
MirageHotelPD | Joined since 2015-01-01

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2020-02-06 12:04 | Report Abuse

Is true 2-3 cents rise won't make much different. But, this small changes will make a lot of different to Matrix-WA which the conversion price is 1.92


2020-02-06 12:01 | Report Abuse

JV with Ansell is a good news. Share price also surged so much for past 2 months. But there is a saying :- sell when there is good news and buy when there is no news.. Let see whether is true this time


2020-01-09 10:59 | Report Abuse

引进伙伴 安排上市 双威释放医疗业务价值 |


2019-04-25 15:32 | Report Abuse

nemesis, time will prove


2019-04-25 15:28 | Report Abuse

I still insist that 'Don't argue with low IQ and EQ people'


2019-04-25 15:09 | Report Abuse

xiximi, you can choose to take cash instead of DRP.


2019-04-25 15:05 | Report Abuse

anyway, nemesis.Past record shows Malton will not shoot up exponentially.It may push for a longer period before it comes to highest. But if you have patient enough, history will repeat.


2019-04-25 15:03 | Report Abuse

nemesis, Think again. maybe he is too lonely. Find no one to talks to him. I already mentioned regret respond to low IQ and EQ people. He still hope I respond to him! Must be Sad old man!


2019-04-25 14:49 | Report Abuse

mcmann, Final year WB conversion price is RM1.44. If Sunway list healthcare and declare special dividend, normally the conversion price will adjust again


2019-04-25 14:48 | Report Abuse

RainT, when Suncon listed. Sunway disposed some Suncon shares and declared special dividend and dividend in species (Suncon shares). So, definitely Sunway shareholders will benefit from it


2019-04-25 14:43 | Report Abuse

I was happily collecting anything below 0.65. Now my only task is to wait for the best news to come out before I sell. Some dump who don't buy now will find it cheap when it up later


2019-04-25 14:41 | Report Abuse

nemesis, see what I meant now. interacting with Brain growth on buttock is really wasting your time.


2019-04-24 11:28 | Report Abuse

onward, they hold too many shares. If continue buying then one day breach the 25% public distribution clause. Until March 2019. they holds 70% WB


2019-04-24 11:17 | Report Abuse

I guess most people did not realise. When you buy speculate counters, you are betting to win the other speculators. When you are not gambler, then should invest in counters that is consider 'boring' or real investment counters. Speculative counters like Malton, WCT, and recently Merge, which i bet on Merge since Nov last year after new owner offer 0.88 GO. Company losing money every year but I trusted the owner creditability. So, I keep till now which is 1.79. I "Bet" it will go beyond RM2 by this year (don't buy cause is very very high risk now, just wait and see). If you are not gambler, then should looks for counters like Sunway, Maybank, PBB, and few very stable income and minimum impact from e commerce Reits like KLCC, IGB reit, Sunreit, and esp YTL reit. All these counters offers average 10% pa or more return for past 10 years.


2019-04-24 11:07 | Report Abuse

nemesis, I guess you didn't read my earlier post. "Today I learned, never respond to low IQ and EQ people". Don't waste time responding to him. We just buy Malton at right time we believe, and sell at the right time. Let him wait till Bandar Malaysia news confirmed then only act. I bought Malton since 2011, Malton up and down all the time and finally touches 1.9 when BM news out. I sold at 1.6 average. Now, I start collecting Malton anything below 0.65 and wait for next "BM" news. This counter is a truly manipulating counter but can't deny Malton has quality to manipulate. NTA 1.72, good profit every year. This will convince most people it really worth above 1.7 when market recover. So, who knows one day another "BM" really come to Malton. Then, I believe that time he will said 1.9 is too cheap to buy.


2019-04-22 16:04 | Report Abuse

Average daily vol increase, buy back also more aggressive and more staff subscribed ESOS shares. Signs of healthcare listing very soon?


2019-04-19 09:43 | Report Abuse

Jaya, good decision to went in


2019-04-18 16:24 | Report Abuse

Bargain time ending soon?


2019-04-18 16:05 | Report Abuse

share will only update tomorrow


2019-04-18 15:35 | Report Abuse

I just received Dividend :)


2019-04-18 10:43 | Report Abuse

There always an opportunity behind a disaster.Jaya, icedvestor, I think your decision and patient will be rewarded.


