
kptMx | Joined since 2014-01-18

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2021-04-22 09:12 | Report Abuse

sure expected PP around there. Still it was going up like crazy.


2021-04-22 09:10 | Report Abuse

why so weak this morning? Recovering quite well now.


2021-04-21 08:49 | Report Abuse

I understand this stock was about RM20, many years ago. Is that true?


2021-04-20 08:58 | Report Abuse

There is no price freeze because it was not a limit up situation y'day; thus the 2 days of back to back limit up does not apply. It means that today, the price can go limit up (2.60) and so can it tomorrow (3.38). It probably explains why the price of 2.00 was not limit up though traded. A limit situation would require buyers only at 2.00 with no sellers. This was not the case yesterday and trading at 2.00 continued right up to 5.00pm.


2021-03-14 16:14 | Report Abuse

Dataprep, Dnex were crazy stuffs! Anymore like them? Iris will be like them?
Or Jaks?

News & Blogs

2021-03-03 23:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by pang72 > Mar 3, 2021 6:57 PM | Report Abuse

Hope uncle YY does not lose money in glove counter.
He is Oldman liao..
Don't condemn him la.
He indeed help me a lot in investing. I can't deny the fact!!

>>>>>Btw I think well of KYY. Can always learn something from him and I think he was generous.<<<<<

Posted by LossAversion > Mar 3, 2021 8:27 PM | Report Abuse

He is an old man. So, give him some due respect in order to reflect our own upbringing.
No need to curse or swear. If acceptable, we just listen and up to individual to follow or not. If not, we just listen with the right ear and let it go on the left ear.

>>>>> That is correct<<<<<


2021-02-14 22:42 | Report Abuse

It is like this: At RM5, my profit in PBB is meagre and so I will depend on its dividends which I've all these years.
Below 4.30 I will be quite poor and if it stays below that or goes lower then my financial status can be said to be poor and poorer.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if the price of PBB were to go back to RM25 because the bonus is just a transfer only.
It is healthy to dream anyway and the Chinese New Year is a good time for it.


2021-02-11 14:37 | Report Abuse

>4.30 means I become less broke. <4.30 means I stay broke and the longer it stays down, the longer I stay broke.

Xin Nian Kuai Le!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Gong Hei Fatt Choy!

Kiong Hee Fatt Cai!

So, be nice and bring PBB price up to the sky asap, ok!


2021-02-11 14:32 | Report Abuse

Kiong Hee Fatt Cai > Hokkien greeting the same as

Gong Hei Fatt Choy in Cantonese, the same as

Gong Xi Fa Cai in Mandarin

and while I wish all Xin Nian Kuai Le which means Happy New Year, let us not forget the grand old man and the upcoming ones of PBB!

I wish them Xin Nian Kuai Le

May Monday bring PBB across 4.30!


2021-02-10 15:39 | Report Abuse

Look, covid19 has caused so much pain for Malaysians. Somewhere somethings good must happen and one of those good things is PBB. Good luck folks!


2021-02-05 17:41 | Report Abuse

You can pay me more, you can pay me less,
it would not matter,

"For Together We Are The Best"

Better than all the rest!


2021-02-02 09:34 | Report Abuse

Those guys are here?? Omg, looks like that!


2020-12-03 19:04 | Report Abuse

DK kindly add me. Tks.


2020-11-15 21:57 | Report Abuse

Good news:-1) Malaysian economy is recovering = "supported by improvements in all sectors, continuous normalisation of economic activities and higher demand from key trading partners." (those words in inverted commas were reproduced).Bernama.

2) RCEP is a thumbs up for the economy of this region and therefore Tenaga will be recovering as expected. If I am not mistaken, forecasts of the economy recovering in 2021 were done by the IMF, WB, BNM and KKN and ranged variously around 6 to 7+%.

I expect Tenaga will have climbed a fair bit by Jan 2021.


2020-11-12 13:52 | Report Abuse

Tenaga will be expected to recover along with the economy, variously projected by IMF, WB, KKN to be pretty decent. Vaccines will arrive and the process to recover completely would have been completed as is the process now being pursued.

I expect Tenaga to have cimbed quite a bit by Jan. Good Luck.


