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2022-05-20 22:25 | Report Abuse

现在审计员跑了。在审计师辞职之前,arbb 解雇了审计师。大众在看!!!谨防


2022-05-20 22:23 | Report Abuse

Now auditor also run away already. Before auditor resigned they sack the auditor. The public is watching !!! Beware


2022-05-20 22:16 | Report Abuse




2022-05-20 22:15 | Report Abuse

It has cash of 0.93. Don’t try to con.

It’s difficult to convince people when you don’t let people see your product. Your strategy also changes all the time. Nasdaq, iot, Thailand.


2022-05-20 22:13 | Report Abuse

Key Point #5 - Cash Flow

For the five quarters of 2022, ARB's operating cash flow is RM52.95 million. The performance is impressive as the market has been holding a negative view of the company's cash flow.

Meanwhile, the company also raised RM72.98 million through a rights issue. I don't expect the company to do any fundraising in the near future.

As at March 31, 2022, the company had cash on hand of RM84.16 million.

Key Point #6 - Company Outlook

That's nothing to comment on, so I'd like to quote what management mentioned in note point B2.

"We expect the ERP and IoT businesses to deliver significant future benefits to the group."

Key Point #7 - Valuation

After adjustment, ARB's valuation remains low, with the software company trading at just 1.73 times earnings. I think this is due to the market's lack of understanding of the company's core business, incomprehensible financial reporting and fear of ICPS dilution.

However, these temporal issues will be resolved automatically in the future. This translates to a share price of RM0.930~ after being pegged to an adjusted EPS of 18.58 in the last 12 months at 5x P/E, which is equivalent to a safe margin of 87.08% at the current price; therefore, I give ARB Strong Buy recommendation.


2022-05-20 22:11 | Report Abuse

1)使用物联网 - 让他们混淆
2) 使用相关的公司合同来显示可观的增长
4) 纳斯达克消失了
5) cosec 我们不知道有多少订阅
8) 现在招聘中文键盘侠……我可以用两种语言回复……呵呵呵呵


2022-05-20 22:10 | Report Abuse

I pity those chinese uncles and aunties….
1) use Iot - and make them confuse
2) use related Company contracts to show impressive growth
3) hydroponic no more talking
4) NASDAQ gone
5) cosec we dont know How Many subscribed
6) try buying products, I failed
7) now suddenly Thailand pulak!!!
8) now hiring chinese keyboard warrior …. I can respond in both languages…. Heheheh


2022-05-20 22:06 | Report Abuse

Since ARB is a low-valued company, the company has sparked a lot of discussion on the forum.

Now, I'll discuss and understand 7 key takeaways from ARB's report for the fifth quarter ending in fiscal 2022.

Key Point #1 - The Company's Revenue

ARB generated revenue of RM137.22 million for the fifth quarter ended March 31, 2022, with no comparable quarters currently available due to changes at the end of the financial year. However, one can benchmark the company's Q5 2022 versus Q1 2021, where the latter's revenue was only RM49.48 million.

ARB's year-over-year growth is impressive.

Revenue growth in the company's ERP or IoT business was up just 1% on a quarterly basis.

Regardless, the company's revenue generation is consistent at this point in time.


2022-05-20 15:17 | Report Abuse

Sure crash like this… everything painting to bad Times!!!!


2022-05-20 15:16 | Report Abuse

Kesian uncle and aunties … line up at the bank… got nothing….


2022-05-20 15:16 | Report Abuse

NASDAQ can ready ?


2022-05-20 15:16 | Report Abuse

Auditor also run ready …


2022-05-20 15:15 | Report Abuse

Thailand pulak…. Hehehe… client track records? Dont have…. Hydroponic… related Company paid ready? Mou with Public Uni How? Gone ready? RI money How? Hehehe…


2022-05-19 17:50 | Report Abuse

Dividend issue Again. Just only completed one or two related Company contracts asking dividend. Now need to develop some products to cover up. Take money from uncle n aunties…. Hehe….

dividend issue again? ARBB just transform from a loss making timber company to an IT company in mere 3 years, company is rather young and need funds to grow...