2019-04-18 10:40 | Report Abuse

Hyflux exposure is over exaggerated. Total debt owing to Maybank is approx RM1.95bn. RM315m already written off in Q2 2018. Net current book debt remain RM1.63Bn. Target Maybank 2019 earning is Rm10.3Bn. That means RM1.63Bn is only about 15.8% target profit that may be set aside for Hyflux and this is one off. After that, Maybank will be back to normal. Total Market capitalisation of Maybank now slightly less than RM1000Bn, NTA RM6.812. PE 12. Impairment of 1.63Bn will reduce the 2019 target profit to RM8.67Bn. Assuming profit at 8.67Bn, earning per share will be RM0.79278. at current price of RM8.98. PE is only 11.32. Since Hyflux is one off, next year there will no more Hyflux impairment and profit will back on track. Then, PE is with potential to reduce to 10 only. I think it is real good bargain to consider.


2019-04-17 15:38 | Report Abuse

Think again, maybe should thanks PH for making Maybank at bargain price for accumulate. Every disaster there is opportunity. When national debt back to healthy level, banking sectors will sure benefits.


2019-04-17 15:34 | Report Abuse

I had bought enough Maybank, now waiting for even cheaper sales. Since the fixing time for DRP usually falls on 20s of May. Maybe see that time whether can get even cheaper bargain.


2019-04-17 15:32 | Report Abuse

Even though Maybank may not be the best. It still one of the good investment. Consistent dividend plus gradual price growth


2019-04-17 15:29 | Report Abuse

RainT, Just like Sunway. Most people don't see Maybank price growth over years. Actually this is quite mis;leading if you are not long the counter. If you trace back to 31st March 2009, which is exactly 10 years now. average price for Maybank has growth from RM2.155 (adjusted price due to bonuses and etc..) in March 2009 to now RM9.02. This is 418% compare to 10 years ago. If your luck is bad enough and bought high price. The highest before the dip in 2008 also at RM5.5832 in 2007 February. which also have 5.1% growth beside the good dividend received yearly.


2019-04-17 12:00 | Report Abuse

haha martin, glad to see you here also. Perhaps I'm born risk taker. Since I choose to trust the new owners like I trusted Sunway bosses. I'll continue to tie my fate with them...


2019-04-17 11:02 | Report Abuse

Banks have capital. Maybe when interest reduce, interest from capital earn also reduce.


2019-04-17 10:50 | Report Abuse

I noticed usually prior fixing DRP price, share price always tends to drop. Total shares issue under DRP around 120m if 100% subscribe. Could it be major shareholders intentionally sell a small % to press the price down so that price fixing is lower for them to subscribe. Hyflux case max write off is 1.6bn if zero recovery. This is about 15.8% 2019 estimated profit. I think this is one off, so, maybe is opportunity to accumulate more when it is cheap.


2019-04-17 09:13 | Report Abuse

sooaria, the directors declares 250,000 disposed in open market.


2019-04-16 15:44 | Report Abuse

Base on the news on Star 15th June 2017. Sunway Medical should now in the pipeline to list. Sunway Medical historical profit. 2016 : 37.5M, 2017: 50m, 2018: 60m. Base on lowest PE for hospital sector, 2016 Sunway Healthcare is worth 1.5Bn. 2017 worth 2bn, 2018 worth 2.4Bn. If base on 2019 and forward profit growth of 20%. 2019 could worth 2.88Bn and 2020 3.4Bn. Currently Sunway Healthcare sector NTA only around 446m. That mean, by listing and dispose some share or give it to Sunway shareholders as special or dividend in species. Then, each share will get minimum 0.20 or higher. Cheers and good luck for those for Long Sunway


2019-04-16 15:25 | Report Abuse

I have the same though. 0.32+1.44=1.76. I think premium for 5 + years is too low. So, whether WB will be up next 3 months or 5 years. Return still consider high for me to collect more.


2019-04-16 10:35 | Report Abuse

CashRich, RM100 per outlet may sounds cheap. But the margin supply to Hypermarket is being squizzzzz. I'm not sure about fresh food, some departments have to provide 30% margin base on list price and another average 32% arrive from long list of rebate and fess. For Giant, this is excluding once a year Charity golf which 1 entry is price at RM27,500 which they indirectly force suppliers to participate.


