
MirageHotelPD | Joined since 2015-01-01

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2020-06-09 17:12 | Report Abuse

careplus sold one of the factory number 4 call CMSB, which have only 9 lines.


2020-06-09 17:06 | Report Abuse

Since the last 9 months revenue for FY 2020at least RM400m


2020-06-09 17:05 | Report Abuse

But valuation for high growth company base on PE15 to 18 is rather too conservative.


2020-06-09 17:03 | Report Abuse

ruby20 must be one of the attendee this morning.


2020-06-09 14:27 | Report Abuse

Christopher, today's briefing is only for invited guests. You can't find


2020-06-07 19:51 | Report Abuse

ray1980 are you in manufacturing sector? Check Tesla were at USD20 in 2013 and Amazon USD 100 in 2011 with PE 200-300. Few years every quarters making tiny profit. Today Tesla is USD885 and Amazon is USD2,483. and PE still high at 100.


2020-06-07 10:01 | Report Abuse

When I first see Q1 result with revenue 104m, up about 20m compare to corresponding quarter. Profit only 1.14m or 0.11% net profit margin. This is really shocking disappointment. But after deep though again, although is just 1.14m, the corresponding period profit was only 363k or 0.42% profit. This justify with small Profit improve due to demand for gloves shortage actually happens late in March and very likely the company still offering last bite price for loyal customers. In April, pandemic worsen globally and many countries starts looking for glove supplies. Most glove manufacturers globally starts gradually increase about 5% price monthly since April due to shortage and more spot buyers. That would means the net profit margin for April potentially increase by 5% if Careplus also practice gradually increase monthly price by 5%(unless management allows last offer for loyal customers), May 5% and June another 5%. Currently every glove factories is running very close to 100% capacity if not more. Assume average net margin increase by 10% for Q2 and revenue still remain 104m per quarter unchanged. Then, potential net profit will be at least 11m(1m+10m) for 2Q or EPS increase to 1.7 cents or annualized PE sharply improve to 24 which will justify why the current price of 1.63. As supply demand rules, many urgent buyers willing to pay much higher price to jump queue to buy ready stock glove. Therefore, many glove factories starts to allocate up to 10% of the production capacity (which was not committed to existing customers) to sell to spot or urgent buyers at much higher price. This will resulting Forward PE for Q2 potentially drop from forward annualized PE of 194 in Q1 to just PE 24 or lower when Q2 results release in August. This has not include potential contributions from JV with Ansell which allows Careplus to venture more % into surgical glove segments to fetch even higher profit margin. So, today’s careplus may looks extremely expensive but may looks reasonable priced in Q2 and appears to be lower PE in Q3 when they carry on implementing gradually price increase as long as market still shortage.

Top 4 glove companies are good cause they are big, but for growth sometimes small is even better cause base to grow is low. Quarterly 1m improve to 2m is 100%, Improve to 10m is 1000%. High PE is justify for company with High Growth company cause today is expensive, tomorrow will be cheap.

This is just my 2c opinion. Invest according to your ability and affordability. Don’t gamble, but invest.


2020-06-04 09:48 | Report Abuse

wahd, 50% of the ICPS automatically convert to Sunway Shares at 4th anniversary, balance will convert after 5 years mature. That's why, ICPS has a discount of 30%+


2020-06-03 15:59 | Report Abuse

Sunway trading vol is relatively big for past few months. EPF is just part of the fund declared they buy. If so many people sell, logically the price should drop a lot. But why it still stay firmly. We shall see why after ICPS issued


2020-06-02 20:54 | Report Abuse

I believe final adjusted conversion price for warrant in 2024 should be around 1.30- 1.35. 4 years duration Premium about 10% is seem too cheap for such a good potential company like Sunway.


2020-06-02 20:51 | Report Abuse

Sunway next Jewel is healthcare or hospitals expansion. Part of the Fund raise from ICPS will be use for more hospitals capex. Instead of Capex is from borrowing, fund from ICPS will indirectly increase the eps and likely share price will move up faster. Warrant price will also adjust lower accordingly since capital will be enlarged after ICPS convert to Sunway share. So, I believe is good opportunity to increase Sunway and Warrants while price still low.


2020-05-19 10:51 | Report Abuse

meat no more, inside the bone still have bone marrow.


2020-05-19 10:24 | Report Abuse

sell sell sell.. season of selling COVID-19 stocks. Is time to switch for Undervalued banking, Reits, good fundamental companies like Sunway, Matrix,


2020-05-14 09:50 | Report Abuse

Then you should switch to Gpacket to bullshit, why still stay here


2020-05-14 09:22 | Report Abuse

When W Buffett spotted a good baker. He never run in run out before the bread is cooked. Learn from him


2020-05-13 16:28 | Report Abuse

Think positive..


2020-05-13 15:57 | Report Abuse

hopefully my decision to stay long is right


2020-05-13 15:57 | Report Abuse

these guys are good, witness them clear off most weak holders in 20 minutes


2020-05-06 11:59 | Report Abuse

Resolution on JV is carried. EGM over


2020-05-06 11:47 | Report Abuse

267,064,075 voted For. 0 against


2020-05-06 11:46 | Report Abuse

At the moment,100% vote For for JV


2020-05-06 11:36 | Report Abuse

season of throwing!


