
jolie2 | Joined since 2014-03-15

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2014-08-12 18:53 | Report Abuse

Aberdeen has been start buying this stock before it bull run.
They already know something good coming.Also, with the cement price going up , tasek able to absorb all the electricity hike easily.


2014-08-12 14:33 | Report Abuse

The manager and engineers working inside tasek like to drink beer.
Strong drinker. Unfortunately, there is no crocodile beer . Only tiger beer.

The purpose of beer is to dilute down the cement dust that they inhale everyday. If not their lungs getting heavier and heavier due to form cement rock inside the lung.


2014-08-12 10:12 | Report Abuse

the maseu (union) has been ignored during the chairman meeting yesterday.
Invite other unions but did not invite them.
Susahloh. Telah di abaikan.

After BN win GE election, kick them to a side.

More problem come.


2014-08-12 08:49 | Report Abuse

since our MB is indirectly got support from BN, then BN may help khalid to settle the splash problem by offering the 1x book value .

Wait and see.


2014-08-11 22:57 | Report Abuse

cpo price still can go down as USA is increasing the soybean production.
Press down the soybean price . This will drag down the CPO price.


2014-08-11 22:52 | Report Abuse

Ignore all this gajah.
We as a pelanduk shall be a smart pelanduk. Just buy when dip. Take this opportunity. One day, all this will be over as every cloud will has a silver lining and kps will back to the real value where kps still holding splash.


2014-08-11 16:21 | Report Abuse

if sumatec, ircb , gwplas will be uplifted , then only 3 out of 26 companies out of pn17. That is 11% only.
really not easy to pass the regularisation plan.


2014-08-11 14:41 | Report Abuse

thank you for all the brother and sister for supporting kps at 1.55.
I love you all.


2014-08-10 19:35 | Report Abuse

Selangor govt now has a lame duck Mentri Besar


2014-08-10 18:20 | Report Abuse

Khalid try to be duck but actually a chicken. He already lost his
"xxx7&&&@@@/?? ".


2014-08-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

something new for you to learn . Teach you some biology before this puncak going to memuncak


2014-08-10 13:00 | Report Abuse

27 cents fall between 17 cent (MH 17) and 37 cents (MH 370).

So , the price can be yo-yo between this 2 numbers.


2014-08-10 09:29 | Report Abuse

my prediction on monday
a) all the big sharks and fund manager will throw this stock as some of them may be holding at higher price. Make it a panic sell.
b) then they collect back at bottom price .
It will be volatile on monday.

Those who buy low earlier will have a Bull feeling
Those who buy high earlier will have a Bear feeling

Bull and Bear fight,

Hope my prediction is wrong.


2014-08-10 08:59 | Report Abuse

Listen to this song every morning and will help to reduce your stress level watching your stock up-down.

It’s a living every moment
Like it could be our last
For our hearts are restless til they rest in love’s caress
In the moments we remember
They interweave our hearts
Like a tapestry surrounding us, that we forget to touch

That’s why we wake up every morning
It’s why we seek each others’ smile
Its why we know that its so worth it
Its why we hold on and make the sacrifice

Its in the eyes of a child
As you hold her in your arms
And your heart starts to beat once again
And your world is reborn
In the freshness of her song
Smile, it’s a beautiful life

Its in the hope of the poor man
As he struggles to make ends meet
Its in the laughter of his children
As they play in the street
Don’t need a million dollars
To raise a happy child
Just need a pair of loving arms
The time to make her smile


Its in the tears of our friend
As you finally make amends
And your song starts to breathe once again
And the way of the world
Falls away with one word
Smile, it’s a beautiful life

Its in the touch of her lips
As she leans in for a kiss
And your world starts to spin once again
And two hearts become one
As a dream has begun
Smile, it’s a beautiful life


2014-08-10 07:59 | Report Abuse

normally a hongkee or cantonese give this symbol for prostitute and gigolo
ayam- prostitute
itik - gigolo

Therefore, our msian politician is worse than ayam-itik.


2014-08-09 23:02 | Report Abuse

kps = khalid pasti sack

monday ... up , up and away.


