
KingDavid | Joined since 2014-03-28

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2017-04-20 15:07 | Report Abuse

So disappointed that Dnex-wd is higher than Censof.


2017-04-18 17:01 | Report Abuse

Censof is still RM0.05 ahead of DNeX-Wd. Malu !!!!


2017-04-18 16:58 | Report Abuse

Is there any chance for Censof to merge with DNeX? Group MD of DNeX was talking about merger and expansion plan.


2017-04-18 11:01 | Report Abuse

SHQuah, I am just wandering whether you are actually Zainal Abidin Jalil. I also wander whether you have read the report by NST. Optimistic is good but the fact is even more important. Making money is our priority.


2017-04-18 10:02 | Report Abuse

We as investor in Censof should turn up at this year AGM to voice our protest against Datuk Samsul for doing a lousy job for the interest of Censof at DNEX. What do you all think?


2017-04-18 09:55 | Report Abuse

Island, I don't think NST miss quoted as Zainal. NST even mentioned that at current price of RM0.46, the market capitalization is about RM801 million. Which is true?


2017-04-18 09:28 | Report Abuse

If the target for DNEX is only RM0.574 within 3 years, how much is DNEX-wd worth?


2017-04-18 09:24 | Report Abuse

According to Zainal Abidin Jalil, He is looking at RM 1 billion Market capitalization by 2020. That is only RM0.574 per share, right?


2017-04-18 09:05 | Report Abuse

If Censof is falling behind Dnex-wd, I think Datuk Samsul has to be booed for representing Censof as Deputy executive Chairman. He is not doing a good job to protect the interest of Censof.


2017-04-18 09:02 | Report Abuse

Those DNEX shares hold under RHB is not pledged for loan and so they can sell.


2017-04-18 08:50 | Report Abuse

I just found out from announcement that Censof only pledged those Dnex shares from Kenanga (292,251,731 shares), Maybank (5,000,000 shares). Balance from RHB - After disposing 11, 861,000 shares - still have balance of 1,687,638 shares. But who was the buyer under direct business transaction. It can not be one of the major shareholders because as they have to declare any acquisition.


2017-04-17 17:04 | Report Abuse

RapidBeginner, have you sold? It seems like you have been running.


2017-04-17 16:47 | Report Abuse

Dnex-wd has caught up Censof. What a joke?


2017-04-17 16:31 | Report Abuse

Some one is pressing down the price......... Why?


2017-04-17 13:55 | Report Abuse

jl88, only a few of us left in this forum, still have faith in Censof. The others say bye bye...


2017-04-17 11:46 | Report Abuse

Dnex is in Dilemma because, the more the price being pushed higher, the more it benefit Censof. Dnex can not leave Censof alone till someone has purchased all the 298.86 million Dnex shares.


2017-04-17 11:43 | Report Abuse

I am very surprise that Censof could dispose off 11.861 million DNEX shares as the Dnex shares has been pledged to Bank for loan. That has to be more than what has been announced.


2017-04-17 09:50 | Report Abuse

It seems like Censof has been disconnected with Dnex even though Censof still holds 17+% shares ( 298.86 million) in Dnex. Dnex is going alone without Censof. As long as Dnex's price is moving up, it benefits directly to Censof. If Dnex is worth RM1.0, Censof will get 298.86 million, right?


2017-04-17 09:18 | Report Abuse

No buyer for Censof-WA. Ha.... Higher return higher risk.


2017-04-17 09:15 | Report Abuse

I am worry that the result of last financial quarter is bad and therefore have to sell off 11.861 million Dnex shares to cover. If it is true, then we can not take Censof as long term investment. But if it is used to acquire new business, then there is hope.


2017-04-13 12:10 | Report Abuse

RM0.233 is Net worth per share.


2017-04-13 11:30 | Report Abuse

Something is wrong. Could it be that Censof the coming quarter financial result is bad? We must really take into consideration as Dnex is breaking away and Dnex-wd is catching Censof. The grandma is suffering while the son & grandson is flying.


2017-04-13 09:22 | Report Abuse

in my opinion, Dnex & Dnex-wd are consolidating at new high. It is perfect time for Censof to move up. The time is ripe unless something that we don't know is happening ebhind the scene


2017-04-13 09:10 | Report Abuse

We are talking about how good Dnex is. How is Censof's business?


2017-04-13 08:54 | Report Abuse

james86, Censof will only benefit if Dnex declares dividend otherwise it is paper gain only unless Censof disposes off the Dnex share. I think Datuk Samsul ( major shareholder of Censof) as Deputy Chairman will fight for Censof as personally he does not hold any Dnex shares.


2017-04-12 16:23 | Report Abuse

Need to break through RM0.375 and RM0.38


2017-04-12 16:18 | Report Abuse

Dnex-Wd is catching up Censof mother share. Dnex-Wd can be considered Censof Grandson. What happen?


2017-04-12 16:11 | Report Abuse

And also from the Bursa Malaysia - announcement


2017-04-12 16:09 | Report Abuse

Extracted it from the annual report of DNEX.


2017-04-12 16:02 | Report Abuse

I have checked up the major shareholder of Dnex. The top 5 biggest shareholders are Arcadia Acres S/B ( together with Zainal Abidin Group MD) 20.65%, Censof (17.8%), Azman Karim (3.6%), from OGPC S/B - ED Khoo Kok Seng (6.1%) & Director Abdul Manaf Shariff (3.8%) = Almost 52%. EPF has bought 20.7 million shares ( 1.19%) and other institutions. If DNEX can start declaring high dividends, EPF will start to buy. At the same time, it will benefit Censof.