2020-05-06 11:12 | Report Abuse

Result after 12pm when live poll end


2020-05-06 11:01 | Report Abuse

result out on the spot


2020-05-06 10:25 | Report Abuse

11am-11:30am voting. After that announce approval of JV.


2020-05-06 10:23 | Report Abuse

lunge, is too late to join if you have not reg. Webinar EGM will begin shortly


2020-05-06 10:00 | Report Abuse If COVID-19 does not slow down by coming Summer, the world may have big problem to deal with mutated virus. Current develop vaccines may not be able to use by the time they are ready next year.


2020-05-06 09:48 | Report Abuse

pick up at 0.45. Nice dream


2020-05-01 23:11 | Report Abuse

I think your shares makes no different. Majority had already decided to vote for JV. Sell if you want quick small profit. Hold long if you want to grow with the company. No overnight rich scheme


2020-04-30 16:40 | Report Abuse

Perhaps get tickets to run...Looks like fishing


2020-04-29 16:43 | Report Abuse

your prediction really makes people happy. At night sure dream of $$$$ . See also siok...


2020-04-29 13:04 | Report Abuse

FC78020, of course EGM is on. Bursa announcement cannot play play...


2020-04-29 11:00 | Report Abuse

This is the JV with Ansell EGM announcement, read and register for the virtual meeting. You can vote on the spot or send in your proxy.


2020-04-29 10:54 | Report Abuse

Fc78020, Voting on JV is schedule on 6th May. Send in your proxy if you support the JV. No need to ask si3nz. He can't decide the JV.


2020-04-28 17:25 | Report Abuse

si3nz what do you think tomorrow how it will move?


2020-04-27 09:24 | Report Abuse

Careplus not selling 50% of the productions to Ansell. CMSB productions lines is only about 30% of total lines. That means about 15% lines sell to Ansell


2020-04-24 20:50 | Report Abuse

The EGM is confirmed on 6th May


2020-04-24 20:41 | Report Abuse

FYI, any major business decision must have the shareholders consent. Agreement with Ansell is a conditional agreement. Whereby careplus must obtain shareholders approval. That’s why EGM suppose to held on 20th March but delay to 6th May due to MCO. Currently Careplus is trying to get green light to carry on with the EGM but using Zoom meeting due to MCO extended again. Hope this time EGM not delay again.


2020-04-24 17:01 | Report Abuse

EGM is about JV with Ansell, a Public Listed Company in Australia. Founded in 1929. Turnover 2018 USD1.59bn. Which is 3 times larger than Top Glove who turnover last year is about USD540m. With this big brother join in. Careplus will definitely benefits from them, in term of marketing or help them to produce speciality glove. More than RM1 by end of the year may not be just a dream..


2020-04-24 14:21 | Report Abuse

The company is losing for last few years, now with COVID-19 and JV with Ansell only will see light in the tunnel. Don't simply said the bonus is coming, no logic at all. Anyway, if can hold long, this is potential counter.


2020-04-24 10:53 | Report Abuse

Rishi, EGM voting result normally will be known on the same day.


2020-04-23 14:28 | Report Abuse

without Vaccine or effective medication. Base on historical Virus outbreaks, COVID-19 may last until 2022. The longer the COVID-19 drag, glove manufacturer will benefits more


2020-04-23 14:26 | Report Abuse

Ansell is an Australian public listed company specialised in Latex gloves, surgical gloves and other PPE. Turnover in 2018 USD1.59bn or about 3 times bigger than Top Glove. With the help of Ansell, careplus should be able to penetrate more market which currently beyond reach by careplus. As I understand, JV with Ansell not only involve Nitrile and latex glove. Other speciality glove may move to careplus plan too.


2020-04-23 14:13 | Report Abuse

Today careplus holds the Remote Q&A on JV with Ansell. Went smoothly and shall expect an EGM on 6th May to vote.


2020-02-28 09:50 | Report Abuse

2019 dividend is 64 cents, the reasonable price for Maybank base on 6.5% dividend should be 9.84. if Covid-19 and potential reduce interest rate affects Maybank's future income, said profit reduce 0.25% due to interest and COVID-19 affects 10% profit. Then the dividend may reduce to 57 cents. Base on normal 6.5% dividend rate, Maybank still worth 8.76. Current price of
8.48 still good bargain.


2020-02-26 09:32 | Report Abuse

Selling mainly came from foreigners who do not like unstable politic and COVID-19. But Sunway has low rate foreigners shareholders and the price has been undervalued for long. For such a good growth, well managed and consistent Dividend growing company. From yesterday good result plus good dividend. Don't surprise today will end with Green


2020-02-21 11:27 | Report Abuse

What current situation, most people are leak of confidence. Anyway, disaster could be an opportunity. Cheap sale when majority thinks future is bad.


2020-02-13 16:28 | Report Abuse

Sunway trading volume suddenly pick up after lunch hours. Good result or good news coming?