2014-08-09 22:21 | Report Abuse

puncak deal is shaken now with khalid sacking,
najib yesterday announce in radio how good is selangor govt (khalid) work together with fed. Try to close the deal asap .
normally selangor govt means pkr govt but khalid say selangor govt is khalid govt.

So, i think this water deal will drag again until another 6 months. Not easy to close . Very messy and sticky,

I think go for snap election better. Reset to zero again.
If snap election result, BN win ... kps and puncak shoot up. Kps will be a better GLC under BN.
If snap election result, PKR win ... kps shoot up, puncak shoot down.

Kps still shoot up either case.


2014-08-09 21:33 | Report Abuse

superman .... why you fly down one. Normally superman always fly up-up and away.
You fly down-down and to the ground.

Set target price up above 1.55 lah . Not down 1.55

Maybe you have to change to a new underwear. Cannot fly anymore using your old red underwear. Got lubang or what ?


2014-08-09 21:23 | Report Abuse

Worst than the ayam-itik


2014-08-09 21:05 | Report Abuse

Nowdays where got this politician got dignity one. Worst than a prostitute (male or female).


2014-08-09 20:26 | Report Abuse

monkeyman ........ oh sorry sorry superman

The target 1.33 to 1.4 is not low enough.
Put lower some more lah. Below 1.00 better.


2014-08-09 20:03 | Report Abuse

You right. I'm have standby my bullet, my cannon, my missile, my kapak... to attack kps and average down the price if all the monkey try to pull down the price.

Good luck and let's enjoy the drama
(Starring: Khalid, Najib, Anwar , Azizah. Karpal Singh is watching upstair to see who will get the best actor or actress award).


2014-08-09 19:51 | Report Abuse

Last time khalid like to sack people at pkns, now kena sack balik,

Anyway , all this msia politician party is only sandiwara saja. We all just normal citizen, just make sure you don;t kacau my kps , don;t kacau i wash everyday, then i;m happy.

You kacau me, i kacau u balik . Don;t care selangorian, or what ... rian,

One day i can vote BN , one day i can vote PAS , or one day can vote PKR,


2014-08-09 17:06 | Report Abuse

whatever the kps price , up or down, let's enjoy this tube
"it's a beautiful life"


2014-08-09 16:38 | Report Abuse

ini macam baru syok.
itu cerita tak mahu manyak cepat end.
ada part 1. part 2, part 3,........
macam hindustan movie.
3 jam punya movie.


2014-08-09 12:14 | Report Abuse

This anwar and his gang laugh at najib team during the handling of mh370.
Now anwar laugh to his ownself on his party mess.

This is call balasan. Don;t criticize and instigate people during trouble. LESSON TO LEARN.


2014-08-09 10:41 | Report Abuse

Vote BN-lah,
This PKR real celak... one.
Give so many problem. Cannot wash car every day .Take bath only one time a day.
Make my temperature go-up.


2014-08-09 08:30 | Report Abuse

Yesterday although it drop below my support of 1.54 but the volume-weighted average price (VWAP) is at 1.5515.
Have to sound statistically, these days.
Dow Jones go up to 185 points yesterday.
Sure it will strong as Gunung Tahan on monday.
Monday will rebound back,


2014-08-08 21:54 | Report Abuse

The edge headlines on rubber glove again.
This time is serious as WHO declared similar emergencies for the swine flu pandemic in 2009 where IRCB shoot-up to nearly 2.00


2014-08-08 21:42 | Report Abuse

Ebola outbreak getting serious.

WHO declared similar emergencies for the swine flu pandemic in 2009 and for polio in May.

There is no cure yet. It may wipe out the whole mankind since human now create many SINS.


2014-08-08 15:42 | Report Abuse

i see many birds out there . No is not a bird. ITS SILVER BIRD.
There are coming to IRCB to support at 0.36. There don;t want to makan bread anymore after kena burnt. They come to IRCB to get treatment and recover back their loss.


2014-08-08 15:31 | Report Abuse

This puncak boss is very tamak boss. Everything he sapu.
Go for kps lah. You see last time they sold khsb, give many many dividend.

Make sure hng 33 don't delete his post-ah. Afterward, he U-turn can quietly delete his post.


