See on monetise the Penang land for RM 77.74 million , net book value as at December 2023 is RM 15.97 million with a net pro forma gain of RM50.38 million.

If monetise :

1.) Evolve Mall : loan balance RM 206.4 million… net book value as at December 2023 is RM 280 million.

2.) Pacific Towers : loan balance RM 70.6 million… net book value for Business Hub Tower only as at December 2023 is RM 232 million.

👉 Not only on anticipating Profit Gain on Monetisation these 2 properties asset , the Loans n Borrowings shl be reduced to Zero.

Loans n Borrowings as at June 2024 is RM 473.4 million….after monetise these 2 properties assets with Total Net Book Value RM 512 million … Jaks Shl be a Net Cash company.

👉👉as posted earlier, year 2025 shl be Jaks year .

P/s : After won the 6 years legal battle against Star on March 2024 ( Pacific Star project ) from Federal Court … Jaks is counter claimed Star for RM 540 million.. next case management on 11/10/2024 for the parties to comply with the Pre-Trial case management directions.


Posted by jjohnchew > 7 hours ago | Report Abuse
Hoho as usual Konartist ran out of idea , followed his Kon gang wording … best in twisting facts n create fake facts . 


Posted by Sslee > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse 

Aiyoyo Mike-tikus, 
Jaks LSS4 soon become landless. 
Negative cash flow 
And next year another cash call PP or RI for loans repayment and working capital 

You better sell your jaks and buy jayatiasa. 
Word of wisdom.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho further more CPO Production cost per tonne is keep in increasing from RM 1400 to RM 1800 to RM 2200 ..

Where as Jaks Solar Project Solar panel cost is keep decreasing:

SINGAPORE, March 19 (Reuters) - Prices of solar panels, which nearly halved over the last 12 months, will remain at current levels for up to two years, a Malaysian industry executive said on Tuesday.
Manufacturers in Malaysia, the world's third largest producer of solar photovoltaic modules (PV), are slowing down expansion plans to adjust for lower demand and prices, Davis Chong, President of the Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association, told Reuters.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Tek said this at a press conference after he delivered a keynote address at MPOA’s 23rd annual general meeting in Sabah Hotel here today. 

He explained that trees that are over 19 years old are mostly too tall for harvesting, and many present harvesters do not have the skill set to perform the task. There are in fact not enough available tall palm harvesters.  

Furthermore, the number of trees would have been reduced from the initial planting based on the norm of 136 to 148 trees per hectare. In many estate blocks, the balance remaining may well be below 100 trees per hectare. 


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho repost :


Referred QR ended June 2024 on key points:

Selling n Distribution expenses & Other operating, administrative expenses = RM 17,492,000 .

(Note : there are ard 600 employees in Vietnam Joint Venture Power Plant 1200 MW on 2022 )

Operating Loss after Finance Cost = ( 17,291,000 )

👉Share of Profits in Joint Venture = 21,331,000

> PBT = 4,040,000

> PAT = 3,932,000

Total Comprehensive Income = RM 3,932,000

Dividend from Vietnam power plant associate company: RM 14,210,000

👉👉Net Profit to Owners of the Company = RM 8,422,000.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho where as for Jaks … repost from Jaks :

Posted by jjohnchew > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

Hoho interesting lo , if can monetise the property segment assets :

Reply during latest AGM :

2 The Property Investment division
comprises two investment properties,
namely Pacific Towers Business Hub
and Evolve Concept Mall. The division
incurred a finance cost of RM19.3
million while generating revenue of
RM10.3 million and a loss after tax of
RM6.3 million in FY2023.

D) Current outstanding loan balance for Evolve
Concept Mall stands at RM206.4mil whereas the
outstanding loan balance for Pacific Towers stands
at RM70.6mil.

C) Monetising these property assets is the key priority
moving forward, regardless of turning around the
business. However, the immediate goal is to
increase occupancy rates and average rental rates
with strong and reliable tenants, thereby improving
the saleability of the assets.

A) Yes, the occupancy rate at Pacific Towers
Business Hub improved from 35% in FY2022 to
54% in FY2023, while Evolve Concept Mall saw an
increase from 59% in FY2022 to 75% in FY2023.