2022-05-19 17:46 | Report Abuse

Why do u think substantial shareholders use The words like IoT, NASDAQ etc…. Conjob la. Uncle Aunty get easily impressed, thinking the Boss is clever. Actually just one or two inter related Company solution. Some part contracted out….. hehe…. Kesian uncle n aunties Wont see their money ready…. Padan muka


2022-05-19 17:24 | Report Abuse

No dividend coz inter related solution. Now only doing one or two Solutions. Please understand


2022-05-19 17:20 | Report Abuse

More and more ppl are knowing that arbb is slowly trying to cover up. They have only done related Company Solutions. How much u try to cover, ppl will know. The Public will just ignore u together with the hired keyboard warriors


2022-05-19 09:28 | Report Abuse

I suspect, this Company is just doing related Company projects. So the earnings are not really sustainable. Its just like passing money from one pocket to the other.


2022-05-19 09:14 | Report Abuse

The Public loves good products and the shareholders love companies that they understand. U try to be keyboard warrior by bringing another speculative counter, u will get kicked in the butt bro.


2022-05-19 09:12 | Report Abuse

Lesson learnt: when u want to cover up something, dont announce it too Quickly. The public will be able to read the moves. Past track record, even statement like, “these companies trust us” Then give the Names. Or just demo the advantages of the product, that would entice the Potential customer. At least some form of info.


2022-05-19 09:04 | Report Abuse

1) as per the latest website there is some progress in ARBB website. But How to buy the products, except for cosec product, a client might still face difficulty. Anyway arbb is slowly changing from hiding the products, at least Showing something. But who is buying this product, no one knows. What differentiates the product, not much. Public is still watching. U cheat, u get into trouble. I think the best is arbb should try Building whatever products asap to cover all their lies. Of course past track records and videos of the past Solutions or any form of convincing to entice the customer not shown. So the Public would still feel Its fishy, because If the products are good they want to buy it too.

Genetec is a different Company. Correlation doesnt point to causation. Please Google that!

Major sell off happened when the Company announced the quarterly profit in Feb. The shares went up, But substantial was thrown. Please check historical data and the day when the price fell from 18 cents to 11.5 cents slowly. 11.5 cents is price. Its not earning bro. Price… u know the Stock quote per share. Sure u going to get Stripped by arbb Boss and slapped.

About selloff, I think this time the Public is going to strip u naked and beat u up. Some shares are held by third party investors. When they dislike or Find something fishy, they will sell it!

Since Line has short / long term memory loss, what ever he read, he forgets, and repeat the same question, i susah susah scroll back old comments for his conveniency

Quoted from Presidentjib : "Posted by presidentjib > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

“Hiding is an act of preventing someone to access the "hidden products". But what you say here, by comparing SAP which is public data, does lack of transparency = hiding?”

Where are product brochures?

Can you show me how many IT companies have product brochure? CENSOF do not have brochure, are they a scam too? Or all IT companies without brochure = scam? Your logic is amusing.

“If so, over 900 companies in Malaysia, how many companies are "hiding their services"? “

None except fishy ones.

^ My reply as above, don't dodge the question by giving irresponsible answers.

“Can you explain to me prior to GENETEC's rally, are they also hiding their product? Are there no automation system in the market too?”

Arbb also had rally…. But then major selloff
^ ? You did not reply to my comparison with GENETEC. Kindly have a clearer answer on that.

“And what do you mean "announce profit n get public to buy" ? I find it interesting that your comments are making less sense as you have multiple comments in a row. “

Please refer to the historical data.

^ Historical data of what? Share price? Financial performance? Cash Flow? Can you make some sense to your replies so that I can understand deeper? Are you replying for the sake of not making a fool of yourself? If that is the case, I'm afraid what you did is having a negative effect.

“Announcing profit does not induce any buy action, and if the management sell, they have to announce via Bursa, simple as that.”

