
monetary | Joined since 2019-09-03

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2020-04-17 11:48 | Report Abuse

wat a wonderful cup n handle. testing 200ema soon!


2020-04-17 11:47 | Report Abuse

1st time redtone more bullish than binacom. gets job from TM?


2020-04-17 09:32 | Report Abuse

hold tight2 until 1Q21. test kit food platform r just snake. can have them or without. main course is GST!


2020-04-17 08:53 | Report Abuse

Nasdaq alrdy in bull territory


2020-04-17 07:39 | Report Abuse

i3lurker when director sell better dun buy
16/04/2020 9:34 PM

Director selling isn't always a bad sign. Company used to reward employees with esos. That's REWARD n there's nothing wrong to ex it n sell in open market. Besides, the directors might have top up money to meet margin call lately. Since share price has risen to acceptable level there's nothing wrong to sell some to recover the money.


2020-04-16 17:42 | Report Abuse

I heard can trade in old phobe in some shops.


2020-04-16 17:22 | Report Abuse

this week is earning report week. if Dow can swallow the shocking data then the bear most likely go away.


2020-04-16 17:19 | Report Abuse

jobless not an issue. I see many jobless ppl talking in smartphone.


2020-04-16 17:15 | Report Abuse

COVID-19: Peluang terbaik untuk 'reboot' sistem pendidikan - IDEAS
Firdaus Azil, Astro Awani | Published April 16, 2020 16:22 MYT
KUALA LUMPUR: Impak COVID-19 merupakan peluang terbaik untuk pihak berkaitan menetapkan semula sistem pendidikan di negara ini, terutamanya dalam memasukkan elemen normal baharu sejak pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP).

Pengurus Penyelidikan Institut Demokrasi dan Hal Ehwal Ekonomi (IDEAS), Ya Shin Wan, berkata beberapa kekangan dapat dilihat apabila kerajaan mengumumkan polisi pembelajaran dan pengajaran (PnP) dari rumah dan pihak berkepentingan harus bertindak lebih proaktif mengatasi cabaran berkenaan.

Dalam laporan IDEAS bertajuk “Pendidikan ketika COVID-19”, Shin Wan berkata, COVID-19 menunjukkan jurang digital yang sangat besar di kalangan pelajar.

“Dari sudut akses pembelajaran dalam talian, prasyaratnya adalah Internet dan peralatan digital yang mencukupi. Di kawasan bandar, timbul isu pelajar tidak dapat menjalani pembelajaran dalam talian kerana terpaksa berkongsi peralatan digital selain kelajuan Internet yang perlahan.

“Di luar bandar dan pedalaman seperti perkampungan orang Asli di Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak, akses Internet sangat terhad. Malah masih ada perkampungan yang tidak mempunyai bekalan elektrik atau hanya memperolehnya pada waktu malam sahaja,” katanya lagi.

Selain itu, Shin Wan berkata, untuk memastikan keberkesanan pembelajaran dalam talian, ibu bapa juga harus diberi tunjuk ajar dan garis panduan yang bersesuaian.

“Kanak-kanak yang ibu bapa mereka tidak begitu celik IT akan mengalami kesukara dan akhirnya terpaksa mencari jalan sendiri bagaimana menggunakan platform digital ini,” katanya menambah terdapat juga guru yang tidak begitu mahir dalam pembelajaran dalam talian.

“Dalam sistem sebelum ini, guru hanya menggunakan pembelajaran dalam talian sebagai ‘supplementary’ atau tambahan kepada silibus sedia ada. Kini ia adalah satu-satunya pilihan yang mereka ada,” katanya lagi.

Dalam pada itu, Shin Wan berkata, sekolah sebelum ini juga menjadi tempat untuk murid-murid, khususnya yang kurang berkemampuan untuk mendapatkan makanan yang berkhasiat.

“Kini, dengan pelaksanaan PKP di seluruh negara, sekolah-sekolah telah ditutup dan murid-murid yang datang dari keluarga susah, mempunyai risiko lebih tinggi untuk lapar dan akhirnya akan mengganggu pembelajaran mereka.

“Golongan pelajar ini yang terpaksa tinggal di rumah sahaja sepanjang tempoh PKP, secara semula jadinya akan mengalami penyusutan dari segi fizikal dan emosi,” Shin Wan berkata,

Justeru, jelas beliau lagi, adalah amat penting bagi pihak berkepentingan terutama Kementerian Pendidikan untuk merangka strategi yang mantap dan menyeluruh.


2020-04-16 15:44 | Report Abuse

this TS Wong everyday earns 2% 3%. so many shares in his hands in different acc


2020-04-16 15:08 | Report Abuse

this co got v good quality assets. shouldn't b selling bellow nta.


2020-04-16 14:59 | Report Abuse

a gap up shooting star followed by a bullish white candle. strong hand behind it!


2020-04-16 14:57 | Report Abuse

wow! gg woke up liau!


2020-04-16 12:57 | Report Abuse


The Malaysia Government has just announced that the Movement Control Order will be implemented from 18 March 2020 until 28 April 2020, throughout the country. This control order is made under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 and the Police Act 1967. All government and private premises will be closed during this period, except for essential services.

Nevertheless, Telecommunications is defined as one of the essential services. Hence, we at REDtone will continue to operate and provide full support to all our customers throughout this period via multiple digital platforms,


2020-04-16 09:10 | Report Abuse

yes. u can't trade this stock. EPF buys on weakness.


