
jolie2 | Joined since 2014-03-15

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2014-08-07 06:33 | Report Abuse

This Sunday (10/8/12)is the PKR meeting and Khalid will be involved in this meeting. It is also Hungry Ghost Festival.
This means Khalid will end his life as MB and become PKR 's Ghost.

Water stock start with the alphabet " P" will down.
Water stock start with the alphabet "K" will up.


2014-08-07 06:32 | Report Abuse

This Sunday (10/8/14)is the PKR meeting and Khalid will be involved in this meeting. It is also Hungry Ghost Festival.
This means Khalid will end his life as MB and become PKR 's Ghost.

Water stock start with the alphabet " P" will down.
Water stock start with the alphabet "K" will up.


2014-08-06 19:36 | Report Abuse

Saya mahu cakap sikit simpulan bahasa about Khalid

Siapa yang makan cili, dialah terasa pedas’


sapa Jolok chili dalam buntut, dia rasa pedasnya


2014-08-06 12:12 | Report Abuse

To all those dreamer.

Don't hope for the price to go down 1.55
Don't hope for another round of profit.
This is the final destination for kps and the destination is 2.00 at least.
This is the final round. No more round for you all dreamer.


2014-08-06 10:57 | Report Abuse

All the shark taiko;
Pls push up kps share today and prove to all the contrarian that the shark is right


2014-08-06 09:28 | Report Abuse

Let me translate from mandarin to english for those do not know how to read in mandarin.

Normally , so long mandarin news report means good.

(1) Splash will be offered 0.7x book value .
(2) kps will go up to 2.00
(3) anwar will become hero of the year.
(4) kps is beautiful stock that gives a beautiful life

Sign off
Positive translator


2014-08-05 22:33 | Report Abuse

right lousy and shitty dividend but it will let you peacefully sleep.
End of the day you still make money.
Not like top glove, drop from 6.00 to 4.50 although dividend is good.


2014-08-05 22:05 | Report Abuse

tomorrow i will buy another 10 lots at 1.63
There is no way it will go back to 1.55 anymore. There is only 1 way, that is up to 1.80. Those who sold already and hope it come back to 1.55, pls continue dream and hope.

With splash or without splash, MB change or not change, it won;t form a long tail anymore.
kps is a beautiful stock which give us a beautiful life. We have to start to appreciate water and life.


2014-08-05 21:30 | Report Abuse

unisem won't reach 2.00

Once reach 2.00, wake me up. I will give you something free and enjoyable experience. I'm now a sleeping beauty.


2014-08-05 20:13 | Report Abuse

today the bursa also near to 3 billion (2.9 bil exact). This kind of trading will continue further tomorrow and move up the mid/small cap like kps.
Whether is hot, market also hot. Need water to survive. kps is very important for survival.


2014-08-05 19:33 | Report Abuse

Proton copy other people also slow. Proton always kena potong by other car company in-terms of quality , speed , innovative . Change name better-lah.
Change to Neutron, Electron, positron or whatever ...tron but not proton anymore.
Rebrand-lah, New image.


2014-08-05 19:28 | Report Abuse

Agreed, This is a solid stock. Hard like cement. Did not go down and did go up.


2014-08-05 18:35 | Report Abuse

yesssssssss, AKKKKKKKKKKWONG is back.

Pls report some bad news so that kossan share can come down for me to buy further. OK.


2014-08-05 18:31 | Report Abuse

dear comrade;
today we have survive the long-tail curse. All the big-sharks has formed a team to support the price at 1.62 . Tomorrow our comrade sharks will push it further to 1.70.

Therefore, those who sell early will regret . Cry also no tears come out

Thank you to all the sharks for supporting kps


2014-08-05 18:25 | Report Abuse

The Global Small Car is for Mat Rempit to upgrade from using motorbike to car. This car is for play-play one only.


2014-08-05 10:40 | Report Abuse

hng33 try to said buy kps although he don;t appear in kps forum when he talk about splash.


2014-08-05 10:19 | Report Abuse

expect all the water parties get about 0.7 x book value on new offer after mb change.
Will expect kps is above 2.00 if this is offered.
change on mb will make kps glory again.
kps is having a depressing price at this moment although some of lousy stocks in bursa already have a bull run and at peak price now
Definitely, this change will make kps glory again.


2014-08-05 09:49 | Report Abuse

today star headlines will also give pressure to MB to resign,
Once resign, splash will get a better deal. So buy kps first to stand-by this change. Read this.


2014-08-05 09:43 | Report Abuse

normal citizen and punter like me don;t care about the details.
The people only know that all the newspaper and analyst conclude splash don;t have a fair deal but puncak get a best deal although rozali is multi-millionaire with 50 million salary.

