
kk123 | Joined since 2012-10-01

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2014-02-14 08:01 | Report Abuse

Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures, the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind and greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the U.S.A.

News & Blogs

2014-02-14 07:52 | Report Abuse

Padini not that great compare to wingtai


2014-02-14 07:07 | Report Abuse

This company may have cashflow problem
And maybe this push I am guessing to for the sharks to dispose their shares
Before company goes into trouble

News & Blogs

2014-02-14 06:13 | Report Abuse

Mudajaya is always cimb favourite recommended stocks.
It's partly owned by mulpha
I think the decline in confidence in mudajaya started by news of some probe in their India power plant & also related party fund transfer. I wouldn't invest in a company low in regulatory compliance and Disclosure.

Malaysia’s Securities Commission (SC) had investigated Mudajaya’s power plant project in India in 2010 and concluded that Mudajaya had failed to adequately disclose its transfer of funds between related entities, a practice known as “round-tripping”.

“The SC views seriously the failure to make adequate disclosures by MGB (Mudajaya) prior to August 30, 2010, and had on October 6, 2010 issued a caution and reminder to MGB and its board of directors to strictly observe its disclosure obligation,” the SC said in a statement dated October 7, 2010.

- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/money/article/mudajaya-denies-being-probed-by-india-over-coal-plant-deal#sthash.CuAHzeHT.dpuf


2014-02-14 05:58 | Report Abuse

Warren buffet also said this : "don't listen to financial advisors like me" - warren buffet


2014-02-13 23:40 | Report Abuse

Trading shares and churning will only benefit your remisiers
Think of it .. Do they really care if u will or lose ? They just want u to trade so they earn commission
Warren buffet in this video give this advice :
1)avoid debt which u can't repay .. Especially cards , even warren buffet can't make money paying 18% interest so why shld u ?
2)when u buy a farm , u don't go and get a weather forecasts everyday . u shld think of how much this farm will generate over a period of 10- 20 years ..And does it produce satisfactory in relative to the amount u pay.
3) can't dance in and out . Dow jones started at 66 points and end at 11,000 points today .. U ask how can anyone lose money in that situation . A lot of people did because they dance in and out ..



2014-02-13 23:22 | Report Abuse

Pls list your hidden gem here , briefly state :
1) reason ?
2) PE ratio ?
3) revenue/profit growth rate ?
4) undervalue (vs NTA or land bank ) ?
5) good dividend ?
6) good management ?
7) mid / small / large / micro cap
8) liquidity ?
9) debt (low ) ?
10) cashflow ?
List down but don't give those Crapco company like knm/knn/Sumatec/sumatong
List good companies pls.
List : Undiscovered and unpolished ..
Also Don't list a share that's already up 100-200% - risk is higher
Pls also don't list mesdaq counters as its crapco

News & Blogs

2014-02-13 23:12 | Report Abuse

Anyway like typical Malaysians not all will turn up in the end.. So no need to worry..
This ideally a forum shld be 2 ways ,Eg each tell what's their favorite stocks and gives reason and share view ..
Then instead of 1 hidden gem maybe 100s of hidden gem can be discovered ..
There is simply some really undiscovered stocks which once mkt discover it , then it will no longer be cheap ..
The early bird as u know will captured the gem


2014-02-13 15:20 | Report Abuse

At 8.50 the dividend yield is still around 5%


2014-02-13 15:03 | Report Abuse

Most hidden gem in bursa .. Target price = $8.50

News & Blogs

2014-02-13 08:06 | Report Abuse

Maybe those who attend late can bring their own chair


2014-02-12 16:02 | Report Abuse

The best company to invest now. High dividend , low debt , increased revenue and also profit and also a monopoly business .

News & Blogs

2014-02-09 19:12 | Report Abuse

Well there are clowns in these blogs.. they may argue but
Which they shld argue based upon facts ..
Perhaps they watch too much transformer ..
Maybe they also have no idea which stocks to buy ..
But having said that some of the top remisiers often also talk like that
So they won't leak out news of their pending trade or what actions they will take
This is call diversion
I do sometimes met with some of the country top remisiers
Very seldom they talk about stocks
It's a trade secret to them
If they tell u anything - it will be because they want to sell
Something which they think worth buying or have news they wont say it
They will though sometimes talk about who they slept with and what they can buy with all that money they have hahaha

News & Blogs

2014-02-09 08:23 | Report Abuse

I look at ghlsys.
I don't see anything special about this company
Having said that the shares already gone up 200% due to the gst play
Which I think may not be sustainable
Going in when the share has gone up 200% is like asking for big trouble
U shld buy when it's 24 sen , ppl who bough at 90 sen they already trap by the syndicate.

