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2022-01-25 19:04 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife dont compare kucing kurap counter with those invested by warren buffet. Warren buffet invested in Apple. Is arbb Apple? Have seen the director’s face? Cermin la.... at least alibaba got big Market....


2022-01-24 19:34 | Report Abuse

So let the bosses buy, when drop, the Public can buy


2022-01-24 19:34 | Report Abuse

Bosskufanboy, regardless of Business model, almost all fall after RI


2022-01-24 17:06 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife I m just advising u.... But Its of course up to u....


2022-01-24 17:05 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife, the Public is educated now. They will see past records. They know, that the counter will drop. So they just want the bosses subscribe ....


2022-01-24 11:29 | Report Abuse

Now 12.5 cents already.


2022-01-24 11:28 | Report Abuse

As usual keyboard warrior neonstrife trying to get the Public to buy. PE is only one indicator. Must know the history of the Company. Plus Public knows after RI majority fall. So they wont buy now.


2022-01-24 09:16 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife all keyboard warriors cannot respond already


2022-01-24 07:23 | Report Abuse

Monyet gila also wont buy


2022-01-24 07:22 | Report Abuse

Public wont subscribe.... who wants to see the value in money drop. Every body wants to buy cheap. ImPosSiBle they never see past records. How stocks behave after RI. Let the directors buy.


2022-01-23 10:23 | Report Abuse

Ok.:: im ready ..I take the bet.... no one with an average or above average intelligence, would ever subscribe to the RI of a Company, of which the shares have high probability to fall.


2022-01-23 06:50 | Report Abuse

Hoot9eonly Why would u invest in something that has high probability to fall. Dont you think Its better for it to fall First?


2022-01-23 00:04 | Report Abuse

Hoot9eonly we care for u....


2022-01-22 22:45 | Report Abuse

Let the bosss subscribe ... because everyone knows that after RI almost all drop.


2022-01-22 22:19 | Report Abuse

Oh..... rj87 u r smart. Whenever something is too good to be true, check Again.


2022-01-21 15:46 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife So much Potential! I think arbb Boss sure invest ready!!


2022-01-21 15:44 | Report Abuse

Anyway brother marcusbiotech:

Maybe u are right. But after RI, majority companies Find their shares drop. So the Public most likely see past records, and invest after the shares have fallen. So for now, substantial investors should invest in the RI.


2022-01-21 15:23 | Report Abuse

To marcusbiotech:

Corporate Governance
Many Companies listed on bursa have gone bust. bursa wasnt able to protect the small investors. Some stocks have dropped more than 90% in value and disappeared.

Plus dont compare Maybank with arbb!

B) investors shouldnt ask for the detailed cost:
yes they shouldnt If it make sense. But 275k per Green house which would Translate to 1k per sensor, what should we do? Keep quiet and just simply give money.

C) arbb is not Apple. They have just started learning How To patent. No patent to date. Stop comparing companies invested by warren buffet. Companies like Apple, built industries, this is yet to proof Its existence. To date even the substantial shareholders have sold in a big way erasing more Than 70% of Its value.

D) background:
Hope your background could help arbb develop the technologies and sell their product at a profit. But I think hydroponic n healthcare are two different things.


2022-01-21 15:12 | Report Abuse

A) Corporate Governance
Many Companies listed on bursa have gone bust. bursa wasnt able to protect the small investors. Some stocks have dropped more than 90% in value and disappeared.

Plus dont compare Maybank with arbb!

B) investors shouldnt ask for the detailed cost:
yes they shouldnt If it make sense. But 275k per Green house which would Translate to 1k per sensor, what should we do? Keep quiet and just simply give money.

C) arbb is not Apple. They have just started learning How To patent. No patent to date. Stop comparing companies invested by warren buffet. Companies like Apple, built industries, this is yet to proof Its existence. To date even the substantial shareholders have sold in a big way erasing more Than 70% of Its value.

D) background:
Hope your background could help arbb develop the technologies and sell their product at a profit. But I think hydroponic n healthcare are two different things.

will comment on


A] CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: Independent parties who scrutinise and report company’s actions to public based on Transparency.

>99.98% companies Bursa Malaysia runs legitimate businesses. There are many Third Parties authorities monitor them including External Auditors, Bursa Authority, Malaysian Corporate Governance Body.

