
jjohnchew | Joined since 2019-10-29

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1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho KimLoong DY :

2020 : 3.05 %
2021 : 6.84 %
2022 : 7.14 %
2023 : 8.52 %
2024 : 5.99 %

vs Jtiasa DY :

2020 : No Dividend
2021 : No Dividend
2022 : 4.83 %
2023 : 4.51 %
2024 : 5.41 %


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho not concrete yet ..



Posted by value_invest > 13 seconds ago | Report Abuse

Jtiasa can easily double Div to 12 cents FY 25 with its cash flow and no further capex.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho yes , palm oil plantation land rent is cheap … eg : Jaks sign MOU lease TDM land in Terengganu 1730 acres for tendering LSS5 2000 MW Solar Project.

TDM said shl bring Profit RM 1.0 million yearly… ie : 1000000 / 1730 = RM 578 rental per acres .


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Posted by jjohnchew > 9 hours ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Sarawak Palm oil plantation cost of Production per hectare is the highest in Malaysia .. taking RM 30,000 Replanting cost per hectare >> 52,880 hectares required RM 1.6 Billion for Replanting in coming next 4 years .. is current Reserve n Retained Earnings of ard RM 0.5 Billion is sufficient !!!

Posted by jjohnchew > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse

Hoho 2 hidden risk :

1.) Is rented land going to be Sawah Padi land !!!

2.) As the company said Palm trees average 14 years … seems is from rented land ( 15 years ) :

👉Area : 52,880 hectares ie : 76 % of planted land .

What is the Replanting cost ?


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho as ethical Sifu 3iii posted earlier… KimLoong see the Price chart ..

And 13 sen Dividend on FY24 : ROE 19.28 .. Market Cap 2.3 Billion.

Vs Jtiasa :
6 sen Dividend on FY 24 … ROE 9.14 ..Market Cap 1.0 Billion.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho with the legal case 6 years battle won against Star on Pacific Star project on March 2024 … anticipating occupancy rate at Pacific Towers
Business Hub Shl be further improved.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho interesting lo , if can monetise the property segment assets :

Reply during latest AGM :

2 The Property Investment division
comprises two investment properties,
namely Pacific Towers Business Hub
and Evolve Concept Mall. The division
incurred a finance cost of RM19.3
million while generating revenue of
RM10.3 million and a loss after tax of
RM6.3 million in FY2023.

D) Current outstanding loan balance for Evolve
Concept Mall stands at RM206.4mil whereas the
outstanding loan balance for Pacific Towers stands
at RM70.6mil.

C) Monetising these property assets is the key priority
moving forward, regardless of turning around the
business. However, the immediate goal is to
increase occupancy rates and average rental rates
with strong and reliable tenants, thereby improving
the saleability of the assets.

A) Yes, the occupancy rate at Pacific Towers
Business Hub improved from 35% in FY2022 to
54% in FY2023, while Evolve Concept Mall saw an
increase from 59% in FY2022 to 75% in FY2023.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho will it be like : Hexcap n Binacom ….after became Major In Binacom, send his uncle into BOD … Binacom 1st time intend to issue PP but no investor is interested until delayed to next year … same as Hexcap .


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho why only Jtiasa with Good Financial ratios !!!!


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho very interesting le , let’s compared listed entities under RH group :

1.) Jtiasa

Current Ratio 2.73
Debt-Equity (DE) Ratio 0.34
FCF Yield 24.3 %
Revenue QoQ 7.29 %
Revenue YoY 12.96%
Profit QoQ 58.46 %
Profit YoY -73.9 %
Profit Margin (Sector Median: 4.6) 13.84 %
ROE (ROIC: 11.17) 12.59 %
Dividend Per Share (DPS) 6.0 sen
Dividend Yield (DY) 5.77 %

