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2023-07-24 10:25 | Report Abuse

Offer 96.52c? I can't understand..

MBSB 79c now

Existing shares 7.2b after issuing new shares of 1.05b the total shares 8.25b. Exist market cap 5.8b +new injected capital 1.0b total new cap=6.85b. Roughly 6.85b/8.2b shares=82cts/share.


2023-07-24 09:59 | Report Abuse

Shares (mil) 2,720.62 and net cash 2.3b. roughly worth 85cent/share. How u get .0025 cent/share?


2023-07-22 10:23 | Report Abuse
Most of bursa are overleveraged are highly in debt.
ome companies in sectors such as rubber gloves and consumer goods have turned net cash in FY2022 from a net debt position in FY2019.

Companies such as Top Glove Corp Bhd, Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd and Supermax Corp Bhd were sitting on a net cash position of RM271.63 million, RM1.98 billion and RM2.22 billion respectively as at March 31 this year, compared to net debt of RM2.17 billion, RM403 million and RM217.7 million respectively in 2019.


2023-07-14 18:26 | Report Abuse

The USD 350m had allocated for 4 phases. Each phase will cost around USD 80-90m. Their glove production will start after completion of phase 1.


2023-06-17 13:21 | Report Abuse

Topglove net cash has improved from 703m to 987m after qtr result. (included investment securities)


2023-06-08 10:21 | Report Abuse

Harta short position have exited fully. Others gloves companies will be followed.


2023-06-02 10:45 | Report Abuse

Top glove is put waiting list in FTSE Russel. Sooner or later the stocks of top 4 will be included in FTSE Russel .


2023-05-19 09:39 | Report Abuse

Some of glove companies like supermax had already gained more 20 years profit for 2 years pandemic. A few qtr -ve result will not hamper the growth of company. Furthermore, the glove now is heading in positive cycle where the profit lost is minimized compared to last qtr.


2023-05-18 22:01 | Report Abuse

Interest earned from 2.6b bank fd annually is enough to pay 3.5ct dividend.


2023-04-28 10:59 | Report Abuse

The company is the midst of reshuffle its boardroom to align with supermax global strategy and forward direction. Maybe "Ang Moh" lady will be on board soon. Haha


2023-04-28 10:06 | Report Abuse

Her reason of resignation she is fully committed to her job as exd for Padini. So no time as non exd in supermax. She has no complain on management. No big issue, non exd come and go in the listed company is very common.


2023-04-27 17:57 | Report Abuse

Supermax has engaged widely respected international trade and custom partner to resolve cbp issues. See press release below.


2023-04-26 10:45 | Report Abuse

haha On behalf of my investors.


2023-04-26 10:25 | Report Abuse

All the decision is made by the boards of director. The proposed aircraft not even approve yet. What accountability u talking about? Anyone can propose a buy a "moon" but final decision is still need to get approval from board of directors and shareholders.


2023-04-26 10:00 | Report Abuse

First thing the investor must think who can create value for the company. Stanley or Cecile.? When Stanley setup the company 30 years old she was just a kid. As saying he is 'eat salt more than her eat rice'. I will prefer his dad to manage the company as he is still healthy and capable.


2023-04-26 09:43 | Report Abuse

Just not time yet for her to take over. She is heir of company who can bully her. Her dad still have unfinished job in the company. Patient girl!


2023-04-26 09:01 | Report Abuse
Too many family members in board of director is not good governance in a company. Overlapping roles will waste in management. According to Stanley the removing his daughter is not bc of propose aircraft.


2023-04-24 12:43 | Report Abuse

The proposed aircraft is business class falcon 10x jet and flying range of 8000 nm which need not require to refuel or stop when travel to intended destination. Bring in customers from Europe and US to Malaysia will be as ease and in shortest time. Technical support personnel can be easy send to Texas factory to resolve any startup machinery problem. Have an advance aircraft for the purpose to bring in more value to company is good investment. Note that Supermx products are 100% exported. The top exd are constantly needed to built good relationship with customers from Eu and US by visiting each other country and thus bring in more sales.