2020-11-12 13:45 | Report Abuse

Deep undervaluation. A break-up of valuation of Tenaga (valuing the generation and T&D units at par to peers’ average) suggests a potential valuation of RM77b (RM13.60/share), on our estimates, ~21% higher than Tenaga’s current market value. In fact, at current market cap of RM64b, investors are essentially getting the generation business for ‘free’ (See Exhibit 2), as the T&D and Retail units alone could already potentially fetch a valuation of RM68b (based on FY19 net profit split). MIDF 11/11/2020


2020-10-20 19:30 | Report Abuse

You're welcome, Bb888. Good luck.


2020-10-20 19:18 | Report Abuse

Blurblur888, I trade using itrade of Cimb. Till now I've not received any of the bonus. It should be in by tomorrow, Wednesday as I said earlier over the weekend.
I do not know if you have a remisier, it would make a difference in that you could have sold today or even y'day. For me, trading thru' the itrade platform, I've always received the bonus on T+2. Perhaps someone will explain to you something different but do take care that it is the truth.


2020-10-17 15:14 | Report Abuse

Please be advised that when Rubberex goes ex- on Monday, you will have only Y amount in your account with the other 2Y credited on Wednesday. Therefore if you have bot Rubberex at, for example, 8.10cts for Y lots , you will have Y lots in your account on Monday at 2.70cts. The other 2Y lots will be credited on Wednesday at 2.70cts each. You can then sell the 2Ylots on Wednesday if you want to.


2020-10-15 22:55 | Report Abuse

Please be advised that when Rubberex goes ex- on Monday, you will have only Y amount in your account with the other 2Y credited on Wednesday. Therefore if you have bot Rubberex at, for example, 8.10cts for Y lots , you will have Y lots in your account on Monday at 2.70cts. The other 2Y lots will be credited on Wednesday at 2.70cts each. You can then sell the 2Ylots on Wednesday.


2020-10-15 08:40 | Report Abuse

Oh, correction. 15 will come after Rubberex has installed its 1.5b capacity during the 4th qtr. That's what that guy thinks.
Wth. I think Rubberex is damn confident. Something good is happening to Rubberex.


2020-10-15 08:29 | Report Abuse

I think that is no sweat.
We wait and decide at 10....maybe 15.:)


2020-10-15 08:27 | Report Abuse

Today expected Rubberex to cross 8.50?
I am just a transmitter of news.
You decide.


2020-10-15 08:20 | Report Abuse

Rubberex = 15! Wow! I would be happy with 10. Let it come first and take it from there.


2020-10-15 08:18 | Report Abuse

Wow! Another bit of news = someone is saying $15 will come. Wow!


2020-10-15 07:57 | Report Abuse

Did I hear someone say $10? Wow!
Looks like a real possibility.
I hope $10 will come.


2020-09-27 23:33 | Report Abuse

If you are the Chairman like Tan Sri, or the PM, you must be careful with your words.


2020-09-27 23:32 | Report Abuse

My optimism is in TA which suggests, given the +ve factors over the weekend, that prices would leap especially tt it needs to leap across some sort of resistance. On another aspect, TSLWC had said TG will overtake MBB end Sept. or early Oct. He is the Chairman of TG, their pride and glory and he will not speak like that for nothing especially after spending so much on SSB. His que on 4th qtr was also deadly accurate. Therefore, I am optimistic about TG.


2020-09-27 23:18 | Report Abuse

ya bro. You re right!!!


2020-09-27 23:06 | Report Abuse

\(..)/ hands up SimonJB ....I really think TG will shoot up tmrrw.


2020-09-27 07:39 | Report Abuse

EVENING 5: EPF on a hunt for glove stocks ....5.1% in Top Glove by Friday.


2020-09-17 13:59 | Report Abuse

It will be unaffordable to buy TG except if you are the US govt. and even that TG would be Malaysia's No.1 company...touch at your own risk.


2020-09-17 13:56 | Report Abuse

Top Glove will continue to make new highs in market cap. It cannot be helped. With an issued 8.17b in shares, on a 2:1 Bonus after, how much higher should TG go? Thailand seems to have some rich suitors.....Poland's Mercato has risen 3277%....US govt? Or who....?