2.) Rsawit

Current Ratio 0.15
Debt-Equity (DE) Ratio 1.25
FCF Yield 3.26 %
Revenue QoQ 23.84 %
Revenue YoY -5.22%
Profit QoQ 139.76 %
Profit YoY 7420.0 %
Profit Margin (Sector Median: 9.2) 7.31 %
ROE (ROIC: 5.73) 7.98 %
Dividend Per Share (DPS) 0.0 sen
Dividend Yield (DY) 0.0 %

3.) Subur Tiasa

Current Ratio 0.27
Debt-Equity (DE) Ratio 1.34
FCF Yield -0.87 %
Revenue QoQ -2.9 %
Revenue YoY -16.78%
Profit QoQ 114.06 %
Profit YoY 108.5 %
Profit Margin (Sector Median: 0.2) -0.46 %
ROE (ROIC: -1.73) -2.33 %
Dividend Per Share (DPS) 0.0 sen
Dividend Yield (DY) 0.0 %


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Repost :


Hoho interesting le , 👉referring to Annual Report FYE2023 :

Top 10 List of Properties Owned :

1.) Pulau Bruit , Bruit Land District

👉Tenure : Rented land

Existing use : Oil Palm estate, CPO mill , Building & Quarter

👉Area : 52,880 hectares

Approximate age of building: 15 years

2.) Pulau Bruit , Lot 5,6,14,15 Bruit Land District

Tenure : leasehold until 2064

Existing use : Oil Palm estate, Building & Quarter

👉Area : 10,043 hectares

Approximate age of building: 11 years

> Where as other 9 properties are with Leased Tenure until 2060 , 2064 etc .

>>👉👉Going to tanam Hybrid Rice !!!


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho why Rimbunan Sawit ( same as Jtiasa under RH group) is loss-making in oil palm plantations.


Rimbunan Sawit group owns 16 oil palm estates in Kuching, Sibu and Miri with a total planted area of 42,478ha, representing about 60.76% of the group's total landbank of 69,909ha.

Palm trees age As at FYE2023 :

Unit : hectares
Immature ( 1 - 3 years ) 2,231
Young mature ( 4 - 7 years ) 1,454
Prime mature ( 8 - 19 years ) 20,390
Old mature ( > 20 years ) 18,956

Total : 43,031 hectares


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Rimbunan Sawit to beef up crop production and yield
TheStar Mon, Apr 01, 2024 12:00am - 5 months

KUCHING: Rimbunan Sawit Bhd will undertake a series of short-to-medium term measures to beef up crop production and yield of its loss-making oil palm plantations.

Managing director Tiong Chiong Ie said the group plans to implement a recovery and rehabilitation programme to improve the conditions of these plantations.

Among the measures is the deployment of additional resources, such as machinery, equipment and human resources, to maximise fresh fruit bunch (FFB) crop recovery in the most productive blocks of the oil palm estates.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Rimbunan Sawit allocates RM309m in capex, operating and development costs for FY2024

KUALA LUMPUR (April 30): Rimbunan Sawit Bhd is expecting around 40% increase in its fresh fruit bunches (FFB) production for the current financial year ending Dec 31, 2024 (FY2024) and is anticipating higher crude palm oil (CPO) prices for the year due to growing demand.

“In FY2024, our estates are strategically planned to harvest an impressive 352,126 tonnes of fresh fruit bunches [FFB], each fetching an average price of RM648 per tonne,” the plantation group said in its Annual Report 2023.

In comparison, the group reported a production volume of 250,750 tonnes of FFB in 2023, with an average price of RM661 per tonne, according to its quarterly result release filed to Bursa Malaysia.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Oil palms reach maturity at around three years after planting, and reach their peak production age between the seventh and 18th years after planting.

Identifying the age of the palm tree is significant since oil palm yield is closely associated with its growth throughout its lifespan. The optimal yield period for a palm tree is between nine to eighteen years of age, following which the yield capacity gradually decreases over time.

Theoretically, each palm tree can obtain 36-75L of oil per year. Palm trees can bear fruit for 15 years in their lifetime, a palm tree gets a total of palm oil 540-1125L.

The age composition of each of the five main oil palm producing regions for functional age classes (young <7 years; prime 7-15; old >15 years).

