
kakiminyak | Joined since 2021-01-09

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2022-01-29 10:30 | Report Abuse

Sometimes buying high is not a bad idea. 90 sen now versus 70 sen a few months ago may look like a high price to pay. But in a few months from now if Hibiscus is at about $1.50 the 90 sen will look really cheap. Then you will know Pang72 got hibiscus at a damn good bargain.
I am speaking from bad experience with Supermx. At $2.50 I sold all and thought it was too high already. When it kept rising and went all the way to $20 I was in big shock and was also very sad. i promised myselves ever since, never to imagine the price is too high. It is better to just say I don't know than to say too high lah. Better run lah. Bo cau si lah. The truth is we just don't know.


2022-01-28 09:57 | Report Abuse

Looks like quiet week ahead. Maybe after CNY may see more action. Feb 07 onwards. For longer term hold the price now is still a wonderful bargain. I don't think Russia will make a war move during cny as their buddy is on holiday. After that anything is possible.


2022-01-27 10:18 | Report Abuse

Nice info rattynz, thank you.


2022-01-27 03:44 | Report Abuse

If you look at glove stocks they were also like that in first few months of 2020. Then suddenly explode. Hibiscus has the potential to reach $2 - $3.00 by year end. That is if crude price stays above $80. But if crude price goes to above $100 then gonna explode also.
At around 2011 when crude oil was at $120 there was speculation the price may go above $200. But it did not happen. Never know if it might happen this time around. Never say it is not possible. Anything also can happen. Only those who have nerves of steel and can hold will benefit. Others will sell too soon.


2022-01-27 02:15 | Report Abuse

Max2838 That news is from year 2016.


2022-01-25 22:11 | Report Abuse

My friend, we have to think long term. I am hoping for good dividends, just like Pantech.


2022-01-25 12:31 | Report Abuse

Looks like 2022 will be an eventful year for energy. Volatile for sure. Need to hang on to this wild beast. Hoping for the best. Got to go now. Cheers !!


2022-01-25 12:22 | Report Abuse

Found it !!!

US putting together 'global' strategy to increase gas production if Russia invades Ukraine, officials say



2022-01-25 12:14 | Report Abuse

Some news here: excerpts of the article

In another sign of Europe's energy vulnerability, the US government held talks recently with several international energy firms to discuss contingency plans for delivering gas to Europe if Russian supplies were disrupted, Reuters news agency reported on Saturday.

Citing two US officials and industry sources, Reuters said US State Department officials had approached the companies to ask where additional supplies might come from if needed.



2022-01-25 12:04 | Report Abuse

With Putin playing with the supply valve to Europe, there is an expected shift to supply of gas from other players. I read that some where, see if I can find that article.


2022-01-25 11:38 | Report Abuse

rattynz The funny thing today is market did not even blink at this acquisition. It is as though just another day, with today's price of crude as the main determinant. All i can say is WOW !!! These are indeed unusual times. With Repsol assets adding 2/3 of updated Hibiscus , WOW !!! the market is really sleeping on this.


2022-01-25 10:54 | Report Abuse

We need to see additional announcement to clarify. But I bought more anyways. Try luck lah.


2022-01-25 10:51 | Report Abuse

already add at 86.5 sen and 84 sen. no more money to add some more. i thought the announcement was interesting as Hibiscus paid less $73 M. i hope this was income from Repsol asset while waiting for completion of acquisition. if it is then the purchase is very attractive.


2022-01-25 09:40 | Report Abuse

Place your bets ladies and gentlemen.


2022-01-25 09:40 | Report Abuse

So what is the verdict ? Limit up ?


2022-01-25 09:25 | Report Abuse

Yeah please sell , I am waiting at yesterday's closing price. Ha ! Ha ! Ha !


2022-01-25 09:18 | Report Abuse

HIBISCS - Trading Halt and Resumption of Trading
HIBISCS - Trading Halt and Resumption of Trading
Kindly be advised that trading in HIBISCS? shares has been halted with effect
from 9.00 a.m., Tuesday, 25 January 2022. Accordingly, trading in structured
warrants relating to HIBISCS has also been halted at the same time. Trading in
the above securities will resume with effect from 10.00 a.m., Tuesday, 25
January 2022. Your attention is drawn to the Company's announcements dated 25
January 2022.
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You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment.
To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment, please access
the Bursa website at http://www.bursamalaysia.com


2022-01-25 08:56 | Report Abuse

Limit up coming is it ? Ha ! Ha! Ha!

C'mon bunga raya give us ANG POW !!!!!


2022-01-25 08:55 | Report Abuse

There is a * S sign showing.


2022-01-25 08:54 | Report Abuse

I am trying to enter order just now, but get message on online trading platform

order entry for this counter is forbidden !!!

Why ???

Counter suspended ?

Pending announcement ?


2022-01-21 11:55 | Report Abuse

Biden already said Russia sure invade ukraine. Little bit is o.k. If too much enter ukraine territory then big war may happen. Hopefully not lah. Big war everyone also lose something.