2023-04-21 11:18 | Report Abuse

It is board members fiduciary duty ensure to reduce cost in management during the difficult time. It is better for her to resign than to sack her.


2023-04-21 07:09 | Report Abuse

Cecile has not create value to the company for past 7 years as Ceo and exd. Other non exd received only RM120k annual salary. She is getting USD400k in salary as non exd. Probably the highest paid non exd in Bursa listed companies. Removing her saving the Supermx as least RM2000000 a year.


2023-04-20 08:16 | Report Abuse

Cecile is a impatient lady. Sooner or later Stanley empire will pass to her since she is eldest. By speaking bad about the company and his dad, her days in supermax are number.


2023-04-19 22:22 | Report Abuse

[SUPERMX] Share Buyback (Immediate) on 19-Apr-2023 7,336,900


2023-04-17 10:27 | Report Abuse

Whether cbp lifted he wro or not , Supermax US factory is going opening in 3rd quarter and 100% US made. The Supermax facility in Texas will cater to at least 10-15% of annual medical nitrile glove in US in next 2 years.


2023-04-14 17:05 | Report Abuse

Supermax Corporation Bhd is urging its former migrant employees to apply for reimbursement of any fees paid to obtain employment at the company, to complete the transformation of its labour policies. It continues to conduct an outreach campaign in its effort to follow up on earlier efforts implemented in Nepal and Bangladesh, asking that former workers who paid recruitment fees to obtain employment be reimbursed. (The Edge)


2023-03-19 16:38 | Report Abuse

Last time when glove companies was still making billion profit, the share price drop like shit. These investors foresee the profit and revenue dropped in next 2 years due to oversupply. Now that 2 years had passed, the same investors foresee that the revenue and profit will back in next 2 years so the share price goes up.


2023-03-03 09:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jason85 > 18 hours ago | Report Abuse

Management shall do something already in view of this.

In fact, supermax had already sub glove manufacturing to Blue sail china, Intco, to produce nitrile gloves for them under aurelia brand.
Blue sail china. export data.


2023-03-02 11:19 | Report Abuse

Supermax ODM can sub the gloves manufacturing to China companies to produce the gloves for them under their brand name bc of lower cost. The cost saving from manufacturing are able to provide more competitive price to the Europe and US market.


2023-02-09 18:59 | Report Abuse

Another WRO YTY glove clear by US CBP today. No more forced labour.


2023-02-03 21:40 | Report Abuse

Supermax healthcare ltd Uk opening new distribution center in Eu.

I am delighted to announce, effective January 1st 2023, Supermax Healthcare Limited will be expanding its operations in to Europe with the opening of our new distribution centre in Roosendaal, The Netherlands.
The new facility provides the logistical capacity required to support future growth and remove the complexities caused from Brexit in Cross-border trade between the UK and Europe. This will ensure efficiencies in our service levels and export costs that will only benefit our loyal customer base.
This presents a significant opportunity to continue to grow the Aurelia brand across Europe, and European expansion remains a key pillar in the Company's growth strategy.

For Supermax Healthcare, our customer base in Europe has, and continues to be of great importance to us and we thank you for the support that you continue to provide. This key milestone will only serve to benefit the valued partnerships we have in place with yourselves and will enable us to continue to grow together in the future


2023-02-03 11:57 | Report Abuse

When Malaysia/Indonesia is considering to ban palm oil export to EU, the Sime Darby CBP WRO is suddenly lifted and no more forced labour.


2023-01-04 08:56 | Report Abuse

Previously, the Malaysian government via then human resources minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan had on August 12 made an order stating that the Employment (Amendment) Act 2022 will take effect on September 1, but he had later announced that it would start being enforced from January 1, 2023 instead.