In Malaysia, it is found that the optimal replanting age lies between 25 and 26 years if the FFB price is RM 200 per tonne. The replacement age declines to between 24 – 25 years if the FFB price rises to RM 220 per tonne.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Jtiasa :

Hoho take note on the wording :

> Referred to QR ended June 2024 :

Cash n cash equivalents. 283,037,000

> Referred to QR ended March 2024 :

Cash and bank balances 270,371,000


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho taking FGV as an eg : why Reserve is in Negative figures n no retained earnings…although with Net Profit in recent years :

Financial Year Revenue ('000) Net ('000) EPS DP% Net % Report
31 Dec, 2024 10,060,273 72,885 2.0000 -

31 Dec, 2023 19,359,186 103,002 2.8300 1.06

31 Dec, 2022 25,563,852 1,322,641 36.2500 0.41 13.3% View

31 Dec, 2021 19,575,323 1,167,874 31.9500 0 678.5% View


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Konartistlee gang Kon tricks with abusive id .. so low class ..


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Jaks Gearing Ratio :

See Jaks insiders had been monitoring n controlling the Gearing Ratio in a Healthy Level : 

> FYE2015 : 0.80 X

1.) FYE2019 : 0.43 X 

2.) FYE2020 : 0.34 X 

3.) Referred to FY23 , 1 QR ended March 2023 : 0.375 X 

4.) Referred to FY23 , 2QR ended June 2023 : 0.362 X 

5.) Referred to FY23 , 3QR ended September 2023 : 0.352 X

6.) Referred to FY23 , 4QR ended December 2023 : 0.350 X

7.) 1QR ended March 2024 :

Gearing Ratio = 0.293X 

8.) 2QR ended June 2024 :

Gearing Ratio = 0.303X


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho sell property investment assets as it is losing money :

C) Monetising these property assets is the key priority


1 week ago | Report Abuse

👉Jtiasa :

All our palm trees have matured. Out of the Group's total planted area of 69,589 hectares, about 3% of the palms are more than 18 years of age. The average age of palms is 14 years, which is within the prime production bracket.

Pulau Bruit Palm oil plantation area = 52880 + 10043 = 62,923 hectares

>>> 62923 / 69589 = 90.4 %


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho no wander 2nd Major shareholder ( ard 14 % ) keep selling shares over the 12 months until July 2024 … latest holding is ard 6 % ..


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Sarawak Palm oil plantation cost of Production per hectare is the highest in Malaysia .. taking RM 30,000 Replanting cost per hectare >> 52,880 hectares required RM 1.6 Billion for Replanting in coming next 4 years .. is current Reserve n Retained Earnings of ard RM 0.5 Billion is sufficient !!!

Posted by jjohnchew > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse

Hoho 2 hidden risk :

1.) Is rented land going to be Sawah Padi land !!!

2.) As the company said Palm trees average 14 years … seems is from rented land ( 15 years ) :

👉Area : 52,880 hectares ie : 76 % of planted land .

What is the Replanting cost ?


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Jaks non current asset :

Investment in Joint Venture:

QR ended

> March 2016 = 128,297,000

> March 2019 = 197,171,000

> March 2020 = 362,479,000

> March 2021 = 601,150,000
( note : Profit from Construction of the Power Plant is ard RM 400 Million .. Final COD on January 2021 )

> March 2022 = 748,656,000

> March 2023 = 829,105,000

> September 2023 = 897,378,000

> December 2023 = 904,495,000

> March 2024 = 936,836,000

> June 2024 =


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Accordingly, the SGP amounting to
RM43.88 million was recorded under
directors' remuneration.
We would like to seek clarification
from the LTIP Committee and
Remuneration Committee Chairman