News & Blogs

2014-02-09 08:13 | Report Abuse

1. I saw the video . I think it was created to gain political mileage & highlight the issues faced by msians .
2. In the whole video Teresa kok was just asking question. It does not seem she has said much or anything meaningful .
3. There are a 3 person panel who "replied Teresa and the crowd questions" . They talk on Mostly current or recent local issue .
4. I think perhaps the only thing which they shld be mindful is the Sabah intrusion
issue. since some of our soldiers & policeman died defending the country .
So shld respect the fallen soldiers and their family and not to make it a funny matter. Best if not bring up at all.
Bringing this up will only give chance for those  political radicals who will use this video for their own political agenda.
5.giving rewards to slap Teresa I think is not a lawful act . Moreover In the whole video she just asking questions and doesn't seem to say anything useful.
Perhaps some can slap 1 of the 3 panel for wearing like shemale ..Not sure if u can just slap ppl without breaking some laws , else everybody will start slapping each other

News & Blogs

2014-02-07 08:28 | Report Abuse

This are all very simplistic analysis
In similar fashion :
If base on current Production and planted this company can only earn a miniscule 2 sen per share
To achieve 20 sen per share this company need to increase 10x either it's ffb ,planting more, selling at higher prices , reduce staff /operating expenses , reduce debt and or finance expenses
If every year assume it can increase Efficiency it may take 10 years to see any results which is even close to 20 sen EPs forecast
There are "existing" company in bursa which has already been there and done that
And also paying high dividend , planting more and increasing dividend !
In that aspect why need to even look at jtiasa hahaha it's just doesn't make any sense unless if mr koon have a hidden interest or agenda which only he and the jtiasa owner knows


2014-02-07 07:02 | Report Abuse

When the shareholder needs to come up with more money , it is not rewarding
Its like a cash call or somehow the money will go to the major shareholder who dictate what to do with the money
I think those who don't want to pay for it will sell and cause price drop

News & Blogs

2014-02-06 22:15 | Report Abuse

I more confident I won't be one of the victim that fell into the trap

And u know he is on margin

Margin needs to repay - its not free of charge :)

News & Blogs

2014-02-06 21:41 | Report Abuse

I beginning to lose Confidence in mr koon recommendation
Everytime he seems to sell short after recommending them
This suggest that he was doing some hanky panky to make quick profit
While other lose he win Hahahaha

News & Blogs

2014-02-04 21:48 | Report Abuse

U either be grateful of KYY or be careful of this guy
I think he has his own agenda ...
So if he bought at 2.08 , and u buy at 2.30 .. Be prepared to be chop off when he start selling
I mean u can't trust a person who one day say the share is most under value in the planet and next day it's not so undervalue anymore and start selling like its a worthless company


2014-02-04 21:34 | Report Abuse

It will be delisted unless the bursa CEO gets call from putrajaya
But this is an irrelevant shares already found that this is a fraudulent company


2014-02-04 21:17 | Report Abuse

Just announce found "hydrocarbon" also ppl chase up
.. Sisa binatang or haiwan is also hydrocarbon
Hahahaha where the oil ???


2014-02-04 21:12 | Report Abuse

The share will suddenly down >30 percent in one day
If don't believe we can bet that this will happen sometime in 2014
Assuming u can hold , the buaya can push down another 30 %
Then announce that their oil is fools oil and delist
Don't lose ur seluar or "spender"
Just word of advice


2014-02-04 21:04 | Report Abuse

I am sure they can offload 1m shares to u to gain $150k
FYI they have about 3 billion shares to sell out
So it will take a while for them to finish offloading (weeks or months)
Meanwhile the price they will try to maintain
Or down slowly until they offload most
Then they will throw all the shares once they offload enough
This is buaya style Hahahaha
Now just the mouth open , haven't close the buaya mouth yet

News & Blogs

2014-02-04 20:57 | Report Abuse

It would seem that u have a relevant interest in the gains and disposal of the share in which u recommended / promoting
And latest one which u keep promote : jtiasa
I have no idea why this one even chosen as its fundamentally and financially weak
Did u know jtiasa directors or did they bring or invite u for golf .. I just don't get it
Also Sorry my England is poor although I have pass my all exams Hahaha
U can just imagine I taking to u in Irish accent .. Then it will probably sound alright :)

News & Blogs

2014-02-04 20:44 | Report Abuse

Mr koon , when u sold rsawit did u inform that u are selling OR
when u quietly sell and then only inform when u finish selling
Both is same actions but one is morally immoral hahaha
As its a zero sum game , u win but some ppl who follow lost big time


2014-02-04 20:06 | Report Abuse

The lower limit down price for Sumatec is 0.005 sen
Take note and be careful
As anytime can whack down as per what we have seen those similar goreng counters