On December 21, Human Resources Minister V. Sivakumar confirmed that the implementation date for these new changes will be from January 1, 2023.

"The amendments to the Employment Act, which will see weekly working hours reduced from 48 to 45 hours, effective from Jan 1 2023, are to safeguard the welfare of workers, in line with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention"

Hope this resolve the CBP WRO issue and get the release of wro soon.


2022-12-29 10:37 | Report Abuse

28 Dec 2022, 09:05:50 PM IST
50% of the passengers in flights from China positive: Milan
Milan health authorities said that almost half of the passengers on two flights from China tested positive for Covid-19.


2022-12-23 15:34 | Report Abuse

Asp of 15-17 is not possible now in the markets, expecting shortage of medical gloves in the coming weeks.

Beijing: China has requisitioned medical supplies production across the country as millions struggle to obtain basic drugs and testing kits in the face of a surge in Covid-19 cases.


2022-12-21 14:53 | Report Abuse

China covid19 surging cases trigger widespread of medicine shortage . China had banned export of medical supplies in 2020. I wont suprise it will ban it again in 2023 when cases surges to the new high.


2022-11-01 12:35 | Report Abuse

For the financial year ended 30 June 2022, the Supermax Group achieved another extraordinary set of results, second only to the year before when the Group recorded its best ever returns from the very favourable market conditions which lasted throughout the financial year. In this financial year, the Group achieved a very creditable performance with revenue of well over RM2.6 billion and profit before tax of over RM1.0 billion. Its net assets have continued to rise, achieving its highest ever level of over RM5.0 billion, and with a cash pile of about RM3.0 billion as at the financial year end, it is in a strong position to weather the current challenging market conditions. About RM1.3 billion has been set aside for the Group’s expansion plans in Malaysia and a further USD550 million allocated for Phase #1 and Phase #2 of its manufacturing project in the US.

2018 net asset 1b.
2022 net asset 5b.


2022-10-25 16:06 | Report Abuse

Investor alert: Maybank investment annoucement. Pls informed some trades done 5/Oct/2022 were overcharged in brokerage amount fee. Our team is midst in rectifying the issue.


2022-10-23 10:05 | Report Abuse

Which are sector that benefit from hypeinflation?
When inflation rises and purchasing power decreases, many investors turn to real assets for an inflation hedge. Of the many physical items available for investment, wine remains one of the best performers.
Real estate. ...
Energy. ...
Bonds. ...
Financial Companies. ...
Commodities. ...
Healthcare. ...
Consumer staples.

When there’s uncertainty in the market, the healthcare sector can provide inflation protection. For example, a Deloitte report found that the COVID-19 pandemic conditions coupled with advancements in science, technology, and analytics have been a catalyst for transformation in the industry.

The healthcare sector is also growing significantly faster than the overall global economy. However, the healthcare sector is broad and incorporates biotechnical companies, medical device companies, insurers, and healthcare providers, which could offer decent inflation protection.


2022-10-12 12:13 | Report Abuse

Companies with rich cash can easily borrow from bank to develop a new factory. They don't use all the cash.


2022-09-21 10:12 | Report Abuse

In fact Biden govt is spending more healthcare products after pandemic over annoucement

Much of the huge price tag for Biden's pandemic plan would help people who are financially struggling because of COVID-19, offering $1400 checks, rent and food assistance, and expanded health care and unemployment benefits. But Biden also wants Congress to allocate $400 billion of the money to bolster the pandemic response, with $160 billion of that going toward mounting "a national vaccination program," expanding diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and hiring 100,000 new community health workers—nearly tripling the 59,000 now doing the work. They would promote vaccination and trace contacts of newly infected people, but they are also intended to become a permanent fixture in the U.S. public health infrastructure.


2022-09-06 09:59 | Report Abuse

Decision to reintroduce US tariff 25% to china glove and mask will before 30 Sept 2022.