A) The criteria for issuance of SGP was mainly tied to
the profits generated from our wholly-owned
subsidiary, Golden Keen Holdings Limited (“GK”)
which undertook the USD 454 million (RM2 bil)
EPC 2 role for construction of the 1,200 MW coal-
fired thermal power plant in Vietnam. Over the
course of the construction period from 2015 to
2021, GK had generated a net profit of over RM400
million to the Group. Taking into consideration this
and successful delivery of the power plant, the
Remuneration and LTIP committee had in 2018
approved the remuneration scheme.
B) The basis of the incentives and rewards is in line
with the remuneration scheme approved in 2018


1 week ago | Report Abuse

A) Yes, the occupancy rate at Pacific Towers
Business Hub improved from 35% in FY2022 to
54% in FY2023, while Evolve Concept Mall saw an
increase from 59% in FY2022 to 75% in FY2023.
The Management will continue to attract new
tenants to further improve the occupancy rate of
both properties.
B) Pacific Towers Business Hub – RM3.36 per sq ft
Evolve Concept Mall – RM2.38 per sq ft

C) Monetising these property assets is the key priority

moving forward, regardless of turning around the
business. However, the immediate goal is to
increase occupancy rates and average rental rates
with strong and reliable tenants, thereby improving
the saleability of the assets.
D) Current outstanding loan balance for Evolve
Concept Mall stands at RM206.4mil whereas the
outstanding loan balance for Pacific Towers stands
at RM70.6mil.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Jaks currently a Calculated Risk Stock is turn around to be a potential Growth stock , why ? :

A) Jaks CEO ( the only substantial shareholder ard 14 % , after Uncle K intention to take over with 30 % on 2017/2018 ) had successfully steered the company diversified into Power industry: Vietnam Joint Venture Power Plant 1200 MW with CPECC , EPCC value RM 8.7 Billion… construction is started on October 2016 , fully Commercial Operating Date on January 2021 with 25 years concession:

As an 30 % associate joint venture company contributing share of profit n Dividend to Jaks since 2021 :

Jaks Annual Revenue and Net Profit / ( Loss ) :

1.) FYE2020 : RM 259.4 million with Loss ( RM 80.5 Million. )

2.) FYE2021 : RM 109.7 million with Net Profit RM 51.9 million.

3.) FYE 2022 : RM 89.8 million with Net Profit RM 53.5 million.

4.) FYE 2023 : Rm 37.787 million with Net Profit RM 15.527 million..

5.) FYE 2024 :

>> 👉1QR : RM 14.2 million with Net Profit RM 12.4 million.

>> 👉2QR : RM 13.1 million with Net Profit RM 8.4 million.

B ) LSS4 50MW Solar Project in Penang is COD on August 2023 with 25 years TNB PPA ( increased from 21 years ).

1.) QR ended September 2023 :

Revenue : 3.3 Million , Loss ( RM 1.4 Million)

2.) QR ended December 2023 :

Revenue: 4.3 Million , Loss ( 0.4 Million )

3.) QR ended March 2024 :

👉Revenue: 5.3 Million , Profit RM 0.96 Million … 18%

4.) QR ended June 2024 :

Revenue : 4.8 million, Profit RM 0.4 million.. 8.33 %

👉( Note : Loss is due to Depreciation.)

C.) CGPP 30MW Solar project is awarded on August 2023 to Jaks consortium with 2 partners ( Jaks holding 51 % ) …COD is scheduled by 4Q 2025 .
Jaks Shl be benefited on the EPC contract also .

CGPP winners can sell RE electricity directly to end user / customer, but thru TNB power grid as TPA ( Third Party Access ) . CRESS details is expected to be announced in September 2024 , but the Mulling charges is announced oredi on 22/8/2024 .

800 MW CGPP winners even can sell RE electricity cross border.

D.) LSS5 2000MW Solar Project, EPCC value is estimated RM 7.2 Billion, tender RFP dateline is brought forward to 25/7/2024 from December 2024 ):

Jaks partner again with CPECC ( Vietnam 1200 MW Power Plant partner 70 % ) >>> Jaks 51% : CPECC 49% , tendered 200MW ….. Land : 1730 acres in Terengganu is leased from TDM .