Management never sell… so slow … shareholders sold… la… then share prices went down

^ ???? So what does market selling has to do with management hiding "brochure" ? You see where I'm coming from? Your concerns are completely not making sense my friend.

No one pointing fingers to "Bodohs" here, don't make a fool of yourself.

Hope u won’t try to make public “Bodoh”. Nowadays difficult bro

^ Please do not "bro" me, you don't even know my gender. And who's making the public Bodoh here by giving out irrational replies?"
16 hours ago


2022-05-18 13:18 | Report Abuse

Public can check the earlier post neonstrife and Find out…. Its better u change your user name


2022-05-18 13:17 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife Why u have stopped spamming long articles related to Iot. Scared ppl say that you are a keyboard warrior?


2022-05-18 13:14 | Report Abuse

No such things as a good start. It is still the sAme. No one has been able to give any track record of this Company. No one with a sensible mind would buy this Stock, as it is difficult to get the track record and the products. Slowly the Public would realise this Company is just doing related Company Solutions Which is not sustainable.


2022-05-17 22:26 | Report Abuse

Thats Why your name sound similar to kaput. Check what is kaput.


2022-05-17 22:24 | Report Abuse

Kahfui, ppl want to understand the Business. Warren buffet said must understand the Business First. U too slow.


2022-05-17 22:19 | Report Abuse

The Public can see no results as no products. Mostly all related Company contracts done at arms length. How bout the future after Contract finish with related company…. Tengoklah….

Hope the Public can see this


2022-05-17 18:52 | Report Abuse

Marcusbiotech I know u too have lost some money


2022-05-17 18:50 | Report Abuse

Stockpick2me no one has been able to describe the products properly.


2022-05-17 18:42 | Report Abuse

Answer my questions. I just want ppl to understand the Business First. This arbb is basically doing related company software. This is not sustainable.


2022-05-17 18:04 | Report Abuse


1) Can't recognize what is IoT, take a random video from youtube and explain this is IoT.
That was DIY project doing the sAme thing.
2) More than 20 pages FULL OF ARBB
- more and more ppl are agreeing to what I say
3) Copy paste the question over and over again. (Even all question is answer by different people)

No one has been able to understand what arbb is doing

4) Cursing on everyone family.
- nope. Stopped everyone from calling the Boss fat etc. As u know the stocks has dropped. And I also have adviced the management not to cheat.
5) Line can browse i3 but cant read/download report (joke of the day)
Show me the track record etc. There is none.


2022-05-17 17:53 | Report Abuse

Product errr…. Dont understand … certification whats that!!! IP wait la…. NASDAQ we are going …. Hehehe


2022-05-17 17:50 | Report Abuse

Just put nicely,

1) product
2) certification (If any)
3) IP

From there we can deduce the barrier of entry.


2022-05-17 17:27 | Report Abuse

Bosskufanboy just highlight please. Product name / client / certification (If any) / IP / features…


2022-05-17 17:21 | Report Abuse

Please show Bosskufanboy . If you are not Scared … get it from annual report n show to the public


2022-05-17 17:17 | Report Abuse

At the moment im not predicting because i am impressed with your view. I just want to know the track record or the products of this Company. Buffet stresses on understanding the Business First. Im doing the sAme.

Hope it is not some Solutions done for inter related companies!

Appreciate the contributions from Neon, Bossku, Line et al.

The best kind of investment is to
1. evaluate the business moats. Do people need affordable cloud business? Are companies migrating to Online business? Is ARBB a leader in cost effective pricing for its products?

2. calculate for every RM1 you invest, how much you get in return from now to Judgement Day

3. Quantify the future profits or even losses to Present value using Discounted rate

I don’t know what ARBB and ARBB PA prices will be tomorrow, next week or next year. But I do know that the valuation is very likely to increase over time as the businesses are wonderful with very good management.

To emotionally speculate what the future is going to be like is like predicting casino games outcome. But we all do have sufficient information to make inform decisions.