2020-09-17 13:37 | Report Abuse

Next qtr profit maybe >___b? Wow. Who can takeover TG anymore?


2020-09-17 00:12 | Report Abuse

yttihs please add me into the private chat. Tku.


2020-09-16 18:38 | Report Abuse

BUY not sell on tomorrow news because everything is telling you it is going up. That profitability is humongous and sustainable. TG capacity has been sold well ahead.
This is not your normal run of the mill company which makes a 1-off profit or some profit and you have other choices.
Gloves is the choice now.
Even if you are talking of an ordinary company you should judge whether or not that company could sustain the profitabiliy and if it could, you keep buying or hold and the likelihood is everything would be ok still and well invested. TG's result tmmrw will be not of the normal, in its hundreds and hundreds of millions of profit that to sell as per sometimes selling on news would be just suicidal.
It has come about becos' Covid is a worldwide phenomenon, big in damage and still lingering strongly around in waves to come. Good Luck.


2020-09-16 17:25 | Report Abuse

Prices will fly tomorrow.


2020-09-16 17:25 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai is the pride of TG and its Board and so his words should be heeded especially after having given an interview over TV. It was not something to doubt in these circumstances.


2020-09-16 17:22 | Report Abuse

If TG is No.1, it comes with a premium and so it will be very very expensive to buy TG.
The bonus of 2:1 was given to make TG's issued share capital 8.13b and that would make TG No.1 when pxs moved higher as Tan Sri said it would, but not because it wanted to overtake MBB.


2020-09-16 17:16 | Report Abuse

At that time only the US would be able to buy it thru' QE as they hv proposed with Tik Tok and the virus would not subside over there in the US.


2020-09-16 17:12 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai represents the pride of TG and its Board.
Overtaking MBB is just coincidental.
His intention is to make it difficult, very difficult and expensive for anyone who dares to think of taking over TG be it the US Govt. thru' a proxy or some Thai guy or that Polish glove maker or even.....just anybody!
The issued share capital of TG is now 8.13billion after the bonus. The bonus was a corporate move on the part of TG.
Therefore px of TG will go up to the extent that it tends towards a Fortune 500 company.
Try to buy it then.


2020-09-16 07:49 | Report Abuse

Good Morning. Kindly add me to GLOVE THKS is MALAYSIA FANG. Many thanks.


2020-09-13 15:56 | Report Abuse

For what it is worth, this is my 2cts........You need not worry about a fall unless you are so heavily geared. Then you need to consider. Otherwise, for a stock to go down like it has been through, it takes time and at that time it would not be too late but you would have time to consider and get the facts that it is over. Otherwise, the longer term will almost always see higher prices in these cases. Take your profits because you must not because you think so.
Do cut your losses if that's what you think.


2020-09-13 10:05 | Report Abuse

FYI and it also means that covid will be around for some time.
Covid as I understand is at least 5 times more dangerous than the yearly H1N1 flu that pervades the US. So do be careful. Keep clean. Stick to the SOP. Another MCO damn jialat.


2020-09-13 10:03 | Report Abuse

Although concerns about an imminent “second wave” of the coronavirus, particularly regarding its possible overlap with a common seasonal flu, have been mounting and several European countries have already reported a surge in cases, Israel becomes the first nation to plunge back into a nationwide lockdown after the previous one was phazed out back in May.


2020-09-12 17:05 | Report Abuse

Kien Huat lost money over (10 years now?) in Empire. That lousy place. GenM is the one which has bot his shares ie. from KH. After this they plan to take it private. Whether or not that will succeed we have to see but GenM has given its assent to TSLKT's proposal. This whole deal could be painful given the covid overhang but let's see how it develops. It was only proposed just before MCO, I think.


2020-09-12 16:33 | Report Abuse

Look. Covid has done many businessmen in. Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay is a victim of covid. Otherwise you should admire him becos he dares to open the companies again.
You can see the great danger but he is betting his management skills versus a complete lockdown. Many other tycoons cannot even get their companies moving simply because of covid and it is pitiful. TSLKT is trying and I think he is very brave for it. Look at it this way, a complete shutdown of GenM, as an example, has shown it cost RM900million vs some marginal recovery which is of course better. This must surely be his plan.