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2022-04-13 01:22 | Report Abuse

“Thank you for the respond, I still notice an interesting trend that you comment for a long, split into several times pattern. It is interesting that you respond in such a manner. “

You do that too.

“Pursuant to your reply on engineer, I know what the differences are, but why are you referring to ARB needing engineer in your previous comments but not programmer? Also, I agree with you that university students are doing data analysis but to build a full program, do you see any company hiring university students to do key programmer roles? “

Google hires top programmers from top universities. FYI, Microsoft/ Facebook / Google was founded by young university students.

Do note the differences.

What do you mean they hide the product?
“Can I have the product brochure please”

Do u all think public is Bodoh?


2022-07-09 01:44 | Report Abuse

No one is Bodoh now….u can keep n play it yourself…. Show the products …. B transparent……


2022-04-09 01:52 | Report Abuse

Do u think the public is bodoh. They can easily see historical price when the profit was announced. They can clearly see how the price movement was. Conclusion, want to announce profit n get public to buy? Then sell? U think public is not clever?


2022-04-17 21:55 | Report Abuse

After knowing this, mesti those who bought the ri feel Bodoh!!! Some still can’t nampak right? Tunggu lah monyet


2022-04-17 21:54 | Report Abuse

I don’t know why arbb needs to hide it. I’m just giving the largest company of the same industry.


2022-04-17 21:52 | Report Abuse

Coming back to arbb, I heard they are into erp. The largest erp company in the world is sap. Of course they are much more expensive. However, they have not hidden their product. Their marketing budget runs into 7 bil euros.
So why, arbb is hiding it, when even the largest erp company with so expensive product is trying to advertise it?


2022-04-04 10:03 | Report Abuse

Dear Presidentjib,

Since you don’t know the difference, let me explain the difference. A programmer develops software. However, since arbb is into iot as per neonstrife, they need to integrate the sensors together with the software. So u need more than programmers here. U need integration of the software with the sensors. So engineers are needed to make sure the signal is passed to the right address. The data is then picked from this addresses n could then be used for analysis etc.

However, passing data from sensors to software is not a rocket science now. University students are doing great projects now.


2022-04-17 13:59 | Report Abuse

One day the existing shareholders will get tired and start selling…. That time drop to 2-3 cents


2022-04-17 13:58 | Report Abuse

How long the company can remain at 12 cents!!!


2022-04-17 13:57 | Report Abuse

The danger will always be there


2022-04-17 13:56 | Report Abuse

And neonstrife please do not spam to coverup how the price movement happened from 40 cents to 12 cents. N also how it went up, after profit announcement and how again major selloff….


2022-04-17 13:40 | Report Abuse

The public won’t buy this time…. U can come up with great profit …. They know…. The existing shareholders will exit in big way


2022-04-17 13:39 | Report Abuse

Even the keyboard warriors here are confused about programmers and engineers. Any way, Can share the hydroponic iot product? Top secret? Can share why substantial selloff when public was buying due to stellar performance? The shareholders found opportunity to let go? Same old trick this time? Stellar profit again… and shares go up and existing shareholders sell and exit ?


2022-04-15 17:02 | Report Abuse

They don’t have own engineers?


2022-04-15 17:02 | Report Abuse

Ok assuming it’s a top secret lucrative business? Why do they ask money n do MOU with local uni?


2022-04-15 01:24 | Report Abuse

Why this company needs RI when it has been having stellar profits


2022-04-15 01:23 | Report Abuse

I’m asking real tough questions. Every company wants to advertise their product. Why is this company hiding its product? Why this company needs an MOU with local universities? Doesn’t it have real engineers?


2022-04-14 14:22 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife, when u say iot, what product is arbb selling? Any brochure. None? Never mind…. Any track record to be shared? No? Then why do u trust this !


2022-04-13 12:12 | Report Abuse

Now there might b some surprises…


2022-04-13 12:11 | Report Abuse

So everyone can see the keyboard warriors… those who bought ri must have exited.


2022-04-12 12:02 | Report Abuse

If u see the boss face…. with mous with local unis… and focus on hydroponic … no marketing or product brochures ….


2022-04-12 07:05 | Report Abuse

I would say the company needs a real business first. The current management should be investigated. Where’s did they sell their product? The brochure etc must b released.


2022-04-12 00:53 | Report Abuse

Where is hydroponic brochure or product ? How many adopted the cosec software?


2022-04-12 00:51 | Report Abuse

What was this company doing prior to this?