Disclosure: I am biased on my opinions as I own part of ARBB via its parent shares and PA.


2022-05-17 17:13 | Report Abuse

In trouble right? Cannot answer right Bosskufanboy


2022-05-17 17:12 | Report Abuse

Bosskufanboy what u understand? can show me two sellable products So that we would be able to understand what Business arbb is doing .


2022-05-17 17:09 | Report Abuse

Slowly the Public would understand arbb is basically just doing inter Company Solutions Which is not a sustainable Business model, and declare profits from one pocket to another. There will be a major sell off soon, except when they change.


2022-05-17 17:07 | Report Abuse

Disclaimer: Please conduct your due diligence so that you purchase wonderful business at reasonable price and not purchase reasonable business at wonderful price (Warren Buffett, 2011)

Warren Buffet only buys shares of businesses that he fully understands. Robert Hargstrom 2011, “The Warren Buffet Portfolio” page 105, Wiley 2000.

Since you follow warren buffet, can I know the product name?


2022-05-17 17:01 | Report Abuse

Dear Marcusbiotech,

1) “This model is similar to Sime Darby etc.” Very good that you pointed out that!

“but they don’t have sustainable continued revenues stream after ARB completed its 200 Hydroponics green houses.”

“strategically capitalising revenues to his 3 holding companies.” - Again How long this model will sustain. As what u said, once the hydroponic project is over.

Second point:
2) Food Inflation in Malaysia is expected to hit >6% vs generic inflation of 3.2% (Bank Negara Malaysia) This is good for Hydroponics vegetables as it is much lower costs and minimal pesticides use

I want to Buy only ARBB hydroponic product, How to buy? No yet finish? Developing? But got award for Which product? I want to Buy too. If anyone can provide a valid link to their past Products sold, things would be much clearer.

Point 3
NASDAQ announcement for what actually? Is it to mislead the Public? Can please answer.


2022-05-17 16:36 | Report Abuse

Ok lets use Logic here. Company shares go up when there is prospect. How to count the prospect when the shareholders dont even know the products this Company selling?


2022-05-17 16:34 | Report Abuse

Cannot answer? See the points Again

1) take RI for DIY type IoT project
2) do mou with local university. Who will do this project? University students?
3) announce stellar profit and existing substantial shareholders rush to sell off the shares leaving only 20% of the Peak value
4) announce want to list on NASDAQ when none of the requirements fulfilled.

Anyone here ?


2022-05-17 16:33 | Report Abuse

And also please do answer clearly


2022-05-17 16:33 | Report Abuse

Please be spesific Which point doesnt make sense


2022-05-17 16:32 | Report Abuse

See the points:
1) take RI for DIY type IoT project
2) do mou with local university. Who will do this project? University students?
3) announce stellar profit and existing substantial shareholders rush to sell off the shares leaving only 20% of the Peak value
4) announce want to list on NASDAQ when none of the requirements fulfilled.

Which point neonstrife?


2022-05-17 16:28 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife If your ancestor was doing as per the points above, what will u think of him? Will u be embarassed assuming all the money earned have lost over the years due to karmic effect?


2022-05-17 16:26 | Report Abuse

See the points:
1) take RI for DIY type IoT project
2) do mou with local university. Who will do this project? University students?
3) announce stellar profit and existing substantial shareholders rush to sell off the shares leaving only 20% of the Peak value
4) announce want to list on NASDAQ when none of the requirements fulfilled.


2022-05-17 16:22 | Report Abuse

I do get angry when ppl use RI by Showing they got money. Whereas they dont even have a Business. This Company just started cosec Business and a bit of DIY kind of hydroponic product. And announcing want to list on NASDAQ. Let this be a record to be judged by the great grandchildren of the management of this Company. I think they will be ashamed. What u all think?


2022-05-17 13:29 | Report Abuse

If u make money by cheating you will regret as the internet will be the witness, How My ancestors cheated the public