2019-04-16 10:30 | Report Abuse

DualShock, 200gm price at RM3.9. 400gm used to sell at RM6.90


2019-04-15 15:16 | Report Abuse

Yesterday I saw Hevea mushroom back to Family store rack, but only 200gm available.


2019-04-15 14:45 | Report Abuse

ECRL didn't pass by Matrix existing project. Likely will not benefit


2019-04-15 14:43 | Report Abuse

CashRich, I guess is The Korean brand owner find it difficult to switch brand in Hypermarket due to need to delisting and re list again. FYI, listed new SKU needs to pay expensive listing fees in Hypermarket. So, the brand owner/supplier continue to use the brand but pack with Heveagro mushroom. Hope my guess is correct.


2019-04-15 14:34 | Report Abuse

Martin, strong resistant at 1.71 and WB holds firms at 0.42. If able to breaks and settle at 1.74. Then, WB will follow moving up.


2019-04-15 10:45 | Report Abuse

What happens If Sunway can sustain the growth like past 6 years? Then Sunway mother will be 3.31 in 2024, WB will be 1.87. I believe in 2024 % that WB >0.6 is 80%, >RM1 10%, <0.6 to lose is 10%. Base on Casino Theory, high return low risk is golden opportunity for me.


2019-04-15 10:30 | Report Abuse

3 months target can only forecast by manipulators. My target is simple, base on past 6 years historical price growth which is around 19% pa. Base on current economy head wind. If you take a 5% growth pa is still consider very conservative siding all Sunway subsi still profitable. So, I can only said in 5 years time (2024) Sunway will have at least 2.12. Then, WB will be at least 0.68. Unless Sunway announces Medical centre listing plan in 3 months time. Then Sunway price may jump around 0.20 since Medical sector have very high valuation (average hospital PE is 40-60 compare to Sunway PE 12). Then, WB will be around 0.60-0.65


2019-04-15 10:20 | Report Abuse

Martin, You 'too looking up at me la'. I'm just pure loyal Sunway investors who have very high confidence with the company. Base on my limited understanding how Sunway operates. Correct me if i'm wrong, there is no losing active subsidiaries, sustainable management and good assets and businesses.


2019-04-15 10:14 | Report Abuse

In this world, nothing comes free. Just do more research on the companies you wish to invest. Sunway price seldom or almost no sudden surge. But I like Sunway because they have excellent management, almost all the times all subsidiaries are making profit, good assets and types of business that can generate fix cash flow, gradually dividend growth and most important for past 6-7 years share price has been up average more than 15% pa. With current rumour of Sunway Medical centre going to list in 2019 or next year, the value of Sunway will definitely much higher if the rumour comes true..


2019-04-15 10:05 | Report Abuse

In KLSE, most counters are control by few people. That means easy to manipulate the price movement. I strongly believe most analysts have link with people who manipulate the counters. This is why I will not listen to analysts' comment as most of the time they show yo a way to Holland.


2019-04-12 11:35 | Report Abuse

What does 9 means? Is it local product?


2019-04-12 10:50 | Report Abuse

Past govn left a superb big holes behind to fill. PH only rule for less than a year. Build up a family will takes years, what more if it is a country? A rich resources country like Malaysia with minimum corruption. Country will eventually rich and people will benefits. Give them more time, be patient..Banks and people will sure benefits


2019-04-12 10:45 | Report Abuse

I used to buy Hevea mushroom at Seremban Family store but can't see it now. In Jusco, I saw Korean Brand Enrygii Mushroom. Funny things is, written produce in Malaysia! As I remember, Hevea is the only enrygii mushroom cultivator in Malaysia. Could it Hevea mushroom now pack in Korean brand packing? Anyone can confirm?


2019-04-11 10:12 | Report Abuse

Hope someone can update business outlooks after AGM. Esp on issue of Hyflux terminate its agreement with SMI for restructuring, whether any further write off needed.


2019-04-11 09:59 | Report Abuse

Today I learned. Is really stupid to respond to low IQ and EQ people.