2020-04-15 18:34 | Report Abuse

oh! shooting star


2020-04-15 17:10 | Report Abuse

m worry about euro n usa market. those ppl r broke after lockdown. they got no saving unlike the Chinese.


2020-04-15 16:27 | Report Abuse

downgraded to 0.275


2020-04-15 07:14 | Report Abuse

aiya tiu lor. Goshen don't read news ka?


2020-04-14 09:14 | Report Abuse

Why Inari? Bcoz 5G sepercycle doesn't start with smart car, smart transportation sys, factory automation, robot or weapons. It starts with smartphone!


2020-04-14 08:50 | Report Abuse

keep an eye on the volume. no big volume means no panic dumping.


2020-04-14 08:45 | Report Abuse

In these 1 or 2 months u can si which stocks will retest new low the 2nd time following the index n which will undergo normal retracement and back to uptrend. This is the time when we can tell who the winners n lossers r.


2020-04-14 08:42 | Report Abuse

no more panic in the market. Dow very likely slowly retest new low again but that's within ppl predictions. U r unlikely to see inari bellow 1 again. Most probably this is normal reteacement after a good run.


2020-04-13 18:00 | Report Abuse

park ur money at 1.2


2020-04-13 16:18 | Report Abuse

Dow might have trend reversal this week. run first.


2020-04-13 12:14 | Report Abuse

covid19 isn't going away soon. India, Africa n some parts of South America blm kena lagi.


2020-04-13 12:01 | Report Abuse

if bos is goreng kaki he is foolish not to take advantage of covid19. wait another 18 to 20 yrs?


2020-04-13 10:38 | Report Abuse

only briefly touched fibo retracement 23.6%.


2020-04-13 10:34 | Report Abuse

I think glove stock uptrend can last until 4Q20


2020-04-13 10:30 | Report Abuse

top glove says new orders can only b delivered by Nov in an interview. saw it in TV news 2days ago.


2020-04-11 22:36 | Report Abuse

u bought at much higher price plus subscribed for RI now became 6c can earn Mercedes ka?


2020-04-11 22:34 | Report Abuse

woi! I bought 20k at lowest price 3.5c sold at 35c after ex still lost 15k. why kingston sold at 68c earned Slk?


2020-04-11 22:14 | Report Abuse

1195 posts
Posted by Kingston1 > Jan 23, 2020 9:08 AM | Report Abuse

Sold all at 0.68 !! Hahaha.. Thanks Icon. Booking my SLK next week. Wowowoow

Niama. That's the biggest lie in the century. The lowest price of Icon b4 ex was 3.5c. After 50 to 1 consolidation became 1.75 plus some rights. Selling at 68c can't even recover the loss. How the fxxk can earn a SLK? Besides, the rights could only b sold at 5c. Guys. U should stop listening to this laier.


2020-04-11 21:22 | Report Abuse

@mabel. I bought 20k icon at 3.5c b4 RI n sold all right when things turned unfavorable how to lose big. I believe u bought at much higher price but ex then subscribed for RI now become 6c wor. Who lost big leh?


2020-04-11 21:19 | Report Abuse

why dayang 2016 to 2018 lost money if not affected by oil price?


2020-04-11 21:16 | Report Abuse

dayang decouples from oil price? can u explain why it was debt ridden when oil price 30 to 40? why cash call?


2020-04-11 21:11 | Report Abuse

In bull market u hold as many stocks as possible bcoz even garbage stocks make money. In bear market keep as few stocks as possible bcoz only the fittest will make money. Common sense lar. Who can u bluff with ur overly diversified portfolio?


2020-04-11 20:57 | Report Abuse

@Philip. Mabel will not lose money one. She always mention a few hundreds % earned in stock ABC. When come to big losses like o&g , AA, oil palm she will say volatility is normal in stock market. Always b prepared to more than 50% paper loss. Otherwise she will say she took profits in stages. So no matter how she will never lose. 1 thing I can tell u all for sure. Ppl who have wide variety of stocks will lose big when market crash. Earn here lose there in the end of the day still lose big. Only those who r selective but not buying everything will survive the crash. I believe all seasoned investors agree with me. Anyway there r plenty of newbies believe in mabel's beautified earn big portfolio.


2020-04-11 12:18 | Report Abuse

Oil spike on news immediately tanked. Bad sign. If can't get back to 60 two yrs from now history repeats. Another cash call.


2020-04-11 12:15 | Report Abuse

even corporate leaders sakit kepala now. u ikan bilis talk so big? kena baham big shark baru tau.


2020-04-11 12:11 | Report Abuse

BMW AUDI? make sure u don't sell ur myvi to cover debt.


2020-04-10 17:50 | Report Abuse

buy stock base on facts not hopes. oil price resembles economy. u think economy is good or bad?


2020-04-10 12:40 | Report Abuse

holding stock in loss position with bright future is OK. holding stock in loss position with bleak future is KO.


2020-04-10 10:48 | Report Abuse

cut production means reduce capex lar. less job. so difficult to understand meh?


2020-04-08 10:46 | Report Abuse

wat u earned here will b burned somewhere. G luck.


2020-04-08 10:43 | Report Abuse

u must b Calvin corny. lol!


2020-04-08 10:33 | Report Abuse

probably to comply with bumiputra equity requirement.


2020-04-08 10:19 | Report Abuse

PP destroy shareholders value bcoz it's a lot cheaper than market price. it's to benefit some parties.