2017-04-12 15:32 | Report Abuse

With Datuk Samsul Husin ( shareholder of SAAS Global S/B, the biggest shareholder in Censof) as Executive Deputy Chairman of DNEX and Censof as the 2nd biggest shareholder of Dnex, I don't think Datuk Samsul Husin will not take care of the interest of Censof. As long as Trump does not bomb North Korea, the price should go up sooner of later.


2017-04-12 14:59 | Report Abuse

Censof did not sell Dnex shares. En. Azman bin Karim sold 130 million shares to En. Zainal Abidin Abd Jalil, the group MD of Dnex. Azman still holds 62.4 million Dnex shares. At least we know now, Censof is still the 2nd biggest shareholder of Dnex.


2017-04-12 14:54 | Report Abuse

Thanks guys. At least now we know group MD has become the biggest shareholder of Dnex. With Censof, two biggest shareholders are holding almost 40% share in Dnex. I believe the dealer is using this uncertainty to collect more and push higher when the time is right.


2017-04-12 12:33 | Report Abuse

Who sold and to whom the 130 million shares? This is the problem. Would Dnex be suspended for Major shareholder to sell without prior approval? Censof has pledged it's 310.72 million Dnex shares to Kenanga Investment Bank. Can Censof sell the Dnex shares if it has already been pledged to the bank? Lots of question but no answer so far.


2017-04-12 12:12 | Report Abuse

newrookie, No one knows. It all depends on " what we normal called them - dealer or shark or....". These dealers decide whether to push up or down for their benefit. Sometimes they act on behalf of major shareholders of a company. It is more on psychology than business. Off course, the fundamental of the company is most important as short, medium or long term. You have to combine psychology and logic to make a decision to sell or buy. Every one is looking at it differently. Most are following blindly.


2017-04-11 16:30 | Report Abuse

I can understand klsefighter's action because we are all in dilemma. There is no confirmation who sold the 130 million Dnex shares.


2017-04-11 12:19 | Report Abuse

My logic tells me that Dnex will not move up very much unless Censof disposes off all the remaining shares. Censof, as a company does not benefit much ( only dividend if any) in holding 180.72 million shares. Disposing off will unlock the potential of acquiring new business.


2017-04-11 11:51 | Report Abuse

Zoom, I thought you are looking forward up up up +1. You are one of them to move to Dnex, right?


2017-04-11 10:53 | Report Abuse

Every one is buying Dnex. Where are all the Censof supporters? Is Censof in trouble without getting approval to sell 130 million Dnex Shares?


2017-04-11 10:06 | Report Abuse

You have heard all the good news about Dnex but nothing on Censof. In the beginning, Censof holds 45.03% from Khazanah @RM0.2. and Censof has managed to transform Dnex into a very profitable company. Do you think Censof will not benefit from it?


2017-04-11 09:51 | Report Abuse

Hi ! where is every one? Any one knows what is going on? Please share information.


2017-04-11 09:37 | Report Abuse

Censof has pledged 304 million Dnex shares for RM31.8 million term loan from Kenanga investment bank.


2017-04-11 09:24 | Report Abuse

We are all confused. There is absolutely no direction. Every one is trying to find out what is going on. Until the picture is clear, every one waits.


2017-04-11 09:00 | Report Abuse

To be honest, to push up Dnex's share price now, will only benefit Censof. Censof still 180.72 million shares. What do you all think?


2017-04-11 08:57 | Report Abuse

At RM0.43, to despose off 130 million Dnex shares has generated RM55.9 million and with the balance of 180.72 million Dnex shares to go. May be at RM0.5, it will generate another RM90.36 million. With that Censof will have negative gearing and RM100+ million cash on hand.


2017-04-11 08:54 | Report Abuse

If Censof is selling Dnex shares, there is limitation for dealer to push up Dnex's share because it will benefit Censof until such time that Censof has disposed all Dnex shares.


2017-04-11 08:51 | Report Abuse

If I am not mistaken, Censof is pledging DNEX shares for loan. I am not sure how many Dnex shares Censof used to pledge for loan? I have to find out. I personally think that there is no benefit for Censof to hold onto Dnex shares if Dnex does not declare dividend or declare even little dividend. I will fully agree to sell all Dnex share and use the money to acquire new business.


2017-04-10 15:52 | Report Abuse

What is the Censof's dealer waiting for? There is no force sell. Condition is ripe and the right time to push higher and yet the buying rate for today is 31% ( much lower than warrants, & Dnex's group). It can't be game over as the dealer should be holding enough shares to push. From the historical record, it should be easy for Censof to be pushed up to RM0.45. After that, it would have to depend on those who have been holding shares with purchase price of >RM0.45.


2017-04-10 14:56 | Report Abuse

Out of the 43,025,000 warrants, 13,529,000 have been converted with the balance of 29,495,000 warrants. When the price of Censof-WA was at RM0.09, I said that there is a chance, the dealer might goreng as the balance of warrants is relatively small. The dealer could still push up if they are confident of trap some more ikan bilis. The main target is to have net seller within a period of time.