2022-04-12 00:43 | Report Abuse

I’m happy that the general public have realised the pattern. No counter would have heavy sell off even after announcing good results. No local or international fund manager has bought any shares.


2022-04-12 00:42 | Report Abuse

Ppl selling although stellar profit. All these indicate what? Think…


2022-04-12 00:41 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife it’s not going up? Trust me truth is truth. It’s not only you who got cheated. Many got cheated. MOU with public uni etc. no product brochures. Ri ….


2022-04-10 22:41 | Report Abuse

Let’s Goooo, said it well. Everyone can see how fed up he is…. N I like the way he joked. So, brothers and sisters the choice is yours.


2022-04-10 21:03 | Report Abuse

Bosskufanboy I feel sad when more n more ppl going crazy because of this counter. Many accountants and doctors got cheated of this counter


2022-04-08 13:24 | Report Abuse

So lets face the fact, let this counter alone. Its risky. Let the Bosses manipulate their own money.


2022-04-08 13:23 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife, just dont get angry. Truth is truth. U know I know, arbb got no product brochure. U know I know after profit declared, huge sell off! U know and I know, mou with local Uni on hydroponic, shows Company looking for expertise. The only product we can see is the cosec. But it has just started.


2022-04-07 16:15 | Report Abuse

Bosskufanboy, neonstrife is going to spam some article


2022-04-07 16:15 | Report Abuse

The auditor must be fedup


2022-04-07 13:47 | Report Abuse

But those who bought RI, memang monyet kan? What do u all think?


2022-04-07 13:46 | Report Abuse

So please becareful. To the smart accountants, I got no advice except try finding 2-3 years old product of this Company. Can? But If u feel im talking nonsense, say bye bye to your money!


2022-04-07 13:43 | Report Abuse

As what you all can observe the pattern. Whenever I try to recap what happened neonstrife the keyboard warrior will post spams. Anyway, for those who are new n are imppresed with arbb’s stellar profit:

Im just telling the truth. No huge institution have considered this Stock. When good profit is announced, substantial shares are sold. Shares have dropped from 40 cents to 12-13 cents. Recently the counter have been asking more money despite stellar profit. Forum is flooded with IoT related facts taken from Wikipedia.


2022-04-06 16:44 | Report Abuse

Im just telling the truth. No huge institution have considered this Stock. When good profit is announced, substantial shares are sold. Shares have dropped from 40 cents to 12-13 cents. Recently the counter have been asking more money despite stellar profit. Forum is flooded with IoT related facts taken from Wikipedia.


2022-04-05 15:59 | Report Abuse

Mananghunter, stop spamming


2022-04-05 15:02 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife have been spamming all the time!!!


2022-04-05 15:01 | Report Abuse

Cicakman, arbb is not looking for genuine investors. You do not know How Many old doctors, accountants who kena kaw kaw. They wont see their money anymore!!!!


2022-04-05 11:21 | Report Abuse

Newguy0801 im here to tell the truth! So Many innocent accountants who claim to be very experienced, kena lipat kaw kaw and bought the RIs. Kesian them!!! They wont see their money anymore.


2022-04-05 11:18 | Report Abuse

Unless some old accountant with money kena lipat kaw kaw buys a big chunk of the company!!!


2022-04-05 11:17 | Report Abuse

Arbb difficult to push. Coz majority of the substantial shareholders are just waiting to sell. Resistance would be too strong.


2022-04-05 09:58 | Report Abuse

Arbb has products or a product? Why arbb always raise money? Is it true arbb has MOU with local uni to develop iot products? Takkan no technology? Is it true heavy sell off after showing stellar profit? Why?


2022-04-05 09:56 | Report Abuse

Hehehe… wahai monyet monyet. Are u all happy today? By the way, arbb doesn’t have product brochure? Is it true? Is it true only new product they have the brochures? I mean the one launched during RI, like cosec. Others?


2022-04-01 16:28 | Report Abuse

Ok institutional investors could get cheated? Any track record list? Those who bought their software. Any product brochure? Everything none?


2022-04-01 16:26 | Report Abuse

EastWestTalker, has anyone significant bought into this company shares? Any institutional investors got impressed with this counter? No?


2022-04-01 16:23 | Report Abuse

I understand 532TKY is trying to bring up a very good point. He asked sell to whom? After all no proper institutional investors. Yup I got your point.


2022-04-01 16:22 | Report Abuse

Yes it has appreciated about 1-2 cents. Hehe