E.) CAGR : 3Y + 29.9 % TTM + 28.4 %


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho don’t play play with Sarawak Premier le :

Sarawak seeks to become Malaysia’s next ‘rice bowl’, rivalling Kedah.

Sarawak imposed the lowest Sale Tax 5 % on the price of CPO … Sabah is 7.5 % .


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho 2 hidden risk :

1.) Is rented land going to be Sawah Padi land !!!

2.) As the company said Palm trees average 14 years … seems is from rented land ( 15 years ) :

👉Area : 52,880 hectares ie : 76 % of planted land .

What is the Replanting cost ?


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Copied n pasted partially:

棕油低价优势消失 短期需求前景不妙







1 week ago | Report Abuse

Referred to QR ended June 2024 :

a) Financial assets

Trade and other receivables 42,883,000

Cash n balances/ equivalents 283,037,000

total = 325,920,000

b) Financial liabilities

Loans and borrowings 194,229,000

Trade and other payables 84,278,000

Lease liabilities -

total = 278,507,000

a) - b ) = 47,413,000


Referred to QR ended March 2024 :

a) Financial assets

Trade and other receivables 54,876,000

Cash and bank balances 270,371,000

total = 325,347,000

b) Financial liabilities

Loans and borrowings 242,160,000

Trade and other payables 81,569,000

Lease liabilities -

total = 323,729,000

a) - b ) = 1,618,000


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho if this is that simple on investing purely on Dividends payout … no more Guru is needed n no more investor looser .


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho this is one Kon trick usually used by Calvin on Dividend payout !!

As on Dividend EX day , price is adjusted with the Dividend…


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho the promoter said he see 5 waves in Yinson ( as a Growth stock ) but did not knew the waves name ( start with E ) .

Still did not reply why Yinson keep on SBB where as EPF n KWAP keep rotating Disposed n Acquired.

As at April 2024 , oredi spend RM 369 million on 4.94 % SBB shares .

Yinson window dressing on QR ended April 2024 :

QR ended April 2024 , Net Profit RM 203 million- RM 236 million ( increased of Loans n Borrowings) = - RM 33 million.

Yinson Loans n Borrowings:

1.) QR ended April 2024

RM 16,555 million.

👉Compared Q to Q : is increased by RM 236 million.

2.) QR ended January 2024

RM 16,319 million.

Cash Rich ? No lo … as burdened with Huge debt due to the 3 New FPSO , Loans n Borrowings in USD with interest 12 % to 13.88 % )


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho the worst is the promoter cannot reply / understand what his selection criterias for Growth n Dividend stocks 😱


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho when the promoter promoting Jtiasa in Insas n Jtiasa :

I asked him on :

1.) what is Indonesia CPO export ban status?

2.) What is Indonesia biodiesel progress status ?

The promoter replied he just want to make Profit.

No wander he told lies by lies on his 1st n 2nd Only Win since investing from 2016 to 2023 …🤣🤔


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho Ssleee said Jtiasa is with Dividend Policy Minimum 20 % , but why FY2021 No Dividend !!! 😱


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho copied n posted from TSH forum ( noted as compared for years ) :

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 12 hours ago | Report Abuse

How to be fabulously rich? Stay with quality companies for the long term (5, 10, 15, 20 or more years). 

Compare JTiasa and KMLoong 

Look at the historical 10 or 20 years revenues and earnings. 
Which company had consistent and growing revenues and earnings? JTiasa: earnings were volatile. There were years when these were losses. Losses for a plantation stock??? 

Which company had rewarded its shareholders more over the last 10 years? Look at the price charts of these 2 companies. 
Why are their price charts so different? Which would you have preferred, on hindsight? :-) 

Have a great investing philosophy and stay within it. I never invest for the short term (very rarely).


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho no la , OTB is ok if posted facts n figures. Ssleee is so jealous le during I am promoted Hiaptek together with OTB .. tried to mislead the promoter .