2014-02-04 20:03 | Report Abuse

Maybe this week will limit down , once the sharks finish throw
Be careful


2014-02-04 16:24 | Report Abuse

Now the buayas haven't finish selling
Once they finish sell then this share may be throw down to maybe 15 sen ?
Don't wait for the limit down time to escape
Now escape while still can


2014-01-30 17:09 | Report Abuse

In any case Sumatec share is coming down
And halim saad laughing at u .. Hahahaha
He laugh all the way to his bank


2014-01-30 17:07 | Report Abuse

Dream hunter could be the low life who copy my nickname and repeat what I say
I think this is because he has gone mad from losing so much money from Sumatec


2014-01-30 17:03 | Report Abuse

Those who lost a lot in Sumatec will
Keep promoting this share until it become worthless
They trying to get new victim to join in
Don't be the victim


2014-01-30 16:52 | Report Abuse

Because he lost so much money on Sumatec
As mention earlier Sumatec is a con job
If u put more money in , be prepare to get burn Hahahaha
Already these ppl seeing their sumatec share go down everyday


2014-01-30 16:44 | Report Abuse

The way this kk_123 talk is like a real low life
He doesn't have money to buy anything as he own ah long money


2014-01-30 16:26 | Report Abuse

This kk is the fake kk
It's a low life person imitating the real kk hahaha


2014-01-30 14:51 | Report Abuse

Now maintain this price so they can slowly sell
This share is actually hopeless Hahahaha


2014-01-30 13:26 | Report Abuse

Let me explain to u the modus operandi for halim...
1)go to Kazakhstan
2) get those marginal oil well which big co don't think worth to drill
3) inject into Sumatec (ask shareholder for money )
4) take the money
5) later : inject more marginal oil field ..
6) do another rights issue to get more cash from shareholder
7) pocket the money
From my example above , who do u think can make money ?
Is it the shareholders or halim saad ?hahshaha
Kazakhstan is not a brainless country .. If the oil field is worth developing they will drill themselves
Why would they want to give to halim .. It's because these well are risky and not worth drilling .. Else the big boys like petrol china , china oil already drill
Hahsha just word of advice to all of u Sumatec hopeful


2014-01-30 11:15 | Report Abuse

Yes can go watch chow yuen fatt movie and go genting to be dousan hahaha
Must concentrate..


2014-01-30 10:50 | Report Abuse

If u can predict 4d & toto or roulette
I think predict share will look easy
Like cake a piece hahsha


2014-01-30 10:46 | Report Abuse

Or u can bring Halim eat kuda meat at Kazakhstan
Just don't become the kuda hahaha


2014-01-30 10:44 | Report Abuse

Go genting when the market closes or buy 3d 4d 5d 6d
So can maintain the gambling and maximum risk taking momentum Hahaha


2014-01-30 10:29 | Report Abuse

Today mostly Red
318 red
161 green
U can buy 3d
Or 3d jackpot 318+161


2014-01-30 10:24 | Report Abuse

Balik where also same la
Where it is ur home thats where u gonna balik
Staring at the monitor is bad for ur eyes
Especially when ur stock turn red hahaha


2014-01-30 10:19 | Report Abuse

Even ppl at bursa have to balik tongsan ma
Bukak market half day tak cukup ke ?


2014-01-30 10:13 | Report Abuse

Halim saad maybe on leave
So nobody goreng
Just switch off your computer and balik kampung or go genting la
There is only half day which few hours trade


2014-01-29 15:00 | Report Abuse

Sumatec is like CSL ...
Only distribution volume .. It's dead , unless sharks kind enough push it up


2014-01-29 13:38 | Report Abuse

If this compare with its geng like inari/insas , gtronic , is it still cheap or it has shoot Way above ?

News & Blogs

2014-01-29 13:35 | Report Abuse

Mas is not too big too fail Like Citibank or merrill lynch or bank of America
In local context it's not maybank , cimb , tenaga , pbbank , or Telekom
Reason : we have airasia , and all the other airlines
So if it banruptcy just let it be ,, gov shldnt rescue it
But I like the hospitality of Mas they are better than any
Airasia is cheap but low on the people factor
I don't get it how Mas can lose money vs airasia unless their expenses or fuel cost is poorly manage


2014-01-29 13:18 | Report Abuse

Date Financial
Yr. End Qtr Period End Revenue
RM '000 Profit/Lost
RM'000 EPS Amended
28-Jan-14 31-Mar-14 3 31-Dec-13 172,183 12,867 12.96 -
29-Oct-13 31-Mar-14 2 30-Sep-13 171,158 11,446 11.53 -
25-Jul-13 31-Mar-14 1 30-Jun-13 152,201 7,754 7.81 -
28-May-13 31-Mar-13 4 31-Mar-13 148,475 10,931 11.01 -