Case study: Since 1993, Maybank has increased in value over 1000% including dividends. Difficult for Exec Directors to defraud the shareholders using fund for personal use. Possible, but very difficult

Just as someone trusts Maybank, YTL Power, Atrium REIT because of teh system of monitoring, why cannot someone trusts it to monitor ARBB?

Anyone who commits fraud, they have to weigh imprisonment & fines risk. if with fraudulent intention, why do it in public via Bursa Listed company? Isn’t better to set up private Ponzi scheme?

Answer to Messrs TanKarKeong59: No, the authorities won’t allow colluding frauds if they don’t want to collapse investors confidence and economy. Too much to lose over a small cap company.

Good to use business judgments to evaluate if ARBB business strategy is workable? Apply SWOT analysis.

Shareholders don’t need to ask operational matters like how much are the Greenhouse costs or where are the customers. Otherwise you need to work as project manager in ARBB to understand the costing. Shareholders invest trusting managers to perform in their best interests with Corporate Governance to keep them in check..

Relevant questions:
Can rivals copy ARBB? Patents pending, First mover advantage, Passionate skilled engineers.
Can customers after using its servers Online subscriptions, switch to rivals?
What ARBB pricing powers are?

This requires personal skills to analyse.

Get cautious when others are greedy
Get greedy when others are cautious. - Warren Buffett. Note, the world was ‘ending’ during World War 2, but he bought stocks in 1942 after Japan bombed Pearl harbour. Do you see how bearish investors were? Is this similar bearish stance on ARBB?

I am delighted when I see contirbutors criticising ARBB on shallow grounds. I welcome this because i can see people’s perspectives. The general mood is bearish. This is opportunity for me to pick up the shares on the cheap. Thank you for that.

Appreciate some really good contributors explaining IOT, Growth prospects, AI, as such knowledge helps shareholders to make informed decisions. Thank you guys, you are doing good job here.

Read my earlier posts on powerful tools to monitor ARBB’s performance and if there are grounds for fraud n negligence. No one can guarantee 100% but your relative confidence is a lot higher on public listed company. Look at Serba Dinamik worth >RM5billion and not is suspended at value worth RM1billion. A 80% drop! Do you think Bursa will not take action against small companies if they detect malpractices?

D] BACKGROUND - ADD VALUE TO YOU: I am Chartered Accountant (UK) by qualification involving in Bio-tech CUT-Pain CUT-Hosptial Costs Business (similar concept to Grabcar with little capital). >22million of our brothers and sisters in Malaysia have serious cholesterol level leading to Heart Failure, high blood pressure leading to strokes and diabetes - and GROWING. I am working actively helping victims in PAIN to WEAN OFF toxic drugs like Amlodipine and/or cancer causing Metformin. No more hypertension or diabetic ulcers risks.

Disclosure: Long on ARBB WA and buying more in next 72 hours.

Note: Caveat Emptor.

WhatsApp: zero - one - zero - 224 / four - one two/ eight.
reposted from TanKarkeong59: MACC should this company because they collude with states government and agencies, like USM, MBI KEDAH, MBI PERAK to trap investors. And also SC, why they allow them to keep playing this tricks


2022-01-21 10:58 | Report Abuse

I think Many know the trick! The price is also heading To where it Is predicted!


2022-01-20 19:15 | Report Abuse

Most likely 10 cents


2022-01-20 19:14 | Report Abuse

Let the majority shareholders roll their own money.


2022-01-20 19:12 | Report Abuse

The Public must b smart. This counter is going down. Let the substantial shareholders exercise. Then it would drop.


2022-01-20 12:14 | Report Abuse

No point u copy and paste neonstrife. No point.


2022-01-20 12:13 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife, u r like me, a Kind person. But maybe u have been taken a ride by these So called arbb bosses. Please try to understand. Almost all counters fall after RI. So Why would the Public subscribe?


2022-01-20 12:08 | Report Abuse

Why would the Public subscribe when they know they can get it in the open Market much cheaper?


2022-01-20 12:06 | Report Abuse

I think everyone knows the truth. Now Its 12.5 cents. Soon a few cents. After RI all fall.


2022-01-20 12:05 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife, they know the truth. Stop doing this cut and paste job. No point. The Public will wait till it goes to few cents. They let the bosses to subscribe....