2014-08-08 12:11 | Report Abuse

this scenario is good. Now hng33 support kps . Sure go to 3.00 if BN takeover.


2014-08-08 10:01 | Report Abuse

people buy for future growth.
if you refer to nta before buy stock, then go and buy kps .
kps very good . nta 2.20 but share price now 1.57

it still depends on people choice and their own analysis. one day you may regret b;cos you refer to nta. maybe only.


2014-08-08 07:09 | Report Abuse

4 scenario on kps price.

1) khalid remain MB--- kps will move in range 1.55 to 1.75 volatile. Heart must be steady.
2) Wan azizah MB --- kps move to 2.00
3) BN win DUN election ---- kps move to 3.00
4) PAS become MB ---- kps become PN 17. You all knowlah -- 17 is bad luck number. Ukraine crash also 17


2014-08-07 23:26 | Report Abuse

backdoor , frontdoor , sidedoor ,.... any door also can if it reach 2.00


2014-08-07 23:22 | Report Abuse

how can pkr appoint this khalid with so much debt problem ? They don't check the background before appointment as MB.

PKR is no difference from BN but maybe worse.

Aiyah.. Vote BN lah. Then my KPS share can go up to 3.00 and also don;t have to change tyre so often and also can take bath 5 times per day, wash my car everyday.


2014-08-07 22:59 | Report Abuse

if the new MB from PAS; then we can expect more healthy life in klang

(1) no more bak-kut teh shop.
(2) no more massage parlour
(3) no more 4D, 5D , 6D
(4) everybody go to sleep early at 9.00 pm to produce more children
(5)no internet, means no i3 investor

Back to stone age.


2014-08-07 22:15 | Report Abuse

his pocket growth but my pocket shrink as i need to change tyre very frequent due to all the bad road.


2014-08-07 21:32 | Report Abuse

Sure Pas want khalid to stay b'cos both of them come from same species.
Cannot growth species.
Kelantan that managed by Pas no growth for more than 10 years .
Khalid in Selangor do not show any growth . All the road condition in klang in so bad condition, never repair.


2014-08-07 21:31 | Report Abuse

Sure Pas want khalid to stay b'cos both of them come from same species.
Cannot growth species.
Kelantan that managed by Pas no growth for more than 10 years .
Khalid in Selangor do not show any growth . All the road condition in klang in so bad condition, never repair.


2014-08-07 19:55 | Report Abuse

i told you all already. This crocodile stock is hard like a crocodile skin and solid like a cement.

This reptile is always quite one and pretend sleeping but once disturb it very aggressive. This is Tasek.

Tasek in cantonese means BIG STONE


2014-08-07 19:13 | Report Abuse

if BN won in the state election this time, kps will be a darling stock by amanah saham and the price will shoot up to 3.00 just like last time before selangor was takeover by PKR.

Therefore, any which way, kps also good.
What a beautiful stock.


2014-08-07 18:38 | Report Abuse

tomorrow morning- morning i will set sell 8 lots at 1.55 and then set buy 8 lots at 1.55 also. (i sell and buy myself)
Therefore opening at 1.55 (drop 3 sen). Suddenly, then i push the price back to 1.60. Then i will write in the forum telling the whole world that i'm so lucky that i can get low price 1.55
After that, i delete my post quietly like a mouse.

Not sure i refering to who ah ?


2014-08-07 18:18 | Report Abuse

Monday (4/8) Head of agreement. Today is T + 3 days.
Those no money to pay, will throw last minute.
Tomorrow will go up back.


2014-08-07 12:18 | Report Abuse

this khalid is digging his own grave .
ini kali matilah.


2014-08-07 12:17 | Report Abuse

this khalid is digging his own grave .
ini kali matilah.


2014-08-07 06:45 | Report Abuse

Rubberex growth is very limited b;cos they only produce glove for food industry and not medical industry . Furthermore, they use natural latex rubber instead of nitrile to produce . With the latex price depressing very teruk, their selling price will not be good.

To all the devil (86/87/88/......) , Sunday (10/8/14), is the Hungry Ghost Festival. Any 4D number to give ah ?

Happy Devil Festival !