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho oh as posted in YTLpower, Point 3 ( Swing Swing Swing range ) Shl not be over RM 4.60 …


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho YTLpower ? Oredi given my Negative facts n figures study …

And chun chun on my Point 1 ( Peak Range ) , Point 2 ( Slide down , as said not in YTLpower case , but slowly slide down for unloading due to FF manager large volume) , Point 3 ( swing swing swing range ) , Point 4 ( Downtrend range if dropped below RM 3.81 ) ..case study .


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho no worries, these r yr interesting record le , hahahaha.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho just like I am monitoring Jaks now … oh you still kacau in Capital A forum ke ..

I even thanks u initially on yr facts n figures posts , later debated found is Kon maths .

However I said is OK if not dropped below RM 0.56 .. the Lowest is RM 0.56 … you knew my cost , don’t be jealous le .

My In ratio : 40:30:30 , Out ratio : 30:30:40 as One is very difficult to buy at the lowest n sold at the Highest. Maybe sometimes with some luck only .


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho is not pure luck as I had monitored MMC business transactions on selling overseas port , bought Boustead Leisure port together with West port , with intention to consolidate Ports business for IPO .. but did not happen after 2 years ..

Just like Armada Big Boss case on privatisation then IPO again .


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho oh u forgotten u r so jealous until told lies by lies on yr 1st Win then another lie on MMC ( profit RM 180,000 ) which u thanks me on highlighted in Insas .

I had CutWin on Zelan ( calculated risk stock ) with MMC ( Zelan mother ) during MMC privatisation on 2021 … only made profit 100 % to 200% … Jealous le ke .. cheers .


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho why so sour until became Negative commentator after sold Bplant .hahaha

Oh as usual you told lies on yr 1st n Only Win since investing from 2016 to 2023 .


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho To be or not To be Sawah Padi land …Don’t play play with Sarawak Premier le .👍


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Hoho someone is really ran out of idea , so desperate liaw … Bplant ? Really laugh live me long time ago :

1.) On Bplant :

After Lee dumb dumb hold Bplant did not sell at RM 1.20 n above , suddenly dumb dumb sold at ard RM 0.67 with Cost ard RM 0.67 ( holding since 2017 ) . The price is rebounded from RM 0.64 to RM 1.01 within 11 Days .

Lee must be amm dui liaw , became a Negative commentator in Bplant forum , saying Shl be dropped below RM 0.60 , what a joker le or sot2 le , hahahaha.

More Amm dui lee as Last Price is RM 1.57 before Privatisation delisted….


1 week ago | Report Abuse


Hoho interesting le , referring to Annual Report FYE2023 :

Top 10 List of Properties Owned :

1.) Pulau Bruit , Bruit Land District

👉Tenure : Rented land

Existing use : Oil Palm estate, CPO mill , Building & Quarter

👉Area : 52,880 hectares

Approximate age of building: 15 years

2.) Pulau Bruit , Lot 5,6,14,15 Bruit Land District

Tenure : leasehold until 2064

Existing use : Oil Palm estate, Building & Quarter

👉Area : 10,043 hectares

Approximate age of building: 11 years

> Where as other 9 properties are with Leased Tenure until 2060 , 2064 etc .

>>👉👉Going to tanam Hybrid Rice !!!

ukas sarawak gov
https://ukas.sarawak.gov.my › pul...
Pulau Bruit Suitable to Become One of Sarawak's Hybrid Rice Cultivation Area – UKAS

20 Feb 2024 — DARO: Pulau Bruit possesses land suitable for cultivating hybrid rice due to its fertile soil conducive for agricultural activities.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

UKAS : Unit Komunikasi Awam Sarawak
Jabatan Premier Sarawak
Saluran Informasi Rakyat


Posted by jjohnchew > 49 minutes ago | Report Abuse

ukas sarawak gov
https://ukas.sarawak.gov.my › pul...
Pulau Bruit Suitable to Become One of Sarawak's Hybrid Rice Cultivation Area – UKAS

20 Feb 2024 — DARO: Pulau Bruit possesses land suitable for cultivating hybrid rice due to its fertile soil conducive for agricultural activities.