2022-01-20 10:05 | Report Abuse

The Boss at least invest 6 mil can have 55 mil to roll. The cows who invest, watch the show..... hheehehe


2022-01-20 10:04 | Report Abuse

I cant imagine someone investing in the RI. Really bongok. But hehehe


2022-01-20 10:01 | Report Abuse

Its almost certain la ... based on past records


2022-01-20 09:53 | Report Abuse

So those who want to invest lets wait the bosses subscribe to their own shares.


2022-01-20 09:52 | Report Abuse

If one checks Market report that neonstrife cut and pasted:

The hydroponic solution for the whole world is only USD 2.1 bil. Not even 0.3% of the semiconductor industry. Barrier of entry is also low If u Just integrate different techs.

Arbb doesnt have any semiconductor design capability.


2022-01-20 09:48 | Report Abuse

Let the bosses do the job. Public should be smart. Just wait till it drops. As 99% companies after RI drop, with 99% probability of winning.


2022-01-20 09:46 | Report Abuse

Marcus biotech:

in this case, invest 6 mil and get 55 mil to roll. Imagine 100 sensors at 1k per sensor. Who is getting to make money from here? 6 mil is only 10% plus. Easily can cover it If THE BOSS WANTS. Hopefully no....How much do u think they pay neonstrife... to write rubbish?

Anyway, today already 12 cents. Since marcus have done the projections, those who believe can buy the share once it drops to 6 cents. But dont be naive to invest in the RI.


2022-01-19 18:16 | Report Abuse



2022-01-19 18:15 | Report Abuse

“IoT can benefit farmers in agriculture by making their job easier. Sensors can collect data on rainfall, humidity, temperature and soil content, as well as other factors, that would help automate farming techniques. “

Brother neonstrife How Many workers can they reduce? How much money can they safe? Dont say it depends? U can give a range in percentage.


2022-01-19 18:12 | Report Abuse

Let the voters for the RI use their own monet. When the counter drops to 7 cents, buy If u want.


2022-01-19 18:10 | Report Abuse

Neonstrife Arent u tired copy and pasting. The substantial shareholders are over charging u. 275k per Green house. Thats like 2,750 per sensor for 100 sensors. Even iPad air doesnt cost that much, although it has So Many sensors and one of the best camera.


2022-01-19 15:49 | Report Abuse

Bosskufanboy, to play the patent game, u need to have experience. Just like everything else.


2022-01-19 15:48 | Report Abuse

Never do homework. Too much assumption and implication. So those who dont want to listen can wait and hope. Those who are clever can sell and buy later.


2022-01-19 15:32 | Report Abuse

Conclusion: buy cheap and sell higher!


2022-01-19 15:30 | Report Abuse

The answer is 20%. Viable? How big is the Green house? Ohh 20%%%%.


2022-01-19 15:27 | Report Abuse

Another smart thing stated and dreamt by RJ87, major labour intensive crops can be planted in a Green house. Paddy can? Oil Palm?

Vegetables can.... But will ppl adopt it.... How muxh would these sensors improve production? Any paper? Any prior research done? Stated anywhere?


2022-01-19 15:17 | Report Abuse

So brothers now is 13 cents, So sell at 10 cents?


2022-01-19 15:13 | Report Abuse

My simple calculation is for 100 sensors and 25 cameras. Which is way too much. You might cheat an accountant.


2022-01-19 15:11 | Report Abuse

The figures are way to far. No need Implication. The cost doesnt justify. The only way is .... wait until the counter falls. N when it falls, those who want to buy can buy.


2022-01-19 15:08 | Report Abuse

Up to now, no patents, and suddenly want to get into patent game. Brother commercialization take time. Which farmer they want to sell. Customer signed the Contract and paid something. No.... Then selamat maju jaya.

Point two:

275k per Green house. Even If one buys 1k per sensor and 2k per camera, one would only use about 150k. Unless they Contract it out to another Company. Hehehe.... and 1k per sensor?


2022-01-19 10:30 | Report Abuse

If the Public act as one entity, no one will loose. Everyone who follow this counter can feel high chances for it to fall. Then Why buy now? Belilah dgn harga borong....


2022-01-19 10:28 | Report Abuse

Once 6-7 cents u can buy.... that time u will feel happy. Why buy now:..... think ... take me as a Friend...