2,609 posts

Posted by jjohnchew > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

Hoho with the legal case 6 years battle won against Star on Pacific Star project on March 2024 … anticipating occupancy rate at Pacific Towers
Business Hub Shl be further improved.

2,609 posts

Posted by jjohnchew > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

Hoho n more easy to monetise..


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho is Jtiasa going to be like Rsawit n Subur Tiasa in coming Next 4 years ???


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Jaks :

Current Ratio 1.04
Debt-Equity (DE) Ratio 0.64
FCF Yield 0.76 %

Jtiasa :

Current Ratio 2.73
Debt-Equity (DE) Ratio 0.34
FCF Yield 24.07 %

Rsawit :

Current Ratio 0.15
Debt-Equity (DE) Ratio 1.25
FCF Yield 3.19 %

Subur Tiasa :

Current Ratio 0.27
Debt-Equity (DE) Ratio 1.34
FCF Yield -0.91 %


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Jaks currently a Calculated Risk Stock is turn around to be a potential Growth stock , why ? :

A) Jaks CEO ( the only substantial shareholder ard 14 % , after Uncle K intention to take over with 30 % on 2017/2018 ) had successfully steered the company diversified into Power industry: Vietnam Joint Venture Power Plant 1200 MW with CPECC , EPCC value RM 8.7 Billion… construction is started on October 2016 , fully Commercial Operating Date on January 2021 with 25 years concession:

As an 30 % associate joint venture company contributing share of profit n Dividend to Jaks since 2021 :

Jaks Annual Revenue and Net Profit / ( Loss ) :

1.) FYE2020 : RM 259.4 million with Loss ( RM 80.5 Million. )

2.) FYE2021 : RM 109.7 million with Net Profit RM 51.9 million.

3.) FYE 2022 : RM 89.8 million with Net Profit RM 53.5 million.

4.) FYE 2023 : Rm 37.787 million with Net Profit RM 15.527 million..

5.) FYE 2024 :

>> 👉1QR : RM 14.2 million with Net Profit RM 12.4 million.

>> 👉2QR : RM 13.1 million with Net Profit RM 8.4 million.

B ) LSS4 50MW Solar Project in Penang is COD on August 2023 with 25 years TNB PPA ( increased from 21 years ).

1.) QR ended September 2023 :

Revenue : 3.3 Million , Loss ( RM 1.4 Million)

2.) QR ended December 2023 :

Revenue: 4.3 Million , Loss ( 0.4 Million )

3.) QR ended March 2024 :

👉Revenue: 5.3 Million , Profit RM 0.96 Million … 18%

4.) QR ended June 2024 :

Revenue : 4.8 million, Profit RM 0.4 million.. 8.33 %

👉( Note : Loss is due to Depreciation.)

C.) CGPP 30MW Solar project is awarded on August 2023 to Jaks consortium with 2 partners ( Jaks holding 51 % ) …COD is scheduled by 4Q 2025 .
Jaks Shl be benefited on the EPC contract also .

CGPP winners can sell RE electricity directly to end user / customer, but thru TNB power grid as TPA ( Third Party Access ) . CRESS details is expected to be announced in September 2024 , but the Mulling charges is announced oredi on 22/8/2024 .

800 MW CGPP winners even can sell RE electricity cross border.

D.) LSS5 2000MW Solar Project, EPCC value is estimated RM 7.2 Billion, tender RFP dateline is brought forward to 25/7/2024 from December 2024 ):

Jaks partner again with CPECC ( Vietnam 1200 MW Power Plant partner 70 % ) >>> Jaks 51% : CPECC 49% , tendered 200MW ….. Land : 1730 acres in Terengganu is leased from TDM .

E.) CAGR : 3Y + 29.9 % TTM + 28.4 %


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Hoho as usual Konartist ran out of idea , followed his Kon gang wording … best in twisting facts n create fake facts .


Posted by Sslee > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo Mike-tikus,
Jaks LSS4 soon become landless.
Negative cash flow
And next year another cash call PP or RI for loans repayment and working capital

You better sell your jaks and buy jayatiasa.
Word of wisdom.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho n more easy to monetise..


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho so since Rental is so cheap, Sarawak Sale Tax on the Price of CPO is cheap also only 5 % compared to Sabah 7.5 % … better change Pulau Bruit land into Sawah Padi land as identified suitable to cultivate hybrid rice in 2024 .