So, anwar will try to convince the normal rakyat like us that khalid is wrong and not fair and make him a culprit in the deal without consulting the party.

Then, he will say the state should run like public state and not a business entity.


2014-08-05 09:26 | Report Abuse

After change MB, anwar will try to blame khalid that khalid is more bias towards puncak. Therefore , the deal with puncak cancel and back to ground zero discussion

Final show, all the parties will get about 0.7x book value. Fair and square. Reduce puncak and increase splash.

i think the show will be like that.

Anwar will try to be "GOOD " guy.


2014-08-05 07:12 | Report Abuse

whatever type of ekor is it, let see the market today.
Dow Jone green yesterday and aug is a punter month as everybody is tired of resting too long and not making any money.

Anyhow, i still holding at low price. If drop, i will average it down as sometimes kps treat me not good and sometime she treat me good. But good is more than no good. I won;t sell if the reward-risk is not on my side. I;m not a contra player but i will hold at least 6 months the stock. If totally no luck for the 6 months, i cut-loss.

Splash decision is not firm yet. Still speculate, Therefore, still can play.


2014-08-04 21:42 | Report Abuse

the fund manager have a tough time to make money from buying blue-chips this year.
Now they are goreng the mid and small cap. Therefore, don't leave the party too soon.
The party have just started with some slow melody first, then later with rock & roll , after that hard-rock , and lastly end-up with heavy-metal.


2014-08-04 19:52 | Report Abuse

the steering really big. Like a lorry steering .
A small child use a lorry steering . Maybe the child have to stand-up on the seat and pusing the steering.


2014-08-04 19:25 | Report Abuse

really small size.
Got looks but for small children to drive only. Only for driver of 18 - 30 years.
Above 30 years old, don;t want to use this car. Not suitable to put a family inside this car.


2014-08-04 19:04 | Report Abuse

normally, a long tail stock is due to people worry tonight down jones will drop . Now the dow future is green.

Today Bursa made a record of 3 billion shares traded. The bullish mood has started after too long resting due to raya puasa. Now the bull has more energy to push further.

There will be another bull run tomorrow. So don't sell so early. Those sell end of today will regret tomorrow.


2014-08-04 18:35 | Report Abuse

i think a tail in between the leg will be better.

Tomorrow will show a tail in between the leg style.

Anyhow, today only 1st day . We have more good days to come due to this damn hot weather . Everyone wants the water to be settled fast this year and we still have 5 months to go before we close this year.


2014-08-04 10:47 | Report Abuse

you are right. It will rocket to 0.50.
Just sit and wait after bought. don;t buy here , sell there for penny profit.


2014-08-04 10:42 | Report Abuse

sell on news is a very old method already . It does not applied in Bursa.

In Bursa, buy on news and sell if no news.


2014-08-04 10:38 | Report Abuse

now everyone talk about water.
Open radio, talk water.
Open TV , talk water.
Open newspaper , talk water.

makan kps, minum kps, baca kps ...

This month is kps month or water month.
no water, no merdeka.


2014-08-04 09:50 | Report Abuse

the tiger have to go to piss first.
Replenish with 100 plus.
Smoke a cigar first.
Then continue the run.


2014-08-04 09:22 | Report Abuse

anybody want me to translate mandarin news to english news ?
Pls let me know.
I;m a positive translator.


2014-08-04 09:19 | Report Abuse

the pilot just light up a cigar.
Have not open the wings yet .
Relax, it will fly after makan breakfast so that got energy


2014-08-04 09:15 | Report Abuse

why so kan cheong sell ?
Now only 1st gear.


2014-08-03 15:04 | Report Abuse

i think PKR shall have to do some re-branding to change their image. The word "pakatan" is too tricky and have motive behind. This end-up, everyone in the party have some motive doing works (even the MB) . Let change to a new name.

PKR "Pakatan Rakyat" name change to " Pasti Kaya Raya".

Everyone sure pasti kaya raya on monday.

If you check on kps past-trend, their news will always announce in bursa on Friday evening so that it can shoot-up on Monday trade.

So don't sell on news first. Wait until furthers news.
The stronger involvement from BN should work to Splash advantage and increase the chances of a revised takeover valuation closer to 1x book value or RM 2.5 billion against the 0.1x book value or RM 251 million offer by selangor govt. There are now signs that the federal and state gov are likely moving towards the final stages of a resolution for SPLASH before khalid being kick-out from MB seat.

Therefore BUY on monday. Don't miss the golden opportunity. More news to come.


2014-08-03 09:06 | Report Abuse

see the picture below. People wear gloves in the street market to prevent ebola . Is not only use in the hospital but use everywhere. Demand will grow.