2022-01-21 05:26 | Report Abuse

Kakijudi is like that lah. Ting Tong, sometime win sometime lose. But if can hold and not flip flop can win more than lose.

By the way i am happy to report excellent quarterly results at Pantech. Come and enjoy the show tomorrow. Hopefully both my horses can run fast and strong. My most beautiful horses named Pantech and Hibiscus.


2022-01-20 21:43 | Report Abuse

Ha! Ha! Ha! nice !!!


2022-01-20 11:27 | Report Abuse

They want to try and eat me little fish can wait forever. This little fish won't surrender one.


2022-01-20 11:22 | Report Abuse

When they try to scare you, you show them stone face. Only then they takut from you. Mean while we just survive on nasi lemak. See the whale can survive for how long. Mati lah the whale from hunger.


2022-01-20 11:18 | Report Abuse

I am talking about big whales in international waters, not our local little sharks.


2022-01-20 11:17 | Report Abuse

This is a game of the deal makers. They will always try to make waves and confuse the small fish.


2022-01-20 11:14 | Report Abuse

Actually the $10 drop in one day end of last year scared a lot of investors. Now when the price keeps going up, people still are hesitant to chase higher. So no support from retail investors. My guess is if the crude oil price can maintain for longer, investors will start to come in again. Then it will start to get hot, like really hot. Have to be patient.


2022-01-20 09:27 | Report Abuse

Maybe kakibotol lah. More fun !!! Can try to forget the pain from Hibiscus.


2022-01-19 10:26 | Report Abuse

Well done!! By the way who is this Tan Sri?


2022-01-19 10:08 | Report Abuse

1 sen gain can buy tissue to wipe tears lah.


2022-01-19 10:06 | Report Abuse

Wah ! Now just hit $89 !!!


2022-01-19 10:04 | Report Abuse

Looks like I will have to get a bottle of minyak angin for my headache. Hibiscus move 1 sen ??? after Brent move from $84 to $88 !!!


2022-01-19 09:47 | Report Abuse

Don't worry kingKong the race has just started. Before 5pm Hibiscus surely will cross 90 sen. If not I change name to minyak angin lah.


2022-01-19 07:45 | Report Abuse

Kahhoeng When will the acquisition complete? Vietnam must give approval , if not cannot kaotim.


2022-01-19 05:54 | Report Abuse

Today volcano meletup coming. If cannot cross 90 sen I change my name.


2022-01-15 09:19 | Report Abuse

Omicron spreads fast and furious but does not bite hard like the previous variants. Demand should keep rising while supply cannot keep up. Many industries having manpower issues as people call in sick even with mild symptoms as they are required to do so. Which means oil production may get affected when fewer workers turn up for work at the oil fields. This type of labour cannot be replaced in short term. Need a lot of training to do the job. May cause more supply issues in the coming months. Just my guess. i could be wrong. I already hantam Hibiscus and Pantech. Best of luck to all investors here.


2022-01-15 01:38 | Report Abuse

No worries, next week fireworks coming.


2021-12-17 21:54 | Report Abuse

You are right they do seem confident and very smart actually as they are taking their time to complete the acquisition, They have agreed to buy the assets but have not rushed into completing the deal. If they can extend the completion to mid 2022 even better. They should continue to build financial muscle so as to lower reliance on borrowing. I like their style.


2021-12-17 13:01 | Report Abuse

Does look like that and it is not the first time happening. Give people hope then they cut loose, like layang putus tali.


2021-12-17 10:27 | Report Abuse

How much do they need to borrow to pay for Repsol asset is the key question not answered as yet. Profits can only calculate after revenue increase less payment towards loan. So how much more can they make? Still an open question. I don't think it is so straight forward as to calculate profits just based on increased in production of barrels of oil. Correct me if I am wrong. Many acquisitions are usually followed by many years of struggle to pay borrowing costs. Especially in current uncertainty period where lenders are not willing to lend to petroleum industry. When money is made available it comes with much higher interest charges which will eat into profits. So apa macam??


2021-12-15 21:55 | Report Abuse

Omicron akan jatuhkan harga minyak below $70.

News & Blogs

2021-12-14 11:19 | Report Abuse

Good to know she is doing better. Best wishes to the whole family. Nice family photo.


2021-12-09 08:48 | Report Abuse

Ini hari boleh tidur lah. Ombak dah ta 'ada. Brent tak naik tak turun.


2021-12-07 23:50 | Report Abuse

time to ride the wave


2021-11-29 04:44 | Report Abuse

Lockdown here. lockdown there, wear glove do what? Korek lubang kah?


2021-11-26 23:21 | Report Abuse

South African variant causing panic.


2021-11-18 23:06 | Report Abuse

KingKong_Doll wish of Hibiscus at 70sen may come true. Then you buy kau kau lah.


2021-11-18 23:04 | Report Abuse

After Biden-Xi meeting , crude oil price begin to drop. Next be careful of Iran nuclear meeting Nov 29th. Biden if kamcheng with Iran and lift sanctions so they can export crude, price may come down to $70 - $75 Barrel. Just my guess.