2014-08-03 09:06 | Report Abuse

see the picture below. People wear gloves in the street market to prevent ebola . Is not only use in the hospital but use everywhere. Demand will grow.


2014-08-02 21:28 | Report Abuse

kps will AT LEAST reach 1.70 on Monday.
The recent drop of 1.70 ( 16 July) to 1.52 , is due to MB change-over speculation and caused the deal to breakdown.

Now this Khalid pakat with BN to close the agreed deal . Therefore instead of Khalid pakat with Anwar and his gang, now he pakat with Najib and his gang.

So next time, don;t use the name "pakatan" as it will back-fired you.
Anyhow, i expect kps will go back to original price of 1.70 at least.

Once, the BN pakat again with gamuda to settle the 1x book value, then kps will shoot to the moon.


2014-08-02 20:35 | Report Abuse

i expect all the sharks will very hungry on monday.
After puasa for one month, now they can makan cukup-cukup this monday.
Some-more , hungy ghost festival is coming soon. Very hungry everyone,

Makan cukup-cukup on monday.


2014-08-02 19:09 | Report Abuse

i already told everybody that el-nino will create a lot of disease. (but someone told me to shut-up)

Now, you will see E-bola. Next, don;t what disease.

The glove industry will have another repeat of 2009/2010 disease outbreak or world pandemic.

Buy glove stock before too late.


2014-08-02 18:51 | Report Abuse

drb bet on global small car. Risky bet.
They are going to loss the Audi franchise soon.
Also, operating cash flow is in trouble due to finance cost is about 80% of the net profit,
Think twice before you put your hard earn money into it. The stock may bounce but it may not long last. Cannot sustained . Invest in those industry that really make money and has positive and health cash flow and also export their product overseas . Also rated no 1 in the world (eg. glove industry)


2014-08-02 16:16 | Report Abuse

kps is opposition one/ perkataan. Sure nobody want to talk unless in i3 investor only.
Maybank analyst where can trust one. Trust a cow better than trust them. They are similar to NST.


2014-08-02 16:11 | Report Abuse

This 2 sectors , glove and water stock always against/ opposite the market trend.

market good, they are not good.
market not good, they are good.

market will not good on monday , dow jones loss 60 points yesterday. DAX loss 200 points . KPS good, limit up. IRCB good, hit 41 sen.Kossan good, hit 4.20 sen.


2014-08-02 15:38 | Report Abuse

wkeeing......... you are wery keeing men, 50 lots at 1.54.
2 cents paper loss is nothing.
Last time my self paper loss RM 8K from 1.90 drop to 1.55 but i average down and make back RM 8K after it rebound.

Let enjoy the roller coaster ride on Monday. The coaster is going up direction now . Hold tight men.


2014-08-02 15:25 | Report Abuse

NST where can percaya one.
Even the IGP also condemn NST
Watch this.

Whatever news, it still good news for kps. Let's enjoy another run first, then only find out the truth.

If you all want to know the real or exact truth of the deal, then wait until the "cow come home" also cannot make money.


2014-08-02 07:08 | Report Abuse

for those don;t know mandarin one, let me explain and summarize for you the long story .
1) monday opening : the price will open gap-up to 1.62
2) then in the afternoon : it will move to 1.72
3) evening in will shoot to 1.82
4) closing : limit-up

Normally like that one, if the mandarin report the longest , it means the stock price will be positive
If shorter, then no hope.


2014-08-01 21:04 | Report Abuse

makan kps, minum kps, tidor kps , .... macam iklan Coke itu.

Kps is inside my DNA. I know when she will have news, when she will have monthly sick,.....

So, follow me hentam kaw-kaw on Monday.


2014-08-01 20:49 | Report Abuse

no need to see what contents of the agreement first.
Shoot up first. Then only see.
This is the behavior of kps .
You must know your spouse behavior if you married to him/her. No need to ask question. If not, kena pukul left and right.

This is similar to kps if you married to kps stock. Don;t ask too many question. Just buy and hemtam kaw-kaw. IF trap, just average down. I kena trap like this also but anyhow come back stronger and richer.


2014-08-01 10:17 | Report Abuse

the last cycle i was holding at 1.90 and suddenly the market turn against me. Keep on average down until 1.55 .Suddenly , Wi Wang Wang (our chearleader) chear everyday until it shoot until 1.85. That is my history of my last cycle,

1.52 is the best time to enter as it is below my lowest price i bought in the last cycle at 1.55.
Maybe it can go lower a bit but it would go down too far.
With the MB news , water issue/ rationing coming hot again, the radar is back to water sector.
Time to accumulate.